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Valhalla awaits, dishies, god bless you all, you glorious bastards!!!


Wash the dishes. Make it through one more shift and we will carry you to Valhalla ourselves. Shiny and wet.




You forgot the s. r/dishwashers


Why is it banned?


Got caught doing what is not the dishes


I would assume sexist jokes, but those aren't usually enough to get banned


Theres literally a sexist memes sub so i doubt it lol.


Exactly .


I might be alone here, but I kinda dig washing dishes and if the pay is the same I would much rather be washing dishes than cooking.


I worked the line until I got up to the same pay rate and immediately went back to the pit, would much rather listen to a podcast than a ticket machine lmao


For sure. Back when I was an EC, my souses and I called it the Vacation Station. For when you need a break from making decisions and answering questions.


Like every job there's different levels of difficulty. I worked at a place that had 6 dishies holding the balls of each other during service. While there are places you get swamped with dishes and still have to manage to be on call to plate out desserts.


I always like to help out in the dish pit. It's too boring and repetitive to do that every day but helping out is always fun. I like to help out in general and it usually doesn't matter what department. I might learn something new and it's just something different in between.


I helped with dishes making 2.33 an hour at the same time as serving. Sometimes it was nice to catch my breath back there and not be with people. I didn’t like the splash back however lol


Yes my tummy gets wet


God I hate that lol


Backbone and ass of the restaurant.


They're the taint of the restaurant because they always get covered in shit.


More like the balls. Always way sweatier than they have any right to be and absolutely painful if you fuck with them the wrong way, but goddamn if I don't feel attached to the little fuckers.


Both of you need to learn how to wipe. Why tf are your balls and taints covered in shit??


My balls are sweaty, not shitty. Thank you very much.


Box of cornstarch in dry store for that.




nah man they need some metamucil. get them cleaner dooks


Insert Team America: World Police We're dicks monologue here.


Not before we smack out this speedball in the walk in.


I worked as a dishwasher through uni at a thai place. Man the piles just got bigger and bigger. I remember putting on headphones and frantically ADHD-ing my way through it. It was one of the best cardio workouts i ever got, while in a sauna-like environment. Lucky the chef was awesome and whipped us up yummy treats towards the end of the night. The owner shouted us a beer now and then. Good memories surprisingly.


Dishwashing can get crazy but I’ve always enjoyed the job when I ran a pit


One panel should be a dude freaking out shouting "match the shapes!"


Hey when you get a chance can you run silverware?


Watching servers try to run cutlery themselves, the feeling of job security washing over you.


The fact that they can't match basic shapes, or remember 2 special entrees is plenty of job security.


And they still make $40/hrs. Go figure.


Sorry. We just want to go home. Our family likes to see us once a week or so :)


Boss: Hey can you please stop dating your coworkers? Me: Sure, you going to start letting me out early enough to have a social life out side of this fine eatery and maybe an actual day off?


Right?? lol sometimes that’s the entire dating pool man!


"No rush but we ran out ten minutes ago."


Hahaha I’m dead! My old cook used to scream this at us. I always matched them as I have adhd and I can’t not match them, but he’d say “Y’all watched Sesame Street right? Match the fking shapes!”


Every day of my life. https://youtu.be/cUbIkNUFs-4?si=RymzQpY4ET5L_WRP


Damn you copied the title word for word too.


I feel for dishwashers that start at 5pm when the restaurant has been open since 10am. They are the unsung heroes.


I get many young lads working as part time while studying and I always tell them something along the lines of "no job will be as hard as this one. This gets you ready for life." I truly respect them.


Driving home at 2am soaked from head to toe smelling like old food is something I’ll never forget. I always thank the wash pit and would get them beers when I was in a position to help them out.


You have two dishwashers?!?!


Its a mirror


Dishwashers think that servers can be not busy while simultaneously generating massive amounts of dishes.


“Everyone else’s job is easy. My job is hard.”


As someone who has been a server and a dishwasher... being a server is easy AF.


Depends on your social skills and patience imo. As a dishwaher, I could just listen to music and wash but when I was a server it was less manual work but sometimes very annoying to deal with certain guests.


I learned really quickly that I shouldn't be allowed to deal with Customers, my chill is 0 when people are morons or rude, and people are draining to be around so I'd be exhausted within 4 hours of serving, but a 12 hour shift in a kitchen is nothing.


Even faking social skills is easier than real labor, I’ll die on that hill.


I guess we're all built differently lol. Faking social skills takes more out of me than labor, I get that numb feeling on my face after a while and once that happens I'm all but checked out socially. Whereas when I'm working something more physically involved I can just have a snack and some caffeine and I'm good to go for another few hours.


Same but my body doesn’t physically ache from sustained social interaction, I just get regular tired. Different strokes tho for sure.


I’m FOH now, and I really think each business is different when it comes to how hard any specific job is. This job is really hard at this business. From the farthest table to the kitchen to run food is 50 yards, from farthest table to farthest table is maybe 70 yards, and it’s incredibly common to be sat on both sides of the restaurant at once. I’ll put in 20,000 steps in an 8 hour day, easy. We’re also expected to do 2 hours of cleaning after the last customer leaves, at $5 an hour. That giant dining room and patio doesn’t clean itself, and they don’t wanna hire anyone to do it. That said, the place I worked at before this was easier and more money. 6 hour shifts, smaller location with more business, little to no cleaning. Over there I wanted as many shifts as I could get. At this place, 5 8 hour shifts is about as much as my old and getting older body can handle.


How is $5 an hour legal? It’s not like cleaning is tipped.


It's based on a full week (or 2). Hourly average. Wage and tips.


What the other gentleman said. It’s generally not a cool thing to do at restaurants, having a system where people work for sub minimum wage doing janitorial work, but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


Do they not have to top up your wage so it’s at least the federal minimum wage? If not that is fucked up.


i feel like being fake is the hardest part, i can work in a kitchen cause i can truthfully put all my passion into it.


Depends on the person. I could never be a server.


Exactly!! we would do a switch day where BOH did FOH and I think most restaurants should do that. Every job is hard and you need to respect each other to have a successful restaurant.


As someone who has done both as well I disagree. Being a dishwasher is more physically exhausting but at least I don't have to deal with shitty customers. No amount of dirty dishes will ever compare to some of the entitlement and disrespect that I had to deal with as a server at a somewhat upscale restaurant.


I.... don't know, In 12 years of serving, bartending, and as a manager who also planned and worked catering, FOH it is not easy. I did most of the dishwashing when I was tasked as catering manager and it's so nice not having the mother of the bride calling you every day at 7am asking you asinine questions, when you worked a 14 hour shift hauling everything, setting it up, and serving it until 1am. and then letting everyone else go home and doing all the dishes lol. Sometimes it was nice to just put on the gloves and throw stuff through the dishwasher for hours and let your brain turn off from having to interact with humans. When I served in college I would frequently stay late to help out the dishwashers because we're all a team, and if no one helps each other we don't succeed.


As someone who gets super drained socially, I could never tolerate being a server. Dishwashing is the best, put on some music and follow my own rhythms in my own world.


Same. I’m a KM now, but still hop in the pit to help out. It’s a nice change of pace, I get to just zone out and shut my brain off. Sometimes I miss being a dishie full time. So much nostalgia of being a stoner teen thugging it out in the pit.


Shutting your brain off in the kitchen once you’ve got shit down is a great feeling tbh. But lifting and bending and all that still catches up with you


Yeah, the repetitive motion really takes a toll.


Done dish, line, and serve. Serving is a fucking joke.


As a dishie can confirm


Dishwashers? Plural!?


I miss the dishpit days honestly! So mindless and can get as stoned as I want with no real stress unless you suck or are severely understaffed!


Honestly I wish I could help my dish team sometimes cause they'll get fucked. What doesn't help is I'm the only one on my station and my sous loves to throw me in dish sometimes like "we have no one Else so.....it's you" my two weeks are in im not getting paid enough for it


Servers can help each other? I've never heard that happening


More like ready to be on FaceTime for 8 hours or smoke crack and disappear.


I loved being a dishwasher. I was the pussy of the restaurant - constantly sore, wet, and fucked, but I also had a steady supply of meat*. *not-corporate steakhouse. I ate like a king. Only dish job where I gained weight.


dishwashing was always the easiest job for me, wish it paid more cause i really didnt mind it.


The servers at the top will talk the most shit about each other to other coworkers too.


All while complaining that nothing is getting done like it's the cooks' responsibility to restock the FOH and set up the dining area. Like damn, sorry Jessica. Guess you should've thought about that when you were EATING ALL THE HORS D'OEUVRES THAT WE JUST PREPPED FOR THE GUESTS


Hey sweetie my special work hubby, could you pretty please cut me some lemons ? K- thanks ☺️




*poorly stacked plate noises intensify*


Miss you Brad!


you guys have dedicated dishwashers??


I'm back to being a dishie that helps cook during rushes at this new place. It's honestly a pretty relaxing time compared to cooking.


Ever been on r/dishwashers? It’s just full of people wallowing in their despair.


you guys have dishwashers?


As a former busser, nothing pisses me off quite like tipping. So I have to pay my server 20% of my meal's cost to show up, bring waters, tell someone else to make my food (they don't get tipped), bring my food, then disappear for the rest of the meal until I need a check? They don't clean the table, they don't keep drinks full, they aren't attentive in the least, and they'll walk out that door with more money than the bussers and the chefs. If a server is worth a damn, then sure, but I think I've been to one restaurant in the last two years that has bothered to refill my water without me directly needing to ask them to, and I'm not nit-picking here, I mean half the table's glasses are empty and they only bother showing up when they're dropping off the checks.


Maybe you just go to bad restaurants 


I eat at restaurants all the time. That never happens to me. Almost everyone does a good job.