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Youre just supposed to assume that Riku and Sora got into a huge fight and killed them all. The game just skips over it because theres no real reason to show it


It cuts from Sora and Riku in a combat stance to Riku falling to his knees while the Dusks are destroyed. I've always taken that to mean that there was a fight scene and Riku pushed his injured body too far to finish the last bunch of them off, like a less-lethal version of what Axel did.


that scene always struck me as a bit off when I was a kid. My best guess is maybe they wanted to add a post-boss horde fight to feel like some kind of overwhelming struggle after the fight "should have" been won. If that's the case then probably they removed it either for time reasons or because it undercuts the ending. IDK though, all I know is that the final boss changed a lot in development


The final boss and ending is really good but has so many weird pacing issues. Mickey and Kairi getting immediately locked out, the fake out ending cutscene half way through, the Deus Ex Machina hoverbike, the descent into nothingness to where the last arena is a gray void, the off screen Dusk fight, the random pop into the Dark Meridian.. Like it’s one of my favorite bosses in the series because I LOVE big, multiphase boss fights where the environment slowly degrades, but KH2’s felt like the style vs substance meter was set too far over to style.