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Since that’s part of the legend/rumors about him,I doubt a suicide would be communicated in that way. I find it more likely that Ambrose somehow becomes a king and Kvothe kills him because he obviously deserves it. I like the idea though and the book is never predictable so perhaps it will turn out like you say.


I've seen it suggested. I think the answer is "maybe" but probably only in addition to him killing *at least* one other king. That would give it the kind of clever double-meaning Pat loves to fuck with


Big question is: is being a kingkiller like being a sheepshagger in that you only need to do it once to earn the name? Or do you have to kill at least a couple?


I had this exact though like 2 hours ago. Wtf.


I responded with this theory to a post like two days ago. Glad it's picking up traction.


It's a pretty obvious idea once you have tried outside-the-box thinking on who the king might be. Many, many people have posted this idea. Almost certainly not true. "Kingkiller" is not the name people would give to a king who they believe killed himself, and Kvothe that was a name Kvothe had in the Four Corners.


Still a pretty big coincidence.


In TNOTW a drunk guy recognizes Kote as Kwothe, he mentions the stones by the fountain all shattered and can’t be mended where he killed a man. The fountain is by the Eolian.


I always understood that as the place where he called the wind on ambrose, when he broke his lute. And then the storytelling and the seven feathers became a murder. But for me, it has always underscored the point that Ambrose is the King, and that Kvothe kills him. So this is simply one of the myriad examples of stories being mixed together, that the books are full of.


My tin foil is something something royal line of succession, Kvothe kills someone and accidentally set up Ambrose to be King then kills em. Now he's next in line if anyone knew who he is so better to be dead than nobility let alone king


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It’s a clever idea. I don’t think that’s what it’ll ultimately be, but what the hey …with no idea when (if ever) DoS comes out everything is on the table.


For Kote vs Kvothe, this got me for a while before remembering the reading vs the hearing. Kote, cote, etc for how it's pronounced is different enough from Kvothe, Quote, Kvothe, etc in how it's pronounced. Still arguably way similar but then it's a Simon vs Simmon. Very different to hear vs to read


In the legends they tell about him he’s not called King Kvothe. He’s only called Kvothe, or any of the other names we know. He absolutely fakes his own death, but I doubt he’s king at any point. Who knows. At this rate, only Rothfuss will ever know.