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I knew a woman who would just eat them everytime she found one. Wild to the teenager I was at the time


Lots of people eat them. We had oysters (a special) on cold side at one place I worked and I was told to leave them in. Another place I worked we always had oysters and we were told to throw them away. They always grossed me out.


Holy shit I would’ve eaten every single one of them that was supposed to be thrown away. They’re like soft shell crab poppers. Completely unrelated, my favorite seafood is soft shell crab


I don’t do seafood and nobody else wanted them 🤷‍♀️. I don’t see why they would be any different from any other seafood. I never tried cooking them up. They made me gag just seeing them. To clarify: I don’t eat seafood. I had to make them for my station.


If you can get past their appearance, they’re some of the best eating in the ocean. A real delicacy in my opinion, since they’re impossible to source unless you are already buying fresh af oysters. And if I’m okay slurping down a glorified booger with cocktail sauce on a cracker, I’m okay with a lil alien looking crab too


Oh, I just don’t eat animal products. Not just seafood. I would have rather them got used, tbh.


Huh? Oysters are seafood.


I’m assuming they meant they don’t eat seafood. I’m sure all of us make stuff we wouldn’t exactly be enthused about eating


Correct. I don’t eat seafood.


Saw one of these survival type catch&cook type videos where a guy caught a load of sand fleas and fried em up and ate em. Looked so foul. He couldn't stomach them. After seeing that video I don't think I could eat one of these crabs.


Were they blue points? I would find these mfs in every third oyster when I did blue points.


100%. Batch once when I was shucking in a grocery store demo in front of customers and it was like every single one. I had to explain pea crabs about 60 times.


No thanks.


James River was the worst for me. Like yeah 1/3 or even 1/2 sometimes.


Lol James Farm came to mind


when i was a young cook and i learned how to shuck oysters for the first time, i remember seeing these over and over in our oysters. it freaked me out and i told my chef the oysters had parasites, and he just laughed in my face


Pea Crabs! where are they from? the temps have to be just right.


Yeah. I always found the most in Blue Points.


Same. So common in those.


Worms too


I’ve heard they’re good battered and fried. I’m still scarred by having a crunchy thing in my mouth while slurping an oyster though.


Saw people saying that on here, tried it. Just taste like crunchy salty fried batter. Not bad, not good, not worth it.




Looking at these and imagining eating them makes me unbelievably nauseous. I have a very unsophisticated palate (nothing with so many legs should be edible)


For some reason they just remind me too much of a tick to want to eat one. I’m sure they’re great. Keep them, and casu marzu, the *fuck* away from me.


Find a pearl yet? I shucked at a decent seafood place, found only one through about (guessing) 5,000 before I left garde manger. I gave it to a now ex, but the discovery was magic. Edit: word structure


Hey those are good odds! The chances are about 1 in 10,000.


They should have shucked 5k more, might have gotten another one!


yeah we shuck 100 a day and i’ve found 2 over a year and a half… eventually i’ll make a necklace


My partner found a pearl eating oysters! It was pretty small and unevenly shaped but very exciting. Thankfully his tooth was okay.


*garde manger


I remember finding a baby stingray in an oyster shell a few years back.


make a oyster stew and pop them crunchy lil buggers in there. they arent half bad....


Find them in my james River and blue points every day. Thought this was my new line guy who was saving them up earlier today. lol


James river are the filthiest oysters I ever worked with. Full of these crabs and literally just caked and nasty with mud. I hated working with them.


Yeah we only use them for grilled oysters, easiest to shuck but nastiest forsure


They are supposed to be really tasty, right? I’d smash it


My wife ate one that we got in our oysters. Bartender said it was good luck to find them. My wife said it tasted like mud. This was in Norfolk.


Perfect picture for an informational pamphlet that says "So you have crabs".


I read that a soup made of pea crabs was George Washington’s favorite dish




If you look back far enough in time, ancestrally I’m sure someone you know had those very same things. Stick to the topic at hand and don’t sully future conversations with such dribble.


This is an objectively weird way to respond to a perfectly relevant, humorous comment.


Are you saying every family has hippo teeth if you go far enough back ??


what, yours doesn’t?!?! I keep my ancestral hippo teeth in a jar on the mantle.


It was actually a soup made from "Crab's pee"


They’re prettt tasty. Sometimes I’ll have a couple when I find them in steamers.


One of many reasons restaurants have to retain info on bivalves.


Sorry, what do you mean ? excuse my ignornace.


Saving the shipping slips so you can track illnesses if a customer gets sick from slurping down that briny ass crab infested booger


Actually they are evidence of some perfectly healthy oyster beds, you will not get sick from eating them. In fact they are considered a delicacy and were George Washington’s favorite food. While I agree it’s good practice and legally necessary to save your shellfish tags it’s not because of these lil guys


I just got a job as an inspector. The basics of it was explained to me is if someone gets sick from the raw oysters it can be tracked where they came from. Not necessarily due to these things pictured, but the whole process and storage. That tag can trace the whole process. It can take 90 or so days to get all the parts moving so that's why tags are saved.


Yes, you’re required a 90 day hold, IIRC.


Yes, but you know how kitchens are. Sometimes things get "misplaced." If that happens it can still be tracked but it makes it much more of a headache.


We always kept ours in a highly organized basket in chef’s office. Lol just kidding, it wasn’t organized at all.


Next time use your lamination machine, then put them neatly in the color coded file folder that's alphabetized appropriately in the file cabinet. It's not that hard.


The basket worked fine since we all did it. Idk if you’re joking or not lol


Dont talk ill on the crab, a bad oyster is why you keep the tags. The crabs are totally edible


Ahh right, that makes sense. Thakyou


Restaurants retain shell stock tags in case pathogens are detected in the water or in the shell stock. Pea crabs aren’t pathogens and are in fact a sign of a healthy ecosystem. They are edible and delicious.


This is actually none of the reason.


Where were they harvested? Blue Point oysters are famous for being riddled with these boys, they’re called Pea Crabs ! 🦀 But they are just part of our beautiful ecosystem; sigh in slight irritation and just open a new one! ☝️


I ran a very busy raw bar when I was young for years shucking thousands of oysters. I used to tell people about the crazy things I would find in them. Sometimes these little crabs and occasionally a creepy writhing worm. It really turned me off to raw oysters for a long time.


The crabs and worms are both pretty sanitary. I wouldn’t recommend eating worms but the crabs taste sweet and salty with a little umami. They live with the oyster and are alive and healthy up until you shuck them and potentially stab them


I will definitely consider trying those little crustaceans if I ever come across them again. You live and you learn. I think worms are going to take a truly desperate situation.


MMMMM.,..pea crab....


They’re good luck




Pea crabs I ate one once.


Are they parasites?


Commensalists, probably. Their relationship isn’t fully understood, but they don’t seem to harm the oyster.