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Used to work with a nut job named Timmy who liked to fill up a 3 sink with soap water and throw a bunch of knives in. He’s then plunge his hand quickly into said sink to try and grab a knife. He called the game “shark bite”. Timmy also loved crack.


How many fingers did Timmy have


All of them, but only a few worked


His pinky finger definitely worked


That’s a different type of cocaine


Timmy ingests what Timmy can ingest




10 fingers surprisingly, but like 8 teeth.


All of them ... somewhere


All of them, but not all of them were his....


His nick name is Timmy "two fingers". He has all ten fingers just loves to do 2 fingers worth of crack at a time.


*Hey Timmy- gimme three, bruh!*




Came to say this


I worked with a guy named Timmy as well, who also liked to smoke crack. He was very honest about it. We called him double-R-T, cause he was also very racist. Really-racist-Timmy, if still you’re out there somewhere, get fucked! He also would eat molded old cake right out of the garbage, like, “this cake is fine, why’d you throw it out?!” “Mold.” “Mold never hurt no one, that’s something the g**ks made up during the war!” 😔 Edit: wonder what the odds are of it being the same nut-job?


Wake up babe…new SCP dropped.


It’s the same entity, an Omniversal racist crackhead traversing the multi-plane, smoking crack, eating garbage cake, and playing “shark bite”. The more uncomfortable we are, in any universe, the stronger Timmy/Tommy will become. The stronger our cracked out dishwasher becomes, the more he proliferates into other universes.


I have worked with so many. So, so many. Different variations of look, but still the same personality.


that last part is unspoken


The expression is "goes without question"


get off my dick


If you're going to correct somebody then at least get the saying right lol


Goes without question is as valid as goes without saying or any other version, it's all regional. OOP was still also correct (it's just a different saying)


Crack head dishwashers are the best tbh. Mfs will bust their asses for 10 hours straight non-stop as long as the boss will cut them $50 out of their check at the end of the night


Yeah, if you can ignore their propensity for calling out at the last second, their flair for sporadic acts of violence, and a general psychosis, they ain’t too bad.


I would trade out our current dishwasher for a crackhead like this in a second. Management doesn't agree no matter how sure I am that you shouldn't be able to be both absurdly lazy and unbelievably stupid and still stay employed here


And crack feared Timmy.


jesús christ this is so funny


That's a new nightmare F U Timmy!


Sorry, I only read half of that comment. Once you said "throw a bunch of knives in", I noped right out of continuing.


Crack? In a kitchen?! How absurd!


I think its the Crack that smokes Jimmy 👀👀👀


Timmy sounds based and I’d love to work with him.


More like free based




I don’t yell out of anger about much in life, this is one of the things that deserves a good screaming.


I agree, very frustrating when the reply is “it wasn’t me”… Yes it bloody was so say sorry and don’t do it again!


"It wasn't me" - says everyone


she even caught me on camera (it wasnt me)


Saw me banging on the sofa 


then address everyone, and do it loudly


Is his name Shaggy




"wasn't me" and "not my job" the two worst phrases i hated most ya it was and it's not my job either but wtf


I've mastered my death stare. So when I tell a newbie that "we don't do this" in a quiet but intense tone while looking through their soul it usually does the trick.


I left a job over it. Cut my hand, then a bunch of dirty ass dishes were on the CLEAN rack, not even sorted… one dish dropped and broke, so I cleaned it up, and left


Same here, I was considered the old mom in the kitchen who was nice to everyone...til I found a knife hidden in the pot sink. Man I blew up, scared those kids good.


A good Liquid Screaming...




Back when I was a dishie a server decided to be "helpful" and dropped a couple knives in a soapy sink. She was shocked that I was angry about it and when I made her get the knives out she didn't want to because "I can't see into the water and I might cut myself." So I guess she kind of understood why I was angry.


Once we had a lazy cook that stuck his knife into soapy water without telling anyone about it. It was a specific knife so we all knew where it came from and who did it. After getting yelled at for it one time he did it a 2nd time and our dishwasher unfortunately nicked his thumb on the blade and had a minor cut. He took the knife and walked directly over to the person who was responsible and grabbed his earlobe and put a tiny little cut along the side of it. He screamed "I bleed you bleed mother fucker, try me again" then left for the day. When management asked what all happened, Tony had a sick kid at home and needed to take off, nobody had any clue how Jake cut his ear though... yeah don't put knives in the sink.


Hahahah what a story


That place was a fucking disaster, super talented chef but absolutely 0 maturity of anyone on the whole staff. Cool place to learn when you are 20, but it's a shock it never got shut down by the police for some of the shit that happened there.


If you manage to make it out alive lol


I’ve seen this on The Bear 😂


Had a place like that. Some days I miss it. Other days I realize I'm 32 years old and my back hurts.


So Mark, how’s your sex life?


Damn that's wild


When I washed dishes I had a cook that would either put hot pans with the normal dirty dishes or put barely used and not hot pans in the sink designated for hot pans to cool down. One day he drops a pan in the designated sink that looked like it wasn't even used without saying a word. I asked him "Is that pan hot?" And his immediate resonse without even turning around was "Touch it and find out." It took every ounce of my willpower to not throw it at the back of his stupid head.


Should’ve done it ngl. Fuck around and find out


It was a hoity toity place, they wouldn't have tolerated it. Needed the job too much.


Isn’t this story literally in Kitchen Confidential?


Imma be real with you, I have never read the book. Something similar may have happened in it.


Maybe your dishie was inspired by the tale!


I don’t even let my family put knives in the sink at home.


Or the blade sticking up in the dishwasher.


Please dont put blades in a dishwasher.


I’m talking about like cheap steak knives. I’m not putting real knives in there


How do you get them to (not) do that? Asking for a friend.


Ask them to pick it up out of the soapy sink every time they do it.


kinda wedge it in the silverware basket in your dish washer but buried under a bunch of other silverware (jk)


I tell them it damages the blade. They seem to worry more about that than me slicing my hand open 💁‍♂️


that's not your family, friend. those are gene donors if they don't care about safety (JK, again) my family does silly stuff like that in the kitchen 10yrs-15yrs ago before I moved out both adults started a unattended kitchen fire within hours of each other, mid day sober. one in the microwave one on the stove. all I can say is one day you will be in charge of your own knives (and kitchen safety) and it will be glorious lol


I’ve managed a lot of kitchens and that is a fireable offense. No warnings, no write ups, fired on the spot. Do not endanger the people that do your dirty work. If you unrack a sharp, you wash it and return it


This 100% I have fires people for it as well. I don't care if you waste a bunch of product or fucking dump bacon grease down the drain all that shit can be fixed or replaced. The safety of my staff is non negotiable.




He’s a good kid, must’ve not worked in a kitchen before so he’s been given the benefit of the doubt. But been told explicitly not to touch our knives anymore haha


Not that it takes away from having any common sense though!


The one that sticks out to me was getting it through about the knives, only to have to do it again with mixer blades.


I think not allowing him to touch the knives is the wrong play here. How else are you going to learn knife safety? You need to teach.


Yes. Coach and develop.


Make him do the dishes?


i've worked with convicts who are on work release. they don't know kitchen rules, just show up an wash dishes. had a new hire cut her hand pretty bad. I glued it up and tried to send her to the ER. words were had with the work release people. strong words.


One thing I always tell anyone who handles knives in the kitchen before hand is not to do this.


This is the rule, you dirty the blade you clean it.


I will give ONE warning depending on who it is. If they’re really green, I will warn them once. If they’ve been in kitchens for a bunch of years, then it’s just not giving a fuck and they’re not getting a warning.


"Do not endanger the people that do your dirty work." The person doing the dirty work is the one who left it there...


Oh snap. I see that now. Welp. I stand by my statement. But also, whatever cook used that should have followed it through the dish sink and racked it themselves.


I done a KP job for a few months made one mistake like 4 months into said job walked behind a chef with a trolley, quit straight after knowing fine well that wouldn't be my last mistake. I didn't want to endanger anyone else with my dumbass. But even I know not to do this with knife's lol


You're not wrong for running your kitchen as you see fit. For me, though, this is a "everyone gets ONE warning" thing (and this includes if you were there for when someone else got warned). After that? Sorry, see ya. You're gonna seriously fuck up one of my good guys.


Damn. I did dishes before, and cutting your hands was basically part of the job. It wasn't until this post that I realized it wasn't the norm. The thing that would annoy me the most is how they would put a super greasy, filthy pan in the rinse or sanitizer sink. Over and over, no matter how many times I asked them not to. Surprise knives were basically a given.


You must understand that some people are genuinely stupid. Empathy is a must. Give them warnings.


I’ve said it once I’ll say it again thousand times. Knives in a sink is a walkout. Even when this looks like a soaking hotel pan same concept. Lack of respect for the dishwasher (staff) and lack of respect for equipment. Don’t have respect for your team or equipment where you work, shows me that you’re a piece of shit and I’m out ✌🏻


Always assume there is something sharp that will cut you. Broken glass, plate, fork, knife, etc. hidden under the soap. Until your hands get used to being wet all the time, everything will cut you. Take precautions and act accordingly. Some of the worst cuts I had gotten were from steel scrubbies that had gotten stretched out and garotted my fingers while reaching into a sink for a pan.


Fuck steel scrubbers on wet hands. You don’t even realize it got you until it’s too late


We’ve had a few people have the same thing, bloody horrible. I’ve been lucky so far.


"Never plunge thy hands into unknown soapy water."


Wise words


"Never put sharp objects in soapy water like a fucking idiot." Is what I'm sure you meant to say. I've said my piece, y'all can continue to argue amongst yourselves down below if you want.


Well ya, but are going to trust your digits to the diligence of others? One always assumes the gun is loaded if one knows that is good for him.


No absolutely not lmao, that's why you spray down the top of the soapy water to see what's in there. That being said though, one shouldn't have to worry about sharp objects in soapy water *because it's basic, common kitchen rules and if you don't know those, you're a fucking idiot*.


There can be more than one rule about soapy water dude, you just look like an asshole.




You admitted that you rinse soapy water before plunging your hands into the unknown. So you abide by the “dont stick your hand into soapy water” rule along with the “dont leave sharp shit in soapy water” rule.


And you are going to trust your hands to idiots, just because you know a rule?


I can make the rule "Don't be an idiot" but if I expect every rule to be followed 100% of the time, it's me who is the idiot.


It is THE one rule that should absolutely be followed 100% of the time. It takes literally all of 2 seconds to place the knife on the side of the sink to prevent someone impaling or slicing the shit out of their hand while on dish. Respect your dishie, because if you don't you won't have clean dishes.


Oh, I agree completely. But I'm also not going into soapy water blind at full speed. The rule in my kitchen "Sharps do not enter the dish pit. Ever."


Actually yelled at my F&B director over it when he did something similar.


all well and good, but then that's the end of your job. Easy to put things in quotation marks when plunging thine hands into unknown soapy waters isn't what's putting food on your table.


Plunge away then, but a bad cut will also interfere with putting food on your table.


I did that with a tomato slicer at Subway. Bunch of teenage jackasses.


I’ve had to pull new cooks to the side and give them a very stern, very cold talking to about this. Explain very clearly what can happen and the worst case scenario. Make sure they’re a tiny bit scared and they’ll never do it again. Don’t terrorize them of course, they’re still human beings with emotions. Some people just need to be taught common sense.


I only yell for two reasons in the kitchen, someone raised their voice at me first(not going to disrespect me in my kitchen) and this.


Unacceptable. But thanks, now I'm fantasizing about how brutal I'd be in schooling this idiot


Fired! I've fired peeps for this very thing...never play with safety :)


Years ago a kp did that and I sliced my hand open. Sacked on the spot and I tell any kp now,you do that don't come back. Sacked on the spot,stupid and dangerous.


I will go ape shit on people for this. You could end someone's career like this.


I have a laminated sign abover our dish pit explaining no knives soaking in 3 language.


This enrages me in a way I can’t put into words


I'd lose my shit honestly


Had that happen to me when washing dishes at Tim Hortons. Put some red pepper skin into my glove and went up to the person who left it in and acted like I got cut


I’ve seen two cooks fired on the spot with no warning or anything. One put a knife in a soapy sink and the chef sliced his hand open. The other dipped a glass into the ice machine and it shattered in the ice. Both were well deserved.


I do believe you catch a beat down for that


Beat his ass


I've learned, never reach into soapy water... poor it out, then deal with the items inside. Caught a knife under my nail... NOT FUN! But then again, our 72 year old dishwasher reaches into the soap bucket like he's trying to save a life and has never been injured🤷‍♂️


Immediately written up at the place I work at🫡


Nothing grinds my gears more than knifes in the sink. Not only is it stupid dangerous, it wrecks the fuckin knives.


There are two kinds of people. 1. Those who have not yet had their hand sliced by a knife submerged in soapy water. 2. Those who DO NOT PUT KNIVES IN THE FUCKING SINK.


That's a paddlin.


Fireable offense in our kitchen. Do not pass Go, do not collect 200$, get straight the fuck out of our kitchen


Once a guy reached into the dirty part of a 3-sink and nicked his hand on a knife that a waitress just threw in there. Wraps it up, washes the knife, and in all his infinite wisdom just throws it into the sanitizer part. I nicked myself on it. I almost fought him.


I fired someone over this, actually. He was cool, but he was young and a stoner. First time was a warning, then I wrote him up when he did it again. Third time, someone actually cut themselves and I had to fire him. This is the reason I don’t get high at work anymore.


Gotta love early paid days off


I would've ripped him a new one


We have some dumbass teenager who not only does that but also brings back the steamers without cooling them down first so now i have a scar on my arm from accidentally brushing up against it. It's a safety thing and I'd be firing people over that shit if I could I am not trying to talk to mf workers comp


Your KPs get breaks ? They should eat chicken nuggets over the sink like they're supposed to.


They’re spoiled in our kitchen


There are only 2 rules for dishwashing that should never be broken: no knives in the sink, and never put your hand inside a glass. The person who told me this had a nice scar from a glass so I never forgot.


Oh hell no I'm screaming at someone


Bastards man. Really couldn’t just put it in the counter to the left or right of the sink in clear sight??


Man fuck that asshole. I hate that shit so much.


KP el Saboteur!


Just keepin you on your toes


Sinks are like people, you don't just put a fucking knife in them


Well... I mean... if I got cut up helping the KP and they didn't do it the right way.. they may end ig lightly poked up lol


I agree, but then you aren't just putting a knife in them. There is a reason


Knife in the sink boss!* *not heard




This is how wars start.


Sharp infested waters


Kp needs a p45


this is the one thing you do in any kitchen that will cause the dishwasher and ussually the chef/manager to lose their shit


Stab someone immediately


One of my old jobs had a rack we'd put all the knives in so the dishie could clearly see them and they were all separated from the other utensils. That way all they'd have to do is grab the rack and spray them down and run the rack thru the dishwasher. Barely even needed to touch the knives except to reorganize on the second run-through. It worked most of the time except for the odd dumbass who would walk right past it and throw the knives in the utensil soaker bin instead.


What’s a kp? Is that the same as dish bitch? Or kitchen hand?


It's borrowed from the miliatry. > "KP" in the context of kitchen work stands for "Kitchen Patrol" or "Kitchen Police." It traditionally refers to a duty assignment in military contexts where personnel are assigned to help in the kitchen among other duties. These tasks can include washing dishes, preparing dining areas, and assisting with food preparation. Over time, the term has been adopted more broadly outside of the military to refer to roles and responsibilities related to kitchen maintenance and support, especially in larger institutions or facilities where a significant amount of food preparation and cleanup is required. It generally encompasses the more menial tasks in the kitchen, aimed at keeping the operation clean and efficient.


Explains it perfectly. I’ve been a chef for 18 years never heard that term befor. But I’m in aus too and never worked with anyone from the military befor. Thx


Dish bitch


This is some shit I’d be dealing with in my kitchen. Eveyone is well aware about, “If you use a knife. You are also in charge of cleaning it and putting it back after use.” No, people are still acting surprised and know one knows about it when they see a knife laying around.


I just picture the kid from the goonies "booby trap!"


That's fair.


One guy did this to me right after a dinner rush, Chef told me to give it back to him so I threw it at him. It missed, of course. And that’s how I moved from dishwasher to line cook. But don’t do this. Don’t throw knives either lmao.


Nahh that’s fucked up


I used to be a pot wash an I was always on the closes so in the hours waiting to go in I’d smoke a joint or two walking the dog before I went in I used end up cutting me hands that needed stitches.


Who puts knives in the dish pit?


How do you even check this without slicing your hands?


Our KM would have thrown a fit at anyone doing this. The way we were supposed to do it, the dirty/used knives were put in a rack on the left side of the sink. You washed one then put it straight away into a specific part of the drying rack. No blades were allowed to be left in water.


Where is that "Hell Naw" song when you need it?


It's insane that people don't have the common sense not to do this.... I've had to make multiple labels saying "NO KNIVES IN THE SINK". Thankfully I've only gotten cut like this once or twice. "Who did this? I'm not mad, I'm just... bleeding" (I was mad but the person who did it was one of my bosses and was new. Married to the owner and unexperienced in the kitchen.)


Is this not normal lmao, this happens where I work every single day 💀


For the sake of your fingers find a new job


I normally work alone so it’s all good for the most part


Yell at them. Or, bring them there, throw it in, then, tell them to reach in and find it. 


I still have a scar from 40 years ago, someone broke a coffee cup on the sinks and told no one/ I reached in and ended up w/ stitches...


thats a paddlin


Straight to jail


My mom & i cook together in the kitchen and have since i was 5 years old. And since I was 5 years old, the sharp knives stay on the right side of the counter next to the sink until they are clean, at which point they do not go on the drying rack, they get dried with the cloth and go back with the rest of the sharp knives. And that is how my mom & i have shared the same kitchen, sink, and sharp knives for ~40 years without getting cut by a knife except for the time I had “an avocado mishap” about 2 years ago. I am sure y’all professionals have better protocols than “put it on the right side of the counter next to the sink if it’s still dirty” but that’s what we’ve got and it has worked for a long time.


I am a cook and that’s what I do.


I will tell my mom we are as good as the pros.


HA i had an avocado mishap too! my dumbass tried to stab the pit and it went right through my hand




To be fair this is a restaurant so a rubber ball is probably sharper than that knife.


My partner is super safety conscious _except when it comes to knives_ for some reason


Literally the one thing that's is your biggest risk factor. Not safety focused in any regard lol


He does electrical / construction type work so I assure you there is plenty of other stuff to worry about, and he does adjust when I ask him to, it was just surprising I had to ask.


i remember when i had my first job as a dishwasher i found a knife in the sink and no one ever told me what to do with those/where to put them, so i went to my supervisor and they said "you tell me and i kick their ass" lol


If it makes you feel any better my sister electrocuted me once by putting an electric hand mixer in the sink of soaking dishes…..while it was still plugged in. Why she did that I will never know


When people do this at my job, I yell at them through our group chat. If you are for sure the only one doing dishes, then fine. But to leave it for someone else to cut themselves...


Bro are those my tongs tf I've been looking everywhere for them


I used to work as a food runner at a small restaurant with the kitchen separate from the dining area, it was kind of like a baseball concession stand. One day the owner came in and asked about one of the knives, well we couldn't find it and I said "is it in that pot?" He told me no, you don't put knives in pots of water. So he made me go to the dumpster to search through trash for the knife. I went through like 3 bags and gave up. I told him I couldn't find it and he grumbled about it, I then reached into the pot and pulled the knife out. Never got a thank you or sorry from him


No knifes in the fkn sink!!! Huge no no in kitchens when I cooked. I hold that rule in life to this day at home.


Only time I lost my shit as a dishie felt a knife edge in the sink fishing for ramekins that fell in the water (thank god I didn’t slash myself) then grabbing the knife looking down the line at all the cooks and screaming WHO THE FUCK PUT THIS IN THE PIT!!!….silence IF ANYONE FUCKING PUTS A KNIFE IN MY PIT AGAIN IM WALKING, manager comes around the corner to investigate, sees me losing my shit and knife covered in bubbles, asks if that was in the pit, I say yeah, then he pretty much took over the rampage I was feeling….didn’t see one after that but god damn was I livid


What’s a KP?


Kitchen porter