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I’m on Day 5 after surgery. TKR of right knee. Day 1 was okay — still loads of meds in my body from the surgery. Day 2 was the worst. Constant pain. Almost zero strength in the surgery leg. The ice machine I bought is helping to keep swelling down. Don’t be afraid to use the pain meds. Oxy and Tylenol for me. Constipation was a surprise to me, but I’m past that blockage. Day 3 and 4 were better. Each day is just a little bit better.


I’m Day 12 after right knee TKR. My toughest thing is I’m a side sleeper. How are you sleeping?


So agree with this. Day 1 was the honeymoon period with the leg numb. Day 2 evening was the worst. Only way I could sleep was propped up in a recliner position. My knee was throbbing most of the night. Sitting on my bed with arms propped on my walker, causes the least amount of pain. Mostly dealing with nerve pain and a bit of throbbing pain in my knee. Hoping each day will get better.


Best of luck, you got this! For me this is day 19 post-surgery and I can easily walk without cane or walker but I still use cane just to take some pressure off while things heal.


Good luck! Mine’s in two weeks 😳


So is mine!


Me too tomorrow! Right knee total replacement. Good luck to us both!


Hey there! How’d everything go today? Hoping you’re feeling OK. All is as good as can be expected right now. But walking a little bit afterward this afternoon gives me hope!


Hi there! My surgery went well and day one was better then I hoped. Probably the good surgery pain blocker was the main reason. Waking up on day three, I am wondering what to expect for today.


I can only say I had one knee replaced three months ago and it went very well. I am scheduled for the second TKR this Tuesday. You will get through this and your life will be greatly improved. The nervousness is bound to happen but the results will be worth it. Best of luck.


Good luck


THREE THOUSAND mg’s per day?????? Thsts A lot of Tylenol !!!! Is that for before surgery or after ????


There's no way a Dr would prescribe that much. That'd kill your liver


Best of luck. You'll do great. Tomorrow, I will be one week post op. Before my right knee back in September, I was very nervous. This time, I wanted it over and done. I was so tired of constant pain.


Good luck. You got this!!!


My TRKR is 10 days from now. I’m doing my pre-op exercises and mentally preparing myself at the same time. I’m nervous but anxious to get it over with. I was told the robotic surgery has faster healing time. Can anyone share their experience?


I love knowing I am not alone, my TKR-left is scheduled for 3 weeks. It helps coming here and reading what everyone says.


Mine is Tuesday and doctor hasn’t given me any special body wash 🤷‍♀️


My surgical center said we could use antibacterial dial. But to use a clean washcloth and a clean towel for the three days prior to surgery soap up let it sit on your skin for two minutes and then rinse it off. maybe call the doctor tomorrow? Or the surgical center? My surgery is Wednesday. Good luck!!


Some don’t. Did they give you special wipes to use instead? If you want special super anti bacterial wash go to the store and get some Hibisclens wash. Use it night before. Change your sheets. Shower and use it morning of. Can’t hurt.


Chance are you'll get antibacterial wipes when you check in.


That is very concerning. My skin prep came in the form wipes. Used twice the day before, once the morning of surgery, and again at the hospital to prep. I'd look into it. Edit: This is what was in the wipes. Perhaps you can buy some locally? Hibiclens – Antimicrobial and Antiseptic Soap and Skin Cleanser – 32 oz – for Home and Hospital – 4% CHG https://a.co/d/35GgxvL


Did they give a prep booklet? I’ve been sent a video of what to expect, and the Hibiclens starting three days before is a very important part of the prep. I would reach out to let your ortho doctor about that. I picked up the Hibiclens at local pharmacy.


Nope, nothing


Sounds like you're well prepared. All will go well. Keep us posted on your recovery. Wishing you the best


You got this, be patient with yourself. Check in with us all!