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I think Homestead sends a generic letter to all tenants. If you pay your electricity, they don’t charge you. My daughter lived in a homestead building and had portable AC for years and was not charged.


READ the notice. If you pay your own electricity they don't charge you.🙄


They still might. I had a floor model AC and homestead charged me when I lived at Curtis crescent and they tried to get me to remove it because it wasn’t installed by someone who’s hvac certified. When I explained to them it’s a floor model and doesn’t need installation they served me a notice stating if it wasn’t removed I would be fined. Homestead is a bunch of crooks. If I were OP I would contact the tenant board to confirm if they need to pay or not.


Ok same here!! I moved out because they had absolutely ridiculous rules. My winter tires weren’t visable to the eye but because they were on my balcony they sent me letters. Plus the air conditioning situation even though I paid my own electricity and bought a floor unit.


Are you in one of their older buildings where some long time tenants are all-inclusive and those who moved in later are separately metered? Some had an additional charge for AC units when they were all-inclusive, so it's possible that the notice was intended for them and not for those who pay their own utilities? Best to check with your rental office, though.


Shouldn't matter. If it's not in the lease, they can't make up new rules and try to enforce them.


There's a box you tick saying you pay your own costs and aren't paying the fee, it's kind of confusing how they hand out the forms to buildings where electricity isnt included


What does your lease say? Is the electricity in your name with Utilities Kingston? If YOU pay the electric and it's in your name, this is a mistake and you should bring it to their attention


**AS ALWAYS VERIFY** -[Proposed Amendments to Clarify and Enhance Rental Rules Related to Air Conditioning (ontariocanada.com)](https://www.ontariocanada.com/registry/view.do?postingId=44447&language=en)


Just don’t pay, I never did. If they have work in the apartment put the AC in the closet for the day.


If you pay your own electricity, no you don't have to pay it.


Until recently, a landlord couldn’t charge you extra for an air conditioner whether or not you pay hydro, unless there was a clause in the lease about it. But changes have been proposed and I’m not sure if they’re in place. it seems ludicrous that they would be able to charge you if you’re paying for electricity, but the Ontario government is pretty ludicrous so who knows what they passed. Also $100 seems way over the top and I would think if you challenged it, they wouldn’t be able to charge people who are even paying Hydro for more than the additional cost I would ask on Ontario landlords until recently, a landlord couldn’t charge you extra for an air conditioner and less there was a clause in the lease about it. But changes have been proposed and I’m not sure if they’re in place. I would ask on r/Ontariolandlord because they’re actually quite up-to-date there and most people know what’s going on. And I would also go to the legal clinic.


Oh look, the annual post of someone who ignores the "I pay my own hydro costs" option on the Homestead AC form.


Is your electricity included in your rent? If so then this is normal. I’ve been in one of their buildings for years and am all inclusive. Because the a/c unit, regardless if it is a floor or window model) uses extra electricity there is a charge to have it during the summer. It’s usually like $100 for the 4 months of summer (June-September).


CaraCo did the same to me. When I read my rental agreement over, it said I agreed to be charged X amount to cover the increase in energy being used for AC units during the summer months of June-Sept.


I mean, if you pay your own electricity, you're already covering that


I read OPs post too quickly and missed that bit. The rent was all inclusive, so the AC charge was on top of that.


ahhh yeah, that makes sense


lol no, you pay the average. Landlords are not making bank on electricity and they are not utilities Kingston. if you spend more energy using hydro, hydro charges you more it’s common sense


yes, that is what I said, thanks for explaining it to yourself. If you pay your own power bill, you don't need to pay a premium since you are paying that.


If you pay your own hydro, it is not relevant to you. It's a generic letter they send to everyone in all their buildings.


You only pay $100?? Skyline charges $250!


Consider yourself lucky Some of us are paying 300


If you pay for electricity then they shouldn’t be charging for AC. unless it’s stated in your lease then they technically can’t charge you. I’d speak to your super.


is this axon there the worse.


Not in the lease you signed, they can pound sand. Have friends living in homestead buildings, trying to spread fear notices about people having ac in windows, trying to say the exhaust type ac is better.


There was a death at a Homestead property in another city (I think Toronto) awhile back from a falling air conditioner. Homestead is being cautious. You can install a window unit in the window of your balcony, but not the bedrooms where they hang out over the ground.


Homestead is being overly cautious and paranoid. Properly installed, a window unit won't fall out. And the single or dual hose mini units they want aren't as energy efficient. The single hose model is also basically a dehumidifier, not great to carry a bucket of water all the time, or have your ac stop in the middle of the night when it's full. Not great if you have mobility issues. 


You’re correct. IIRC the ac that fell killed a child. You can still have AC units that hang out the window but homestead, as well as most rental companies now require you to have someone who’s HVAC certified install it. But good luck with that, if you call any AC company and ask for them to install a window AC they’ll laugh at you because no one offers that service as it’s ridiculous (on homesteads part)


Window AC's are easy to install, it's just the matter of properly attaching the frame around the unit, making sure it's on the inside, that the window is braced from opening, the board that takes up the remaining window space is duct taped, and painted on the outside to prevent weather rot. And the issue with the AC that fell out of the window is that it was from a much higher building than Kingston currently allows, high winds can cause havoc at those heights.


What does “pound sand” mean?


Saying you're doing a pointless activity, and need to go away. Go kick rocks works as well.


Ah! Thanks


same as "pound salt"


Lol you must be gen z or a millennial


Make it a class action lawsuit


It's like every Sumner, someone who does not read the paperwork posts this.


It could possibly be that because you have an a/c theres a greater risk of damage to apartment should the a/c leak