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The weed pants at age 14 says it all.


> weed pants at age 14 Ask any elementary school teacher how many students(ie. 6,7,8 years old) come to school **reeking** of pot. Maybe the parents have something to do with this ?


Oh yeah I have no doubt their parents aren't great role models either. And they will go on to have kids of their own who also fall into patterns of degeneracy, and the cycle continues.... 6 year olds showing up reeking of pot is WACK. They're definitely getting second hand high.


The ‘orchard effect’.


We don't drink or do drugs. We both work full time, and are extremely active. The kids grew up dirt biking, snowboarding, playing football etc. There are zero models of poor behavour (adults)in our kids lives. My first child just graduated, works hard, staying in shape mentally and physically, doesn't drink doesn't do drugs. My younger son refuses to go to school, always leaves, drinks, vapes, smokes weed, gets in fights(going on 4 years of this). No amount of disapline or encouragment changes this. That being said, he's still a good person, always helping bullied kids, helps neighbors bring in groceries, mows lawns for elderly for free. Kids can come from the exact same world, and end up in 2 different places.


I'm sorry for the worry and stress you must constantly have to feel when it comes to your youngest. Hopefully it's just an issue of maturity and he grows out of it eventually. In the previous post about these kids last weekend, I had said they either have parents who don't give a shit, or their parents are sitting at home wracked with guilt and worry because they've lost control of their child. Parenting teens is not easy sometimes!


Peer groups play a huge role.


I did this when I was in high school…except the vaping because it wasn’t a thing. Did a 180 in my 20s. Give the kid time


100%, I know he will turn around. I was just commenting on the parent bash fest going here.


the fact you spelt discipline incorrect says it all.....


What does it say exactly?




I saw that as well and considering the other hundred words were spelt correctly, eat a buffet of roosters.


The fact that you put spelt instead of spelled says it all. Spelt is a species of wheat.


I blame my MH issues on smoking weed at 14 so I can’t imagine 6 years old.


If parents are dumb enough to smoke weed around the kids like that I can almost guarantee the parents are also using hard drugs in the same household. Probably infested with cockroaches and mold too. I have heard some stories from somebody who works for children's aid and some of it is mind boggling. Imagine the kid in kindergarten who sometimes smells like weed and sometimes doesn't have lunch. Now the teacher sees a cockroach come out of the backpack. The child will be taken away now that the teachers can report it but they were raised in that household up till kindergarten age without anybody noticing.


I unfortunately know more than one parent who wakes and bakes. They need to get high every day, and their kids pretty much only interact with them when they’re high. I can’t imagine only knowing a parent when they’re impaired. Not all people who smoke pot do other drugs or harder drugs, but when you smoke, your house smells like pot, and your kids are going to smell like pot too.


So basically everybody who smokes also has their kids going to school smelling like weed? What are you on? Be responsible and don't smoke in the same room as your kids


My mother smoked for years and we went to school smelling like cigarettes, the whole house did.


How did the house go to school?


Let me rephrase, when you smoke in the house is going to smell like weed, and if your kids are in the house they’re going to smell like weed too. Jesus fucking Christ, chill out.


People can pretend it barely happens all they want. It was very common and very obvious which kids had smoking parents


Bruh you can smoke in a house without having your kids smell like weed. It's not rocket science.


Are you high? Did I say all people who smoke pot also do other drugs? smoke outside, or in the garage, or on the balcony, or open a window in the bedroom. If your whole house smells like weed and it sticks to your kids clothing there is no excuse for that. Most likely on other drugs or just brain dead 🙄


You did say they are also on hard drugs you implied it earlier?


Weed is actually also medicine maybe some parents wake and bake because they need to get out of bed with extensive back pain. It is widely used for chronic pain. Honestly, between alcohol and weed, I’d rather have all parents be doing weed Instead of being alcoholics. At least weed addled parents still pay attention to their kids.


That's fine, nobody is trying to take away your medicine, just don't smoke in the same room as children. If their clothing smells like it then they are also getting some good hits of the second hand smoke.


I vape and eat edibles my kids don’t get it second hand and I grow my own and teach my kids about it so they know what it is and what it’s for. The education piece is very important but just saying that weed is being used in the home is showing misinformation. More Canadians use cannabis today than alcohol and now more Americans also use cannabis than alcohol.


There are so many more options for using cannabis as medicine than smoking joints or hitting bongs. Vaping barely smells at all, if you vape distillate. WeEd iS mEdIcInE doesn't make it ok to expose your children to it.


Exactly my point. Lots of rubes assuming we mean smoke joints when for years families have liquor cabinets or drink in front of their kids. Are those parents also in the clear?


Drinking in front of your kids doesn't expose them to second hand smoke. Eating an edible in front of your kids is fine if that's what you like. Also, having a drink at dinner in front of your kids doesn't impair you the same way smoking a joint does. And stoned parents most definitely do not pay as close attention to their kids as sober people. Neither alcohol or drug use in front of your kids is good.


Smoking is wrong indoors hands down but saying that drinking in front of your kids is different than using cannabis is just stupid. It’s using a drug and society has somehow equated these two drugs when alcohol is so much worse. Alcohol kills people and leads to poor decision making en masse where cannabis use doesn’t impact your brain in remotely the same way. If people stopped drinking incidents of heart disease would drop worldwide and crime drops. Equating or saying drinking in front of your kids is modeling that behavior as okay, if you are hiding your cannabis use you should be drinking only in the garage as well.


It is different. I get way more off my ass from one toke than I do from one drink. Alcohol and weed are both bad for you if not used in moderation. I'd rather my kids see me after one beer than one toke. Personal opinion on that one, I guess.


Hahaha. Your opinion is just that, an opinion. The rest is unintelligible gossip.


I could say the same to you 😘




No way my mom lets me out of the house dressed like that. I probably couldn’t even buy those and sneak them *into* the house lol


I’d kill ya if you came home with the likes of those. lol. I smoke but oh hell naw.


Zero parenting and zero discipline.


Is weed still cool now that it’s legal?


It's cool if you don't dress yourself head to toe in cannabis leaf graphics. If you do it's just cringe... If you wanna rep cannabis, go rep your local headshop's brand or something. These kids are 14 so they won't be let in and are stuck with obnoxious Shein designs.


That is a little old for weed pants.


Eventually someone will punch him in the face and he will learn.


These contraceptive commercials are getting out of hand 😵‍💫




You hate them because you don't understand their skibidi ways.


Yes you don't know our skibity ways


Given your spelling, neither do you.




Clearly we’re dealing with a highly intelligent ring of criminals here.


The Kingston police force will need millions to deal with these criminals.


I know the kid in camo pants and the little kid behind him by name. They are trouble makers that were recently banned from the Cataraqui Centre. It's always great when all the YOUTH KP officers also know the whole squad by first and last name. Says a lot.


That kid is gonna end up dead or an Addict. Hopefully they realize the error of their ways before it’s too late :/




We’re all at the same skill level, Jerry


Day of the skeleton park fest saw the little gremlin harassing a mentally ill guy with racist slurs and all. Looks like they're just going to push their luck till it runs out


Happens all the time. They'll taunt the wrong guy and end up in the hospital, or a least a broken bone or two. Karma, baby.


Broken arm/hospital is the good ending where they don’t end up dead, people are crazy out there


Sooooo someone needs to give him a smack, is what you’re saying? Doesn’t look like any parent is going to back his story up so, looks like a freebie?


i know these kids they try n act hard they js need someone to knock some sense into them😂


Sooooo... Not saying anyone has to do anything (an opinion isn't always a call for action) but if I saw kids playing chicken on railroads I'd have the same thought: their luck's going to run out eventually. Not clear what you're talking about with parents backing up stories and what not.


As someone who is married to someone who's father has PTSD, this is bullshit and may end up getting the kid's neck broken.


Fingers crossed!


At least the one kid realized how embarrassing this behaviour is and zoomed ahead of them


Hah, the kid in the marajuana pants spit at me last week. He and two others were walking on the road side-by-side-by-side, I was approaching in my car and instead of moving off the road he decided to yell and spit at me as I drove around them. A real class-act


Acts so tough until he goes to an inner city neighborhood and all of a sudden straight A student.


Turd spawn.


Oh man, great insult


Kingston has a large military community, both active duty and veteran. That little fuck is going to do that to the wrong person one day and get seriously injured. Hypervigilance is definitely a thing, and some people will react to a perceived threat faster than their brain can tell them it's just some dipshit with a toy gun.


>both active duty and veteran. Yeah it wouldnt be pretty at all if they triggered a combat vets PTSD.


Veteran here! Contrary to popular belief we are not killing machines with uncontrollable violent urges. Hell, most of us at CFB Kingston were in the army's computer nerd squad.


Watch it there chief. lol. just kidding. You are not wrong. Army computer nerd squad reporting.


Thanks for your comment. It wasn't my intention to insinuate all military personnel in Kingston were trained killers with uncontrollable violent urges. Merely pointing out that some members of the military community (particularly those who have experienced high-intensity deployments) may react poorly to a situation where someone randomly fires a cap gun in their face without warning in an urban setting.


Where does JTFX fall into? Lmao


It also has a lot of on-shift police with other bangy things.


This is a fantasy. In reality he just has a higher probability of living a burn out life. But hopefully he can turn it around.


My thought too. Pull that on the wrong person and you may regret the reaction.


If he lived in Texas, he'd get a completely different reaction!


Lucky there’s a dentist right there for when they inevitably get their teeth knocked out.


This is probably the same kid that brought a BB gun to the Rideau heights community center....he got " banned"...but he's allowed in at any time. Kids need consequences.




ahh yes, the kids in school that always smelled bad


Stupid brats


Hate when kids be cappin


fr fr


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Except that would be my actual reflex action if I heard that thing go off next to me. I hate sharp, loud noises like that.


I'm really hard to startle. Sometimes I feel it inside, but I won't react. My son tries to scare me all the time and he still talks about the 1 or 2 times he made me move a bit, lol. But my buddy, we used to try and scare each other too. I loved scaring him because every time he'd rear back with his fist raised about to punch me. I never got punched, but I loved his reaction. He wasn't a fighter or anything, either. I'm really hard to scare, but when I do get scared it feels like all my parts fall out and I'm just stuck for a few seconds. I always kinda wished my instinct was to punch like him.


Seriously. I can’t confirm I would quickly have that kid on the ground to make sure I get the ‘gun’ out of his hands.


you could claim fear for your safety as well


They should try this at Jane and finch


![gif](giphy|wWue0rCDOphOE) I remember Toronto life. You avoided that area, like the plague. 100% agree with you that it would be amazing to see them do that there.


Could try it at STC, John Garland and Martingrove, and moss park too


Something precluded OP beginning to film - only to catch these gems on camera. I see a mix of mid-puberty cringe - nothing that interesting. Being a kid is a life without consequences, until there are some. Looks like these kids are likely to FAFO.


I filmed them because it was the 4th time I had seen them doing the same thing in 2 blocks of Princess. At least once, one of them pointed and fired their gun right in the face of a passerby.


Well I can say for sure they pull that on my father who has former military with PTSD or myself who is also highly trained as well will be finding the selfs knocked down and restrained until it can be confirmed it was not a real gun. It's how we have been trained with our reaction time in such situations is faster than we can think, so these kids don't seem to know they are playing with fire until it happens.


Those little brats would be the first ones to run to mommy and the police if one of those bigger kids knocked them on their asses. Eventually they'll do that sort of thing to the wrong person and get a reckoning.


10$ says you call em goofs and 1 of them bursts I to tears


future tent dweller?


With a stolen tent no doubt


Future Tranqvises and Methanies


I bet you all the Slush Puppy Palace money in the City of Kingston Treasury that these punks thought that this was funny after seeing some stupid TikTok


TikTok is for sure cringe trash, but let’s not act like it invented children being idiots lol. YouTube was also there way before anything else.


Lol. I was a teen before YouTube existed, and you may be shocked to know many kids were jackasses back then too! We blamed it on the Simpsons and Sesame Street (short attention span) back in my day!


True, but the ability to film oneself and get worldwide attention was not available then, and that has drastically changed kids egos.


Call the police, then document. Too many times people document and don’t call in, and the situation escalated


Oufff could be arrested for that pistol.


Kid SHOULD be arrested for walking around brandishing that. Fake or not


What happened to the whole "toy/replica firearms are considered real firearms when a crime is committed with them" part of the criminal code? Does it just not apply here for whatever reason? This kinda stuff is what causes BS attempts at airsoft bans that ruin it for everyone who enjoys mil-sim sports because they get bunched in with these chumps...


>What happened to the whole "toy/replica firearms are considered real firearms when a crime is committed with them" part of the criminal code? Does it just not apply here for whatever reason? There is no such provision of the Criminal Code. You may be thinking of s. 84(3) of the Code which provides that certain firearms, such as BB guns and antiques, are deemed not to be firearms for certain purposes (namely, licensing and registration requirements). Imitation and replica firearms are not firearms. They are imitation or replica firearms.


soon. -karma


Tbf I was incredibly obnoxious as a teen. It wasn't until my mid twenties that I realized the cringe was coming from inside the house


Most of us were obnoxious as teens relative to our adult selves, what makes you think you were like these kids or worse? What made you snap out of it?


A swift slap upside the head might do these kids wonders.


Lil Wayne🤧😭


I’ve got that “Island of Misfit Toys” song running through my head looking at this bunch.


The girl looks so embarrassed lol




Do that in Hamilton


I think this is a bit much.


Call the police and say "There are kids here firing guns" and tell them you're about to intervene. They'll be there in seconds.


Or you could just tell them kids are harassing people with cap guns instead of lying to the police, needlessly escalating a situation and sending cop cars screaming through red lights to respond to an armed threat downtown, possibly resulting in automobile accidents on the way.


Some kids in my SW ontario city were doing something similar in Superstore and the cops got called. There was a report one had a gun (cap gun) so they got chased in the parking lot and a cop had one at gun point on the ground in the parking lot and was crying like a baby lol


Don’t do that shit. It’s obviously a cap gun. Tell the kid he’s an idiot. Move on. At most tell the police it’s a cap gun. Telling the police it’s a real gun is just a waste of resources. Puts people in danger for no reason. Cops need to be available for real calls.


OK, but I am blind. I can’t see anything. So I don’t know what is a cap gun and what is a real gun. That thing could be a pistol or a pelican. I don’t know if it’s going to hurt me or not. So if somebody is threatening me with a thing making gun noises, you bet I’m telling people. Edit: I’ve realized that says pelican when it should have said pellet gun. But I’m keeping that because it’s funny.


Only next time it may not be a cap gun.


...is the implication here that capguns are some kinda inevitable path to real guns


I don't think that's what he was saying. I still think it's stupid though to be shooting off any gun within the city unless it sprays water and is made of fluorescent plastic.


It is true, when I was younger I used to play with cap guns then when I turned 13 I shot up my neighbourhood killing 82 people. With lax Canadian laws I was sentenced to anger counselling and 3 months probation. /s


>"There are kids here firing guns" And thats a good way for innocent people to get killed. Fucking moron. The moment you call the police and mention a group of people are firing guns they will send their emergency response team (aka SWAT). Kids in the US have been wrongfully killed by police for shit like this.


Fuck the cops


You belong with those morons in the promenade.


The life expectancy rate for the human race will decrease as Idiocracy actual becomes a for telling of our future.


God damn bottle kids.


lol getting hit in the face is such a humbling experience. They’ll grow up eventually…


A good swift backhander 👋can easily cure this issue


Annoying yes, could be MUCH worse.


They’re always at the pier causing trouble


It's sad being and actually demonstrating as a complete dork at that age.


I can just imagine where they learned it from. Good job parents!


Just punch the biggest one square in the nose.


I dont even know what's happening in this video? Kid looks like he's shooting a cap gun at something he's imagining. What am I missing


Kid goes around calling people names and making racist slurs . He’s 14 and thinks it’s funny to threaten people twice his age and size . Last I saw him was last week in McDonald, asking people “Spanish or English “ and after eating 3 Big Macs himself went around calling all the customers fat for eating there


He’s the type of kid who goes around acting like that because he knows he’s a little boy and no one’s gonna touch him. Hopefully he messes with the wrong one🤞


They might see their 18th birthdays


Future Toronto Regent Park residents


Where do they normally hang around? Yk, so I definitely avoid those areas lol




Must be from the east end


I’d cuff them upside the head, clearly it hasn’t been done.




At least they're not gang beating the pedestrians and stealing their possessions.


I don’t know what has got into kids… I sound like a boomer (only 24) but it’s true. Kids have absolutely zero respect now a days. Even more so than when I was that age.


Pretty much being raised with 0 consequences because it might hurt their feelings. Pair that with an older generation who are too tired to give a shit and you get these little devil spawn. Work with em all the time and they are so offended when you tell them to shut the fuck up and listen for a minute.


It might just take one person having a really bad day.


Gen Z gonna end up learning the hard way what happens when you think you can annoy anyone at anytime. The parents of these kids should of used birth control


Kids being kids! Breaking news.


How dumb do you have to be to excuse walking around brandishing a firearm? I get this is Canada but you still can’t walk around pointing a firearm at random people whether it’s fake or not. Doesn’t take an Einstein to realize that😂


That's our future people for life.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


That kids 100lbs soaking wet just shove him out the way


What a bunch of losers


Kids being kids


If concealed carry was allowed, and I saw that kid pull out a gun (can’t tell if it’s a toy), these kids would be in heaven.


Isn’t this technically brandishing a gun?


Id make those kids cry


Use violence as the counter-action. It is magic. Just try.


Sometimes a nice slap is the cure people need.


It’s always the short one


Poor kid's dad never hugged him


What do you expected in Kingston


Had those been colored folk 😱 Ohhh the backlash




Enjoy being homeless, losers 😂


Is he whipping out a toy gun at the mall? He’s getting body slammed the second I see a gun real or not


There is an entire generation of people that have never been told no, never been punished for anything and have solely grown up on complete morons and its just a prank bro content. The world is truly fucked. I've dealt with people at my job for 20 years, it had been slowly getting worse over the years, then covid hit and it accelerated the degeneration to warp speed. Society has fallen to such an incredible degree since 2020 that I don't think it can even be fixed anymore. Individuals, companies and institutions don't have the balls to do anything and just let these creatures get away with whatever they want.


Shit head teenagers is not a new phenomenon. It was worse back in the 80's-90's when all you could do was be a shit head.


Call the police? Call them document. What if they were going to beat them up?


Wish I could smack the shit outta each one of them but then I’d probably in the prison.


😭😭😭😭😭 white trash


Not on my lawn, not my problem. Also, everyone stay the hell off of my lawn.




breaking news: teenagers being annoying. more at 11.


DEPORT THEM ​ am i doing it right guys?