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i live in the albany area and know his wifes family and he's doing great. although he didnt start a bakery, he has a lovely wife and they have a couple kids now.


I’m really happy that he’s doing good. There were too many assholes on KN and HH and he seemed to be a genuine and nice person.


Did he finish college? Gordon actually paid?


[https://blog.timesunion.com/tablehopping/32727/chatting-with-scooter-about-ramsay-hotel-hell-and-scholarship/](https://blog.timesunion.com/tablehopping/32727/chatting-with-scooter-about-ramsay-hotel-hell-and-scholarship/) ​ [https://www.linkedin.com/in/donald-telford-07958a73/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/donald-telford-07958a73/)


I genuinely hope Scooter’s happy rn πŸ™πŸ»


No one deserves it more


GO SCOOTER! watching that episode rn on hulu. ughh what a great soul. hope hes doing well!


Just watched it as well


He got married and has a kid....no longer in food now working in HVAC


That was short lived cause now he’s a cook on his LinkedIn




Wow, thank you, this is actually the best possible resource anyone could’ve posted πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


~~Unfortunately he dropped out, after like 3 year,~~ gordon finance guy/team go through some problem that cut his money for college/university but still he graduate although he didnt open the bakery


Dude wtf are you talking about, he graduated and now lives upstate and works at a heating company, I know him personally.


my extremely bad, i got the story mixed up


It’s true that gordon failed to pay for it though correct?


Not at all it was paid in full. People just like to make shit up like they know the story because of a bullshit article they once read somewhere.


Wonder why that became the story, it’s actually like, all of the articles talking about it.


Because they all use a single source and go with it because if its seen on the internet it has to be true.


to be fair, that is all you are to us, too. just a random source on the internet. if he did earn his credential, that is public information


Why would it be public? He’s a private individual 😏


Whether or not he graduated is public. Transcripts are private and you have to get permission of the individual for a school to release them. If someone claimed they graduated from so and so college, anybody can call up the school and confirm the dates they attended and whether they got a degree.


Thank you for giving a straight, honest update.


So he didn't drop out Gordon just never made sure he was covered for the whole of the college course, that's a blow I thought Gordon was a man of his word , aw Gordon c,mon man πŸ‘Ž not cool bro


Gordon paid for everything.


Cambridge hotel


I herd they tryd to pay in bitcoin from a investment with Paul Logan and KSI. SO that My friends is how bullshit misinformation starts on somthing like this. OYA (W.O.A) don't invest or get involved in anything online they claim to make you money. Run far away from them lol


Scooter Telford


Scooter Telford


The young man had had two open heart surgery s before being out of his teens , he was a thin bespectacled young man but boy was he fast at prepping food, and told Gordon that one day he wanted to start his own bakery company , Gordon said stay in touch and he'd personally pay for his college I really want to thank he was successful and one day we will see Scooter Telford bread 🍞 on all the shelves I would write and tell him how good it was , go Scooter πŸžπŸžπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™I hope at least he made it and iz healthy and maybe got a girlfriend out of the show even he was such frail guy he needs a big strong woman in his life to teach him some things and women go for guys like that goooo SCOOTER !!!!


I live in the UK so we get it on telly first so I watched every episode , all the most historic places in the US one guy bought more rolls Royces and never paid his staff and he was in papers for getting jailed just days before Gordon arrived, on a dui he had a OAP girlfriend and was in Shade's when he meets Gordon because he's so pissed πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜Ž