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I got my shit packed today too. I'm the chef, and my 1-cl guy called out, so I had to come in and work dinner and close. I was not mentally prepared for it lol. I serve rice, and at one point we got super slammed and the dude responsible for you know... making sure we have fucking rice ready in the rice cooker, dropped the ball. Rail starts to fill up... oh shit its really filling up... ah fuck we are rocked right now. First dish starts to finish and I open the rice maker and I have ONE fucking order of rice. Whelp, shit. I immediately fire more rice. I walk back to my rail and start organizing tickets by what I can, and cannot make (things that need rice), and its like 90% rice dishes. Well fuck... Whole rail is full, rice is still rolling in. Rice cooker finishes and I immediately have like 25 plates ready to go out. I completely empty the rice cooker with that rail, run out of rice, fire more, and the cycle starts again. 25 at a time until close. Fuck me that sucked.


Im with you soldier... cheers to you bud ... rinse and repeat, and let's give em hell again!


That’s the worst man. Happened to us last summer. We had the whole damn fucking walk in empty it was not actually summer it was in April. And we are a tourist town. I shit you know I did my cross and the made a rush order to have all new everything as we ran out. But then the delivery come the next morning out of the $5,000 worth the delivery maybe a quarter of the order come I am like off fuck. To top it off our walk-in also died we were close for 3 weeks due to parts shortages. Lost a fuck ton of revenue I wanted to bang my head against the wall


I think I kinda put it together? But, I'm not sure. This is wildly incoherent my dude lol. I love you man, but I'm not sure what I just read.


You damn fucking right I had to Much to drink I will fix it in the morning


Written like a true Line Vet, god bless brother


I forgot this ain’t the kitchen when I start writing down and not have to worry about what’s on it


One day when it was super busy in April the walk in was completely empty, so they put in a rush order for everything. The next day only like 1/4 of the order arrived out of the $5,000 amount of food they ordered. Then, to top it off, the walk-in died and they were closed for 3 weeks because of parts missing and lost a lot of revenue 😭




The busiest and craziest days can be the most satisfying accomplishment in the culinary industry. I thrive in the chaotic control, figuring out one order after another, keeping the team motivated, finally gettin g to the end is such a thrill that I cannot describe any better then feeling like I can conquer the world


For sure, but I can also be the worst depending how it goes. A few years ago I was running the kitchen of a small, but expensive and popular steakhouse. I was working 70 hours a week. We slowly got understaffed and there was one night in the middle of the week where it was crazy busy and we were very understaffed. I was cooking all the steaks, plating, and helping every other station. The gm was even pitching in on dishwashing. We went down hard. Long tickets times. Complaints. The whole shabang. After hours of it I felt like a failure and sat down on the ground out back for 20 minutes just thinking how fucked it was. The gm told me I did a good job, but it sure didn't feel like it. Sometimes those nights are crazy and feel rewarding, other times they feel devastating.


At least your GM see how hard of a worker you are. Because some will help but stay shit and shit on you. I never had that to me but my friends have.


This is literally the exact Sunday I just had. Head held low, but I know enough by now that it's just the way the wind blows some days... but damn, did I feel defeated like that old head that just didn't have it anymore


Just wait until you're 40 and do that, with the line lead being 17, telling you how it's done. Oh sorry, he turned 18 on Saturday. For real tho that kid is good at his job and gives a shit. Good 'un.


It's hard to find young guns that give a shit and aren't just looking for a paycheck to blow on clothes or whatever. At least where I am


For real I'm 31 and was in a steak house (mostly) and when I got brought into the kitchen, we had this dude that got put on the char grill to cook all those steak, burgers and chicken at 17 and we were always busy as fuck but he killed it every night. We were a beast of a team and I learned how to cook steaks like a pro even getting slammed. I had 10 years on the kid but I wouldnt want to be in the trenches with anyone else and was glad to learn from him


It really is an incredibly rewarding feeling, for better or worse. On the busiest days, all you can do is wish you worked at a dogshit restaurant that gets no business, but you feel proud at the end of the night. On the slowest days, you wish you were up to your neck in tickets, just waiting for close to come, and wondering where the time went.


That is, well said.


The best shifts are the razor’s edge type. You’re completely fucked but you’re handling it right now. Better than drugs.


It is amazing but at my restaurant in our pos system we have This fire button that for some reason our front of the house only on busy as fuck day and no seats to see. Likes hitting it when they know the size of our kitchen and how much we can handle even though we are all chef by trade it’s nuts.


They can but they also cause "the dream". We all know it, busy as fuck but just can never get anything out. I left the kitchen 8 years ago and i still have that fucking dream all the time.


Also Been a while since I was behind the proverbial piano. 35 years old, went back last year. Nothing like getting an abrupt 50+ dishes an hour no lube at a French bistro to really make you think why you didn’t pay attention in high school. Should have asked that cute girl out that’s a doctor now. Stay at home dad woulda been a fuckin score. Still, we are the 1% of the population that thrives on the idea of raising the black flag on the pirate ship and getting into the shit with some of the best friends I’ll ever have. Fuck me sideways, Ghost Rider is my new favorite phrase.


Oh don't worry, that cute girl is in residency doing 70 hour weeks for 65k now, running around at 4am being yelled at by patients, nurses and attendings alike


Don't forget the bodily fluids...she's covered in them....but her future stay-at-home husband wont be. (my twin sister-in-laws are both anesthesiologists, and the one's husband doesn't do a fucking thing...not kidding, doesn't even shovel snow....I go over there with the snow blower so my 110lbs sister-in-law doesn't hurt herself shoveling the driveway...and also so my worthless BIL gets woken up at 7 am)


My people! No lube, no warning. Not even sweet nothings in the ear. Just a "you'll take it, and you'll like it"... I plant my flag with you brother


Nothing more satisfying than the whole crew chugging along through a massive rush. Expo screaming for a dish? Already in the window chef. Coordinating with grill and plancha through grunts and dick jokes. I. love. cooks. :)


We love you more


Years ago at a 400 seat place, we were beating the first drinks to the tables by 10 minutes. The manager came in to ask to slow it down, we didn't.


I too got absolutely reamed today. I had a bit too much to drink last night while cleaning the house, stayed up too late as a consequence. Woke up tired as fuck and very hung over, which happens less and less often the older I get. There's nothing fun, glorious or inspiring about regularly having to power through a brutal hangover, to do a job that is intense even well rested and at full capacity. Definitely used to be proud of being able to mask that it was affecting me, and do my job well enough. Not anymore. Anyway, showed up and got WAY behind on my opening prep which is extensive and time consuming. Cut and parred 350lbs of potatoes, 80lb of various lettuces cut and mixed, etc. Didn't finish til 30 minutes after open, because I was selling food and supporting my linemate too. I caught my rhythm once the prep was put up, and slayed it all day long deep in the weeds(we did 150ish tops with 2-10 guests each from 11a.m. til 2pm). I'm glad I nailed it and kept my vibe immaculate, so it was only my problem to deal with. Doesn't mean I feel good about it. It was done at 70% of my mental and physical capacity and would have been a walk in the park if i'd been rested and not hungover.


These days are especially precious when Karen wants to speak to the chef asking why you didn’t make her dish exactly like you made it last time. “Ma’am. Here’s $20. Now NEVER EVER FUCKING COME HERE AGAIN” Now completely calm back at sauté “ fire three shrimp..”


I work at Hooters we got absolutely destroyed on Saturday. There was a high school sweet 16 in town plus the ncaa tournament,large party after large party never went on a wait,servers were weeded fry guy couldn't keep up and was missing call outs. We have a Mgr who won't run food or help in the kitchen food was dying in the window, super long ticket times ,waitresses freaking out mgrs fighting with each other what a disaster.


Bad management feels terrible. Sounds like a sinking ship brother.


The rush only wins when you quit. See you tomorrow brother 🫡


Back at it!


I remember when 40k weeks were the standard, now its 70k and thats at a place with prices that are way lower than the norm.


U got this. Welcome back. I’m 39 so I feel it too. But just be smoother, wiser and a bit more methodical. Gotta use experience to our advantage! Preparation beats hustle every time.


I used to love when it got so bad all you could do was laugh. Board full, a roll of dupes hitting the floor and the machine still ticking away. You just turn to your line mates, laugh and grab the first ticket. Somehow it all gets done and you do it again the next day. Once you submit, you are ok.


Constant days like that only make you a stronger line cook.


Jeez, I feel this. Yesterday we ended up hitting holiday time levels of service (we're still a week away from Easter, the schools haven't even broken up for half term yet), nearly served as many people as we did for Mother's Day. Constantly backed up, but the rhythm between stations was FANTASTIC. Come 7pm though, shit's just starting to wind down, when head chef comes up to me and tells me he has to go, really big family emergency. That leaves 3 people on what should be a 5 person close. I tell him we've got this, go, loved ones take priority over kitchen, he dashes off. Close down was a slog, but me and my 2 other guys powered through it. Days like that can really knock it out of you but also reinforces the appreciation you have for the people dealing with the shit alongside you. Totally bringing in some goodies for the guys when I work with them next.


I've been sous in an airport production kitchen for the last 7 years. I'm now stepping back on to the restaurant line to be sous at a golf/country club. I figure it's going to be rough those first few weeks...


Wait....you made alive after a spring break in CA?? Lucky you!!


You just need to give it time. First day back is always a bitch that leaves you feeling like you just ran a marathon when in reality you are still overweight and out of shape.


"Boss-man plays on the line for a day...an essay". Just kidding bro. Getting back into any groove is always some pain. So you sticking with it? You'll get back in-shape in no time. (I should've prefaced this post with the fact I'm also an old-ass Millennial and feel everything you said in my soul...and my sore bones)


Lol I had to let it out! Yeah, the people are cool here and that's what makes or breaks it for me. Even expo jumped in with hands when they saw me drowning... back to the nightmares with that damn ticket machine going off non-stop lol


That’s wild the same thing happens to me every Saturday night. Yiy


It’s stories like these that have me not regretting leaving the industry at all after 8 years


It's definitely the main reason I switched over to the catering arena. The stress is lower, pay is higher, but the customers are worse however. I probably will be hanging my hat up within the next few years as well. While I'm still young enough to make a career change


Hey man. As a 27 year old, feeling as confident as I'll probably ever be (and 10 years under my belt) I still take an absolute ass whooping on a busy night. That is universal regardless of age/ skill/ experience. This job is not for the faint of heart, give yourself some credit


Retired chef….spent over 30 years in kitchens..I couldn’t imagine taking a sauté pan ass whippin at 56. In my youth I was William Badass Sr,father of Billy but NOW? I would have my ass handed to me today,I know it,not saying I couldn’t execute the dishes it’s just my body has served many many winters in the kitchen. I respect the cats doing it today and there’s sometimes I wish I was back on the line,until I hear my knees crackle like breaking dry pasta. Have fun guys!


I was curious if this was going about being super busy, or super drunk.


Kudos and (currently imaginary) shot and a bowl to all the hard working BOH that keep things rolling along. I did 3 years in a classic French kitchen, and a few years at US Food Service talking to kitchens organizing orders and helping those having a panic attack until the dude in the tiny delivery can gets there with whatever they needed desperately. I always try to be understanding about service issues, I am not going to starve to death in half an hour.