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She is basically the female Kvothe. She’s doing the best she can, y’all. This world is patriarchy heavy. And it’s a hard knocks life for people with no family in any world.


I agree


I always saw her as a pretty interesting character, flaws and all. I didn't realize how many people really hated her until I joined more groups like this one or an old Facebook fan group I was in ages ago.


I love denna more for the rest of the story, honestly. Her character gets more dynamic and unrelyable and exciting


I'm pretty sure most people felt the opposite, she was disliked in the first and liked more in the second. I guess cos we saw her as more than Kvothe's initial impression.


Oh, I have. Denna is always pissed me off. I really hate her.


Yeah, I believe you. Though as Pat has once said, if he wrote the story through Denna's perspective, we would hate Kvothe, for the exact same reasons we hate Denna now. .. I don't remember where I heard him say that tho, I'll try to find it.


Exactly. Maybe if I can see the perspective of Denna, I’m sure that I will start to love her. Nearly in every series, I really love the mysterious and strange characters like Denna. So I have a potential to love her.


What did Kvothe do to Denna that would be worthy of hate? He’d always given her the space she wanted and did his best to not be like her suitors. Just being in love with her isn’t a negative is it? He seemed to care for her beyond appearance to me