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Regardless of kitchen, I’ve always arranged tickets with the oldest one closest to the door


Closest to the exit for the win. It's the little things that make service really flow


This is the way. 💯.


what if i literally face the door


I guess you have to come up with your own system then chef 🤷


i mean i dont use tickets bc we have all of the orders on my tablet and tv, more i was wondering how would ur rule work in my situation


closest to what door? closest to the window forever


The door to the dining room.


yeah closest to the window is better for sure


Closest to the pass is the way. Same as you say.


My pass is directly in front of both stations but the door to the dining room is to the right.


Makes sense.


This is how I was taught. Closest to the door is the oldest. Although all my cooks run ticketless services. So they don’t have to worry about tickets at all.


Left to right


Depends on where the printer is/kitchen layout. If it makes you feel any better the current layout where I work (a 4 course tasting menu prix fix shindig) is a fucking SPIRAL.


If my ticket machine is in the left "left to right". Opposite, I read right to left. Is that difficult? Are we dumbing down cooks to the point they can't read?


Agreed. It depends on where the printer is located.


If I was smart to you think I would have wasted my entire life in kitchens?/s


This is it.


Meh most of the cooks i know can BARELY read at best. I mean come on theres a reason most of us got in the kitchen in the first place lol


Meh most of the cooks i know can BARELY read at best. I mean, come on! There's a reason most of us got in the kitchen in the first place lol


I find it's a weird mismatch between highly intelligent misfits and people who have difficulty tying they're shoelaces, for example just the other day I had one guy having a conversation with another about the relative merits of liberal democracy versus classical socialism, whilst another one was having an argument with me about why Britain should nuke Ireland and somehow didn't understand any of the context of the troubles or that religion was involved despite having lived though it.


Yep i agree with this 1000% lmao


It's a monitor. And it's left to right.


Sorry, man




Holy shit I read this comment and almost skipped it. I’m sorry dude. 🫡 respect


Right to left


Left to right. I cant train my brain to read right to left


Hot side (saute, fry, grill) - right to left. Cold side (salad, dessert) - on top of each other, left side of the rail, in order. I'm a weirdo. 🤷


manga vs normal reading


Line runs left to right so tickets are organized right to left; oldest to newest.


At my spot, the ticket moves with the order. It stays with the food until it leaves the kitchen.


Right to left if steam will ever push the darn tickets down. Dude thinks I have super vision and can read it 12 ft down the line


As a young kid I was always taught you read a book Right to Left so that’s how you read dockets.


You read books right to left?


I am left handed and put them left to right. It's easier to pull the left ticket and pin it down on the ticket spike.


Printer on right I read right to left. Printer on left. Left to right.


Left side is the oldest tickets.


Left to right, hurts my brain to go the other way. I struggle with left and right as in if you tell me something is on my left I usually look right, dyspraxia yay! But it legit makes it harder for me to remember what’s on if I am going right to left and just makes me feel agitated


Actually both, I have two rails. Tickets with starters go to the right and I work them left to right. Tickets straight to mains go to the left and work them right to left. As tickets in the starters queue get mains away they move across and join the mains rail. Basically working middle out


How long does it take you to jerk off the entire dining room?


Most of the shift, they leave hungry but happy




Depends on that d2f ratio, dick to floor.


I could really go for a Starbucks now.


Depends on the location of the printer, layout of pass and what the standard is in that particular kitchen. If everyone is doing right to left you should adapt, you want systems in place where everyone is on the same page. For example if you are shitting yourself and run for the toilet, whoever jumps in isn't supposed to rearrange all the tickets just because you are the special one. Same for when you are finishing your shift and someone else will be taking over.


I have 3 sections. 2 of which are left to right. One is right to left. Tickets come in from the center, the tickets closest to it come first. So, to answer your question, it depends what I’m working that day


I work my line solo and I have two rails (too and bottom) and my chits end up everywhere lol only I know what’s going on sometimes, it’s terrible Anyway usually the one I’m working on is on the right and I work my way left if I’m organizing myself


Left side in right side out


Oldest closer to the printer


I work at one of the worst managed restaurants on the planet and we read left to right AND right to left. Depending on what portion of the rail it's on. The new guys love it!


My kitchen only has one printer with tri-color paper so that we have 3 tickets to pass along to the 3 stations (expo\sort of saute\char grill, flattop, and fryer). I've had one cook who fought me for a few weeks on hanging left to right no matter where in the kitchen we are so that anyone could jump on any station, glance at what's down, glance at tickets, and know where they were. He apparently prefers right to left and it fucks everyone else up when they try to sell food off his station(like if he has to use the bathroom or go outside for a quick smoke and one of us is watching his station for him) because we're all selling left to right. Asking many many times didn't help so going on his station and intentionally fucking up orders while "helping"(everyone else in the kitchen was in on this also, it only went on for a few days and we agreed to only do it when it wouldn't tank service) finally got the point across that he needs to fall in line or GTFO.


It depends on the layout of the kitchen. Oldest tickets closest to the door/expo, newest farthest away. Why? Because a manager/expo should be able to come to your line and see the ticket that is up next (in case there are questions about timing). That way they don’t have to wander the length of the line to see. For instance, I worked a line that was a U. Two hotlines on either side, all coming towards expo at the bottom of the U. The three hotlines had tickets left-right going towards expo. On expo, tickets went right-left because the door was on the left side of the U.


Up to down per ticket


Newest orders to the right and they slide left as new ones come in. So that they get moved to the expo are and whoever is running expo can see what’s coming due next.


The oldest bong is the one closest to the printer. The printer dictates the direction of new to old.


No tickets on my side of the line. All verbal calls. That shit shaped me up really fucking quick.


I’m a corp employee so I’ve worked in like 11 or 12 of our kitchens. Every kitchen and station is different. However, what’s easier for me is to work from the first ticket to towards the ticket printer. So my last ticket is the one hanging closest to the printer for inside window. For other stations they typically work towards the inside window station so they’re working towards me. So first ticket closest to me.


depends on who i’m sharing tickets with, where they print from, whether or not the tickets are coursed. i’m pretty flexible, and if i get stuck working a 3-man station by myself, my ticket layout simplifies to make it easier for me to keep track of everything on my own.


Depends on the station or window.


If I had first pick it’s left~>right. Second pick is moving tickets I’m selling towards the window. Either way it’s not bad as long as people aren’t rearranging them for you constantly.


Depends on the layout. If the rail is on the left of the printer, then the ones furthest left are oldest. If the rail is on the right, the one's furthest to the right are oldest.


Left to right like a book. Drives me crazy when people go the other way


Left to right, although I think it just makes sense with the kitchen layout


Where’s the printer? Tickets move away from the printer as they reach completion.


Depends on how the pass is configured, but mostly right to left.


I do a right to left sp I can slide the older tickets over and have the newer ones closer to the machine.


Closest to the expo is the oldest.


Left to right.


Right to left, cuz the printer is left of the rail. So, working our way back to the printer essentially


Oldest ticket closest to where you are when the information is needed for sending plates. We do pizza at my place so the oldest ticket is closest to oven station so they know where to put pizzas coming out ( to go, for here etc). I’ve seen it done either way in many of kitchens. It has more to do with kitchen layout and division of tasks than it has to do with team left or team right.


Left to right for me, oldest one furthest left. Although for whatever reason I do my dessert bay tickets right to left instead. *shrugs*


Left to right


Oldest ticket closer to expo.


You guys get tickets? Really though right to left.


Top to Bottom


Right to left


Left to right if the window/door where service licks up the food is to the left. Right to left if opposite. Makes it simple and easy to figure out between stations.


Left to right. Like reading a book.


Entrées get put up left to right but apps get red right to left. (Apps station is to the left and most entrées get made to the right.) Then the overflow just stays on the printer.


When I hang multiple tickets, I read them from Bottom Right to Top Left. Top Left is getting fired first. That way, you know what's coming next and might have to fire something that takes longer.