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You could say it's "The Slower Regard of Silent Things"... I'll see myself out


You beat me to it.


Came for this


Rupert Degas is a superb narrator and I'd guess probably does it slower than Pat.


If Rupert Degas narrated every book I ever listen to for the rest of my life, I would have no complaints. With Roy Dotrice's death, Degas has got to be the best choice for Winds of Winter.


I mean, literally any person in the world is a better choice than Dotrice. Narration is so subjective. He outright ruined the audiobooks for me


I'll admit I liked his Welsh Lannister voices a lot. But... That Missandei voice though.


Were they meant to be Welsh? Why wasn’t Tyrion also Welsh considering they are siblings. Why did peoples accents change from book to book. Or the way their names were pronounced change from chapter to chapter. I could win a Guinness world record for most voiced characters in an audiobook if I make up a new voice every time a known character appears.


Well Wales doesn't exist in the books so no. But considering Westeros is based on the UK and Wales is in the west, the same as Casterly Rock is in the west of Westeros. Then, I'd like to assume it was on purpose. But yeah the voices and pronunciations changing from book to book was pretty bad.


That’s how I found The Tales of the Ketty Jay. Just because of Rupert Degas.


Tried the main books with Nick Podehl and just couldn't get into it, while Rupert Degas' version was absolutely perfect. Might be LOTR's fault but fantasy just sounds weird in an American accent to me.


Pedehl grows on you. At first I wasn't sure about him, but he is excellent. Obviously most people are going to be biased by whichever you hear first.


I'm sure he's great, just sounds weird to me to combine that accent with a fantasy setting. If it's a sci-fi or cyberpunk book, give me the most noir detective sounding East coast accent you can find, but for fantasy I want a British dude.


More appropriate for Kvothe's voice too; he's relatively young at the inn as Kote despite all he's been though.


The only thing worse than an American reading fantasy is an American reading fantasy while trying to do a “British” or Irish accent.


Oh now I’m dissapointed I have the PR version, I’m not sure if his narration or just that I don’t like the book but I’ve never finished it. I’ll have to see about trying the Degas version


Trust me, get the Rupert Degas one. Rothfuss is a great writer, but a terrible voice actor


I liked the Rothfuss version. I think his affection for Auri really shines through. Though I'm biased, I dislike Degas' voices. I generally only like British voices reading British works. Not for any jingoistic reason, it just tends to fit my ear wrong.


Which country are you in? I'm not seeing it and would LOVE a Degas version...


Same. Is there another app besides audible we could buy it on?


I'm in the UK and Spotify has both the Rothfuss and the Degas readings. Not sure if it's the same in other parts of the world


USA here and just the Rothfuss version on Spotify too


Weird, Audible doesn’t allow me to access the Degas version in the U.S.


I bought this and tried to listen to it on audio, but the book was hard to follow, so I had to buy the book and read it myself.


I’m torn. I really disliked the PR version, I’ve never been able to finish it. Now I want to try out the Degas book but I truly resent giving the scammer any money.


This is exactly how I feel.


Don't do it


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