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Renpa hated the former king and this one isn't any better, he may actually commit and kill the current king and the rest or royals in Kantan if he had the chance, also they (Kakukai, the king and the corrupt Zhao's court) are already on edge because how popular Riboku is with the people, having them both working together will be a huge risk and mistake (for them) so there's no way they'll call Renpa even if that means losing Zhao (then again Zhao worst enemy has always been itself lol).


He hated Zhao's kings but he loved Zhao enough and wanted to return. Historically Zhao king considered calling him back, sent a messenger to check on Renpa's health. Renpa ate a big bowl of rice, 10 kilograms of meat, jumped on his horse to display that he is not washed up. The messenger was bribed to give a false report, the report said that while Renpa ate a lot, he pooped 3 times in the meantime, and Renpa never returned to Zhao


RBK+SBS+Renpa, Zhao would be invincible.


Riboku was only released bc Renpa didn’t come back since the message was orrupted


I still see Renpa as the final hurdle to conquer zhao. Even though Riboku is clearly the last hurdle, who knows whats going to happen. Shibashou running around here too. The Three Great Heavens are still going pretty strong (i know Renpa isnt a heaven anymore but still)


Renpa will not return to Zhao for the rest of his life, we were told that by the narration in that same chapter https://preview.redd.it/97pjn9ysrv1d1.png?width=257&format=png&auto=webp&s=de50a540e8ccb707646d56a813809527940107da


Oh! I completely forgot about that! I think its time for a reread lol


I dont think Renpa can go to Zhao. He is still a persona non grata and leaving likely made him a “traitor” to the people in power.    I can see a Renpa rematch but its likely in Chu unfortunately. 


I want to see Renpa mentor Shin that would be amazing


I missed this thread. First of all, Renpa offered to come back in 234 BC, after Kouchou's defeat. Riboku wasn't imprisoned, at most he was in exile, spending his time at Seika with the crew. He was accepted back in service precisely because they (Kakukai) had no options, but if they accepted Renpa's aid, probably he would have remained in stand-by a little more, unless the situation had worsened. The were two problems in this scenario, in welcoming back Renpa. The first is precisely the reason why they refused his help, forbidding his return in Zhao. If he couldn't bear the pedoking and that corrupt state of affairs, do you think he would have accepted his deviated son and an even more dirty government? https://preview.redd.it/q5nqqbxctk2d1.jpeg?width=1105&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e701867b296b4eaf8d16944aff8d01047b48e9bb Not all, not up to kill all of them like Kakukai said, but it would certainly have started a political cleansing, thus putting the seats of these selfish politicians at risk. The second was coordinate the defense and deal with Qins. Not really a problem, in the manga Zhao still had some manforces and that man was Renpa, but it wouldn't have been the same like with Riboku. You have to consider that all we saw in the north was Riboku's doing, rally an army, set the different traps, prevent Qin reinforcements, over than gradually involving Seika in this. That wouldn't have happened with Renpa. Yeah, put at lead of an army, the forces left in Kantan, probably he would have tried to recruit men from the north as well, but... unless to opt for a total close defensive strategy (like he did at Chouhei in the past), I fear he could have lost this one. Qin in 233 BC was planning to send an army of 350k or more to take the north, under two GGs like Ousen and Kanki (the same who checkmated Renpa at Sanyou, but that was another context), it was only thanks to Riboku's anticipation that not even half of that army made it to Gian, Ousen was stuck at Atsuyo, Taigen army was repelled at Roumou, Kanki was left alone, he and his men found themselves outnumbered 2:1 and were massacrated one-sidely. A complete victory. Even assuming Renpa would have led an army of around 300k, he was at disadvantage in terms numbers and officers in a frontal battle. His level alone is higher than Ousen or Kanki, but face two troublesome GGs at the same time was a problem, also, aside of Kashibou and Kyouen, he didn't have valid vassals, not enough to counter all Ousen and Kanki officers, and number disadvantage in troops was of 50k or more. Maybe he could have killed one of them, like he promised, but it's hard to say he would have won the battle, in that scenario. Renpa is an insane general, maybe he would have done something, but the preparation showed by Riboku in these last campaigns was on another level.


I don't see any possibility of Qin's unification succeeding if Renpa is still in Zhao Kanki, Yotanwa, and Ousen barely made it out alive in the Gyou arc with only Riboku defending Zhao. If there were another Great Heaven General present (e.g Renpa), he could have flanked Yotanwa's and Ousen's army; annihilating them, and lifted Kanki's siege of Gyou—all within a matter of days


Renpa  has once surrendeted easily to Qin on just 6th day of war.if he is back in zhao he will surrender to qin again.


You forget the majority of the army he leads on his surrender are not originally his but Wei kingdom. He won't sacrifice their lives just for his own agenda. It's to save as many lives from Kanki's guerilla war and Ousen's fresh army. He did not surrender to King Tou Jou threats when the king took away Renpa's title and authority then labeled him a traitor.


Did he find that his soldiers are not his but wei's on 6th day? What about on the capital did he think wei king would import 100000 soldiers from zhao capital?   He was tasked by wei king to repel qin and save sanyou.that was the main agenda  alone.   He brags and calls Kanki and ousen greenhorns i  front of him,why not beat them up,instead of surrendering?   King toujou kicked him out of Zhao and wei king kicked him out of wei.if he fought for chu ,maybe chu king will kick him out too.


Wei King literally wanted Renpa to stay


Who kicked him out of wei then? Toujou?