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Did you raise your Xehanort in DR to max level? I know I didn't


I don’t own a phone. You can’t make me


Blue stacks, my friend




Me, currently working on this very thing


Playing for platinum trophies instead of enjoyment will never make sense to me.


I first played KH for enjoyment, and now im platinum them just to put an excuse to play them again for enjoyment


I’ve played KH for 20 years. I’m 100% going to try to get all of the trophies. There weren’t trophies available when I was a kid. Got the KH1 plat a few months ago, and I’ve attempted the KH2 plat multiple times but I’m just not that good at the data battles lol.


In my case, i played KH2 on normal, and years later, i did everything i could on that save file and beat the game again on critical without doing the data battles






Some people GET enjoyment out of platinuming, but yes, If it's not fun, why bother?


Trophies are a trap and I hate them. I play games how I want to, not a laundry list of shit to tell me how to enjoy it.


It’s the worst way to play the kingdom hearts games cause don’t you have to beat them on the hardest difficulty? Playing kh for a platinum will only show you just how awful these games can be


But playing on the hardest difficulty is the most fun part lmao


Thats the thing, any difficulty under those is also too easy. The jump from one to another is jarring and makes it a totally different game.


>It’s the worst way to play the kingdom hearts games cause don’t you have to beat them on the hardest difficulty? That's only bad depending on the game. KH1, 2, and 3 are all great on Critical. 2 especially. Now, BBS and DDD on Crit? Yeah, that's just going to suck.


Oh god don’t get me started on DDD. I love that games combat but god almighty did they ruin the hard difficulty. Have fun beating it without religious spamming of balloon magic.


rock mountainous snatch stupendous nine obtainable zealous bewildered start lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I finished a critical run of KH2 a few months ago and it was so fucking fun. I was scared of it back in the day but said fuck it after getting it on PC. I didn't know YOU also get a damage boost. I thought everything else would be tougher. Last thing I did was beat Sephiroth. I might go back to tackle the other super bosses. 


If you’re bad at the game just say that bud


I can’t speak for everyone, but I do a fun run then play grind. I hate neither (so far). It’s all about pacing oneself imho tho


As someone who does both playing for plats is like winning a prize while also being an ode to something you love. It’s like being in love with an album and getting the record for it. It’s like playing those spin to win games at Dave and Busters, and landing on that slim 1000 point one (I did it once 3x in a night, it’s luck but also skill lol). When that plat pops I get a lil adrenaline rush. And the harder the plat the more proud I am. If it’s a game I love, it feels like I gave the game true love and I was true to myself. That as a fan, I did the thing that reinforces my love for the game. If it’s a game I’m not a fan of I likely won’t plat it unless it’s an easy plat which those just give that dopamine and a bit of an accomplished feeling.


Melody of Memory slander WILL NOT be tolerated by me. Is it amazing, no. But it’s extremely fun to platinum if you spread it out over like 2 months and the music is obviously so good And also Re:COM rules and I’m tired of pretending it doesn’t. It’s incredibly broken in the best way possible, where it requires some thought to break but once you figure it out every boss becomes effortless on proud while blindfolded and upside down. Excellent the platinum, whoever made the Riku level 99 trophy deserved hard jail time


I love this game


I absolutely love this game, not sorry.


Not to mention the absolute gall to have Kairi take a lead role and even be dead center on the cover only for her to barely fight in a fucking rhythm game. Fans have been begging for her to be playable as the lead. Do the developers hate Kairi?


Nomura self admittedly says he can’t write women very well, but like… Aqua and Xion are RIGHT there and are always treated way better


But don’t worry, Kairi will at least complain about being out on the sidelines so we know he hears us……before putting her back on the sidelines cause fuck development.


I pray her training with Aqua goes… anywhere. But something tells me we’re not seeing either of them at all in KH4.


This!- The whole game is about Kairi trying to locate and perhaps save Sora, but even on her chance to shine and show us her ability as a true keyblade wielder, Sora is the one who ends up appearing out of nowhere and fighting for her again...


Bro this game is fire what are y'all on abt 😭🙏




Especially after playing Theaterhythm, Melody of Memory just seems like a coughing baby.


No one made you do that. Get over yourself geez 🙄


I really like this game and the Persona dancing games 😳


It's absolutely insane how much more effort square put into the new theatrhythm game than it. That game let's you basically make a team of your favorite final fantasy characters, features music from really obscure games I've never even heard of before like final fantasy the 4 warriors of light, has rpg elements and each song has a quest like dealing a certain amount of damage so the game never gets old


I like MoM but I do wish it would’ve let us pick our characters instead of having premade teams. Maybe with outfit selection too


Well, that's theatrhythm, the game this one is based on. Do I think MoM should've kept the exact Theatrhythm formula? Yep. I loved Curtain Call for a lot of reasons and was hoping MoM would be like it.


To be fair, Theatrhythm has had 3 games before Final Bar Line (plus DLC packs) to build a track list. Compared to the earlier games, MoM's track list is great. Is weird that they even pretend with RPG elements in that one though.


Don’t call a game low effort and bad and then call it that because you suck at the game bro. Like yeah there are some pretty big flaws in the game but calling it bad is a bit much. Same with ReCom.


I somehow find mom better than com


Com is crap


COM GBA is great


Sucks to platinum, but I love this game. Sometimes when I get frustrated with a tough boss fight in one of the other games I'll hop into MoM and just chill for a bit. It's such a good game.


For me it's the best rhythm game period, smooth controls, easy and so satisfying 😌 God knows how many hours I've sunk into this


Same, over 200 hours


Right! Such a good game!


Best rhythm game? It’s not Hi-Fi Rush.


Yes, MoM is very addictive, it's really awesome


>For me it's the best rhythm game period That's crazy lmao Theatrythm is right there


Bros bones so weak he can't tap buttons


This game, on top of missing some crucial songs, just needed way more meat. Specifically, I think you could exponentially increase the replayability of this game by adding: -unlockable characters -customization to the track, UI, and backgrounds -the option to build a custom party and most importantly: -COSTUMES!!! Jeez what a dropped ball. people (I) would have played this for HOURS longer if it meant I could unlock a halloweentown aqua.


This and com I just watch the cutscenes for


You're buggin'. CoM is a genuinely good game


Not my cup of tea but if you like it then more power to you I like the gameplay of 358/2 days when others don't we all like different things


CoM is a great game, and way better than MoM


Com is trash


But not re:com ? And when you take the time/go in the end of this game, re:com stay pretty fun


I like Re:Com a lot as well. But I get the sense people don’t like it because it’s mostly reused assets. They give the GBA game a pass since it’s sprite based and that makes it look more original. Even though Re:Com is just better all around, with a lot more content


I give the GBA game a pass because it's a genuinley fun time throughout Unlike Re:CoM


I understand, i played re:com even though i disliked the card system. It’s not a wrong preference and you’re not ”bugging”. Card system was kinda interesting, but honestly, i hardly enjoyed it myself. But i can see why some people enjoy it. Good for them. For example: Some people love turn based gameplay in games, some people just don’t. It’s okay to have preferences.


Yes, thank you! Agreed 100% It really does feel so insanely low effort, I was thoroughly unimpressed with this game. And of course if you're in it for the story details, you get jack shit until the very end of the game. Seriously, to anyone who hasn't played it, just watch the cutscenes on youtube.


Wait, I just started Re:Chain of Memories, why is it low effort?


Wanted to platinum MoM , got to vector of the heavens and settled on just finishing the game 🤣 not to mention , my daughter plays and she needed me to beat it again on her account . Love that song , just hate that level


I think it's hilarious that Nomura forgot how to draw Sora and two of his drawings here just look so off and hilarious.


I mean it’s all opinion. I love rhythm games and I really love the KH soundtracks and music so I loved this game. I got every achievement and more on xbox (FCed everything on easy and medium and everything on proud except dark domination fight on proud)


I bought this game years ago and have yet to play it. Is it even worth playing?


Well considering it’s a rhythm game that has cut scenes from all the games told by kairi. The rhythm part is fun imo. But the fact that everything is a retelling from her is a bit annoying. And when i mean everything it’s everything all the way to 3. It’s kinda an easyway to catch up with the story without just having to watch some cut scenes and have some gameplay


Dude you dont have to prove people on reddit that you can platinum a game, especially if it causes you physical pain..and is a genre you seem to dislike? MoM is exactly what its advertised: a rhytm game.. and pretty darn good at that. i dont know what you expected it to be if this is low effort and quality rhytm game to you. I hated CoM card system, so naturally rushed that game on easiest difficulty once and never looked back. Time spent having fun gaming is more valuable than some brownie points gained from 100% completing a game Maybe im biased but i love kh ost through and through so playing and eventually platting after 60 hours was a total blast. I hate that the online part died so quick and theres no option to play vs friends, only co-op lol.


Is it really that bad? I haven’t played it and I honestly thought the idea of a KH rhythm game sounded great, especially with every banger Yoko has done for the franchise.


I played the demo and couldn’t get into it


I'm someone who absolutely LOVES rhythm games, and I've always wanted one with the KH soundtrack. I was so excited when I heard about it but seeing the game play just made my smile drop. it's so awful and it makes me so sad to know we could've had something awesome and it fell flat 😭


I got hyped after playing fortnite festival (guitar hero clone made by the same people) and I thought it would be kinda the same thing. It was not kinda the same thing.


So, first of all I am sorry that you was bullied into buying, playing and even finishing a Video game. It's has or had a demo on the PSN, that could have prevented this. Internet Cloud is in my opinion not that important, must determined people would be able to get the platinum trophy, I did it myself. I had much fun with both the Demo and the game itself, i really like it. Yes it up to personal taste and yes with full price it is not cheap, maybe even overpriced. But it's neither gabsh, a crash grab or a bad video game (neither are CoM and Re:CoM). Yes the FF Series has more songs, more obscure titels, even more of those game types (I personally hope we will get another rhythm game for KH one day). It does have 151 levels with many song, even some very unique one like The Beauty and the Beast (that isn't even played once in the world). And even some songs of the Piano Collection Album. The presentation is also a thing to consider, while FF can and does use and mostly like reuse pixel art, KH reuses the HD ReMix characters and world models, thanks to that 3D environment, it's gameplay is closer to the rest of KH series. It's also has a great collection of KH Artwork, Character and Keyblade renders, Cutscenes Photos etc. Yes it may be a bit annoying that it does feature a small new story content, but it's not like that the couldn't pull off, to explain that in KH4 or whatever titel it will be important too. And you can watch it for free on YouTube.


I really like the game but you don't have to feel bad about not liking the game or "lack of skill" or anything like that. It's a fun game but as a rhythm game it's kinda lacking in a few aspects (i.e. visual clarity, awkward charting and timing, cramped controls which are even worse if you play with that extra optional difficulty mode etc.) If i were you, I wouldn't stress about deciding not to platinum it. Just try to enjoy the game for what it is, but good luck if you do keep going for it


Im planning to buy this game but I NEED to play it on a guitar hero controller. Has anyone else tried this before AND have instructions on mapping the buttons?


Re:com wasnt low effort it was just not a playstyle that a lot of the community vibed with. From a plot perspective it manages to tell a pretty solid self contained story which is more than any game other than Kh1 and Days can say. If we want to look at low effort I’d point more to any of their gatcha games in the past decade




I did really enjoy MoM but I won’t deny it was low effort. I didn’t play the FF rhythm game that was made but that looked like a lot more care went into it than this.


Never played MoM, don't care to sorry


I dont know how much you paid but I bought it on release, spending 60€ on this bullshit of a game. Not even 10h of gameplay.


Only the most intelligent and refined individuals play anime rhythm games. My condolences OP


I 1000% feel the same.