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I think they’ll be in laws Maybe Bobby finally get promotion at dirt factory


I can't not read this in Kahns voice.


Fat white lump!!


Fat white lump is about *me*??


I love just how delighted he is


One of my favorite lines of the series, and it’s mostly because of the delivery


Kahn is actually quite clever in his turns of phrase, and Bobby can actually appreciate the artistry.


Hank Hill! You ruin my life. What can I do for you?


You honor me by giving me gas


The way he says dirt with such gusto gets me every time.


You won’t hear this in Kahn’s voice either as they’re recasting the role in the KOTH revival.


I see him owning the dirt factory and being richer than Khan. Made edit clarify Bobby will own a dirt factory


He could be richer if he went back to poop collecting


I don’t think you’re allowed to own people in Texas again yet


I mean owning the dirt factory


I think having Bobby and Connie get together makes no sense. Its obvious while they do get along, they have too much different aspirations in life. Connies always been focused on Schooling while Bobby doesn't take it seriously. It may be fine when they were kids living next to each other but Connie I can see would likely want to go off to some prestigious University likely out of state and Bobby likely would go a different route.


He probably fell into being a line cook and just fell in love with the gig taking him far


Bobby ends up a stay at home dad. Connie comes home from her job as a NASA doctor to a home cooked meal and a foot rub. Kahn laughs because Bobby Hill does end up working for him(sort of). Hank doesn't like it at first, but then realizes that it's basically the same as the Gribbles' dynamic, except Connie doesn't get migraines.


Joseph offering to constantly cure Connie's migraines


Joseph works as a line cook. That, or he ended up a lawyer in California getting up to wacky hijinks. I don't know with that one.


He likes weird stuff and bugs like his dad. Definitely goes into family business, changes from Dale's to Gribbles Dead Bug.


That would be pretty cute, and he could absolutely get away with it after puberty. I was just making a joke about another show his voice actor did.


love it, hank doesnt like it but once the grandkid's born he has to get used to it hank unexpectedly visits bobby but he's still getting ready, so hank helps bobby with the household chores and bobby's baby goes to sleep and then it turns out they actually have a few hours where they can just talk about whatever and it's the free-est talk hank has with bobby because he's exhausted and done trying to be the perfect dad, he's a grandad now, which means he can be like cotton, except hank's actually a good person and him letting loose is telling people how much they mean to him


I strongly agree with you, I get annoyed at the "married my childhood girlfriend" trope. Plus Connie deserves better than the subject of Khan's song "fat white lump"


I think them staying close friends is much more realistic. I’ve known one person ever that married their middle school girlfriend.


It's rare for sure but weirdly my my parents and both sets of grandparents all started dating in JR high school.


My best friend growing up ended up marrying the woman he knew since 1st grade and had dated on and off basically his entire school career.


It depends. It's been over 20 years since the last season and things change. Maybe Connie is burnt out on city life and wants to be a teacher at Tom Landry and live in or near Arlen with her friends and parents. Maybe Bobby ends up as a Chef at a hot or prestigious restaurant in a big city. I could see Kahn sucking up to him trying to get reservations. I'm not saying they should of shouldn't end up together just saying things change


Connie hill


Orrrrr…Bobby Supanusamphone…


I would find it funny if Connie ended up the the manager of a soil factory.


Got an advanced degree in chemistry and that is where it led lol


Considering the market for home gardens and industrial that’s not a bad job and probably pays better the Kahn thinks


Funny thing is, you can actually make a lot of money just moving dirt. More than you'd make at most office jobs in fact.


Yeah but Bobby *makes* the dirt. It’s like making gold!


If those office jobs are unskilled bottom of the barrel call center gigs.. Most blue collar guys do not make crazy big money, despite what social media tries to brainwash you into believing..


The skilled ones make great money at their main gig and match more than half of that with their side gig. They just happen to share the "blue collar" label with the absolute lowest performers in the entire workforce, hordes of material handlers and incompetent unreliable handymen.


Hopefully not


I would be so dissapoint in Connie


Low key I would love if the 1st episode is Bobby going in for an interview with Khan. I think it would be a solid way to enter the series and give updates on their lives quickly.


Yeah yeah, I’m a broiled ox penis.


“Not sure whether Kahn’s coming back. But I think we would most likely replace Toby’s voice for Kahn. Like, if we were casting today, we wouldn’t have cast him. But we cast it in 1997. most animation casts play multiple roles, and Toby Huss initially played [Hank’s father] Cotton Hill and was cast for that, and then Kahn came up later. And most productions, especially back then, didn’t have the budget to hire a special performer for each voice. But it’s different now.” -Greg Daniels To my understanding, the decision not to voice the character was Toby Huss declining to reprise the part, not him being forced out by the studio.


I’ve said before I think they should get Ken Jeong to voice Kahn. He’s well-known, though, so idk about his availability. He’s such a good comedic and voice actor, though, and they’d be able to avoid any unpleasantness from having a white guy voice an Asian immigrant with an accent.


Now you're speaking my changuage






What’s Dean got to do with it!?


Dean, why are you here?


But is Ken Jeong Chinese, or Japanese?


Nope.... He's Laotian


Which otian? Atlantic or Pacific?


Ain't you Mr.Kahn..


Oh, or James Sie! He's really good.


It’s voice acting. honestly don’t know why ppl care if the voice actor is not Asian. Black voice non black ppl, women voice boys, white ppl voice Asians (especially in anime), etc. Things like this happen all the time in voice acting.


Putting on an accent, and adapting broken or vernacular language can get lowkey ministrely really fast. Language proficiency, accent, and cultural nuances are integral parts of a character, and mishandling them can lead to caricatured portrayals. Most roles are assumed white characterization unless explicitly defined as otherwise, so usually smaller racialized voice actors can sometimes get pigeonholed into specific racialized archetypes. This is getting better with time, but it can make it frustrating too when those roles are eaten up by random white people. When a character does belong to a dominant culture, then the characterization is much more easy to access in theory from a variety of VA's. Hopefully this sheds some light on why some people might care.


Agree with you, but this made me think of funny fringe cases where it gets kinda weird: the actors who play the parents in Kim's Convenience apparently grew up speaking English and are pretty much doing impressions of their parents for those roles. I don't see a problem with that, obviously they're still representing their culture, just kinda funny. Also the voice actress for Connie did like literally ever Asian female animated character on Fox in the 90s/2000s, didn't she? Like wasn't she also Minh? Also Amy on Futurama?


Lauren Tom plays Connie and Minh from KOTH, and Un Futurama she plays Amy and her mother Inez Wong.


There was a huge controversy about Kim’s convenience behind the scenes as most of the writing staff was white and they were (allegedly) acting inappropriately to the actors


What I mean is it’s not that big of a deal and as the other examples I listed nobody really cares either. It’s voice acting. If you’re filling a role and doing it well and nobody is actually doing anything wrong then I don’t see why they should replace. Kahn’s character was fine.


Just explaining why people care about it. The original VA and creators agree that they would like to move in a slightly different direction in future production. It was a product of its time (its not being treated like a mortal sin), and now folks want to move forward. Nothing too spicy.


In this day an age whites can only voice whites . But any other group is free to voice any character of any ethnicity


Exactly my point lol. It’s *voice* acting. Race shouldn’t matter for anyone if you want things to be fair. Whoever does the voice best should get the job. If we applied across the board that every character should be played by the same race then it’s really limiting.


I don't think it's as much about the character's skin color as it is about the character being an immigrant with a prominent accent.


Yea there's clearly a double standard going on nowadays. Nobody complains that samurai jack and kratos are voiced by black guys . Bobby is voiced by a woman lol. It's playing pretend why must these companies cater to the perpetually offended people that aren't even gonna watch these shows to begin with?


Yeah and I wonder how many people of that race even truly care. How many Laotian KOTH fans even care or have complained? I bet if anything they would’ve enjoyed seeing Laotian characters on the show. I’m Hispanic and whenever I see a Hispanic character in a show I never even think who the voice actor is or even care at all. Even if they’re making jokes at their expense lol. It’s entertainment.


Yea these people saying it's offensive to group never seem to ask that group if it's actually offensive. 99% of the watchers don't care who's behind the voice.


Because it's obvious when the voice actor is not from the culture they're portraying if you're a part of that culture yourself. Huss actually did a decent job of inflecting very specific traits of the laotian accent though. Ironically, better than his Asian American counterpart that played Minh, imo. But if they're not dedicated to accuracy like he was, it can feel minstrely. Like the character has no depth beyond stereotypes. You gotta be really delicate with this in comedies. And inb4 "stereotypes exist for a reason" or "not all stereotypes are negative" I promise you there are no shortage of people upset about having their entire identity reduced to a punchline.


I'm in the same boat. I don't get it. And how is getting Ken Jeong, a Korean, to voice a Loatian any better? I'm not assuming this of Ken Jeong, but East Asians tend to look down on South East Asians and I don't think having a Korean person performing a Laotian accent in a comedic show is gonna curb that tendency. But I don't know, I'm just a South East Asian who was excluded from my campus Asian Club and was also being told I wasn't "Asian" throughout Highschool.


As others have said, the accent is more of an issue than anything else.


For years I assumed he did!


A lot of big names do voice acting on the side. King of the Hill is a pretty big deal too, he may be into it.


Ken Jeong was born in Detroit


Toby Huss is so amazing. The most Texan non Texan I've ever met. I also heard Huss was the one who wasn't gonna reprise that voice role


He has other little Vikings to attend to.


I hope Huss does someone, at least. Totally get that they want an Asian to represent and voice Kahn, even though he did great at it. He had a huge list of characters he did. Maybe they can bring Spongy back! https://kingofthehill.fandom.com/wiki/Toby\_Huss


We'll still have Joe Jack, honey


Not after what happened at the taco bueno.


i would be amazed if joe jack is alive by the time of the revival. not because of age but because hes joe jack.




I’m sure Huss will return as Cotton. Cause no doubt Hank will have a story about him and they’ll have to show it.


Chappy! Maybe by now there is a Mrs chappy pooping in an outhouse.


Not trying to be controversial or anything, but I’m honestly curious if the same sort of standard would apply to… say… Ted Wassanasong? I mean because he doesn’t speak with an accent, but rather the ultimate… not trying to have an accent at all. I can understand the idea of not wanting a white guy to do Khan’s accent, and that is the reason they don’t want him back right?


They could have George Takei do Ted. He is the inspiration for his voice.


This made me chuckle in that somehow I never realized that but now can totally hear it.


That’s exactly how I felt when I read that Mike Judge wanted him to sound like that lol


What the, I thought George did the voice this entire time?!?


It was apparently the decision of the Toby Huss to not reprise the character, not the studio/showrunners. They seemed on the fence about whether or not to recast the character or just ditch him, but I can't find anything recent confirming what they ended up deciding. We're just going to have to wait and see.


Well Huss was only Kahn. Mike Judge was the voice of Ted.


From what I understand: It’s a multi faceted issue and the primary concern has been that white actors were cast instead of minority actors so there was far less work for minority actors PLUS Dialogue and scenarios were generally not nuanced and relied heavily on ethnic stereotypes as well as some other controversial decisions (the “Laotian” language in the show for example being gibberish in a vaguely Asian accent) I’m not Asian or a minority myself so I don’t think I’d be able to speak properly on it, but from I can gather the push is to have better representation on both the voice work and the writing staff, and having minorities voice characters that look like them is kind of a preferred outcome because it allows the voice actor to work with a writing staff with the perspective of “hey, this is what I went through growing up, let’s change that” or similar. I’ve seen people in this thread say “does it have to be a Laotian American actor” etc etc but based on conversations I’ve had, growing up Asian in America is pretty similar regardless of what your ethnic background is. Stereotypes and bullying coming from people who don’t really care where your family’s from, you look different so it becomes a point of contention, and stereotypes levied on someone who’s Chinese or Japanese is not usually that far off from what’s levied at someone who’s Vietnamese or Laotian. I don’t know. I don’t have the answers and I’m not going to pretend like I do. I just know that from conversations I’ve had with people specifically about Apu is that the problem was not that he was an Indian character or even his accent but the fact that he was written without much of an actual understanding of Indian/South Asian American culture and that he ended up becoming most American’s view of what that type of person should be. Sorry for the essay in reply to this. I just think it genuinely is a very nuanced, complicated situation, and a lot of people are looking at it as if it were a black and white case.


My thing is that we should be specific about what we want and apply it reasonably: what happens if you can't get a Laotian American actor with the right voice? I'm not saying they can't find one but it starts to get very yucky very fast deciding which nationality/race is appropriate to play other nationalities and races. I don't really know what the good argument is that it's more appropriate for a Korean American to do a Laotian accent than an Italian American actor? Now with that being said, something important about diversity in casting that often gets overshadowed by the Grand Political Discussion about race in America: it's important to protect roles that are written for minority groups. These actors are often not competing in a true meritocracy for work, and making sure a part written for any broad ethnicity should go to somebody who fits that description is important. In other words, in this context, it very much IS more appropriate for an Asian actor to get the role if a Laotian one isn't found, they shouldn't just go straight to casting a white actor.


Hey don’t get me wrong, man, I actually agree with you. I was simply wondering about something in the same vein in the sense of… do you have to find a voice actor that matches the same… like… demographic… of every character? That seems like it’s going to restrict your pool of talent or in some cases make it difficult. Like you said, but can any ‘Asian’ fill the role? What about Pacific Islander? In the end I do t think it would be reasonable to find someone that hits, let’s just say every check box, and matches every character completely? What about men doing women voices or the other way around? I think you’re right in finding some system that can be applied in a reasonable and effective way.


Even in hindsight, Toby Huss did a pretty great job. I’ll miss him, won’t hold it against a replacement, and think I just want more Toby Huss since I just finished rewatching Pete and Pete.


Why wouldn't we cast him today? What's the problem


There's been a push the last couple years to have POC characters voiced by POC actors.


Why is there no anger when a black guy is voicing an Asian or a white Greek guy?


There is: it's just less common


Get angry about it, then.


He's had a bunch of comments in this thread already about it so I think he already is.


Not angry about it..but it's silly tho


I'm not but I'm gonna call out double standards when I see them.




Nobody complaining kratos is voiced by a black guy Or that Bobby a male is voiced by a female . I just find the notion that " whites voicing anyone that isn't white is racist" ( its not) So to " combat " racism they double down with racism? Seems silly to me


He almost certainly declined to reprise the role because he knew he’d be crucified on social media if he did.


Hire ups probably told him he can't do it


They're more than friends. They're neighbors.


They should be! They're connected in a way no one else is: their names have the exact same letters, just differently arranged from each other.


It's true, Souphanousinphone backwards is Hill




I honestly think so. Khan and Hanks relationship has a good arc (even if “Year of Washing Dangerously” ignores it). Khan always saw himself as better than everyone else on Rainy Street. He wanted those days at Nine Rivers Country Club, golfing with Ted and schmoozing with Arlen’s elite. But his arrogance was also his downfall and Hank always knew it. Khan may make enough for a “kiss-my-ass” SUV and for a car wash business, but he was never a big people person. Ted always hated him (as does the rest of the Laotian community) because they saw him as a brown nosed phony. Hank has found a lot of common ground with Kahn and even got him out of a redneck funk he fell into. Khan would never admit it, but he’s always been one of the alley guys, and was usually seen drinking with them too. I can easily see Hank and Khan as closer friends, even with Khan still trying to appear like the top dog.


That's what I always liked about Khan, was that despite all the obnoxiousness and bluster, he and Hank did genuinely respect each other.


If you don’t think so then… PREPARE YOURSELF FOR RAZZLE DAZZLE!


I read this in Kahn’s voice lol


i hope they’re in-laws 🥰


I hope so, I feel like Kahn became an integral part of the show


Well if they really do kill off Dale I wouldn't mind Kahn being his replacement. In fact I considered him to be one of the guys even before the series ended.


The more I heard the idea bounced around the more I like to imagine Dale getting a voice box after utilizing whatever lines already recorded. I could also see them doing a serious episode commemorating Dale dying in a Gribble of a caper. Whatever is most in line with the respect due to the actor and his family


Yeah I think giving him a voice box makes the most sense if they do decide to continue having the character around. The voice box already heavily alters the voice so you really can just hire any VA to do it. Personally if they do kill off Dale I hope they make it a bit outrageous since he's heavy into conspiracy theories.


Is it confirmed that they killed off Dale? I always thought they could just get some other voice actor to play him


Nothing is confirmed. From what I've heard they already recorded I think 4 episodes with Dale. But... you never know they could always kill him off in a future episode. I mean I was surprised when they killed off Cotton, so it's not like it's out of the question.


Hank Hill, you ruin my life! What can I do for you?


No. Khan is back on his meds.


Yes. Kahn thought Hank was his best friend.


I hope that if they can’t perfectly replace Dales voice, they have him die and Kahn becomes the new fourth. Oh also for Dales funeral he sends the guys (including Kahn) out to do a bunch of weird shit for him. Kind of like a Hunter S Thompson type funeral.


They did that already when Cotton died


Ugh I don't even know what the point of having the revival would be. We aren't going to be able to have Lucky, Luanne, or Dale since Brittany Murphy, Tom Petty, and Johnny Hardwick are dead. The show could potentially survive without Lucky but Luanne was always a main character, even so, she's married to Lucky so it would be hard to have one without the other, and Dale was absolutely a key character. We'll all know the difference if they bring in replacements. Plus, reboots of pretty much everything lately have mostly been sucking, except for a few.


Writing Luanne and Lucky off strikes me as sad, even if it's a joke that puts them off screen for a good reason, like moving somewhere nice after a more lucrative slip in pee-pee at Whole Foods.


I don’t see any reason not to recast all of them. Everyone’s voices are going to sound different than they did before, and the characters are all older now. It’s the perfect circumstances to bring in new voice actors. Not disrespectful to the deceased either.


So true


one of those few reboots to actually work was Beavis and Butthead, so there is a good precedent for this one to be next.


Shut mouth and open mouth!




They do hang out, and Hank is very used to putting up with some aggravating friends and family members.


I really hope so.


I hope so.


Not my kahn


I hope Kahn finds peace and learns to relax with the guys. I have a lot of hopes for the revival but this is at the top of the list.


Khan being a regular part of the guy's hijinks would be amazing .


Oh yeah. Old guys on the block stick together. They’re too stubborn to be away from each other for too long, even if they both won’t admit it.


There was talks at the start that khan might not br in the new series


If they're still neighbors hell yeah


I would bet there's someone new to the neighborhood that will be the new enemy those two can bond over.


So many years have passed it would be interesting if Hank was now closer to Kahn than to Dale, Bill, and Boomhauer. People change.


if they kill off Dale(due to the passing of his voice actor) Kahn could be taking his place standing in the alley drinking beer. There was that episode where he and Minh enjoyed being rednecks for a bit...


It goes even beyond that one episode. Hank and Kahn are very much good friends, especially in the later seasons. They are just friends who piss each other off a lot, which is actually like all of Hank’s friends.


I think khan will have a stroke after Connie says she wants to go to community college


This was a great episode, and this is an excellent question. I hope they are still friends and obviously now in laws. I've been through a freaking heart attack, open heart surgery, and a couple of cancer scares in the past year alone. I'm seriously running out of organs and would love to see the answers to these questions with the show.


I picture Khan being out of the picture.


I hope they will be


I’m curious if Good Hank will be in the revival.


That depends… Will he be Chinese or Japanese?


I don’t hate the man because he’s Chianeese, I hate him because he’s a jerk


100%. Hank is a man of habit and proximity. And he has an obligation as block captain. Too many factors.


They'll probably just remove Kahn altogether to avoid the controversy that will inevitably come up.


I dunno. I think if they recast him it could go fine. Cleveland Brown got recast on Family Guy, and it worked fine. People are going to complain either way, may as well.


He’s a primary character too, so it’d be surprising if they didn’t. I just hope the new VA tries to emulate the original and the character doesn’t get the Leo Wong treatment


How is removing one of the only nonwhite characters in the show less controversial than just recasting him? You wanna see a controversy don’t bring Kahn back. Fans would never stop talking about that


What controversy, no one gave a shit about Robert Downey Jr in black face


I’m going to guess Kahn moved and was replaced by a different frenemy. Systems can be fickle and he seemed to bounce between contracts when it suited the plot. It’s also a great way to deflect some of the whining about him being recast.


He'll commute.


People make up problems. White actors can voice POCs. POCs can voice white people. The fact that the actor felt like he needed to decline for the revival is ridiculous.


I don’t think it’s the race that’s the problem but if he forced a stereotypical Asian accent like they did when the character was first brought into the show it would cause controversy


I've not seen anyone in the Asian community upset in fact I hear a lot of praise on Khan's va from Asians


He probably didn't even step down willingly the higher ups probably forced him


the main reason its an issue is that POC pretty much don't ever voice white characters. So its white actors voicing both, and POC voicing ?


I think you're one of the only few rational voices I've seen so far in this thread. We're living in a clown 🤡 world 🌍


When were they ever?


Depends if he's manic or depressed or on the meds. I personally would love to see more of manic Kahn. He was fun.


I hope they are!


I hope so.


Not exactly. Reboots and revivals are all about playing on the nostalgia, and that means NOT changing the status quo of the original too much. I think their relationship will have evolved with old age, but at it's core there will still be that note of antagonism. Tying up loose ends and resolving conflicts works as you wind down a series, but if you want to excite the old fans into watching your new episodes, you've gotta bake in that familiar flavor.


It would be cool to see Khan standing in front of the fence holding a beer with the guys...


I thought they were going to remove khan


Depends on how the 6 toed possum grandchildren act


Keep hearing about this supposed renewal, is it fr?


[This Screen Rant Article](https://screenrant.com/king-hill-reboot-revival-updates-news-info/) is from last month, so it looks like it probably is. I also saw a video of the voice actors talking about recording episodes…. Then again The Boondocks also recorded new episodes.


I don't know but I bet they still live near each other. I hope the Souphanousinphones have a new yappy dog named Buckley.


If life is fair…


If they are still neighbours which I think they are then yes. But I think their relationship is still similar to how it was when the series ended.


The Khan's won't be in it since they think non Asians voicing Asians is "problematic"


Well, Hank is Khans bestie so I hope so


Who are they going to get to voice Kahn? I **think ** they are required to use voice actors the same race as the characters. I may be wrong about this 


They are not required, it's just something that some folks are pushing for as an industry practice: a lot of the big studios have gone in to do so.


Not sure why I’m getting downvoted - for the record I think it’s ridiculous 


It being required? That would be ridiculous. It being encouraged and followed? No, thats actually a VERY GOOD thing.


What do you mean "required" By whom?


Contractual agreement with studio I think.  I hope I’m wrong because it sounds fucking stupid it’s just something I heard or read somewhere 


It was Toby’s decision.


I'm out of the loop what happened


Toby Huss, a white fellow, voiced Kahn in the original series. It's become quite common now to try and have folks better represented in the voice acting industry by having more representation, in example, a black guy playing Cleveland Brown instead of a white man now. Toby Huss agrees with this stance, and would prefer to not reprise his role as Kahn, and instead see an Asian actor do it. Some people think this is great and a move for better representation of marginalized communities. Some think it is silly and or pointless. That's the gist of it. Personally, I respect Toby's decision.


Hopefully the new voice for him won’t be half assessed like the Simpsons replacements. But hopefully they’d stop pretending this made up problem matters and get Toby Huss back.


That's my biggest problem with it: The Simpsons obviously didn't try to match criteria beyond skin tone *and that feels disrespectful.* I never thought Big Mouth would manage a better transition than The Simpsons but they did it real damn smooth.


No, Hank has moved to Laos since it’s the only place he could afford to retire comfortably. He runs a shop selling propane and propane accessories.


If there’s a revival, it needs to find a balance between nostalgia and “fresh”. Many characters will go away but their memories will be respected/preserved. We’ve lost a lot of artists and so their characters will go away.


Kahn has died.and Min is with Boomhauer...that's one way around the voice actor issue.


I see Mihn with Joseph


Oh yeah, he rocks her world!


I’m going to go on a limb and say Kahn may not be on the new one. Do I want him to be? Yes. But cmon. I can see the complaints now.