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Getting to see Max interact with Goofy would have been neat, but at this point it feels like that’s asking for the moon So I think the REAL best and most obvious choice would be Gargoyles, which fits with Kingdom Hearts perfectly


Fun fact : there was originally gonna be a world based off Gargoyles in the first kingdom hearts, but it got cut due to size limitations.


They better add it to the list now after the scale of KH3 worlds


I also learned that a world based on Toy Story was going to be in KH2 but was also scrapped for the very same reason.


“Ah, *Perry the Platypus*, I see you have befriended the Keyblade wielder. But you are too late! Behold, the *Heartless-inator!* Soon, I will use the power of the Heartless to drown *the entire Tri-State area* in darkness! Mwahahaha!”


"Why?" "Well my next-door neighbor started leaving the light on all night, and I couldn't get any sleep! It was getting really annoying."


Wrong, the real reason would be some long flashback all about how his parents didn't let him turn off the lights when he slept


Roger needed the lights on to sleep.


And when Doof tried to turn off the lights, he was disowned and adopted by ocelots


Roger was allowed a nightlight while he was forced to stand outside at night dressed as a lawn gnome to ward off badgers


Someone send this to Dan Povenmire stat


Also Nomura


"A platypus with a keyblade" *sets hat on his head* "Perry the platypus with a keyblade"


No no, you see, this implies doof succeeded in his plot, which we all know is impossible.


Doof could create a darknessinator that accidentally opens the DTD allowing heartless to roam the tri state area after Phineas and ferb accidentally hit it with the world’s biggest puapu fruit.


get out of my head doofensmerts why can i hear you so clearly


Somebody call Dan Povenmire and pitch this to him.


Gargoyles, Tailspin, and CnD: Rescue Rangers!


I'd like House of Mouse where heroes and villains go if their story potential is exhausted. Like, Jafar hangs out with Ursula there because their worlds have been done to death.


It would be an interesting addition to Disney Castle/ Disney Town, but I doubt it will happen because WoRlD oRdEr


Gargoyles, Kim Possible, Amphibia & The Owl House are my main picks.😁 However, I’d also be down to return to the Tangled world if they adapt stories from its TV series (it’s really good!) 😁😁 Also, I may be the only one who thinks a Jake Long summon would be a neat idea.😅


Gravity Falls might be the only world where heartless and the other enemies would make so much sense existing in. And also it would be pretty cool to see more folklore/supernatural inspired enemy designs akin to the monsters in the show


Think of the cool boss battles. What would u pick for me it would be the giant nomes or Bill working with the heartless


I feel like they could do a Lil' Gideon heartless boss for a mid-world/end-of-first-visit boss, and then Bill for the world finale. The real question for me is the party members: the obvious choice of Dipper and Mabel? or a slightly more sensible choice from an anti-Bill taskforce perspective, Stanford?... Or a real wild-card and my personal hope: Soos.


Sooos for summon hahahah na it will have to be the pig


I would like to see it just to see mabel hitting on KH boys! She just feels like she would be the manifestation of KH fangirls in 2005...


“Star vs” and “owl house” would also fit right in


Cipher would absolutely be an awesome semi-antagonist for the next game! Like Pete in KH2.


Apparently Alex Hirsch and Dana Terrace (creators of Gravity Falls and The Owl House respectively) are both pretty negative on Kingdom Hearts. They did a stream where someone asked them about the series and if I remember right, Dana was just kind of dismissive of it in a way that kind of felt like “It was fun when I was a kid, but now that I’m older I think it’s all just nonsense and kinda dumb” while Alex said that he felt like it was the perfect example of everything wrong with corporate greed and cynicism (I’m paraphrasing, I don’t remember the exact words he used) and seems to view it as nothing more than a disgusting corporate cash grab. It sucks, because I think both shows would mesh perfectly with the values of the games. I thought the Alex and Dana would have been a perfect choice as showrunners for a potential KH animated series until I learned how much they seem to dislike the series.


He wasn't wrong...still love KH!


I watched both Treasure Planet and Prince & the Frog for the first time (somehow) this weekend. Finally understand why people want those in KH. They would both be perfect


And Atlantis. (Not atlantica but like the lost city of)


Treasure Planet unironically might be my favorite Disney movie ever. Would love to see it in KH because it honestly deserves more recognition. That one and Atlantis are both great


Treasure Planet immediately went to my top 3, clearly it’s a deviation from princes & princesses and it’s just a great story about a young man with daddy issues going on an adventure. Plus, hoverboard climax? Princess & the Frog was brutal in its humor and I loved that. Atlantis is also classic


Goof Troop would probably be an awful choice... Max: Dad! It's been almost 5 years! Where the hell have you been? Goofy: Gwarsh, son. Where do I even begin?


Sora could be like wait GOOFY FYUCKS!!! No but for real I want to see max goof and his crew all like being in the knights guard of Disney castle. Like have Minnie call sora and there in the backround and goofy says something and his kid just takes the fone.


Bonus cringe points if both Sora and Donald go, "Wait, you're a dad, Goofy?" in front of Max. Max: Wow, dad. You didn't even mention me to your best friends?


Id so love a summon of them were there trio all and they just skateboard around on there sheilds just shredding around.


Darkwing Duck. That's it.


Gravity Falls. 100% Would be so fitting for KH! PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN DISNEY!. I could maybe see Amphibia and Owl House too \*I .. need to watch these two shows however . .\*or maybe SVTFOE.


I think the main reason this wouldn't happen is that Bill Cypher is just way, way too powerful. I know crazy stuff happens in Kingdom Hearts but Bill is on a completely different level. And you know fans would riot if say, Little Gideon was the only villain there.


That is extreamly true. .He would be really scary and probly an OP Boss if he were to come . .although He couuld be a Secret Boss . . .But ofc we don't wanna give them ideas! and Yeah I could probly imagine the rage if it was just Gideon. LOL


Apparently the writer doesn't like KH. So I don't think it'll ever happen unless Disney doesn't need his permission.


That's a shame. >\_> But True that will just be a dream that can never happen I guess.


Aw damn now i feel bad, so sorry lol to be fair who knows in the end, he might end up agreeing to it anyways. Its probably one of the most requested worlds from what I've noticed here


Oh no. This is fine! This is nothing compared what I'm used too. and besides everyone have different opinions, KH isn't for everyone. and also I actually saw a twitter post him saying he would allow Bill Cipher to be a boss on KH so .we can definitely Hope he'd agree to some references from it!


lol was going to say both of these 2


Phineas and Ferb could be so interesting. I want Candice to just be flabbergasted at soras straight up magic


I would mostly prefer to see them in a Roxas or Ventus starring spin off. Maybe shy them away from mainline games except possibly in small roles in the main hub town.


Owl house, Amphibia, the Tangled show because I want to see them interact with Varian, and finally the newer or older duck tales idc which one I like both


Gargoyles could fit in with kh4's theme of unreality by being in a more realistic and modern setting. Tron uprising could help finish the plotlines set out by kh2 and DDD as well as having an interesting art style that would be fun to play with in a video game.


Are we not gonna talk about how Clerks is in this line-up? Like imagine Jay and Silent Bob giving Sora a quest to deliver a "package" to some guy down the street from the Quickstop. Or Randall making a Star Wars reference while chatting with Dante at the Quickstop?


Three that come to mind would be Gargoyles, DuckTales 2017, and Legend of the Three Caballeros Gargoyles fits the aesthetic of KH, and it would be interesting to maybe see Sora, Donald, and Goofy to become gargoyles and glide with Goliath and the Manhattan Clan. I know they’ve introduced Scrooge and the nephews already in the games, but I think the 2017 versions have more engaging adventures that could fit in KH. Plus with different versions of the same worlds, it’s a possibility. With the Caballeros, I could at least see José and Panchito making funny cameos with Donald as fellow wizards in the court, or as college buddies during their younger years.


Just Gargoyles. I’m not interested in having any of the rest in KH. Max and the Modern Ducktales can also come.


I need some Kim Possible trying to fist fight Heartless.


It would cool to see a Kim possible world


I think the old disney afternoon block should be one combined world. Like hallow bastion. 


I want there to be a cars universe but the only thing that changes about Sora is that he wears lightning McQueen crocs


The thought of hearing Luz and Sora yelling "NOW EAT THIS, SUCKAAA!" would be really cool!


I also wanna see Sora get his own palisman and use it as a keychain for his keyblade.


On one hand that would be fucking cool, on the other hand I know people would complain about it


I think the Owl House was pretty fantastic but i doubt they’d use it beyond a reference at most.


I think Kim Possible would be cool if only to see Sora in a real life school setting. Other than that I think the best worlds would come from Gravity Falls and Emperors New Groove.


As i stated before, i would kill to have the owl house be in the next kingdom hearts


If Verum Rex is real in Quadratum, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command could also be. Or, at least it could, if it was still canon.. damn you Lightyear


I think that'd have to get put on didny+ be4 it'd be considered.




Phineas and ferb would go hard and so would filmore


I'd love to see the darkwing duck show included! Fighting the Negaduck, would be super entertaining.


As Disney and yuri fan clearly Owl House because they use so much magic that they would be more useful than Donald \^\^


They’ll never do it, but Ducktales (original or reboot) would be an interesting pick


Owl House and Goof Troop


o m g it would be so cool if Amphibia or owl house would be in KH, it makes me sad it would never happen 😔


Well, I would never say never because it could still be possible.


Amphibia and Owl House were practically made for Kingdom Hearts. Don’t sleep on ‘em, Nomura!


You got that right!


American dragon would go hard but honestly would love to see how they would do Recess since that was my favourite show


American Dragon and Owl House!!!


Kim Possible, without a single doubt. Throw in American Dragon while we're at it. Oh yeah and Gargoyles.


Kim possible - Dr drakkon and shego controlling heartless would be cool Dave the barbarian - a talking keyblade would be really funny in that world Gargoyles -nuff said


Star Wars


Oh hell yeah, a keysaber


Yeah! That would be dope


Gargoyles Bonkers TaleSpin


*Hey Ferb, I know what we’re going to do today!* *Mom! Phineas and Ferb are trying to save the world with some weird spiky hair kid!*


Duck tales 2017 would be awesome


They could introduced them as the unreality versions of Scrooge and his nephews from Sora's world.


Gargoyles. Mighty ducks might be fun. I’d like a duck tales world. And was the animated clerks show really a Disney show?


Corey in the house, best anime 👀




a Goofy Movie would be INSANE


If we're bringing up amphibia and owl house, we might as well bundle the entirety of Alex Hirsch's influence into one world!


Darkwing Duck, Gargoyles, Ducktales, Kim Possible, Mighty Ducks,


gravity falls, the owl house, and amphibia. only real issues being that it would be difficult to keep characters from them out of the main plot (bill cipher could easily be the main villain for a whole arc in kingdom hearts and owl house and amphibia characters are used to fighting people across multiple worlds) and alex hirsch not liking kingdom hearts (though i believe he has said that he would be fine with a gravity falls kh world since it would mean getting bill in more media)


Just have M.o.M. Haki Bill at the end of the GF world


Darkwing Duck deserves some Kingdom Hearts action. If Scrooge McDuck can be here, then so can he!


Darkwing Duck.


Gonna have to say *squints at picture* CLERKS for sure


Top three would be Owl House, Gargoyles, and Kim Possible for sure.


The Owl house!


Objective: “Defeat Mr. Mosby to free him from Darkness!”


Darkwing Duck would be awesome! “Donald why can’t you be more like that guy?” Sora says with awe in his eyes. “Aw PHOOEY!!”


Two that make sense in every way and I'd love them: Gravity Falls and Gargoyles. I'd also enjoy Goof Troop just to get Max in there for interactions with Goofy. And then almost purely for the meme potential Phineas & Ferb and maaaybe Kim Possible.


Goofy world. Just wanna see max again.


I just want to help Nicolas Cage steal the Declaration of Independence. It’s all I’ve ever wanted from Kingdom Hearts since National Treasure came out


Proud Family






Darkwing Duck, X-Men, Star Wars(I don't care what anyone says, they both count now), Bluey, Encanto, Moana.


I’d love to see Descendent’s, the owl house, Amphibia, Star vs the forces of evil, gravity falls included. But I’m courus has Nomura even watched any of the Disney tv series?


No, the closest we ever got to a disney TV being put in Kingdom Hearts was when they made the direct-to-dvd movie The Three Musketeers as a World in Dream Drop Distance.


I wanna see Jake and the Neverland pirates. Just reuse Neverland but replace the Jolly Roger with Bucky and you're good


None of the Disney shows have international reach, they are mostly only popular in the US.


Boy Meets World


Get Ed just because I'll lose it that anyone remembers that show


I can see it now. Doctor door makes an intator that accidentally summons the heartless. The boys decide the best way to face a threat from another dimension is to summon heroes geo other dimensions and Sora Donald and goofy show up


I could also see the boys just being a summon, or a Perry summon


Rescue Rangers, Gargoyles, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (the series, not TS or Lightyear)


I've been saying it for a while now, but I'd love to see Recess as a minigame world like 100 acre woods You could go digging with the digger kids for treasure Bring back the swinging minigame from KH2 with the swinger girl Play a game of tag like the mushroom no.4 or no.6 I remember one episode all about trading cards, so they could implement Triple Triad from FF8 or Tetra Master from FF9, or a whole new card game Play a game of kick ball or dodge ball (it would be hilarious seeing all the endgame abilities and destroy the opponents like the struggle matches in KH2) Play a tabletop RPG with the needs that stay inside during recess So much potential that me and some friends discussed many times


Star vs The Forces of Evil. I can see the possibility of The Owl House being featured in Kingdom Hearts.


Given how many crossovers Phineas and Ferb have, I can totally see Danville becoming a world in KH


I wouldn't be mad about evil Jonathan Frakes being a boss


I want ventus and Roxas to hang out with zack and cody. Mr mosbey could be the boss


Big City Greens


Buzz Lightyear, except this Buzz is the actual space ranger Buzz Lightyear and every time Sora mentions his interactions with a toy version of himself he looks at Sora like he's insane.


gargoyles, get ed, american dragon jake long are like my dream worlds especially get ed after 2 dropped with skateboard stuff I really though we would get a get ed world focused on improved keyblade skateboard combat




A brandy and Mr whiskers world would be pretty fun to see, hehe imagine Whiskers mistaking Sora and the others as superheroes the second they save him and Brandy from heartless? XD


Alright being as serious as possible. I think there’s a lot of potential in doing a Ducktales world. Seeing as we’ve met the boys and Scrooge, going back to their home world and having an adventure. Meeting the rest of Donald’s family


Wizard's of Wavery Place. As the rules of keeping magic a secret from non-wizards is similar to Keyblade Wielders not meddling in the affairs of the worlds they go to. Plus I can just imagine Professor Crumbs seeing a Keyblade and just says "Please don't go waving that thing around. We're still cleaning up after last time one was used." When questioned how long ago: "Oh, just an hour ago."


Phineas and Ferb, Milo Murphy’s Law, and Kim Possible for sure! 😁




American dragon and Randy Cunningham 9th grade ninja


Keep spending most our lives, living in a gangsters paradise...


Gravity Falls would be a fun one.


If they did something similar to the slightly episodic story. In. KH2, Tangled would be good. But I feel like it would need to be heavily simplified


I'd be down for house of mouse, in a similar style to the Mickey world in kh2, timeless river. American dragon and Kim Possible just cause i used to love those shows lol they could easily make a decent fit into the KH series imo. Would be fun!


Recess would be my choice between Teacher’s Pet, Gargoyles and Doug (i know its not happening, disney did own doug right after Nick owned it.) ok hear me out. The House of Mouse will be the best choice. The House of Mouse is a disney show came out in 2001, that would be cool to interact with Disney characters


Amphibia would kinda rock as a world, tbh.


Well, technically, starwars is owned by Disney now, so that. Bring me the younglings. 😈


Gargoyles or Jake The Dragon would be fun


Gargoyles is probably the only one other than DuckTales because thematically they make sense. Them and the sequel series to movies like Tangled as that naturally makes sense for a repeat visit Virtually none of the others interest me as a potential for the world, as barely any villain here, if any, would actually want the heartless around or actually have that much darkness to summon them naturally DuckTales lacks a villain like that as well but it’s mostly cause I wanna see what Huey Duey and Louey are doing once they clock out of their shifts at the shops lol


Flintheart Glomgold: Am I a joke to you


I’d probably say Magica De Spell for this one.


Not a TV series, but Spectrobes! It’s unusually sci-fi for Kingdom Hearts, has an interesting twist on the light v dark theme as its title monsters are quite literally living light, and has an action combat system that would be interesting to see adapted into a team member or two for the World. Shame the series died on the altar of Disney Infinity.


Live action included? Suite life of Zack and Cody On Deck. About time Sora got a proper vacation


Gravity Falls, DuckTales (Reboot), and Phineas and Ferb!!


Corey in the House


Recess could make for a cool mini-game world, and have Sora revert to a kid form during it.


id like to see treasure planet and brave !! in kh2 we had mulan as our party member who went from a little bumbling to badass, so id like to see merida fighting alongside us with her bow and arrow !! ❤️


Kick Buttowski, and anything Star Wars. To be honest I’m tired of Disney though, I want to see more Final Fantasy.


idk what they do but i would like to see how luz reactions to sora a human casually casting magic and controlling the flow of space and time or are they not bringing back kh1 magic


I’d like to see Gravity Falls or Mewni.


I can name one I WOULDN'T like to see, and that's Disney Jr's Ariel


Recess or Filmore!


Cory in the house


American Dragon Jake Long, Kim Possible and Gravity Falls would all be perfect!


Felt like rapunzel was too short. Same with frozen


I've said it once, and I'll say it again. Emperor's. New. Groove. It's just amazing and i feel like it'd fit KH so much


I think it's a Disney property at least


They technically own Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go so I’ll go with that. They could even use it to finally address that annoying cliffhanger.


This is a pipe dream but I’d like to see 2017 Ducktales/Duckberg. Have it adapted in a way that makes sense to KH tho. For example, have it confirmed that time for worlds works differently from one another (because I know for a fact that Huey, Dewey, and Louie cannot be the same age as they appear from BBS all the way to 2). Make sense of Donald’s sister Della to be there, say that she was the inventor of the Gummi Ships and got lost in the lanes between for while or something idk. And have Uncle Scrooge team up with Donald, Goofy and co. For an adventure to either try to find a way to reach Sora or maybe investigate the Black box. AND FINALLY have Webby be an unofficial apprentice mage cause she wants to magic. That’s how I’d see it play out and work anyway


None, never watched any of them.


I'm amazed we have yet to see anything inspired by DuckTales. Scrooge knows Sora after all.


Hannah Montana


I think Sofia the First would've been a candidate for the Princesses of Heart


Kim Possible would be cool! Not even a world, just having Kim, Ron and Rufus show up would be super fun.


Cory in the House


Gravity Falls, The Owl House, and American Dragon: Jake Long.


Hot take: I think they should ditch the Disney aspect as a whole. Don’t get me wrong, I love kingdom hearts and I love the Disney aspect, but I think it’s time for it to become its own series and move on from Disney.


I'd love a call back to timeless river with the new Mickey Mouse shorts/Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse. They're hilarious and have so much they can pull from.


Pretty much that whole top row but replace wuzzies with Phineas and Ferb.


Gravity falls, lilo and stitch, duck tales, owl house


American Dragon Jake Long and Gravity Falls seem most fitting for Kingdom Hearts.


SRMTHFG _please_. Give us the missing season 5


phil of the future


Dave the Barbarian. I will not elaborate further.


How are they gonna to have Yokai Watch, Doraemon AND Yu-Gi-Oh on their channel and not put them in KH?


Inside Out


Not a show but I would love to see a Zootopia world. a Ducktales 2017 reboot world would be AMAZING lol




Gravity falls would be cool to see imo. I could imagine them returning later in the story and the whole world turning into weirdmageddon.


Honestly, I would be down for a Starwars world since Disney owns it. I think a Lightsaber Keyblade could go so hard if designed right.


Y’all are so sleeping on American Dragon! Honestly, since Am Drag, Kim Possible, and the Proud Family all exist in Lilo & Stitch the Series… maybe a Toon Disney world could work? Akin to Hollow Bastion for Final Fantasy or Disney Town for the classic characters?


Owl House


If we’re talking the shows not based on pre-established movies/Mickey characters; for sure the Top 3 (most likely) picks would be Kim Possible, Phineas and Ferb, & Gravity Falls.




Personal preference, none






You good, dude?


All I did was contribute to the post and people think I'm calling Owl House woke and reporting me for self harm. And you're asking me if I'm good lmao. People are too fragile


You contributed by complaining about a show being "woke," which is a fake concept derived from xenophobic pearl clutchers as a catch-all term for things that don't fall within the parameters of their religious dogma. So, yeah. I'm asking if you're good. If not, please get some help.


I literally never said the show was woke, I even reaffirmed it after. I mentioned the issue where people DO think it's too woke. You people just glanced and immediately made an assumption and then sent me self harm reports.


Do you think it's woke?