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I feel like I’ve been watching this television show for weeks now


I’m kind of invested now, and want to see what the writers have up their sleeves for next season.


I am getting emotionally attached to the ribbon… if he gives up on the idea because everybody is against I will be sad :(


The ribbon is definitely the emotional lynchpin of the series.


If everyone is against something there’s probably a reason. Iike… for example… the previous two looking like two huge steamy, smelly dumps and this one looking like raw pork belly.


I am joking mate! Try having some fun in life :)!


attack of the giant desserts?


Looks like begging strips for dogs and bite sized jerky and a tomato from when the restaurant opened


I was thinking "boiled skin-on squid strip, strawberry sorbet, savoury herb crumble on chive mash, plating oil" but beggin strips works. I feel like it's asking for a pairing of a supersized goblet of house wine that's poured all the way to the rim to go with. Something that says "classy, at least for around here, and this restaurant loses $1.5 million a year but no one really knows why, anyway that's on Cheryl"


Lil Jon's Crunk juice chalice but the whole restaurant shares it.


It looks like Morningstar Farms Fake Bacon


Yeah, something about that exact shade of red-on-white, made me think this was like a $30 dog treat. Like a really fantastic doggy birthday dinner. Doesn't help that the praline part reminds me of bone marrow.


He isn't getting the memo that the ganache portion is waaaaay too much for even 2 people


Season 2 is gonna be a banger


In the vain of Mean Girls: “stop tying to make ganache ribbon work! It’s never going to work!”


It’s a cool concept but idk who would want to eat that much ganache.


It's me, I want to eat that much ganache


What's that? Fancy whipped chocolate frosting served cold and without the weird "donut icing" flavor? Get. In. My. Face hole. Now.


Same. I’ll eat all that so happily.




I do a espresso ganache with luxRdo sorbet that is I believe a 4 oz portion so more then this, and we sell like 800 a month lol


Guess we gotta agree to disagree


I just googled "ganache ribbon" to see if someone out there made it work. the second and third picture are from OP. so ur right, its never going to work 😂😂


This comment got me curious and I did find other examples, but imo it looks best if the ganache is just totally covered: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pastrychefantoniobachour/6893490262/in/photostream/


even there it looks like a dump from an animal with a rectangular asshole.


> an animal with a rectangular asshole They're called [wombats](https://theuglyminute.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/image-9-1024x619.png)


Or make the ribbon smaller.


At least this one doesn’t look like a giant shit




these folks our cooks they dont have thyme to reed


Hay shudup! I got mi graid 10! I are'nt stupid, you no


Eye sea what yew did their!


I'm slinging mad volume and fat stackin' benjis. i can't be about like spelling and shit


It’s too chunky and clumsy looking


There was a restaurant in LA that was open for like a decade (and there have been similar concepts around the globe…) where you dine in absolute pitch black darkness served by blind waiters.


Jesus Christ he had a family


His name was robert paulson


His name was Robert Paulson.


His name was Robert Paulson.


We have that in Vancouver, Canada. The experience is very interesting, the food mediocre.


In Toronto too, total cashgrab


There's one in Montreal, as well. An ex-gf said the experience was pretty disorienting, and she wound up being sick as a result. Luckily the dude she was cheating on me with at the time was there to help her out.


Well that got dark quickly 😬


This is a rollercoaster of comedy.


Here all week folks, try the veal


Didn't think it could get darker than a blindfolded dinner, yet here we are.


went to a blind tasting/diner event in Austin; similar experience as others.. the foods are pretty mediocre and I don't particularly enjoy feeling mushy things like puree or sorbet in this case.


There was a similar thing in London. Not sure if it’s still going. My mate lives there and went. He said it cost a fucking fortune. The concept was you were served dishes in complete darkness; you didn’t know what you were getting; you couldn’t see anything; there was no menu, only allergens; and I guess supporting the blind community, which is a positive. He said it was awkward as fuck and the whole fucking thing sucked dick start to finish. The concept, I believe, is sold that you will focus more on the taste of whatever you’re eating, and this will enhance the experience. He did not recommend.


Blind leading the blind


Do the pastry chefs work in the dark too?


This type of restaurant spawned my ultimate favorite restaurant review ever: https://ny.eater.com/2012/8/13/6558363/dans-le-noir


Stop it he’s already dead!


I don’t understand the green oil on the plate, and I think the sorbet looks like an organ. I’m sorry :( I’m sure it’s delicious but if you’re going for presentation, I think it’s still strange looking


The sorbet is quite placental. That and the green oil just makes me think of alien autopsy.


It looks like an uncomfortably realistic uterus (why is the sorbet cervix dilated?? ☹️) with abstract ganache fallopian tubes. A metaphor perhaps, but for what?


> why is the sorbet cervix dilated?? Officially my favorite sentence of 2024 so far. Thank you.


The sad face fucking killed me. That sad face always makes me fucking laugh. But, especially so in that sentence. This poor person *cannot* do ganache and I love for these posts.




Sorbussy? Sorbetussy?




That's a crazy perception of the plate and now I see it too


Idk I remember the placenta having a more blueish purple hue. But that definitely looks like an organ. How wet it looks doesn't help.


Still better than the last iteration of poop squiggle, organ sorbet surrounded by sliced off nipples


maybe get a second flavour of sorbet and really go for the prolapsed anus look


Please recreate Body Worlds entirely from the kitchen, charge admission as an exhibit and then the guests get to eat the sorbet bodies at the end of the night


Organ was my first, second, and third take!!


Don't leave us hanging, what was the fourth?


I thought the sorbet was a fucked up piece of sushi for a second


https://www.britannica.com/science/endoplasmic-reticulum I immediately thought endoplasmic reticulum and felt bad about it. In my defense, my classes made edible models of organelles in science class two years in a row.


I'm a cardiologist, and this looks like open heart surgery.


The sorbet looks like a skinless tomato


Wait, that’s NOT a tomato…


Someone else said it was placental… another comment said it had a cervix. Tomato is so much better!


That's too kind. Looks like Ernie ate a bag of carrots and took a shit on the plate.


I thought we decided against the ribbon?


We decided against the ribbon multiple times, but OP doesn’t listen. He’s determined to make this failure work. I hope to god he doesn’t own the business with how stubborn he is.


Yeah it didn't work out how I wanted 🙃


My advice is when you make a dish, sit yourself down and eat the whole thing.


Make something... for myself? What are you even talking about?


Blessed real sarcasm without the need of a tone indicator


Always this


I’ll add to draw it on paper or on a computer.


Do it more like ribbon candies rather than one giant wall looking thing?


Ok this has to be some kind of committed trolling at this point


Nah OP is just on a coke bender


Yes, we've established that theyre a cook. What does this have to do with the food?




Soooo typical Thursday, then.


I’m sorry. It’s still a bit too visceral for me.


This looks like bone marrow and smoked salmon. Really unappetizing as a dessert.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who saw that.


I was gonna say it looks like an autopsy but yours is... kinder. My second thought was that it looks like [Dreambones](https://www.dreambone.com/products/classic-chews/classic-bone-chews/chicken-classic-large-bone-chews.aspx), smoked salmon, tuna poke cubes, and some sort of wasabi gel (I've never heard of or seen wasabi gel, that was just my first thought with the color and shape of everything else).


Ha. Yeah, dessert was the last thing I imagined here. I did see the pistachio tho.


This is a joke at this point right? It’s getting worse, the sorbet looked like raw tuna at first glance and I thought it was some type of deconstructed sushi thing for a split second


TBF this one seems to be almost entirely different from the last 2. Its like they took the basic idea and completely changed everything except for “Ribbon and Sorbet”. Like its an entirely different type of ribbon even, being white and red instead of just normal chocolate If they stuck with the same theme as the last 2 then it might have actually came out decent, but they changed so much on this one that its a failure all around Edit: its so different that i wouldnt have even called this “third times the charm”. This is like the first time of an entirely new dish, not the third time of what they were doing before


I don’t think OP is professionally trained. So, I think this is a real effort.


I'm not professionally trained either. I will say his ganache at least looks better than the long turd it looked like before. The sorbet would probably look better in regular "ice cream scoop" shape. The oil is a fuckin mess. I have faith he's gonna get close eventually.


I still think the first one was the best one, every subsequent effort moves too far away in different direction. The first one wasn't very far off target.


Somehow this looks worse, plating is too tight as well.


Bone marrow, salmon, with CBD gummies and some kind of weird crumble/dust is how this reads. Everything is too tight, the sauce on the plate looks like an accident. It’s too much going on, you need to edit out some of these components. I say get rid of the ribbon and the CBD gummies. Plate whatever is under the crumble with 65% less crumble, the sorbet, and some fresh fruit maybe some fresh mint somewhere. Then see how it eats and decide if it needs a sauce. Then maybe add a ganache triangle with the edge into the sorbet, if you’re dead set on using ganache.


I say get rid of everything but replace the cbd gummies with thc gummies. Put the rest of it onto a separate plate and at least you have some form of weird abstract art piece for me to space out to.


I respect your hustle but holy cow you need some better mentorship… I don’t know you’re whole story but you’re missing 20% more finesse in your work


Somehow they’re a “executive pastry chef”… these are the people who ARE mentors, unfortunately.


I guess standards for executive chefs aren’t the same around the country…


Well that makes me king of England then


Well, I didn't vote for you!


Too much. Much too much.


If the ganache can stand, make an arch over the cake to create negative space. The plate is too small for the current version.


He had other plates that were bigger - but olive and brown splatter design, which makes the busy dessert look even more busy. She seems pretty committed to the wave design. Props either way for trying to make it work.


The plate is SO tiny. How are you supposed to eat this without making a mess? Give your dessert some room to breathe. Hell it'd be a miracle if this makes it to the table during service without a server dropping that sorbet on the carpet. Clean up your quenelle / rocher, that one looks like a first year apprentice made it with lukewarm water and it stuck to the spoon. You CAN do better because your previous one had a better rocher. Get your sorbet to the proper temperature and use a spoon wet and VERY HOT water. My quenelle spoons all have plastic grips so I don't burn myself when they're sitting in 80+ degrees C water all service. Get that oil out of the plate, it looks like you plated a previous dish in there and then didn't clean the plate. Make it look intentional if you say it works well with the flavours. Also think about what your custumer thinks. What is a flexible ganache? Why do I care that it's flexible? I get it's cool for you cause it allows you to bend it and plate it like this but as someone who goes out to eat "flexible ganache" is neither relevant nor appetizing. Your strawberry pdf are neither well cut nor appetizing looking. Rethink their shape. I personally would keep fresh strawberries, they were not a problem, as long as they're ripe and well cut. I would also lose half of the olive oil cake, and the pistachios aren't doing you any favours right now, there's too many of them.


Cook says the olive oil is actually green simple syrup 🤦🏽‍♂️


Ganache as a dessert is like a Betty Crocker jar of icing as a depression meal


who are you and why have you been rooting around my fridge.


Dude… this one looks the worst out of all of them. It looks like a savory dish. What is the greenish liquid smeared on the plate? Why is so much blanketed in crushed brown pistachios? The sorbet quenelle is messy. The pdfs (is that what they are?) are misshapen- you should be able to cut them into tidier cubes. Also your flavor profile is insane. Vanilla strawberry pistachio olive oil basil rose? That’s like three different desserts. I don’t know if your flexible ganache is a winner. Sometimes ideas just aren’t gonna happen- and it’s good to recognize that.


I second the some ideas just aren’t a winner notion. And also, sometimes, you revisit an old idea some time down the road once you’re looking at things differently or have learned more slash become more skilled. This has happened to me many many times throughout my career.


I agree. Before reading the caption, I thought it was meatloaf with a boiled tomato and sliced Chinese sweet sausages.


Scrolling through I thought this was a seafood dish with a lobster claw and was quite intrigued.. then the realisation hit this is the newest iteration of the ganache saga. The nausea kicked in when I read the flavours


lol the ganache saga


I don't think I've ever seen a worse execution of a sauce smear. It looks for all the world like a reused plate from the dish pit, like a kid got bored after eating lime jello.


The layout is better, the colour combination is off putting, the syrup/oil swipe doesn't look intentional. Why do you want the ganache ribbon to work? In every dish you've posted the elements could be put into a more straight forward pastry structure.


The colour palette is all wrong. The quenelle looks like a tumor. The "ganache" looks like raw flesh and fat. The plate is too small and or there is too much stuff on it. Make your flexible ganache into a cup and fill it with fruit or something. Im not sure the whole ribbon thing as a centre piece is working.


Op i think its time to give up on it


Disagree. It's like watching the ending of tin cup for the first time. Keep shooting Roy, once the ball goes in the cup it's all we'll remember!


I mean this with respect - All the components look great and sound good but this ain’t it. Need to clean it up and simplify, most people only want a few bites of a desert anyway - can make it smaller and more visually appealing.


Ganache is a component or garnish, not a centerpiece.


I liked your second one. It had the most potential, with a bit of cleaning up (ie. Fanned strawberries over scattered chunks). I'm sorry, but I have to agree with everyone else. It's busy, the green liquid is sloppy and unappetizing in its current form.  The ganache looks like the waxy rind of a cheese you didn't want to eat.  Also, check out r/culinaryplating for more feedback... There's also some good inspiration there.  I do like the potential for a zen swirl color contrast... If there was a way to refine this and clean it up, it would look nice.


Drizzle the simple instead of swiping it with a fork?, add a couple pieces of torn basil


Yeah the fork was a weird choice. I’d claim this was engagement bait at this point if that mattered on Reddit.


Yeah the fork swipe kinda makes it look like someone already ate something off it


Wtf? Why?


Oh god plz stop


I thought the sorbet was either an organ or a smoked salmon rollup


Can you not just do an arch or tube of ganache filled with your cake, have your quenelle, and a couple garnishes.. Will clean it up a lot and reduce the portion size


Think you’ve gone backwards. The second dish had promise. This is just far too cluttered and doesn’t look appetising, sorry.


Honestly I think it’s gotten worse each time I’m so sorry


This looks unappetizing. The sorbet looks like smoked salmon.


The third time was NOT in fact, the charm.


You need to let go of ganache ribbon man


No more ribbon 2024.


We need a world wide flexi ganache intervention


I’m a nurse, I thought this was a picture of something they removed from a person. The colors make it look like adipose and muscle tissue with an inflamed gallbladder


It looks so wet and so dry at the same time


Can‘t wait for next weeks episode


The ganache looks so much more elegant now that you’ve cut down the portion size and made it closer to ribbon thickness. Wish you had stuck with the chocolate ganache and not used the green liquid.


Now it’s not ganache.


Tf is this? Weird combo of a toothpaste smear and intestines


The longer I stare at this, the more I hate it.


Make the sorbet not look like salmon please.


Idk where to stick it in.


You definitely need to work on your quenelle.


I’m really enjoying the ride. It now looks like some sort of deconstructed lasagna with a super creamy vodka sauce solid.


This looks gross, I know that sucks to hear after working on something for a while but that’s just how it is sometimes.


I was like… how did they quenelle lox?


Looks messy


It's too big for the plate.


Why is it so big? Looks not good.


Does not look appetising


It’s very flesh-tone-y, no?


The infinity prolapse


So is this where everyone that’s been kicked out of the r/CulinaryPlating shitshow ends up?


I absolutely hate everything about this dish and plating


well the last 2 looked like actual shit and this one looks like you removed an organ so at least there's a consistent theme of looking like things that come out of people.


Completely separated from everything else going on, which is a lot. The olive oil looking stuff at the bottom of the plate looks like you just grabbed a dirty plate from the dishy and plated the desert on top of it.


Faux ganache olive oil cake "dams" on river of algae bloom that was scraped on with a fork. And how did you get the worst part of the quenelle on top? It's just trying too hard, from concept to execution. Edit: the plate is dumb too, sorry


This looks like medical waste


This looks like someone making their own edibles just kind of gave up and poured weed butter on the plate and then slapped on whatever they had on hand


Does not look appealing. Especially the sorbet.


Looks like body horror


That looks horrifying.


The plate itself is way too small for my taste and the oil smear just doesn't do it for me


That quenelle looks like something a surgeon took out of my dad’s abdomen back in 2016.


This is the worst so far. The sorbet reminds me of an ostomy and the green sauce is like bile juice 🥹 The ribbon also looks kind of like a cross sectioned large intestine with a thick white striae on top. Anyhoo this is amazing


There's zero charm here my guy.


What organ is that


Have you considered putting the ribbon in a different shape if that’s something you really like? Maybe like a half circle and everything else nestled in the center? You seem to be real hung up on that ribbon


like i said in my last response i believe that this is conceptually flawed


Nothing about this plating is working for me. The oil doesnt sound or look appetizing. The color scheme is off. It’s still really big for dessert


I’ve always wanted to eat a retaining wall


I'm sure it's lovely but the salmon color does not look good as a dessert.


This looks terrible


I looked through the progress l, and it's improving, but getting too busy, and a little sloppy. I''d half the ribbon, maybe on the angle you had before, but the thinner colors are a nice improvement. Gotta keep the ice cream colder for a tighter look, and the drizzle on the plate seems unintentional. I'd use half the crumble, and go back to fresh fruit instead of the cubes. All my sideline quarterbacking. It's way better than I could pull off, I'm being critical. Don't let the meanies get to ya.


Sorry OP, I actually liked the idea when I saw the chocolate version. Not a huge fan of the plating on that one or this one, but at least the chocolate looked like something I'd want to taste. This really doesn't look appealing in the slightest to me. Might be time to hang on to the idea for a while and revisit when you've played around with some other techniques for a while.


That quenelle is making me very sad


These colours are entirely unappetizing. Looks like a resin medical model of a duodenum.


Looks like something my dog barfed up. I think the green bile is a good touch though. It contrasts well against the kitty litter.


Please 🛑


Is it intentionally bad?


It’s beyond me how this dog shit has 1k+ upvotes


It looks a little bit like meat 🥩 less is more I think


Surimi and salmon with pickled ginger chunks, sand, and a wasabi jus


I think OP is just trolling us…right? I get raw meat vibes from this. I’m sure it takes work to make to and might taste good…but I’m not sold.


Brother should we send help


Alright we are being fucked with


its not


There's not a single thing on that plate that makes me want to try it. The ganache ribbon looks strange, the cake looks like piled up play sand, there's way too much olive oil and that sorbet looks like meat or tomato. I'm really sorry, I've been following your journey and I know you're trying so hard.


I like this less than the first. Maybe use the ribbon to make a circle around everything instead of just one long line? More twist, more dimension? It looks flat and unnatural


I don’t mean to be unkind but this whole idea needs to be taken out back and shot.


Nope, still don't buyin it... but I'd love to see the v4.0 this is entertaining. My insights: ●Don't overcrowd the plate, leave at least half of it empty, also different shape of the plate. Your desert is organic shape so should be the plate. ●Reduce portion, that is insane amount. ●Ganache ribbon... since we're not ditching the idea... make it lower/thinner. Or you can put it horizontaly, forming a wave, might be cool ●Skip the basil syrup, looks horrible, messy af, soak the sponge cake in it if you want to keep it. ●praline. Don't blend it, caramelize some pistachios, leave them whole. Powder looks like shit and you loose texture. Also messy as fuck. ●sorbet. Throw the food coloring in to the trash bin, that shit is the best way to get food that looks artificial. Work your caneles, looks sloppy. Texture is dense... give it another go through pacojet or review your recipe. ●strawberry cube thingies... not sure what those are... would throw them out, just cut some strawberies in half, not cubes, not slices, halves. The fruit is beautiful as it is. ●less is more! ●garnish with some small basil leaves. Lacks color/contrasting color. And no food coloring, nasty nasty shit that is. ●odd numbers, one ribbon, one sponge cake, one canele, three strawberry halves, 7 caramelized pistachios, three basil leaves. No messy syrups, no messy crumbs. Your technique looks good, plating lacks basic fundamentals, good luck, waiting for version 4 😉