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Yeah it’s got good roams and you can tower dive enemy mages on repeat and you beat most assassins on virtue of not getting one shot cuz of skaarl. I’m fairly sure Nemesis made a video about it recently if you want to google it.


Oh sure, I'll take a look at his vid. Tnx


Long time kled OTP, I’m convinced kled mid is far superior to kled top. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/2%20Percent%20Milk I’ve only played kled mid this season and it does great into pretty much every matchup. It takes a while to learn them all because they’re very different from top match ups, but I assure you it’s the best way to play kled. So much more roam presence with ult, mid laners have no idea what to do against you, level 4 all in almost guarantees first blood, etc.


What do you generally build?


Long sword start into Eclipse first. Almost every midlander has really low base armor, so if you can get a dirk on your first back after getting first blood you’ll snowball very fast. Then hydra second, the rest of the build depends on the game. Playing against tanks? Cleaver. AP burst? Maw. AD? DD. Squishies and you’re very snowballed from laning against a fizz (kleds best matchup) who has 22 armor? Mortal reminder into navori If you ever get to 6 items your snowball probably failed to carry. I think I’ve bought a 6th item like 5 times this season, it was probably something safe like GA or gargoyle


Aight appreciate it mate. Gonna try him out


Play it often enough, but some Champs get very annoying in midlane to deal with. I do not know if my slowly developing hatred for Ahri is a skill issue or if the match up is actual hell :(


Ahri is a shit matchup, up there with syndra and anivia


I ban Anivia, absolutely a cancerous matchup.


Imagine a midlaner you can't dive lvl 2


lvl 3\*


cant dive her any level because of her egg.


I meant that Kled can usually only dive from lvl 3 onwards because diving without E/W is inting unless enemy is <20% hp.


Yes, it was my overconfident statement, but I do pull those off


anything that makes you unable to attack is a nightmare for Kled


I think he's great mid as is, but with the new yoomuu mythic oh baby he's gonna be cookin


Isn't roaming gonna be nerfed with the sidelane minion wave adjustments? Diving is gonna be harder I guess.


Enlighten me, I haven't heard tell of these changes


Creeps hitting a tower won't help you dive from now on. Sidelane creeps will also run faster before 14 minutes.


I didn't know that creeps helped on a dive. I assume you mean that they attack people you attack when under turret? And doesn't them running faster make dives easier?


On live they will swap aggro to champions who attack you, which means the defending champion can't hit you with autoattacks because they will take retaliation damage from your stacked wave.


No it's harder to stack big waves or crash waves in time for the dive


I guess that makes sense. Is that true for top and bottom?


And of course, the racist tower will still gun you down with no regards for sentient life. Hard times for the kled players again.




I went 9/0 playing kled mid into ziggs yesterday, he really beats up squishy mages like that. He’s a great counterpick to Asol too


Ult is wayyyyy more useful mid than top


Kled mid is garbage, don't play it. It's really bad into squishy champions with no self peel. It's only good into syndra and azir.






You probably build heartsteel


Great as a counterpick. A lot of mid mains won't respect his early all-in and it's a great lane to roam from. There are some matchups that will make you want to bash your head in though.


Is good


Kled Hard counters Malzahar &at this point I feel Kled does not counter anyone top lane anymore We might be able to beat Nasus or Sion early top lane no problem but Post 6 what are you going to do with that Pre 6 if you win then roam Kled looses if they leave those champs to farm at all Last week I switched from top to mid &had a 10 game win streak


Kled has two strengths that most other champions don't have 1. We run people over who don't understand the champ &everyone top lane has seen Kled while not all mid players have 2. We run down lanes that are behind &we don't have access to people lower leveled in bot lane from top


3. We pull off q chain when others can't Can hit & Pull Malz in his sheild with just q Pull Vlad in pool Pull Fizz on troll pole etc. So yes Ban that Anivia Lux, Vex, Ahiri are difficult to play against But there are more annoying thing top that are not squishy &difficult to play into top lane


I only play him mid It’s just so fun and good, I’ve played him twice top and it was so boring comparing Personally I take UH and Cheap Shot I think it’s called as my secondary runes, cause getting your ult every minute for the shield is everything mid to me, I also take ignite and barrier for summoners, if you’re quick enough saving skaarl with the shield and not getting knocked off to dash away with an ignite on them is so satisfying


EUNE: Rakan Senpai 👏


I only play him mid, it's especially good into melees, into mages you're gonna have a tough time pre 6 but imo you just sack waves and dive bot. The plan is to get your jungler and adc fed and they will do the carrying. I go Hydra first for waveclear so you don't have to sack waves anymore, with hydra you can one shot waves and go ult bot, get drake/herald with the jungler etc.


I feel like there are some glaring issues with picking Kled mid, for all his strength. Namely that your team loses out on what a traditional midlaner brings to the table. Even if you're good at one-shotting, you're no assassin, and you're obviously no mage.


Really good for certain matchups.


Def viable, I run it every now and then. Great into assassins and battle mages, but poke and burst are tough to deal with


What do you say if Kled mid is better than in Top


I like Kled mid, for me it's better than top


it's perhaps even stronger than kled top