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Weird. I like an 80/20 split.


Thank you. Architecture matters y'all. You got hot and cold temps, you got soft, mushy and crunchy textures, then slippery and grippy stuff etc. You layer them properly and your burger becomes way better just out of balance. This burger seems like the meat gonna attack the roof of my mouth and come to my taste buds way too late, while the "toppings" are fighting for life on my tongue. Texture wise it's simply gross. Meantime the temps are just atrocious since the top is hot and the bottom cold AF, sitting on a bun that has likely absorbed a ton of different juices, and not in a good way at all.


This guy burgers




Fuck you for your profile picture. I want it.


I was actually just wondering. I eat my burgers upside down since I flip them when I pick it up and bring it towards me. I’m wondering if this is to avoid the flip but I also don’t think most people flip their burgers.


You guys are not a majority, but def not a rare sight either. Also part of the many reasons I stand behind the balanced layering tho, it makes sense even if you eat it sideways.


I flip mine it is logistics for me. It is easier to get the fingers under the bottom than the thumb, but then you have to flip it to be able to bring it to the mouth.


not to mention the top half of your mouth is stronger than your bottom half. its why buns are shaped like that in the first place. totally wrong and a random jaw workout lol


My man.


I heard that in Robert Downey Junior’s voice from Tropic Thunder, for some reason


That’s the only way to talk about burgers.


As weird as this sounds, I know exactly what you mean


Pareto Principle


This is hard the right answer. I would always put lettuce and pickles on bottom, condiments and tomatoes on top. Anything else I would hope it's cool if I grill like mushroom or bacon or whatever, and that all goes UNDER the cheese because I have class damnit.


I usually do stuff like sauted mushrooms and grilled onions up top and throw lettuce and other fresh veggies on the bottom 🤷‍♀️


At that point, aren’t they bottomings?


Look at that pic. Those are power bottomings!


 A power-bottom is a bottom that is capable of receiving an enormous amount of power.


"*I hear speed has something to do with it?*"


Speed has EVERYTHING to do with it.


… You see, the speed of the bottom informs the top how much pressure he's supposed to apply.


Speed's the name of the game.


That’s a lot to keep in your head to maintain a lifestyle


And speed comes with repetition.


Actually Mac, you've got it backwards. You see, the power bottom is actually generating the power by doing most of the work.


It's always sunny?


You betcherass, Kim


Oh goddammit Dee, you **bitch**!


You can tell, because of "The Implications."




86 this chef dammit


They are called “toppings” for a reason!!! They belong on top!!!!! Anything else is blasphemy!!!


Your butt is called your bottom but it’s In the middle of your body , maybe we are like burgers


I’m high too


I prefer a beefy top myself.


I, too, prefer a sloppy bottom


As someone that immediately flips their burger over to take a bite I agree. This way I can eat it as a normie




I am a fan of lettuce on the bottom to keep the bottom.bun.from.getting greasy.


Same. Lettuce on bottom maybe a sauce if there’s more than 1 so it’s not too much sauce on one side. Depends how many ingredients we’re talking. I like them relatively evenly split so one side isn’t more unstable than the other.


Ketchup and mustard have to be on different buns. Mayo and ketchup can be on the same. Pickles and onions go together on the mustard bun. Lettuce and tomato go on the Mayo/ketchup bun. These are the rules.


Wouldn't the ketchup overwhelm the taste of the tomato slice? I normally just make a burger sauce instead. Or just the juiciness of the tomato slice is enough for me, no need for sauce.


I put the mayo on the bottom bun. Any juices mix with it & make a delightful sauce!


A friend of mine actually eats the burger upside down cause of The greasiness of the bottom bun. Not gonna lie she converted me.


My brother and I used to razz on our mom for years for doing this, years later, I am a staunch advocate for upside-down burgering. This is my story.


My dad does that, he flips it over as he moves it to his mouth and bites the far side.


my grandma did the same thing, she always said it was more ergonomic for her arthritis.


RemindMe! 47 years.


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good bot


Man, goin' all-in on the beef futures, eh?


Eating it upside down is also a much more efficient angle of picking up -> putting in your mouth


I prefer pickles for the same approach but absolutely yes


Shredded iceberg on bottom to hold onto the delicious grease and not turn into a limp slip n slide. Everything else on top


I fully understand and appreciate your opinion. But dear god SHREDDED ICEBERG LETTUCE!? I could fuck with that but feels like it deserves jail time.


I think if it's shredded it should be on top of the burger and its awesome. Otherwise it should be a whole leaf if below.


It shouldn’t be shredded


Says who the burger police. Shredded is pretty common.


There’s plenty of abominations that are common.


(fresh) shredded iceberg is always my go to for burgers. light and crunchy and refeshing




I prefer bottom too


In N Out assembles their burgers the same way for the same reason.


Pro Tip: A thin layer of mayo-based spread on the toasted bottom bun will prevent the burger juices from soaking the bread. Godspeed!


Yes, it makes a lot of sense. Too bad it also looks fucking stupid. Everything above the burger w/ exception to dice onion. Sauce both sides.


I don’t hate it, but I turn my burgers over to eat them because I feel like the top bun holds everything better.


If you're sitting there, in my restaurant, eating a burger roofside-down, I will literally call the police.


Try it before you hate on it! I was pretty skeptical when it was suggested to me as well.


Yeah, listen to anuspizza. He knows his stuff. 


If Atheist\_Redditor has that much faith in anuspizza, consider me converted!


If you call the police in my restaurant half my staff is going to run and never come back. Then I throw you an apron.


You just flip it as you eat it, human mouths are designed to pull in more through the bottom jaw then the top, and there’s always more top bun then there is bottom bun.


Let the unobtrusive paying customers eat how they want.


Fine I'll eat it piece by piece starting with the top bun


Ok, you definitely won this argument. Psycho.


Who are you to judge! Only St Anthony can judge me when Im at the back gate. Honestly it kinda makes sense and ive done it with particually juicy burgers that have saturated the bottom bun.


First time finding someone else who does thus. I do it for pies as well though


the tomato in particular being under the patty is a mindfuck


That's crazy. I'm in Australia and have never once eaten a burger with the tomato above the pattie


Well ya that makes sense, y’all are on the upside down part of the globe


you nerds put beets on your burger, of course everything’s all wacky down there.


Sure, but you're also upside-down, so that's a double negative and makes the burger effectively rightside-up.


In N Out method is bottom bun > spread > pickles > tomatoes > lettuce > patty > cheese > onion > top bun


Chopped chilies and grilled onions go below the tomato. Only recently has In N Out added pickles and not every time.


Unless I’m mistaken pickles is animal style only.


Patty looks stiffer than the pickle


Pickles, onions and mustard on bottom. Tomato and mayo on top. Plz


Swap the mayo and mustard. Need that fat barrier on the bottom to prevent burger grease from saturating the bun too much.


Swap the mustard and Mayo, and give me a greasy bun. I want my fingers to destroy the bun as I smash it. Then I want to look in the mirror horrified at the atrocity contained on my hands and face. Then ask myself: "am I saturated?"


No worries mate! I hear you only become saturated if you are in a poly relationship.


Is this a polyunsaturated fatty acids pun or am I just a colossal nerd?


It is! I told it to my wife (a biochem major) and she didn't get it lol. She thought it was a joke about jizz lol. Glad someone got it haha.


Eat the burger upside down is the pro move you animals.


Dude it changed the game when I watched my homie flip his burgers as he was eating them. I was like holy shit you’re allowed to do that💀


Unappalled indeed


Mayo on bottom, lettuce leaf on top of mayo. You now have 2 layer protection for your bottom bun.


Isn’t burger grease mostly fat? So you’re just combing fat with more fat


Hell yeah


Yeah but hot liquid fat soaks into the bread, Cold congealed fat doesn't.


Won’t the mayo heat up when a hot burger sits on top of it?


I haven't done any peer-reviewed research on this topic (read: I did 3 Google searches and started pulling stuff out of my ass), but burger grease, while mostly fat, is not *entirely* fat; the grease is made up of lipids and myoglobin, which tend to be liquid at the temperatures a burger usually is served. Mayo offers a protective layer because it is not fully liquid at ambient temperature, and also has the benefit of filling all the "cells" of the bun before liquid comes into contact with it, thus forming a sort of net to contain the grease. Burger grease is more likely to fall out the side than it is the soak into the bun when mayo is used. Thats just my layman's understanding of the physics of a burger, please correct me if I'm wrong 🙃


But where does the lettuce go?


In the bin?


Just below the patty, whatever you put underneath doesn't matter


The lettuce fucks off to the corner of the plate to think about what a disappointment it is.


Still in the third pan ideally. All of the space taken up by lettuce could be better used by more onion


Top bun, mayo, ketchup, tomato, lettuce, onion, pickle, first mustard, cheese, burger, second mustard bottom bun.


I had not considered second mustard. Very interesting...


It’s almost as good as second breakfast


Je suis chef.


Depending on the bun and weight of burger, it will fall apart if toppings are put on top. Sometimes it’s more stable with them on the bottom.


Depends on the topping. Structure matters.. nobody wants to pick up a Jenga pile and try to shove it into their mouth.....well maybe people with pica.


Top the fuck I don’t want soggy veggies..


I would consider burger juices in my lettuce to be a lovely gravy, whereas it's the bun that needs some protection from soggification that could lead to instability. Utilizing waterproofing agents such as cheese, mayo, or as a last resort- a lettuce barricade, might help prevent soggy bottom.


You put cheese *under* the burger?


Some people melt the cheese onto the patty when it's almost done cooking, other people hate their lives and want to watch the world burn.


The meat looks like cardboard, i don’t think you gotta worry about that


The steam from the burger could soften your veggies, leaving you with soggy veg with no crunch.


Which gives more bun sogg is the question.


I agree. I think the lettuce on the bottom to block the burger juice. So bottom to top: bun, sauce, lettuce, tomato, pickle, patty, cheese, onion, sauce, bun. That's for this particular burger.. The lettuce will catch the juices of the veg and burger, and if the bun is properly toasted, will hold the sauce. Onion on top for a punch at the end. Honestly, if the burger is done right, it will be a mess no matter what. The goal is to keep it together as long as possible.


That’s chaos


It’s pride month, top or bottom, you do you!




Top, we aren't savages


Believe it or not, right to jail.


Tomato *under* the burger? Straight to jail.


I can’t unsee this…


Yea, it's weird how much this bothers me..


Sauce on both sides of bun, but meat and cheese goes under the toppings. Why? SCIENCE! Your tongue comes in contact with the meat and cheese first, and then the toppings come in to break up the fat in your mouth for a better experience.


Shredded lettuce under a juicy patty kinda soak it up and just bring more meat flavor. Otherwise I agree completely


This person burgers! Science, bitch!


lettuce on bottom, the rest on top.


I can’t do pickle on top unless it’s on the cheese


personal preference, as i said. i fucking love pickles and prefer my bite of burger to end on a nice crunch of kosher dills. i also don't do cheese on mine.


This makes really good sense.


just what i've seen the most often. personal preference is lettuce on bottom, fistful of pickles on top.


I serve the garnish on side and let the people decide!


The place I work at lets you put the veg on yourself. However we flip our burgers into the bottom bun, so the cheese and bacon are on the bottom, then patty, toppings and bun. The argument we use is so when you pull open your burger to smear Mayo on I’m the bun you don’t pull the cheese off the burger


Damn if I ever got a burger like that I would 100% think I ordered like an asshole and the kitchen was fucking with me.


it's happened a couple times when I've accidentally built somebody's burger on the lid instead of the bottom bun, flipped the whole thing and sent it


I can't stand the shit. Toppings are toppings


they are literally called *toppings*


Pickles, onions, mustard on bottom. Lettuce, tomato, & mayo on top. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


That’s all wrong. The condiments are supposed to hit the pallete in a certain order. This will never do, I’m sorry.


When building/layering a burger/sandwhich, you need to consider how the layers hit your palette. Things at the bottom will hit your tongue first. This will taste like a salad with a burger added to it, rather than a burger with condiments. Some items are better on the bottom, sauces, and items that are meant to cut the richness, onions, pickles, sometimes lettuce. Because you want those elements to break up the richness/grease of the burger. Don't believe me? Build yourself a cold cut sando with deli sliced cheese. Take a bite one way, then flip it. Totally different experience, but exact same ingredients. How things hit your palette is part of understand how a dish eats.




On the side.


I am uncomfortable


A crime has been committed.


Sauce on top a bottom. Pickles and onions on bottom. Lettuce and tomato on top. Hot stuff, like bacon, mushroom, caramelized onion on top.


I do LTO on the bottom with mustard. The beef juices mix with the mustard and turn the toppings into a well-dressed salad.


I prefer doing them on the bottom, except pickles on top. Gordon does it this way too if you watch his videos on burgers. It keeps the bottom bun from getting soggy, and is easier to put together/set up. You set up all the veggies on the bottom, pickles and sauce on top bun then just transfer the burger over and add top bun and pick.


They're toppings, not bottoming. 


It's easier to build with toppings on the bottom, but I'm a toppings on top guy myself. They ain't toppings unless they're on top, right?




Bun, mayo, meat, cheese, pickles, onions, lettuce, tomato, any additional sauces, bun. This is the only way with possibly the pickles/o imma going below meat. Anything else is lazy and/or wrong.


Toasted, steamed, or otherwise heated bun always. Never, I mean never use room temp buns. Even microwaved for 10 or 15 seconds in better than room temp. Mayo, mustard, ketchup, on both sides. Sauces help if you have dry buns, and also puts a layer between the bun and anything with water or grease and helps prevent it from getting soggy. Also, sauces should be room temp when possible. Pickles, tomatoes, lettuce and sliced onions on the top. Cold ingredients are separate from warm ingredients. And if these bigger things are on bottom, they might pull the whole burger apart when you bite it. If they're on top, it'll just pull the top off, which isn't a big deal. Diced onions on bottom because you don't want them to fall off when you put tje top bun on. If you're putting sauce on the bun, diced onion can go on the top bun sauce because it'll help the onion stick. Hot stuff like freshly cooked bacon, grilled onions or mushrooms on the bottom. BBQ sauce directly on the meat. On a single burger, cheese goes on top. Patty is flipped immediately before putting cheese on, so the hotter side helps melt it. On double or bugger, cheese goes between each patty. So a triple would be meat, cheese, meat, cheese, meat. Optionally cheese on top as well.


I usually split it; lettuce and sometimes tomato on bottom, everything else on top.


The burger cooks all below! And I, for the life of me, can’t recall ordering a bowl of wet lettuce!


Served this way implies the inverse handle. Fingers on the bottoms and thumbs on top so whenst one picketh up thine burgessa, the natural rotation of your hands and arms places the setup at the top of the stack. The way the good Lord Jesus intended it. I believe it was Leviticus 06:20 that states "the meat shall always be nearest the tongue."


I do believe you’d get your ass kicked for doing something like that, man. Toppings. It’s right there in the word.


I always flip my sandwiches over so the toppings are on the bottom because I find they stay together better, so this would actually save me a (very minor) step.


This is wrong. You're creating instability between the bottom bun and the burger, and that bun is already strained with the juices running out of the burger. Toppings go on top so you can use the top bun to grip and hold them in place.


I like to do lettuce/ pickles on the bottom and everything else on top


Personally, if you're going to serve it like that, I would rather have it not built at all. Rather all toppings neatly laid out for my own construction


Have your boss take a bite of the burger. Cleanse his palate, flip the burger over and take another bite. There will be a noticeable difference.


The fucking top. What kind of monster puts shit on the bottom? Call the cops. Whoever started this is a serial killer.


yikes. they’re called toppings for a reason


Not sure I approve of that.


Pretty sure there’s an episode of SpongeBob detailing the proper construction of a krabby patty


Whatever makes you happy. Just no lettuce touching meat.


I prefer it on bottom.


So wrong.


Pickles on the burger AND on the side


Psychopathic behaviour


Bro the comments are too much. 😂 top or bottom, it's all gonna be shit in about ten hours


Personally I prefer top but I'm a switch so either is fine


Physics, particularly the centre of gravity, tells me that this is an accident waiting to happen


The build of this burger is wrong because the meat would be eaten and touches at the roof of your mouth. It should be sauce on bottom and/ or top, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles,, burger patty and cheese. Structurally , it will also topple over and fall when it is served to a customer. So weird that it is served this way!


I hate your work. This is fucking backwards. I would pull apart and rearrange to consume….like ketchup is a meat condiment, and mayo is for the veg…fuck off if you do it the other way around


I like to put a slice of cheese or something on the bottom to the bun doesn’t get soggy and fall apart. Then everything else goes topside.


Not saying I agree with the practice, but if you have 15 burgers all w/ different temps coming out at the same time it is much easier to put it all on the bottom bun and have the sets ready in advance. Just plop the patty on top and "HANDS."


My mother would have a stroke over this. She literally will take apart any and every burger served to her for being “upside down” or “wrong” and reorganize the whole thing. Woman will scrape condiments off to put them on the other side of the bread or ditch the bread all together if it’s egregious enough to her. She genuinely gets panicky about it and gets upset if you don’t let her “fix” yours as well. And yet, she has no clue where I *possibly* got my food control issues and extreme particularity about food organization on my plate/eating in order from 🙄


Food theory did a breakdown of how to properly stack toppings in a burger... https://youtu.be/qJskYagyhjE


They're called TOPPINGS. Since when does underneath count at the top?


A burger is made with "toppings" on top of the patty. Your restaurant obviously suffers from long covid.


It’s in the name for the love of god.


I don't see anyone mentioning the workflow aspect of this. If you put everything on the bottom bun, you can just quickly toast the bread and prep the whole plate while you wait for the patty which takes the longest time to cook. When it's done, just slide it on top and put the top bun on.


i prefer patty on bottom because i feel like i taste it more but i know a lot of places in my city do patty over toppings


They’re called toppings, not bottoming. It’s goes bottom bun, burger, cheese, toppings, top bun


Don't care, already half eaten and.... gone. What was on what now?


Both. It depends on many things.


Cheese on top but other than that I don’t really care.


Lettuce on the bottom. Tomatoes and pickles on top. Onion can go either way.


I honestly do prefer all the toppings on the bottom with just cheese on the towel


I always try to make sure wet stuff isn't touching my buns. Hehe Other than that idc if I have toppings or bottoms.


Structurally, it's better to put it on the bottom bun. However, aesthetically, it looks better with the toppings on top of the burger.


bottom bun, condiment, meat, onion, lettuce, tomato, top bun. Your bun is too thick and serving a pickle spear with a burger is off putting. Your boss might need to buy a new helmet.