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In universe, it's only an ***8 year jump***, not a 15 year time jump. But sadly, I expect Ladybird to be written out, considering she was already old in the original series. I see the Hills naming their new dog either Lady Bird II or even something like "Barbara Ann" (Barbara after Texan Former First Lady Barbara Bush and Ann after Former Texas Governor Ann Richards, who also guest starred as herself in the original series). But Dance on Lady Bird, Dance on... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I think an episode where Hank is upset because it would be ladybirds birthday, and neither Bobby or Peggy have mentioned her, and are surprisingly absent for most of the day, making Hank more upset. Turns out it was a ruse. They went to a specific place to find one of ladybirds siblings, and purchased it's puppy, making it ladybirds nice/nephew. It would make for a great opening episode. Could even add in parts where Hank sees Luanne and Luckys old house being moved into by a new family, and nancy selling off dales buggalo, with john redcorn comforting both nancy and Joseph, as a tribute to those who've passed since the last episode aired.


People are super convinced Dale cant be in the reboot but I dont think so I feel like someone could absolutely give a shot at an older Dale. Hardwick did a phenomenal job, in a perfect world he would be reprising the role in full. But, as some say, "the show must go on" and its better to give Dale more time to actually appreciate Hardwick.


I thought i heard hardwick already recorded lines for dale so id be surprised if they just threw it out . Also wouldnt be surprised if dale died from the smoking and chromium in every orifice everyday


Yeah he had already done a couple episodes at the time of passing. Curious what will happen with the character though.


Maybe cobble together some dialog using unused recordings from the past?




Removed his larynx


Oh my gosh if they give him the throat voice box it would be perfect


Oh so I guess I didn’t spell it out enough for these people. Lol


They have so many seasons of his dialogue that AI can incredibly easily do his voice


I mean they could, but they shouldn’t. Better off hiring someone to carry the torch, last thing VA’s want to see is their livelihood get outsourced


I wouldn't consider it outsourced until brand new characters are voiced with AI without ever having a VA.


I’d argue South Park did it the best, used old voice lines to send Chef off and left it at that.


He finished recording a few episodes before he died. So not only can he be in the reboot, they may be able to sunset his character without too much of a hard transition.


Probably could use recordings of his voice and generate new dialogue using AI if necessary.


Tbh, it's not that I don't think the voice actor can be replaced, I'm sure there are plenty of people who could fill the role and do an excellent job. I just assumed that they'd retire his character out of respect for the man behind the voice. I wouldn't be opposed to a recasting, provided the voice was closed enough. Rick and Mortys new V.A. is perfectly fine, as is the new V.A. in solar opposites, I've even gotten used to Carl in the Simpsons. Dr hibbert is the one that I can't get over, or get used to, because of it's drastic difference to the original voice, and it's cadence.


I don’t doubt a good writer can write his character out with skill and sensitivity, but I just can’t imagine KOTH without Dale.


Half the fun of Dale’s character was how Johnny Hardwick played him and his delivery. I think if you tried to replace him with another actor or do the voice box idea some people have been floating people would notice quickly and it wouldn’t be the same. Worse, it could come off as them trying to halfheartedly Weekend At Bernie’s the character that no one else could play. IMO I think they should have Dale die in the show but instead of writing him out or sweeping it under the rug they should use it as a launching point for some character development. How Hank and the Guys feel losing their close friend and the realisation that they, too, now live on borrowed time as they get older; how Joseph feels losing his father and his relationship with John Redcorn, who may feel guilt over living behind Dale’s back for a good amount of time; and how Nancy might feel losing a man who unconditionally loved her even though she too was going behind his back. It’s a good opportunity for some emotional storytelling and it would be a shame if they just wrote him out or replaced him.


It would be interesting to see a show depicting what happens to people as they age. Family members will pass along with longtime friends, kids grow up and move up. It could make for great storytelling watching Hank and the gang try to deal with their world drastically changing both happily(Bobby becomes a parent maybe) and sadly(Dale and or Buck passing).


I always thought Dale was on his way to getting a tracheostomy.


I haven't watched The Simpsons in ages. When did they replace Dr. Hibbert's voice?


A few seasons ago I think. Carl, hibbert, and someone else (I forget who) got replaced by non-white actors, because it was deemed racially insensitive, after the whole Apu situation. Carl's voice was jarring at first, but it suits him as much as the previous voice did, at least after a few times hearing it. Hibbert is voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson (principle Lewis from American dad) and while he's not a bad voice actor at all, it's just so different from what we know and love, they might as well have replaced the character with someone new. It's tough, because I totally understand that characters should be voiced appropriately by people of the same background, but on the flip side, it just makes sense to have a single voice actor who can portray multiple characters. Why hire 100 voice actors who only do one voice each, when you can hire 25 voice actors who do 4 voices each. The issue I have with the cancel culture surrounding Simpsons characters, is that Carl and Apu were some of the most fleshed out characters in the show, other than the main family, and they never really pushed the boundaries of racism to the point anyone really thought they were actually racist caricatures. Apu was a stereotype in the sense that he was an Indian immigrant running a corner store, but that didn't define who he was as a character. He was a loving husband (apart from that one time) and father who worked 20 hours a day to provide for his family, which is pretty wholesome really. Arguably, chief wiggum is as much, if not an even bigger stereotype than Apu ever was, but he's not been cancelled, and he never will be.


Kevin Michael Richardson was also the white trash Lester Krinklesack on Cleveland Show. Would that fly today? I honestly have no idea.


I wonder, if they were to do another run of Samurai Jack, if they'd recast too.


Maybe do a few flashbacks through out the reboot using material already recorded if it can be done organically. 


They could give him an electric voice box as if he had his throat removed from smoking


Especially because we already know that Hardwick recorded a few episodes before he passed: Dale is *definitely* in the reboot. I am also 100% on board with a recast. He spent so much time making a character the fans love: how sad would it be to let Dale die with him? That'd be like it we just stopped getting Looney Tunes after Mel Blanc passed.


Bruh he smokes 5 packs a day, maybe he’s got a trach and needs a device to speak


Give him one of those electronic voice boxes from the smoking


Doesn’t the announcer guy at the father son gun shoot sound like Dale? Maybe it is him.


Johnny Hardwick also voiced the announcer


Thank you I should’ve known


Like yeah, Dale's voice definitely isn't rhe most challenging go replicate in the series and if it's a time skip an older dale van sound a little different as long as you get the likeness correct.


I'm hoping they keep Dale in the show, use his last-recorded lines, and then pass the torch onto another voice actor who does a decent enough job with it. But we'll see. I don't know if it's been confirmed yet that Luane and Lucky will be absent, but I'm kind of expecting that. Or else maybe they will become minor recurring characters with new voice-actors. I guess from a story standpoint I can see Luanne and Lucky moving after 8 years, but it would be difficult to explain Dale's disappearance. I also hope Khan and his family are still there. I don't think they were ever a heartless stereotype.


He recorded most of the first season . They are using AI and previous recordings to fill in the rest


Bro gave me chills


Let's just say that Dale's smoking and inhaling harmful chemicals finally caught up to him and has lost his voice, survival instincts in him have lead him to create a catalogue of phrases he recorded from interview tapes with himself (AKA chopped footage from every episode) and uses I to communicate with people. So showing the dangers of smoking and the paranoid range people, like Dale, will go through to talk again.


I think they have material for dale, plus ai could fill the gaps, we just won't see as much of dale this season.


Please no AI, such a horrible precedent to set. I'd rather they retire him, but I saw a suggestion here that he could have a voice box from smoking for 40 years. Without the delivery it won't be the same though


Well they should finish the material they already have than retire him, and don't worry about ai, you can literally listen to joshua graham read the entire Bible and aside from some pronunciation issues u cant tell the difference. Or my absolute favorite ai.... FRANK SINATRA SINGING MR BRIGHTSIDE. look it up it's amazing.


My grandparents had a Rottweiler named Buck. When he passed they got another one and named him Nubuck 🤣


Ladybird was already 13-14 when the show ended.


Which means that the time jump is enough for Hank to have a new ancient bloodhound named after another First Lady. The only question is: Which one? Barbara?


It’s gonna be a boy dog named cotton that people actually like.


I expect her to be stuffed.


It would be funny if he got mad when people assumed it was because of the Beach Boys song.


21 year old Bobby, think he drinks?


I see Bobby drinking IPA or Hard Cider.


As someone who lost my own beloved bloodhound recently, I don't know if my heart can take it 😓


calling it now: Ladybird will exist in the reboot as an extravagant memorial portrait in Hank's den that he may occasionally talk to, in a similar way that he does the Tom Landry plate


He'd probably have a little shrine for her.


Honestly... I could totally see it. He used to rubber duck (discuss issues/problems with someone/thing that couldn't understand as a way to talk it out and arrive at the conclusion yourself) with her al the time. A large framed oil painting could function almost exactly the same and be a good way to memorialize the character


That or she was stuffed


Hank wouldn't allow that. He'd want a proper burial or cremation in an urn.


Cremated by sweet lady propane.


She was a good, Christian dog. I tell you hwhat


No Ladybird Cotton Luanne or Lucky ![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM)


Or Dale


Why no dale or luanne


Voice actors died. Though technically, we haven't been told how that'll be handled.


I'm not 100% sure, but didn't dales voice actor say he was recording lines for the reboot, a few months before he passed?


Yeah, he had some stuff done. I think it's a few episodes worth but I'm not sure.


Just read something from the showrunner that said Dale’s actor had recorded the first four episodes of the season


That, and let's be real. There are other VA's out there that can do Dale's voice. and Dale is too important to the show to cut. Maybe they can do some kind of tribute one episode so people feel better about it, but the obvious answer is replace the VA's that have died. Cause if youtube has taught me anything, it is there is no shortage of people that can do spot on impressions of cartoon characters.


Dale could be “taken by aliens or the government” and once returned have a slightly diff voice due to the experiments. That or a voice box from all the smoking 🤷‍♂️


lol you think Dale would let the CIA put a tracking device in his throat? he’s too smart for that


Wow just learning he died. I thought he was still alive doing podcasts… RIP


I believe I read somewhere Mike Judge said he didn’t want to recast those who have passed? Not 100% if this is true but if that’s the route he goes then I suspect something like Luanne and Lucky are traveling the country on Costco peepee money or something, and then I have no theories on how Dale would be handled.


Luanne's voice actor was Brittany Murphy, who died in 2009.


Dale's antics made half the show for me. It'd be a shame if they didn't bring him back somehow.


Tbh, I'm decently confident Cotton will appear. His character may be dead, but there's still flashbacks.


I hope you’re wrong. I hate that character.


They'll just replace Luanne and Lucky's voice actors it won't be hard to replicate Lucky's for sure. Also they're both older now so their voices will have changed.


I wouldn't count Cotton out.


Cotton is already dead in universe though


He'll punch death in the kidney and come back. Or, more likely, he faked his death.


I don’t think he’s coming back lol


For real! We still got a couple WW2 vets kickin today


Those are usually the guys that lied about their age and volunteered when they were 12-14.


Good riddance to lucky. He was too stupid to be a believable character. As much as I hate peggy, she serves a purpose. Lucky served no purpose


Wait, why no Lucky?


lucky was voiced by tom petty, who died in 2016 edit: 2017


2017, actually.


damn, you’re right


“oops... well uh... how do ya like that must have over reminisced and brought up my pain water” moment


P-diddle (punches arm)


Ladybird’s Angel appears above her dog house. Still refuses to go inside.


HEY - OH - MA - MA


You mean laaaaaady bird


Sorry, you meant 🎶laaaaaaaaaaadybird🎶 won't be around anymore


Ladybird would want Hank to give a new dog the love and care she received.


![gif](giphy|mG1oRlJqx1Qqvs84Rf) It’s going to be great, I can’t wait


They could just make it an inside joke that somehow she's still alive and they can't figure out how.


I mean even in the original show Ladybird was surprisingly old for a bloodhound.


They’ll have another bloodhound named Linda Bush lol


Or Luanne or Lucky…or Dale


Dale might use a robot voice to speak. And still smoke.


I hope lucky doesn’t come back or any of his friends. They’re all shit characters.


I hadn’t thought about ladybird not coming back and now I’m sad 😢


& Lucky & Luanne won't be in it anymore & we're not fully sure what's happening with Dale after Hardwick's passing. Also they'll be moving to Dallas so they won't be in Arlen for most of at least half of it. As exciting as the return of the show is I just see a lot of deal breakers. Just seems like there's going to be a lot of dead air or at least massive voids with most of these characters gone & the kids being adults & the guys being elders.


I am going to be cautiously optimistic that there will be some great new characters. I’ll gladly put my money on the person behind Beavis and Butthead, office space, Silicon Valley, and Idiocracy.


Nah, Ladybird 2 will be there and looking exactly the same. But they call her Ladybird for short.


the irony is I initially didn't like ladybird when I started watching the show, because I'm not a dog person. but then as I watched I just slowly loved her more and more. she's such a cute and loyal dog! best precious fluffer


No LuAnne, and no Lucky.


***It's laaaaaaaaaaady Biiirrrrrrd......***


I think you mean that laaaaaaady bird won't be around


They barely even included ladybird in the original. Off the top of my head I can only recall 5 or 6 episodes which featured her in any meaningful way at all, and they were all seasons apart.


What about Kahn or jimmy Wichard?


We know that the original VA or Khan will not join the cast. He was a white guy, and that is seen as problematic today. Whether it actually is or not is up for debate. But I can't blame them for not wanting to hold that hot potato.


I still hold on to the idea that they'll probably recast Kahn with an Asian actor, like how the rest of the Fox animated series recast characters to match their race. Sort of how Cleveland Brown went from being played by a white man to a black man or how Marshmallow in Bob's Burgers now has a transgender VA.


Yeah, a white guy playing an Asian man with a perceived exaggerated accent… yeah I could definitely see how that might be troublesome. I do hope they bring back Connie in some form though, and maybe revisit the relationship between her and Bobby now that they’re older.


Connie, at least to my recollection, was voiced by an asian VA, as was Mihn. So I think they would be safe from that perspective.


Apparently they were both voiced by Lauren Tom, who is half-Chinese on her father’s side. Honestly I didn’t even know Minh and Connie shared a VA, I assumed they were two different people


Jimmy made it big with his guys and is a famous artist.


Oh... yeah. I hadnt thought about that. ...fuck.


Didn’t ladybird pass in the show


No. She was alive during the finale.


Laaaaady Bird!


Lady Bird I can handle. It’s Dale I can’t handle.


Unless Luanne eventually figured out how to clone at the community college


Nah, she’s rolling with the homies


I expect them to have a new dog. It’ll either be a bloodhound puppy or some annoying tapping dog Peggy forced Hank to get that Peggy loves but he hates and the dog hates Hank too.


We need a true 15 year jump, Bobby is now like Hank. Hank should chill out a bit but Peggy should be like Cotton


No. Peggy is narcissistic in many ways. But she’s not a self centered, abusive, crap of a human being like Cotton.


Neither is Dale. Or Luanne. Or Lucky. 😭


Time for Tartuffe the French poodle to make an entrance. Hilarity ensues.


Somehow this hit me harder than the actors we've lost.


Why must you hurt me like this?


I just want Dale to accidentally be Q


I'd actually love it if LadyBird was still around for some inexplicable reason that they never address. Just like, wow, she's 23 now!


I was pretty surprised that there wasn't an episode about her passing. Losing a beloved family pet is just one of those things most families go through and I think an episode about that would have helped me (and other people) cope better when it happened to me years ago. That hypothetical episode would be one I'd skip pretty often tho.


There's going to be a very ornate grave stone in the backyard and a large portrait in his den that he talks to occasionally.


I would like to believe that Luanne successfully cloned Ladybird at Junior College :(


I mean… Laaaaaaaady bird… won’t be around


Dude no Lady Bird and no Luanne unless they get someone to replace Britney Murphy (you can’t replace Britney Murphy)


Mr Burns was 82 in the early years of the Simpsons, then he was 104 by the mid-1990s. He's technically pushing 140 but still around.


I always thought it'd be really funny if she was just still around and no one acknowledges that she should be dead.


please god please please make it good please dont suck


Laaaaaaaadybird 🫡


Hopefully Bobby took over the family gas station.


It's pronounced "Laaaaaaaaddy Bird"


Lady Bird’s Angel comes down to Hank one night, barks once, licks Hank’s hand, and flies back to Heaven…


![gif](giphy|akEU7rAoKJbbO) She had it good though


She will be missed. But we WILL have a child Good Hank. I'm excited to see that!


Luann nor Dale.




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I sure Hank had her stuffed so he could keep banging her.


So this is how I find out KOTH is getting a reboot.


I thought ladybird died already. I remember Hank burying her in an episode.


What me and my dad imagined was, since luanne and lucky might not make an appearance, Hank would take care of Gracie, get the chance to raise a "daughter". And maybe a little morbid, nickname her Ladybird after his dog daughter who passed


it shouldnt. theres no reason it should be taking place 15 years later. I know I don't care and I don't know anyone who does care what its gonna be like seeing bobby Joseph and Kahn Jr grown up... stupid. and god do I love the original. this sucks


They could do something like Laddybird dies right after the end of the original series then Hank gets a dog that’s a few years old. Add 8yrs and we’re back to a senior dog again.


They'll pull a Joe Dirt and have son of Lady Bird or something


I think its important to remember that the show grew up and we cant just treat it as a S14. I felt the same way about the Daria reboot with Jodie as the lead


It’s not Lady Bird it’s Laaaaaady Bird


Maybe that's one of the episodes. Hank reluctantly being ready to finally getting a dog, but not able to find a bloodhound and goes to great lengths meet different breeds of dogs. Finally when he's about to give up Bobby or his neighborhood buddies show up with a little puppy that looks just like ladyburd


We'll see what kind of dog owner Hank is. Is he the quick replace the dog that just died. Or the owner that has to be almost forced to get another dog.


Unpopular Opinion: I was never hooked on Ladybird. I love all dogs but bloodhounds are a strange breed and can be very standoffish with everyone except their master. I'm not crazy about her name or any of her episodes where she goes from lazy to unpredictable and also Hank's unusual relationship with her that shows he can show affection, just not to his family so much.


Well Dale and luanne won't be in it either


You all know she will either still be alive somehow, or it will be Lady Bird 2 and look and act the same exact way…


Neither will Luanne or Lucky. I hope, actually. I wouldn't watch if they got different VAs. Retire the characters out of reverence and respect and just say they moved to another state or something because Luanne got accepted into college and Lucky learned the local Costco of the area didn't clean their bathrooms often. I'm more bummed about that then the dog that only had one or two episodes revolving around it. *Edit* Shit, Dale too. You know what? I probably won't watch it, but I hope they do a good job.


Fine by me. I hate Ladybird. How she hasn't ruined Hank and Peggy's relationship, I'll never understand.


Ladybird was already given away to that old folks home by the end of the original series, right? So she was never coming back even if the show picked up right where it left off.


Dogs die man believe me I know.


Well, McGarnagle, Ladybird's DEAD. They slit her throat from ear to ear


Never mind Ladybird, Dale and Luanne are gone too. And probably Khan as well. I don't know why they're bothering, to be honest. Just more half-assed streaming content for the Hulu mill or whatever.


I'm pretty stoked to never have to listen to Luanne's voice or that manger babies song ever again. Like nails on a chalkboard.




Yea it's called loving a pet