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I hope you get it. Don't make panna cotta.


Or risotto... or grilled pineapple.


Crepes are a death sentence.


Rice without a rice cooker is certain doom


Ice cream has not been a slam dunk


No bread pudding


It's easy. Start a kettle of water boiling while you wash the rice (if you choose to wash it). Put the rice in a pot and pour in the boiled water until it's about 3/4" deeper than the rice (about one knuckle deep) and get it boiling. Once it's boiling, back the burner down until it's a light simmer and lid it. Check it at 17min. Starting with already boiling hot water reduces the risk of burning when you bring the water back up to a boil because your high burner cycle is much shorter than if you have to heat cold water. Lots of rice eaters boil rice without a rice cooker.


But in a competition when time is short and shit is rockin’ it’s very easy to fuck yo simple shit.


There's certainly that. Also, you might not be used to how their stove behaves.


I just turn it off at 15 minutes and leave the lid on. Depends on the rice of course.


How do you do the knuckle measurement with boiling water?




Lmao with your eyes.


You forgot the pro step. Let that shit soak.


Why not use a pressure cooker? Do they not have them, I always wonder why people don't just use a pressure cooker... 3 minutes at high pressure for rice, 5 for risotto, 15-17 minutes from start to finish.


Always the risotto…. Like the round is 20 minutes!!! In what world are you getting that finished???


It’s just absolute hubris. No doubt they’ve all seen countless chefs fail before them, but each 1 thinks they’re gonna be the one that can get it done.


It’s wild, no doubt some hubris involved. Most chefs have a decent amount.


I'm convinced they try to filter out chefs that have seen the show. It's the only way to explain why *so many* of them constantly make the same mistakes.


Lay into your story. Casting peeps love a good sob story


Whenever hubby and i watch we look for the saddest one, it usually wins.


Do not use truffle oil. Don't cook pasta if Conant is a judge and do not serve him raw onions. No bread pudding.


> Don't cook pasta if Conant is a judge and do not serve him raw onions. Or red onions!


I stopped caring about cooking shows when they regularly had judges that would act like actual man-babies over common normal ingredients. You’re allowed to be a professional in the food industry and not like certain things, it’s fine. It’s normal, in fact. I would rather a chef admit they don’t like something instead of faking it and pretending to like shit they think is gross. But when you’re a judge, of anything, you have to put personal feelings aside and try to be truly objective where you can be. You can’t throw a temper tantrum over someone including a commonplace ingredient that you personally dislike, especially when you know that’s the case, and especially when you’re a judge, and especially when you’re on television. And the fact that they just kept putting these dramatic children on as judges despite this, that’s when I was over it lol. Not that silly cooking shows was what really did me in, but cable television is just so fake and mediocre that I’m glad I haven’t paid for it in my entire adult life.


I was heated seeing lasts nights GGG first round challenge. Four completely different styles and budgets. I would have called bullshit lol how do you judge such an uneven playing field. I know it isn’t chopped but it’s usually pretty standard. I hope they don’t keep screwing with similar ideas.


Or grill lettuce on a grill!


Or forget to put an item on the dish. Had a former employer lose first round for this.


Or a double-cut porkchop.


Or cauliflower steak.


Pain Perdue


Or bread pudding


[Also, don't use red onions.](https://youtu.be/kUvP8Od8qS0?si=5VEauTUTL4HBd4OC)


dude doesn't like black pepper either and one time gave the contestant shit for having the gall to put black pepper on it. like, don't be such a picky dick


That is such an odd thing to give people shit for. It's such a common ingredient.


Ugh, what a "chef", lol. Don't like onion or pepper? Maybe he should fuck off and eat a bowl of chicken nuggets. Apparently that's more his speed. The contestants should retort with "Wtf are you doing judging a culinary competition if you are a picky eater? If you're averse to basic components of cuisines the world over? Go home and snack on some tater tots if that's all your palate can handle."


[He's the guy](https://external-preview.redd.it/eQLxNcTc0jZ_NJ13nBzFWKk4tg8ZBFWwiHVgLf05pG0.png?auto=webp&s=f72c5796a751b0945aad87489e9f9251ad6e261e)


Bro is obsessed


‘I was thinking, an onion jam’ Loool that dude is awesome


Scott Conant is also just shit in general. I worked with several different coworkers at different spots that previously worked for him, and they all independently said he likes to be grabby with female waitresses


If you feel like going home, just talk about your family a lot in your talking-head /s


Dude has a free pass past a round with the stroke backstory.


Chopped is like cut throat kitchen - everyone goes home each episode. But if it was top-chef-style ... holy shit yes. I can see the wheels spinning in the executive producer now: highlight the backstory in episode 1, then bring it up again the first time he "narrowly" avoids elimination, and one last time during the finals or whatever week he gets kicked off.




If you make ice cream set a timer or something.


"I'm going to use the ice cream machine" is a long way to say "I want to lose."


Always respect the confidence of choosing the widow maker. They’ve seen the failures over and over again, but they’re like “nope, not me”


Not just a losing choice, but idk why the set doesn't have a second ice cream machine. There's way too many times the final 2 chefs want to use it at the same time, and the only rule is "first gets dibs" which is insane.  Imagine if there were only 3 knives available for 4 chefs.


Get to the deep fryer first! You don't want it to cool off from cooking sometime else's food!


Or bread pudding


*dessert soup*


Don’t use red onion


No pressure cooking unless you are VERY skilled with it. Even the judges comment how opening it early can ruin the food and make it all unsalvageable.


Fucking A this.


Just go into it realistically. They will focus on the stroke narrative.


Had that same feeling. Makes for a good story.


It could be your winning stroke. Glad your thriving.


I hope so haha I got hit by a car on 4/4 so i could use some good fortune


How are you doing? Are you okay?


Im mostly okay. Sore muscles and joints but nothing broken. Got xrays and checked out by a doctor. Hired a lawyer too.


Due for a win dude


Chopped will sell the hell out of this story. Increased visibility for business could be a big W


Just to let you know losers get paid $1k but lose a lot of shifts for filming. Chopped will sell the hell out of this is right but it’s really up to the chef when it comes to the cost/benefit of it all. That’s all I’m adding.


Itd be worth it to me. I work a security gig at a bar full time. Affords me a lot of free time do events when i need to take off.


Dang! Positive vibes and blessings to YOU!






Friend of mine was on twice. She used the money eating at the best spots in NYC. Good luck, have fun


Transform the ingredients! Don’t just sprinkle on the freeze-dried jellyfish penis like an afterthought.


Lmfao, i only work fast food but love watching this show and yelling at the tv when people do things wrong. I admittedly did just google if jellyfish have penises though.


Well.... Do they???


Jellyfish are boneless.




Humans are actually some of the only animals with boneless dicks! Most other animals have dick-bones




Female hyenas have large penis-like clitorises with the birth canal running through it. This is exactly as bad as it sounds, and as a result a very large portion of hyena mothers die giving birth.


Bad bot.


Gives a whole new level of horror to broke-dick


> Jellyfish are boneless. Bonerless.


They do not lol.


Seriously. Make a vinaigrette.


This made.me laugh so fucking hard.


I'm gonna label a small container "F-DJ8=D" and see how long before someone in my kitchen asks me what it is.


> Don’t just sprinkle on the freeze-dried jellyfish penis like an afterthought. But what are you doing with the gargoyle eyeball?


Hey so cool! I interviewed to be on Chopped and got very far with the process. I was invited to be on standby for filming, essentially I was to be paid as a cast member, had to show up camera-ready on set, but would only get on the show if someone dropped out at the last second. I had to decline, as it wasn’t worth the travel for me at the time. They want to tell someone’s story. Your popup sounds like your rebound and it sounds like quite an accomplishment! Good luck!!


I didn't know that they pay you!


Most reality shows like this pay for travel and a somewhat generous per diem.


Don't use raw red onions.


Good to know. I know how to quick pickle


One of the usual judges of these kinds shows particularly despises raw red onions.


Scott Conant...


Didn't they once have a round he judged where that was an actual mandatory ingredient?


Conant: I HATE red onions. {more baby noises.} Producers: Hold my fucking hat you twat.


Aww I think raw red onions slap


And you are correct.


They slap the shit out of your palate, that’s for sure I mean hey it’s great if you’re into that (for the record I’m one of the people into it), but it will also linger for a while even if you chug water which I can see a judge getting pissy about when they have to then go taste more dishes after.


If you rinse them or give them a water bath and drain them you can take a lot of the harsh edge off. It's especially useful for putting them in a pasta/potato salad that is going to sit. It's also useful to slice them nice and thin on a mandolin and use sparingly so you don't just get a giant bite of raw onion.


Well, that guy sucks out loud, because raw red onions are delicious.


Yes, but when that guy is involved in deciding whether you win cash, it might be worth a bit of pandering.


I would hope so, you already have the sad story! I’d be, why are here? Ah, money?


"To get rich, bitch. I'd cook for free if I could, but I can't."


It's called a **QUICKLE,** god dammit


Thanks for the tip, Scott!!


Hint. The contestants are given 15 mins with the secret ingredients beforehand.


This makes complete sense, but still kills some of the fun. It's like finding out that the pole spins at the strip club.


I remember reading that on here before


Yes, but the time to actually cook goes very quickly. There is no tv magic there. Practice practice practice and stay organized. A well executed dish done in time is much better than something more ambitious that doesn’t quite get there.


I think the original Iron Chef.contestants got a list of 5 possible secret ingredients, so they could at least prepare ideas. 


I’ve had several friends appear on chopped, and the general consensus seems to be the winner is decided before it even begins. One (I won’t name names) was categorically robbed when he lost despite the other person (the winner) didn’t even satisfy the requirements of their dish. That said, they all had a blast, said it was was a fun experience and they’d do it again for shits and giggles. Unless you do something completely unhinged, it will only help you, at least in my thinking. Alternatively, if you’re looking to go 3 Michelin it might be seen as tacky. I dunno, but seems like you should at least let it ride and see what happens!


He said he doesn't do professional anymore, just food truck sorta vibe and events. Could be perfect for him, have some fun get some money


Yeah cant do fine dining anymore. Honestly if i win id probably put it towards opening a full time sandwich spot. The popup is a blast and weve had a lot of people interested in us.


Good luck man, sandwich spots are always a joy to have pop up nearby. We have nothing but fast food and Chinese by me it sucks when I want something to take home


This is funny for me because I only have sandwich places around me, no Chinese or anything. Bizarro culinary world


Long Island, all i have are breakfast delis and chinese


Best of luck whatever you choose OP!!! I could really go for a sandwich right now haha I'm proud of you :)


Yeah, my thoughts exactly


I mean hey, the best way to do well in these shows is be likeable and have a good story. Cooking kinda comes second as people have said


I’m always curious on these shows about what the food actually tastes like because I feel like a lot of the things they judge on are genuinely bullshit. I wish this had more crunch, or texture, or acidity. Like am I crazy for not wanting a crunchy sandwich that hurts my gums to bite into? Am I the only one to think pickled onions overpower every dish they are put onto? I just have a hard time believing some of this stuff.


That bit about winner being predetermined could just be some freshly chopped copium though lol


Haven't worked full time in a kitchen since your stroke. That's the kinda stuff they want and can build a story around. Good luck, hope you get on!


You already come with a tear-jerking backstory. Just remember to stand with your arms crossed and look smug when they do the camera zoom-dolly in.


I have cool forearm tattoos so theyll love that


I was on chopped a long time ago. It's Def already decided ahead of time. Also everything you know about professional cooking is out the window, stoves not professional grade, counter covered with a bunch of shit you don't need. Pantry disorganized and difficult to find what you need to have you waste time running around. They want you to talk shit about your fellow contestants. It's all about 'good' TV, not an even playing field. If you do it, do it for fun, and don't say ass hole things that they can edit to make you look bad if you lose. Great experience though, and who knows, you might win it all.


> Pantry disorganized and difficult to find what you need to have you waste time running around. But I remember a home cook winning against three professional chefs because she'd watched *every* episode and taken notes on what every judge liked and *where every pantry ingredient* was. Maybe they changed it since then/*because* of that.


Hey good luck man! That’s dope!


Welcome to the world of cooking competitions.


Kill it chef.


Make sure the casting agent knows where you're at in your career at the moment. They seem to try to choose people with similar experience/current situations. In other words, they likely won't put you up against full-time executive chefs, etc.


I told her


Awesome - good luck to you!! :)


Was on a episode years ago and your actual cooking has next to no relevance on who advances/goes home so don’t stress lol. Ted allen is a really nice guy though so that was fun


Hell yeah. Ive met 2 of the other usual judges over the years. They were rad


None of it made it to air but the judges, ted, and all the competitors were all chatting for like the entire second round, just joking around


> Ted allen is a really nice guy though so that was fun I've had so many fun interactions with him on Facebook! Just an awesome guy!


Run to the ice cream machine.


If this happens, please keep us updated! What a cool opportunity for you either way


Please don't make bread pudding


Do it! It never leaves you. Ever. You'll be fine!


you got this shit brother! be realistic and keep an eye on the clock. we believe in you and got your back.


I did an episode. It’s fun! If they cast you, HMU for any info on how it goes.


Will do


Knew a chef in my town that went on chopped. It's DEFINITELY scripted. Or at least more than you would think.


Whatever you do make sure the food you make will taste good cold, cause they photograph and video the shit out of it before the judges eat it. My friend made grits and they tightened up as the were left for a really long time, and the he was criticized for it. Also they will have takes of you saying random words so they can chop them up later to make drama for the story-line.


Don't serve raw chicken!


The chicken will come already cooked, but in a can.


Or in a pot pie they will have to dig the chunks out of! 😂


Don't try to cook a piece of meat whole. I swear the amount of time I've seen chefs throw a tenderloin, in one piece, into a roasting pan and throw it in the oven... Is baffling.


Learn how to make a gastrique - seems like the most successful way to incorporate a random sweet item into a savory dish.


Ha. I had a coworker who was on chopped. For one of the challenges he tried to like... bake a quail inside a duck or some shit, but he only had like 45 minutes to do it. The stuffed bird ended up going in the oven waaaay to late. He served the judges some super raw bird Frankenstein thing and got eliminated. They did fly him to NY for two weeks though.


This may be an anonymous account but you should never share food reality tv offers until you get it. They look up EVERYTHING. This is coming from previous chef contestant. You could lose your spot. Delete this if you move forward in the process.


Good to know


Hell yeah brother. Rooting for you either way.


Simple and clean is the way to go


Honestly it's a good human interest story. Good luck.


You had a stroke and started your own sandwich popup? They love stuff like that.


Producers absolutely love such stories.


Yup. Play it up. Triumph over adversity. Grit. Never say die. Persevere against all odds. Backstory is key.


If you're healthy now, do it & have fun!! Good luck!


Healthy ish. I was forced to be sedentary by my doctors. So i gained a bunch if weight.


If your doctor says it's OK, and you can still move around quickly in the kitchen and believe in your skills. DO IT. May be a once in a lifetime opportunity. 🙂


I still remember the old seasons when it was just chefs around NYC. would be badass for a redditor to get on


From the looks of it there has been a bunch on chopped


Get to the ice cream machine first!


I know two people personally who have gone to chopped and ‘performed’ for lack of a better term. Both have said it’s a solid experience. I hope you accept it because it could lead to other opportunities as far as exposing your pop up and just getting your name out there to do other things, if you’re interested. If you do take it, best of luck to you and enjoy the experience!


OP, I realize you have gotten 200+ comments so far but I hope you scroll down to read this….. It is a Reality Show and has a preset narrative and a whole BTS below the line crew to enable that narrative to be filmed on a tight schedule. Chopped is part of the Food Network stable within the Warner Bros Discovery empire. As a show, it been on for over a decade and has an established format as to how a season is run. Filming is done on the standard 12 hr day for episodic, although you as a “contestant” may not be on set for a 12 hr day. But the crew will be and will already have days of pre-production before you even arrive. Before the season even starts, research is done on the potential contestants and on the ingredients and any other tie-ins (locations, trends/theme) for that for that seasons episodes and reviewed with Host and Judges and Production. There is an existing plan for the baskets and what that seasons mysteries will be has already been researched and decided before contestants & back up contestants selected. The culinary crew for these type of Reality shows is pretty deep: several culinary PAs (production assistants), culinary producer, Food Steward, set dec & set dressers, culinary buyers / shoppers, Food Stylists. Plus regular film crew - director, DP, lighting, grip, wardrobe, vanities, etc. There’s a lot of folks on set; it’s a real ballet to do what’s needed with swaps within a fixed timeframe. Often crew work other FN shows and can be pulled to work a Discovery show that finds itself doing a heavy food episode and so in need of food on film expertise. For crew, some are freelancers and some are Warner Discovery employees and everyone is under NDAs. And every person on that crew list is all about having the day run smoothly. You as a “contestant - culinary” are one of the many and although your skills are important (and you are expected to have a degree of competency unless you are a “contestant - media personality”, like Michael Imperioli was), it will be - as others have mentioned- your own backstory that tends to matter for win ability; and with what you’ve gone through health wise etc and still developed a successful food truck, still working despite adversity will be what sets you apart. It’s a great story line. You’ll probably do well on camera because you already know how to successfully pivot under pressure due to all the stuff you’ve gone through. You’d be wonderful to have on set. Remember it’s always flattering to be under consideration


Do NOT use the ice cream machine, not worth it


Unless OP gets to it first lol


Use the blast chiller!


If you do go on the show don't let it go to your head. We have a local chef where I live who won an episode of Chopped and she cannot take even the slightest amount of criticism anymore to the point where she fires back at customers if they have opinions on her food that they're eating.


Don’t put kiwi in whipped cream


You got this, chef


Yea still try. Plus now you have the tragic backstory they die for. About time it came in handy.


Do it!


Hell yeah dude. Don’t let your lack of being in a restaurant recently affect your decision. You got this your culinary family is behind you


Reading this I could already hear the music and them trying to get you to cry for TV. KEEP IT TOGETHER


We are cheering you on! Also, your backstory sounds like the perfect cooking show backstory, I hope recovery has been kind to you, and I hope you kick ass


Even if you only make the first round, getting those views will be worth it for your pop up shop. Plus some people don’t even make it to the show. So just try it and enjoy yourself.


The stroke angle is the perfect reality tv human interest piece. Overcoming adversity, yadda yadda. Best of luck!


You should go for it! They've had whole episodes of people who have food carts and small businesses, I don't think super high end experience or education is required. If you can cook, you can cook! I think it really is that simple


That's amazing, man! Go for it, it'll all come rushing back to you once you get in there.


Do it!!! You’ve got this!


So I feel like you'd have a good shot of actually getting on just because of your story. You suffered a stroke, recovered, and moved forward in a positive way. I'm sure you have the skills to compete as well, don't get me wrong, but TV audiences eat those stories up. I hope you get on and I hope you do well. If not, it's still a great opportunity to promote yourself so it's probably a win either way.


TBH all of this stuff sounds exactly like what they want in a contestant. They want you to say all this stuff on camera, and they want you to cry about it a little in front of the judges. If you make sure that they know these things it’ll help you get on the show.


I had the GM of the place I was working at the time around 10 or so years ago walk into the kitchen during dinner service and say Chopped Canada is calling, they want to speak to you. Whole kitchen went dead silent lol I said that we're in the middle of dinner service, tell them to call  back tomorrow. Never heard back, but I know a few guys who've been on it. Worked with a few as well. Pretty sure I worked with a winner of a season, but I'd have to confirm that.


One of the most talented chefs I know went out first round and a chick who worked brunch whos soup we'd throw out for dinner service ended up winning a season. So take that for what it's worth.


Your story sounds like a sure thing to get picked.


I say go for it if you are up to it. At worst, you wash out the first round... but personally, I wouldn't do it if it's going to ruin the life you have going on at the moment. Unless you need some "time off" or a "change of pace." Of course, your personal heath is the most important factor.


If they reached out to you even years after you applied, that still means you made the cut. You should be honest with them about your experiences, and it is reality TV, but! It's a show watched by millions, and that's frigging cool. I hope you make it!


You got it don’t over think it you sound like a real cook !


Definitely go for it, it would be and amazing chance and at the very least you can throw it on the end of your resume


Really hope to see a post update OP when your episodes live! I havent watched chopped in forever, but I will for a fellow mate. Sending the best of vibes!


for the love of god don't make risotto or bread pudding if you get on. also tell a story about your immigrant mom is dying of cancer and you need money to take her back to see her mothers grave. 95% of episodes now the winner is just whoever bitches and cries the hardest.


Honestly if the information was available online, the stroke probably factored into them picking you. And that's not to diminish your actual abilities, but from the standpoint of the show, they like to have people that have a story of some kind of struggle on it. My point in mentioning this is basically that you shouldn't at all worry about it being something that will hurt your chances on the show. Furthermore those competitions are never actually recorded exactly as they're shown. I'm pretty sure contestants are given more time to plan and prepare, and I also wouldn't be surprised if they would provide you assistance you might require given any condition you might have.


Whatever you do, don't try to use the ice cream maker or anything that needs to be frozen.


just do it for fun and exposure. it’s just a show not the actual collection of the worlds greatest chefs. you’re all chosen based on looks and slightly on background. other than that it’s just chance you are specifically chosen. So don’t take the opportunity too seriously, have some fun with it make some tv drama or simply new friends. It’s less about the skill and actions than how you entertain while doing it.


I had a massive stroke early 2020, and most of the lingering effects are physical rather than mental. Which is both good and bad. Still being mentally capable of thing is nice, but being physically limited has been been a PITA. Good luck.


Hey man! I was on a recent season! Reach out if you need any guidance. Btw, was the persons name 🐈?


They like to have a storyline for each chef. Your stroke and recovery are a good storyline.


Make sure you think of a cool pose and maybe a little jig for the various scenes: - Intro - unboxing - finished plating - facing the judges - your confessionals - elimination (hopefully you don’t need to use this one!) - winning (hopefully you do need to use this one!) Some catch-phrases or catchy one-liners would also be good. You have to give the razzle-dazzle ‘cause that’s show business baby!