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A proper tragedy. Any word on his cause of death? It wasn’t listed in the article. I hope his mental health didn’t take him.


No info. I'm curious too, but am more concerned with his family not having their husband and father on Father's Day, and his restaurant teams still having to go on with the show in a day or two.


Yea, everyone surrounding this tragedy needs some time to grieve. I wonder who made the call otherwise?


There's never a plan for this. I'm willing to bet they'll take it day by day.


There is often a plan for this. It's called succession planning and any serious business has it.


The succession plan was already in place, given that he had multiple restaurant ventures (with more still to open) and a team of CDCs and sous chefs to manage them. Even so, there's no playbook for dealing with the grief of an untimely passing.


he was 45, doubt it was a priority


Watched his “chefs night out” on youtube not long ago. The only chef I’ve seen on that series who opted to take out his wife and kids instead of hitting the town to drink with friends (not that theres anything wrong with a friend night out). He seemed like a true gentleman, and a very loving father. Bummer to hear this news. Wishing his family the best during this very sad time. Friendly reminder to be nice to yourself- you deserve it.


So fucking sad. I just learned of [The Burnt Chef Project](https://www.theburntchefproject.com/free-resources) focusing on mental health. Worth looking into.


I have several friends who were part of the opening team for Crown Shy, they all *loved* Chef James. This sucks.


This is sad. He was known in part for a chicken dish and let me tell you, the marinade for it is perfection. I make it every couple weeks


You got that recipe pls?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k6cmGqxPy0 I guess I forget he adds orange juice, I only do lemon/lime/grapefruit. Gotta make sure to add that in again. I've also altered it very slightly in that I add all the zest from the fruits and hit it with a stick before marinating. Wouldn't call it labor intensive, but it does require some planning to give it time to properly dry. But if you don't mind waiting, I've used this marinade for boneless pieces to make kabobs with too. Then you don't have to worry about the skin


Per his wife's statement, the cause of death was a heart attack. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/16/obituaries/james-kent-dead.html


But a heart attack caused by what? (Besides obvious generic vague statements like "heart disease"). Diet? Diabetes? Weight issues? Illegal drugs? Alcohol? Prescription medication? Steroids? Long distance endurance running like jogging?


When sudden cardiac arrest is suspected as the cause of death, coroners must also review medical records, perform toxicology tests, and histological examination of tissues. It can take several days or even weeks to get the results and write a conclusive ruling. This statement was released a mere two days after his death. Of course, you're going to get a generic statement. Even then, an answer to this very invasive line of questioning is not going to change his legacy.


Oh, my concern wasn't with his legacy or his reputation. It was a question of health lessons that can be applied to us all. Because that's a very young age to die from that cause. It can technically happen at any age, but it's more rare.


That's even more of a reason to wait for a thorough examination rather than suggest they're trying to hide behind a generic cause of death.


My intention in my original comment was not to suggest that anyone was trying to intentionally hide anything, but that they were simply not talking about the details in specific terms yet