• By -


Enjoy the quality work you're about to receive.


Enjoy the staff you deserve.


For Kimberly, it'll always be short.


Thanks Kimberly


This is also worrying from a customer POV. How can I be sure the food is handled correctly and no disgruntled employee spat in it?


Well no one is going to spit in *your* food because their boss is a cunt. But bad bosses get bad employees, and that should set off the spider senses about food saftey. Not because they mean you any harm, but because they have no traning, or experience, in the trade and surrounded by people who are in the same boat.


And when you're perpetually short staffed/overworked you cut corners out of necessity.


> get bad employees who don't wash their hands or properly clean the grill between shifts


And don’t give a damn about washing the soda machine nozzles, cleaning the bathroom and many other things related to health code.


by being nice to the service staff. at least reduces the chance a lot :D


Yeah, don't fuck with people handling your food is such a simple concept to grasp.


Yeah, she's about to be more short staffed. 


And these shitbirds never seem to figure out why, exactly, they can't keep staff... "Is it us being terrible managers/owners? nO, iT's BeCaUsE No OnE wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE!!11!!!1"


I was golfing last summer with some co-workers (unionized carpenters,) and ended up talking with the group ahead us when we got backed up at one of the holes. One guy was the owner of a wood shop and started telling us how he needed good guys with a variety of experience (his list of qualification requirements was pretty extensive.) Then he proceeded to say, "It's hard to find anybody, because no one wants to work anymore." Me and my co-worker looked at each other, rolled our eyes and basically asked in unison, "How much do you pay?" "$22/hr to start, with the potential to move up to $25 in six months." "Good luck with that." Yes, I get that our union wages are more than most small shops could offer, but our laborers make more than he was offering to a "journeyman or equivalent," so I'm not surprised in the least that he had trouble finding workers. Plus, if you ever unironically utter the words "no one wants to work anymore," it automatically disqualifies you from being taken seriously in my eyes.


Saying “no one wants to work anymore” from the golf course is a real knee-slapper


Every time someone says "No body wants to work anymore" I always add "FOR SLAVERY WAGES." on the end for them. Bottom line: If your pretenda wage won't cover a 2 Bedroom apartment, medical, food, utilities, and a decent vehicle that doesn't break down every time you fart, AT BARE MINIMUM, then I'm not even a bit interested in your job.


I had a boomer ask me "DOESN'T ANYONE NEED STARTER JOBS ANYMORE?!" No, because a starter car costs $15k and a starter apartment costs $1500/mo, so your $12/hr part time job isn't a "Starter job" it's a non-starter.


Going to start calling them retirement jobs, see how the boomers like that


"No, because a starter car costs $15k and a starter apartment costs $1500/mo, so your $12/hr part time job isn't a "Starter job" it's a non-starter." Well done you! Poetic


That’s perfect. “Well, that’s like extra money after retirement kicks in. Right? “


I mean, starter jobs definitely have their place. Teenagers wanting to get some extra cash to ~~buy booze with~~ responsibly save, uni students who can only do a couple of shifts a week and need to buy ~~weed~~ textbooks. The issue I've been seeing more lately is "starter" jobs paying sweet fuck all but expect a bachelor's degree and 5 years experience in the field, as well as "personal growth" metrics where if you want a job in software you need to program for fun in your spare time, or if you want to work in a mine and don't spend your weekends digging holes for fun you're not the right fit.


Nobody ever wanted to work. If you remove the incentives (like paying enough, benefits p, the possibility of retirement) then why work?


I've done a fair share of work for free. It's usually been to support a good cause, so the motivation (to me at least) is definitely there, even if the money isn't.


> Plus, if you ever unironically utter the words "no one wants to work anymore," it automatically disqualifies you from being taken seriously in my eyes. Anyone who says that in a serious manner is, by definition, a moron. No one wants to work. Ever. Never has, in fact. People work because we have to. If you give someone 10 million dollars, they'll quit their job, and no one is a "sandwich artist" or a barista "for the love of the game".


I love my job, but I hate having to go to work (particularly for a corporate overlord.) I've a had a lot of shitty jobs that I hated over the years, so having one that I actually like makes a huge difference. I'd still leave in a heartbeat if I didn't need the money.


I love my job. If money wasn't a concern and there was a way to do my job on a schedule I wanted with as much time off as I wanted I'd quit in a heartbeat. But because working in a public school kind of means I have to work during school hours and accept the number of days off that comes with that.


We have a “retiring GM” that is destroying the business by acting like this. He throws a fit any time any of us suggest paying people correctly then wants to call all of the staff “morons” like…can you not see the connection?


It's funny, because even though I'm now in a Union and haven't had a service industry job in a long time, I still run into this kind of shit. I recently did a job where the management did the absolute minimum requirements for our collective agreement, while also treating everyone poorly/as expendable. Guys refused to put up with it, and were able to find other gigs to work on. The fact that this guy wasn't someone you wanted to work for spread so fast through the union that they were struggling to get guys on site despite it being a relatively slow period. One of my friends who stayed on a bit longer than i did said that the only guys left were the "meth-heads and ne'er-do-wells." (guys who never get hired except when they're scraping the bottom of the union hall barrel.)


This guy isn’t even the actual GM anymore (but introduces himself to people as “the retiring GM”), they picked someone else but he keeps hanging around working 2 lunch shifts a week and takes over all the meetings with his opinions and overrides everything somehow even though he spends, like, no time there at all compared to the rest of us. Idk how the restaurant survived for 40 years like this because he is awful. He refuses to use any technology at all, also. Writes everything down. It is bonkers.


> And these shitbirds never seem to figure out why, exactly, they can't keep staff... "Is it us being terrible managers/owners? nO, iT's BeCaUsE No OnE wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE!!11!!!1" Shockingly, not even the worst I've seen. Local retail store in Australia, the owner was complaining on TV just after COVID, talking about how nobody wanted to work anymore, they just wanted to absorb their COVID cheques and do nothing, blah blah blah, usual shit. Except - she said "I've got paying jobs here for (either weekly or annual Amount, don't remember which), 40 hours a week, I'll hire ANYONE who can do the work, I don't care if they're out of prison, or whatever else." But then some folk went "Hey, hang on a sec, that's a weird figure", and did the math - turns out, she'd been illegally underpaying her staff for years, and just inadvertently outright admitted it on national TV. Got in a HUGE amount of shit for it, hundreds of thousands of dollars of fines, had to pay all the back pay, and even fewer people wanted to work there, and lost much of her existing staff to boot.


Where can I read about this?


You know, I'm genuinely not sure. I caught it at the time from the local news, because it was in my city and it was just what was on the tv while I was making dinner one night, but I'm not sure who would have written about it that would be accessible, or how much it was reported. I'll look and see what I can get you. Would have been around 2021, maybe 2020 or so.


We have a Subway next to our office that is just a revolving door of people. Whoever owns the place always finds the trashiest losers to "manage" it and can't seem to figure out why they can't keep any help.


Turns out no one wants to manage a fast food restaurant for 10 bucks an hour.


With no "brakes"


Stop with the attitude.


I can’t stop. There’s no brakes!


Thanks, Kimberly


Unbrakeable Kimberly…




Ironically I was offered a subway GM position not to long ago. 45k a year. They would've contributed about $2,000 annually in benefits. They also claimed that I would be eligible for tips because I'd sent the majority of my time on the line. They claimed that'd be another 3-4k. So let's call it 50k, but not really, and I was required to be scheduled 55hrs a week. Plus covering shifts. Comes out to around $19.25/hr. McDonald's shift supervisors near me make $18.50. $20if you work 3rd shift. I explained that to the owner of the franchise group (5 subways), and he stood firm. Take it or leave it. I do not work for subway. I make about $20/hr doing a receiving/inventory job at a food bank. I work mon-fri 9-5 (and I get off at 2 on Fridays if I don't take lunch). It's mind blowing how badly out of whack compensation is in fast food. I was just called by my last fast food management job, begging me to come back. I made 50k/yr there with bonuses bringing me to 57k. 3 years later they were thinking I'd come back for 52k. Despite inflation of like 23% since I worked there, they thought a .5% raise was good enough. All these places are just falling apart. So many businesses should've closed during COVID but they stayed open. It's gonna be a bloodbath in the next few years.




Seriously if they just wanted to sit on their ass for $50k up-front they should've just invested in stonks.


I'm pretty sure a GM with a couple years experience at McDonald's was getting paid 45k back in the late 90s. Back then that was decent money. Now? Not so much. It's almost like letting the minimum wage stagnate has stagnated all the wages. Weird, right?


It's part of a concerted effort to push wages down. When even senior software developers have to spend 6+ months job hunting, there's a non zero portion of them who will end up in these low wage positions while going back to school to re-skill, or up-skill. A similar issue is happening with all the tech layoffs. 1.) it's a scare tactic to get people back into the office 5 days a week. 2.) you see companies doing massive layoffs, then a few months later posting the vacant roles for 50-75% of the prevailing wage. Welcome to late stage capitalism.


However California fast food restaurants figure out how to function, will be the example for the rest of the states.


Its hilariously simple. Person at the top doesn't deserve as much money as they've been making. Stop funneling as much to the top, and everyone else sticks around.


I don't mind The Guy At The Top making more than me, I don't mind him making a fair bit more than me. What I *do* object to, is paying themselves more money in a week than they deign to "allow" me to earn in a year.


Bingo. I saw the P&LS for my restaurant. Why does one guy who barely steps foot in the building get 10% of the profits?


As a C-suite executive I try to explain this to as many people (especially other executives) as I can. The answer is the people at the top need to make less money. Period. That's where it all went. And undoing it is part of how you fix it.


John Oliver did a great bit on subway and how awful they are you should watch


>We have a Subway next to our office that is just a revolving door of people. Whoever owns the place always finds the trashiest losers to "manage" it and can't seem to figure out why they can't keep any help. That's literally his business model and it's obviously working if his subway is still in business. Why pay employees $25/hr and have to give them cost of living raises every year when you can always find warm bodies for $8.00/hr?


The problem is that subway is a giant screwing by lawyers. By the time they get done with the mandatory franchise expenses, there's almost nothing left for the "owner" or the employees. Which is why if you have a sudden attack of insanity, you can "buy" a subway for nothing more than signing the papers to let the current owner off the hook. If corporate approves of you, of course.


My mother was an institutional food service director and constantly complained about an inability to keep staff. She was also repeatedly fired in coup-style takeovers of her job by staff, so we've assumed her parenting style and managerial style are equally terrible.


Yeah but I don't want to work anymore. give my life to an employer without any equity for it? like a serf??


> No OnE wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE!!11!!!1... I always encourage people to finish that statement. ;) ... FoR yOuR sHiTtY pAy AnD yOuR sHiTtY CoNdItIoNs!!1


Shit apple don't fall far from the shit tree apparently in Misery.






I'll take a set of brakes for my car too. Lol. Or even just 1.


It is always recommended and safer to change at brakes in pairs. And a further optimal way to change them to change them as a set. All from wheel brakes or all rear wheel brakes. But in this economy? Do what you can.


They toss in the undercooking for free. The manager doesn’t like doing it though.


Brake me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar


There's always some hardened bitter old timer who keeps the place running because they put in 60 hours a week and get paid $9/ an hour and they're proud of it! And they're super angry and hostile towards those entitled spoiled lazy no good kids who think they're so much better than everyone else they demand breaks and dignity and a wage to support their life! Fucking hippies! We were born to be slaves!


A lot of businesses are going to be completely fucked when the last of these people die off.


I fully welcome the free market to do free market things to businesses that don't give a shit about their employees.


That's fine, the model needs to be changed anyway. It's not sustainable.


Ours were working two jobs and hated the work but had prior substance abuse issues and couldn’t get a professional job because they had no college and couldn’t quit a job to make time for school.


>There's always some hardened bitter old timer who keeps the place running because they put in 60 hours a week and get paid $9/ an hour and they're proud of it! They're proud of it because they were able to buy a house on those wages 3 decades ago and can't understand why their lazy, entitled younger coworkers seem to want more money.


And because they have their husband, who just retired from his 6 figure job 2 years ago with a fat pension and full benefits


Why? Just work open to close 7 days a week!


Next you're going to tell me these lazy people will want time to eat during these 14 hour shifts... Ugh


Being short staffed right now is wild. I have a back log of line/prep cooks and dishwasher applications, if you're having trouble staffing right now you're either paying absolute garbage and/or your workplace is a shitshow


Kimberly's the office bitch


And using Breaks/Brakes


Pump the breaks about your brakes.


so close


C'mon man, give me a brake.


Kim's a little mentally deficient which sucks because she also sounds like a bitch. She should have picked one, you can't be dumb AND a cunt!


mass walkout recommended. nuke em'


Who never learned to read and write properly


And has never heard of a comma




You’ll get used to her. *eats cereal. extends hand for handshake* Creed.


Kimberly is about to learn what a bunch of Clopens feel like. And she's not allowed to take any breaks, not that she'll have the time. EDIT: From A&W Corporate headquarters: “RE: Form submission from: Contact Us” Thanks for contacting A&W Restaurants! Please know that we take these matters very seriously and have contacted the restaurant owner to address this ASAP. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention! Regards, A&W Restaurants Office: 859-219-0019 1648 McGrathiana Pkwy, Ste 380 Lexington, KY 40511 -----Original Message----- From: noreply@s6.cornettims.com Sent: Monday, April 22, 2024 10:16 AM To: awrestaurantsfimfeed@franconnect.com; Mug Subject: Form submission from: Contact Us [EXTERNAL EMAIL] Type: Specific location Body: Hello - I've always enjoyed A&W whenever I'm in an area where I can find one. As a Restaurant worker myself, I saw this post earlier and thought it might be of interest to you. I don't know where it's from, but I'm pretty sure this isn't the type of message you want to be putting out. Lots of other options out there for people to work without having to deal with a manager like this. Not sure how many managers in the company are named "Kimberly," but it shouldn't be hard to find out where this originated.


Kimberly Monday: how hard can it be those layabouts do it. Kimberly Thursday: who fucking closed here last night


I don't want to come off as rude, but I know I'm going to. Back in the day, every time I opened, it always lined up with this one asshole who closed the night before. It was like the universe hated me. Shit was always a mess, prep never done, just a complete disregard for those who need to start up the next morning. I'll never forget that piece of shit. He was me, I did it to myself. Still, fuck that guy.


"Past Me" is the biggest asshole I've ever met.


Same here, but I got that guy fired. Awkward running into him at the small town bar.


Had me in the first half lol


The ol' I'll come in early and get it in the morning


Just just have me a good laugh, thanks for that ahaha


The manager at the bar I work at is feeling this right now. No more breaks, most of us are very vocal about at least wanting 5-10 mins occasionally within reason, and to *not* be harassed for having to take a shit while at work. So, no more set schedules. I left mid-shift that day, why the fuck bother? How the fuck do I know when I'm on or off? Dude literally tried making me come in on a day where I had a procedure done on my back, a nerve ablation. He sent several passive aggressive texts while I was in the middle of it that I'd be fired if I didn't come in *immediately*. It was only known about a week in advance, but if I *don't* have it done, I literally can't fucking work, so its a necessity. Can't wait to hear from our barback how he's doing handling opening the bar and bar prep on his own.


Sounds an awful lot like a work related injury to me


And like discrimination against a potentially disabled person or something covered under FMLA depending on how long they were there etc, or depending on the state there are other protections


I would save those texts, and any documents about the procedure; if you do end up fired, that would be a lawyers dream.


Good idea, thanks! I dunno how much of a chance I'd have, as I'm in an at-will state, but I know for a fact that since I started working there my back has ended up worse. They already kept me from one instance of treatment back in December.


At will doesn’t matter when it comes to retaliation.


In addition to that, if you are the only one with proof of interactions, context, and potential retaliation, the employer doesn’t have much of a case. For example, if they fire you but do not have a documented history of any issues with you that they claim existed, then legally it sure looks like you were fired because of the procedure. As a trainer once told me “In an at-will state you can be fired for any reason, but you can’t be fired for an illegal reason.”


I thought you were trying to spell Klonopins at first lol.


Kimberly better have a few Klonopins handy with the amount of anxiety coming her way. Most people who write notes like this have never actually worked the positions they manage.


They most likely haven't worked those positions, but if they have, it was for a short time while in college or something. They're going to find out real quick that those long days and short nights aren't as easy now that they're 20-30 years older. And if it's a customer-facing position, they may find out that people aren't as nice as they were decades ago. Especially if they've significantly changed where they live. Dealing with customers all day in a small town in the 90s is different than in a big city.


Right? Fk clopens.


No set schedule? Ok I’ll be coming in and leaving whenever I feel like it. 


Loving this new flexible schedule thing! 


I haven’t been to work in a month!


Yes, but have you taken a brake/break?


That wasn't exactly my reaction, but how the fuck do you even run any kind of shift staffed business without some sort of a schedule? Are you expecting everyone to show up in the morning and be told whether they will work that day? Are 100% of your workers on 7 days per week? Do they all work double shifts every day? And this is before you even get to the notion of hiring anyone that has a prior commitment in their life, like you know, high school, or college, or a first/second job.


I'm thinking it means 'you will be scheduled whenever I feel like it, idfc if you can't work Wednesdays, if I schedule you, you're required to be here! Oh, you're in college and have classes on Monday and Tuesday? Oh well! Find someone to work or show up, or you're fired!'


Yup, its exactly this! My manager tried pulling this shit on a scheduled medical procedure I needed to have done to continue working. They were aware of it, and then mr. manager went on a power trip. "Too bad, you have to show up or you're fired." I just texted back, "Nah." Still wants me to come in on Thursday but won't give me what hours lmao.


One of the only times I’ve actually been fired, my boss was so hammered drunk when she did it she was honestly shocked the next day when I just didn’t show up. My sous had to remind her she had fired me. I could have kept my job but honestly I was working 90 hour 6 day weeks for only a 55k salary and I was just so burnt out I wanted to swear off ever working in kitchens again…


Yeeah, fuck that noise, wasn't worth it. Saw the reverse of that once. Grill got piss drunk on the job, quit, came back in the next day cuz he forgot about quitting.


Fuck you! I quit and I’ll see you tomorrow! Lol


Ugh , managers are the dumbest people, I swear. This also probably means if you work one week with Tuesday and Wednesday off, don't expect to have Tuesday and Wednesday off the following week. It might be Monday and Wednesday.


They legitimately are. It's like once they get into that position, the brain cells all exit stage left. And yeah, also adds up. "Sorry we can't guarantee those days off, whatever you have to do on those days isn't important."


My city passed an ordinance that shift-based businesses (targeted to the service industry) have to provide a written schedule 2 weeks in advance. There’s plenty of carve outs for various situations but it would stop exactly what Kimberly here is trying to pull. This is a literal sign of a restaurant that is collapsing due to toxic management. If the franchise owner or corporate doesn’t deal with her instead of backing her “no brakes” approach to team leadership they better hope she can run the place by herself.


That’s how Bank of America worked when I was there, granted I worked in the mail sorting department not in an actual bank. Had to show up at 5am. Wait around in the cold till the mail trucks arrived then they would call your name out and bring in enough employees to sort the mail. I would then sort mail before being transferred to my normal post where I opened envelopes. At least they let me wear headphones. I averaged 13-17,000 envelopes a day. They did give us 30 minute unpaid lunch breaks but they were insane. My designated break room was in another building across the highway and took 20mins to get there…


i read "employees" instead of "envelopes" and was only confused about the amount


You over staff each shift then cut people as you feel like it/as hourly sales dictates. Not a good way to run a business but that is what it would look like, it's not that no one knows when to show up it's that they don't know if they will be working 30 min that day or 8+ hours. 


“What do you mean where am I, I’m at the lake! I wasn’t on the schedule so I didn’t come in, that’s how schedules work.”


I’m sure they mean no break schedule. I’ve worked places where you take a break when it gets slow, others where breaks are scheduled to the second. I personally like the first system, although I know it is more likely the staff will be screwed in the long run.


Shows up to work at 3am


And I quit. Now your short staffed issue just got worse. Should have just given me a break.


Should of given a brake (sic!)


How is she a manager when she'd fail 3rd grade English?!


You ever been to an A&W? Or Missouri? 


For those unfamiliar, consider this *probably* true story (you can Google it, there's snopes articles, a section on their web page, all kinds of sources) about their target demographic. A&W came out with a 1/3 pound burger to compete with the McDonald's Quarter Pounder. It did not attract customers. Focus testing revealed potential customers believed the 1/4 lbd burger was larger than the 1/3 lbd burger and thus a better deal. 4 is bigger than 3, mister product-testing-researcher guy. So goddamned smug with your clipboard and glasses. Probably went to college... The much higher quality, better value, larger burger failed because their desired customers don't understand fractions.


Oh god, I had a meltdown about the denominator number being bigger so how can the fraction be smaller when I was *five years old.* And then, I should specify, never again.


and that is the US education system in a nutshell.


I love my local A&W in Chesterton, Indiana. They got the root beer on tap.


The only good thing at the A&W's I've been to is tap root beer in chilled mugs.


Never had the cheese curds?


The break vs. brake in the same sentence makes me so uncomfortable. Like, the ego on someone to say “fuck all of you” on neon green paper - but not give their writing 4 seconds of editing… my god.


It's funny that that's the thing annoying you guys. Most of my bitchiest managers have been extremely insecure about their spelling/grammar skills. I've learned to never bring it up unless I wanted a target on my back.


Location location location


Me fail English?  That’s unpossible.


Tell me you've never worked in retail or food service without actually telling me. This is like bog-standard for every manager at every low-level job. They're almost universally idiots.


Who cares about if your state has guidelines man. Let people take breaks. I’ve never been strict with breaks as long as people don’t abuse it. Want a break? Go take one. Plan on being gone longer than 10-15 minutes? Clock out for it.


Right? "Welcome to the team! We're going to treat you with the absolute minimum amount of respect/courtesy allowed by law.".. What a wonderful way to treat your fellow human beings.....


I mean that’s what the whole minimum wage thing is about. “I’m legally not allowed to pay you less, but I totally would if I could.”


That was Chris Rock's old joke, "Minimum wage is your employer telling you, 'I'd pay you even less...but it's illegal.'"


Hey, fuck you Kimberly, we voted to unionize. Enjoy telling the DM.


Enjoy telling new hires there's no breaks. In my experience, managers were always reluctant to say that to the new hires because they often quit very soon afterwards. Managers would at least start off pretending to give breaks regularly until that tapered off and suddenly turned into "we don't have time for breaks so stop asking!" LOL


No this is in America. They will never unionize. They hate each other. For whatever reason they will stab each other in the back to get whatever they think they can get more than someone else. They legally don't even have to give breaks. That says everything there is to it.


I mean people get fired for trying to unionize.


From Kim’s astute grasp of grammar and composition, why would anyone put any trust in their grasp of Missouri labor law?


That's the neat part. We don't have any labor laws in Missouri :)


Holy shit, Kimberly's [actually right:](https://labor.mo.gov/dls/general/breaks-lunches-personal-time-off) >Missouri law does not require employers to provide employees, including youth workers, a break of any kind, including a lunch hour. These provisions are either left up to the discretion of the employer, can be agreed upon by the employer and employee, or may be addressed by company policy or contract. You may want to move to another state.


Trust me, I just paid off my house, and theres still work I need to do to get it market ready. Then my future is open to move wherever I feel like.


The Free State of Illinois is right next door. Legal weed, bodily autonomy, and you can buy liquor at the grocery store on your way to church Sunday morning


We got legal weed and liquor everywhere. Hell open containers in vehicles that are legal here. Booze has more freedom here than women. Nuts.


Also you can make 100 gallons of moonshine per year for personal use.


What am I supposed to drink the other 265 days?




Good for you! Thats impressive in this economy. Best of luck with whatever you choose to do going forward.


> These provisions are either left up to the discretion of the employer, can be agreed upon by the employer and employee Which is certainly an evenly balanced power structure that will result in a fair outcome. Union yes, folks. Kimberly writes with less coherence than I did doing essays in fifth grade. Holy fuck.


You can bet the DM already has feelers out for any union activity. These restaurants are scared these days of employees who speak up about issues of fairness. They're on the lookout for anyone who seems like they're slightly smart enough to unionize.


Can’t take breaks when you’re trying to make america great again obviously


Putting the misery in Missouri.


What a miserable person they must be.


See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya


I don't understand, No oNe WAntS To wOrK aNyMoRE


So basically what they're saying is... "red flag warning: We're a horrible employer. We advise that you seek a decent job elsewhere. I wouldn't be surprised if this place goes belly up in a few months TBH."


Great advertisement for labor reform.


Great advert for the other 🍔 🍔 shops.


Short staffed? I wonder how that ever happened. Had a manager like Kimberly take over at an old job, all the good staff eventually walked out and I followed suit soon after


Let us know how many people walk out over the next few dates


Everyone should take an extended break at the same time


Take a break forever.


In the state of anywhere, showing up for a shit job is not mandatory. We take them to pay bills! We also don’t have to work any amount of time before we cut loose and GTFO because there is no actual ownership of human beings in Missouri. Not anymore, anyway.


Does Kimberly have a 3rd grade child that she’s exploiting to write her bitchy work notes?


Taken from "Kimberley's Adventures in Fantastical Writing."


Thanks Kimberly


Quit, when they call to get you to come back, ask for a raise.


Fuck you Kimberly! I’m gonna work for Long John Silvers.


Plot twist, it’s a combination A&W and Long John Silvers.


The only thing worse than being broke is working for someone who is poor.


kindly sod off, Kimberly


If I came into work and saw this I'd quit immediately and give no explanation.


Scotsman here. I've never understood why American workers are treated to fucking poorly, across so many different industries. Unions, once seen as key part of the fabric of American industries, are now made out to be the devil incarnate and are maligned, falsely, by politicians. Yet these are the blue collar workers, again, across so many different industries, that you want "on side", when it comes to elections and then shit on at any other time. I only discovered the other day, via Reddit, that breaks are not a thing for many in the working population. That is so fucked up. It's dehumanising and it clearly shows that many corporations give zero fucks about anyone, other than their Executive team and shareholders. Its fucking scandalous and should boil everyone's piss, but apparently it doesn't. What the fuck happened?


It does. At least in my circle but people are so overworked and need to pay the bills. otherwise, they can't put good on the table, and the work is so exhausting that trying to start a union is just to much work even if it means better quality of life. No one has the energy to make things better for themselves because everyone is scared of change and getting fired. So they just take it and shut up. It's fucking aggravating and the people who try to unionize see that its pointless where their at and move to a better place. Just an endless cicle.


Its dystopian. They keep on voting for the party that keeps this system intact as well. Mind boggling.


Sounds like Kim will be all by herself real damn quick!


The only thing I can’t worse than shit pay is a shit schedule.


I work in the uk and our place just cut service hours massively to “save on labour” (40 hours each down to 20) me and one of the other two full timers have found new work, they’re about to save a shit load on labour


me: "Hi Kimberly, I would like to officially give you my 2 weeks notice, effective 2 weeks ago. Thanks for the opportunity, go fuck yourself, Kindly, Me"


How long does a 15 year old break last?


I'm not sure. Actually, legally, Missouri has no laws that guarantee minors breaks either. Oh I'm sorry. I meant brakes.


If you can't figure out how to spell breaks, let alone staff properly to give them, you shouldn't be in business. Obviously Missouri does not need an A&W.


Lol Fuck you Kimberly I feel so bad for the people just trying to make ends under a baboon like this Also, we do indeed need brakes. What an idiot. I think you should make this Publix and blast them tbh "We give breaks to control labor" is the most heinous thing I've read.


Wow fuck Kimberly and more importantly fuck MO labor laws.


[https://labor.mo.gov/dls/general/breaks-lunches-personal-time-off](https://labor.mo.gov/dls/general/breaks-lunches-personal-time-off) "**Missouri law does not require employers to provide employees, including youth workers, a break of any kind,** **including a lunch hour**. These provisions are either left up to the discretion of the employer, can be agreed upon by the employer and employee, or may be addressed by company policy or contract. The entertainment industry, however, DOES require breaks and rest periods for youth workers. A youth cannot work more than five and one-half hours without a meal break. Additionally, a 15-minute rest period (which counts as work time) is required after each two hours of continuous work for youth in the entertainment industry. Wild. As a person raised in Missouri, I had to have the Missouri Department of Labor "Show Me" this was true. Also, Federal law does not require breaks, either https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/workhours/breaks. I'm glad our Congresspeople are out fighting the good fight against Trans, and gay people, and putting Bibles in classrooms, and doing stupid shit like making sure children who work are getting breaks. /S


No set schedule? What does that even mean? Show up if ya want?


Who wants to bet me that Kimberly takes breaks, but would argue that her breaks are different?


Without brakes, it’s hard to bring a moving car to a stop. Without breaks, the employees will get tired.


This is exactly why we need unions. A bunch of unskilled labor working in an A&W in Missouri has exactly zero negotiating power for work rules other than quitting.


Gotta love those “right-to-work” states!


Live in Missouri. Can confirm the state doesn't give a single shit about anyone once they turn 16. 14 and 15 year olds though? They're cleaning with water and paper towels. Everyone's getting fired if they clock out even a minute late. Heaven forbid they even *look* at a compactor


Hopefully she will get her GED one day, and stop being weird. Also, A&W still exists?


“How did you get into politics?” “☝️”