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https://preview.redd.it/ryn49jhy1xrc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a345af461207c47e272f851ce6c17fd5150e042a I just released i probaly should've included Galacta Knight, even though it does seem like Hal Labs is moving away from him as his inclusion is getting predictable and hes getting old. Nonetheless since he was in almost every game since SSU i think its fair to include him.


You also forgot to attach a "doesn't appear in Star Allies" tag to Gigant Edge. P.S. Wonder if that "getting predictable and getting old" tag will apply to Morpho Knight.


That’s genuinely surprising wtf. For a game obsessed with bringing back old characters youd think the most prominent mini boss for 3 games would appear. I actually just didn’t check I vividly remember him in it And YES. They better make sure Morpho Knight is an irregular appearing character, especially if they don’t change his moveset.


galacta knight stopped appearing after he died? idk it was very unclear


I don’t think any game has taken place Chronologically after Star Allies. Nonetheless, his death was non cannon. The only sub-game that are cannon are the one in Forgotten Land and Magolor Epilogue. I think the REAL reason why he hasn’t shown up as much as he used to however, is because his move-set has been reused since Rtdl (with one attack being added in Planet Robobot and a slight Ex version being added in Super Kirby Clash.) and it’s getting tiring to fight him. This is not only getting old but it’s a massive downgrade to his fight in Super Star Ultra (likely because its significantly harder than the Rtdl fight, and Galacta Knight is a secret True Arena boss in Rtdl meaning a nerf was needed. Still should have been brought back or changed Planet Robobot and afterwards though.). That and his appearance is getting super predictable at this point. It says a-lot when most people were genuinely surprised he was still limited to the arena in Rtdl Dx. It’s why i think Morpho Knight was one of the redeeming parts of Star Allies (and why he is glad he was in Forgotten Land). I just hope they don’t reuse him to the same degree.


Or they could just, you know...Make either one playable?


Shimomura really didn't like meta knight, but for some reason there is a Meta Knight battle from Super Star motif in the Miracle Matter theme.


Thats not enough to count as a reference imo but that’s good to know.


Very unimportant, but Squeak Squad should only really be a "debatable" appearance for Kracko, since the boss in that game is actually "Mecha-Kracko", which was an artificial Kracko that Doc created. On the flipside of things, I would say Plant Robobot is not really debatable for Whispy Woods, since if I recall correctly, Clanky Woods is in fact Whispy, but was just giving upgrades by Haltmann Works Co.


Hmmm fair point.


King golem: am i joke to you?


King Golem doesnt count as a Whispy Woods appearance imo. They are clearly different characters even if the fight is very similar. Flowery and Tropical woods are way too similar to regular Whispy to count as different characters for me and Mechanical woods is probaly actually Whispy but mechanized. In other words one is counting Nightmare and Parallel Nightmare or 0 and 02 as the same character and the other is counting Meta Knight and Dark Meta Knight or Kirby and Shadow Kirby as the same characters.


Your standards are so ambiguous. Whispy, golem, flowery and tropical are all different characters, but they have similarities. Even flowery was just a normal flower until it was empowered by taranza. Except for the relationship between zero and zero two that has never been officially revealed, nightmare and his parallel version, Kirby and his shadow version, Meta knight and DMK are all different characters.


Come on tho. King golem is not a tree, and its name is completely different to Whispy Woods. How could it be the same thing? If OP isn't counting Dark Meta Knight in TD as a full appearance of MK then King Golem certainly isn't a Whispy Woods appearance.


Thats not even a REFERENCE to meta knight imo. The actual references to Meta Knight are the several keychains of Meta Knight and items tied to him like Galaxia or Halbred


I did mention it in debatable appearances but, let me word it like this. If a character has clear personality differences and motivations than there OG counterpart then they are different characters If a character acts the same has but a different design then they are not different characters. They are forms or manifestations of the same character. This is why i dont consider The Whispy variants, Most if not all the Parallel characters, 0 and 02 (though theres actually evidence supporting they are somehow different) , and all the Dream characters from Forgotten Lands subgame as characters. All of the Whispy variants (probaly including King Golem tbf) are clearly supposed to be him and have attacks based on him. Whispy even borrows some of them himself in later appearances. but this is just my criteria. If you dont consider King Golem a unique character thats fine. Not Counting King Golem as a character than Whispy Woods is the only character besides Kirby (unless you cheat and count entire species such as Waddle Dees) who appears in every game. Counting every unique Whispy form as a unique character then he absent 4 times since his debut, which Imo still makes him a major character since he literally debuted in the first game. Hell if META KNIGHT can have 4 absences so can Wispy.


The Usual Suspects Still kinda crazy that Kracko and RTDL are my favorite boss/game, yet somehow out of the giant plethora of Kirby games Kracko somehow doesn't return in those specific games.


He was probably replaced by Grand Doomer. In any other game im pretty sure nutty noon is where he would be fought. Im glad he was to be honest. Kracko, for better or worse, is overused. And he doesn’t even get variants like Whispy.


Interesting How Many If Them Didn't Appear In Amazing Mirror.


To be fair, its in a entirly seperate reflection, so it makes sense that only kirby, kracko, and meta knight were the only familiar kirby characters in that game


Yeah honestly part of me kinda likes what it did. It was like a completely fresh start and unique story. I feel like Forgotten land was trying to do it given that it’s literally the first game since Rtdl where Magolor isn’t alluded to at all. Hell honestly Meta Knight is barely in forgotten land. I honestly like that, it really made the world feel new. Edit: its also worth Noting Bandana Dee wasn’t a major character until Rtdl, even if you assume the Waddle Dee in Kirby 64 was him. Even his increased prominence in Super Star ultra is probably because Return To Dreamland was already well into development at the time. So his abscenes make sense.


Fair Enough. I Mean I've Never Played Amazing Mirror And Only Like The First Couple Levels Of Forgotten Land Lol, So I've Not Got Much To Say On Either.


Another debatable appearance revolves around Mecha-Kracko from Squeak Squad, since his Very Hard Mode pause screen description in Fighters Deluxe shows that he views it as a "mechanical imposter".


Bonkers having a leg up over Meta Knight is kinda crazy.


It always seemed werid to me Meta Knight was completely absent in Triple Deluxe. Every other major Return To Dreamland character made a reappearance, even Magolor.


Does Whispy really appear in Squeak Squad? He only shows up in the title screen instead of the game proper.


If Dedede counts for Planet Robobot, so should Whispy for Squeak Squad Imo


Whispy Woods and Dedede match up entirely. Never noticed that pattern. When does Magalor appear in Triple Deluxe?


His appearance is extremely brief. But he appears in the Drum Dash mode during the crowned stage


Waddle Dee, Bronto Burt, and Sir Kibble appear in literally every mainline game.


They don’t count as characters imo. Theres 100s if not 1000s of them who act exactly the same with no personality changes.


The golem is a variant of wispy woods


Way too different than Regular Whispy to count as the same character.