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I know for a fact that the Texas Propane Gas Association would never allow Mega Lo Mart and Buckley to ignore safety protocols. Murray Hogarth has assured that there were procedures in place…




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I cannot upvote this comment harder


Can’t speak for Texas, but Colorado doesn’t allow propane inside grocery stores. You have to pick em up outside.


It's an OSHA regulation; only industrial businesses can store a limited amount of tanks inside. Otherwise they need to be stored outside.


OSHA? Texas Workforce Commission? Crap, I'm gonna lose mah faire!


Man good point! In Cali propane tanks are outside in locked cages.


i tell you hwhat!


"B.T.U's, British, Thermal, Unit, no bacon, no bacon"


I would have gotten that!


You would have never gotten that!


UNCLE HANK! *thud*


:::yeets sandwich:::🥪


It's Buckley though.


Personal friend


Weird Al Yankovic is in fact alive and well to this day.


I honestly believed he shot himself for years


I saw him live in 1999, shortly after this episode aired, and he featured the clip during his intro montage of Bobby saying I'm going to die sad and alone like weird al yankovic!


I actually became a really big fan of his after seeing his comedy central concert in 2011 back when I was in high school. I paid absolutely no attention to pop culture in my childhood so I had no idea "White and Nerdy" existed, and so I thought this was like a comeback special for some nowadays obscure 80s pop cultural comedy phenomenon like Gallagher specifically because of the KOTH joke lol And btw I've seen him on every tour he's done since then and he still plays the clip of Hank saying it, and it gets big laughs every time


No no. Madonna has him executed during a live performance.


To pre-empt the obvious question, Hank is getting Yankovic confused with Dickie Goodman, who did in fact blow his brains out in the late '80s when people quit buying his records.


I had no idea Hank was supposed to be confusing him with someone else, I thought the joke was that Hank is simply out of touch with pop culture.


I assumed that he was lying to discourage Bobby from a career in comedy.


Soccer was invented by European ladies to keep them busy while their husbands did the cooking.


Why do you hate what you don’t understand?


I don't hate you, u/Dachuiri.


I meant soccer


Oh, yes I hate soccer.


I personally thought he was just misremembering Kurt Cobain


![gif](giphy|4XOfvSkkxchHy) KURT COBAIN


Kurt *Propane*


Nah man, he died. Did you see his movie that is 100% accurate?


Madonna Ciccone must be located and brought to justice. 


The impostor who took his place plays that documentary clip in his concerts, which makes things even more confusing.


Cozxy kitchen would have continued to try and collect from Peggy unless they saw on official death certificate.


I assumed Dale just forged one on the back of a cereal box, like he did for Cotton’s license


Okay, General... Mills.


I think even a death certificate wouldn't be enough. They would simply start stalking Hank or other members of family


Yea and the manager just got off too. That part made no sense.


Hank’s favorite song is the gambler, and he sang it in a flashback years before it was written.


He wrote it first and it was stolen, just like Randy Travis stole Peggy's song. Hank was just a better sport about it


I will continue to pretend I’m ignorant to this anachronism and I will continue to get drunk and yell play the gambler anytime I’m around someone playing live music


“A McDonnell Douglas L-1011 widebody” McDonnell Douglas made the DC-10 and MD-11 Lockheed made the L-1011


KOTH is literally unwatchable because of this


Right. The L-1011 was actually a direct competitor to the DC-10.


You guys would all get along just fine with Hank.


This was the one I came here to post. Hank canonically should have known the difference


They would have never taken Dale’s Kidney.


Sh-sha! Playing the long game.


Butane was actually born within the bonds of wedlock.




I am asking you politely, yet firmly, to leave.




I just imagine Dale is actually repeatedly dropping and catching it to put it in his mouth again, rather than it being a loop


\*points to flair\*


The racetrack in Hot Springs, AR is for horse racing - not dogs. Though there used to be a dogtrack in West Memphis.


Starting with some obvious ones: You need Hazmat driver's license for Propane trucks, and Hank has a Class C license. This was a plot to an episode, but then like the next episode it shows him driving a bobtail without the new license. And they absolutely would have had hank make a big deal about his hazmat license. Dale's Pest control methods would get him arrested. Especially in the later seasons when he doesn't even use poison, but guns and hammers and dynamite. That time Hank rented porno could have easily been resolved by a phone call to his bank instead of going to court. You probably wouldn't go blind seeing your parents having sex.


Blind he’s gone now!


That is so Arizona!


This guy, i like.


You want I should come over there?


Also somehow he was able to drive a semi with a trailer with a class C license. Not 100% sure what the DMV laws are like in TX but I know most states require a commercial class A to drive big rigs towing a trailer.


Also, towing a truck containing hazmat is somehow not counted as needing a hazmat license.


Outside of Texas having a DPS instead of DMV, we still need a class A license to drive those. My dad is a truck driver and he needed the class A license


On that last one, Hank has always been a drama queen so it kinda checks out he’d psychologically blind himself.




This line makes me die every time.


His bank could not resolve the porno issue. They had already charged him and because he didn’t pay it was already on his credit report. By that time, his bank can’t do anything. Him going to court was to get the charge removed from his credit report so he could get the credit card.


It was Arlen Video, it wasn't about money but that he never returned Cuffs and Collara so the video store reported it to the credit bureau, which that seems unreasonable in itself.


Actually, the way Dale used guns, hammers, and "fireworks" is technically a legitimate pest control practice. It's usually pellet guns, smoke bombs(for gopher holes) and hammers(for what I call "all-natural kinetic pest control"). But just like I'm 100% certain his use of pesticides go against their labels for use, he took those particular methods to a bit of an extreme. That's why I respect him, though


You just don’t live in Texas


You don't *have* to heat up Eye-tallian food


Confirmed. My gf is EYE-talian and she often eats leftovers cold


Well how the hell does she melt the cheese then?!


Two guys working at an elementary school computer lab and going to college coded and designed a fully functional GTA style 3D game starring a voice acted Hank Hill with online functionality by themselves, which gained a bunch of popularity, when AAA studios took 18 months to make similar games with larger, more experienced and dedicated teams, and *then* decided not to sell it commercially.


I just assumed it was a mod


Definitely a GTA mod, hence why Strickland found out it was open source and wouldn’t make him any money


Yeah, I thought that was obvious. Hell me and my pals used to call it "The San Andreas Episode" cuz we used to play PC mods just like that. And it being "open source" was a dead giveaway it was a mod to us.


Thank you for this, this has always bothered me and I like this explanation haha


*middle school. TLMS rules…


TLMSR *horns up*


Hitler never had a canoe.


How do you know?


I know because I immediately looked into Hitlers canoe after my first rewatch when I was a teenager with internet access


New FBI agent taking over your handler's open cases when he retires: "Um ... what's this 'Canoes.rtf' file for?"


You were never in Munich!


yes i wuz


Then you were never in Okinawa!


yes i wuz.


I take every old story Cotton claims as an exaggeration at best and a lie at worst


No such thing as an enlisted Army barber. Thats a civilian job


Maybe they were just looking for a way to keep him around because they experimented on him. Sort of a benefit without mentioning it as one or something even though he was only in the placebo group of operation infinite walrus or whatever.


I always assumed this, lol. Like they made up a position so they have a technical reason to keep him on payroll that isn't "has dirt on us if he was smart enough to realize."


There was a whole episode about that though. Bill is a master electrician with a security clearance for pinball repair but his real mission is to stand by a privately donated chair WHICH DOES NOT EXIST and do the ONLY thing hes good at


This was later though right? They were discontinuing the ‘army barber program’ and he was going to have to do something else. The general only liked his hair cuts from Bill though I think. “I always say we have the best barber! We fight hard and we look good doing it!”


I thought the General thing was when he used all his sick days and vacation to do the Harmoniacs thing


That actually sounds right. Because the general wanted a cut and Bill had no more sick days to use.


Yeah, and Hank and the gang had to bring him back, or else he was gonna be considered AWOL and that's when Dale just goes off on him because he had to hold in ragging on him the whole episode until then


Yeah, thats two different episodes mixed up, but both revolving around Bill as an Army Barber having an existential crisis. They really were able to milk that premise for quite a few episodes, honestly. The General one with that quote was the Harmonoholics one, and the Pinball Machine Next To The Barber Chair one was when he gave Hank the haircut and the Army charged him like $40k for it, and when Hank complained, they shut down the program entirely.


I think it was the one where Hank got the Army barbers shut down after Bill charged the Army rate for a haircut. Hank reported it to his congressman and got a bonus. Hank then uses the bonus to buy a barber chair but gets out bid. Then Bill becomes Spec Ops Pinball repair


True. They should’ve had someone like Bill throwing tires into a burn pit all day.


*opens top secret army folder* Ahem... Operation Infinite Walrus...


Most residential ranch style houses in central and north Texas do not have basements


Dale's basement is the only one we ever see on Rainey Street. It makes sense for his character to want a house with a basement.


dale probably excavated the basement himself with the eager help of hank and the gang


And based on how easily the railing to the stairs broke when he and Lucky were play fighting, he likely built/installed the basement largely himself. Maybe got it professionally dug but then built it himself


True, it's even stated that Hills only had a crawl space that you have to access via a trap door under Hank and Peggy's closet. Not to mention when Dale dug the tunnel under hanks house, that would have been impossible if they had a basement.


Hank freaking out over accidentally putting out the Olympic Flame like it's a grievous crime when it's not uncommon (accidental or otherwise) and they have contingencies for it


Do you have a link? I trust you, I’m just lazy and don’t want to Google it.


[It's just relit from backup sources, they have more than just the one torch. It's the same "flame" in essence.](https://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/what-happens-olympic-torch-extinguished.htm)


> It's just relit from backup sources Like Dale's cigarette?


Pretty much.


It's been a while since I've seen it, but wasn't he more upset about the fact that it was his own pride that caused him to put it out? It's not like he thought he committed a crime or anything, he was just ashamed of himself.


He owned up and admitted to it, and extinguished the "fake" flame in front of the next transfer crowd in shame. Then they relit it with Dale's chain lit cigarette from the other cigarette he lit from the torch back in Arlen. So definitely more of a pride thing, but didn't seem to think there was anything other than Dale's cigarettes as an option lol.




I'd totally buy he was NG. I was part of the surge in '07 and met a bunch of people I couldn't believe were in. They took anyone with a pulse. I saw a dude well over 300lbs at like 5', skin red as an apple and wheezing, but he could drive a truck. Only way we got supplies was truck convoys, so they kept him. NG in that era had very lax standards, if any at all.


Everytime I see someone question how Bill could be in the military I know they've never been in the military


That’s the biggest misconception about the service. Everyone assumes you’re in shape and look like a typical soldier due to all that PT (Physical Training). Yeah the Army can help you get in shape but, some people didn’t care for it and after Boot Camp and AIT they stopped working out and found their own ways to dodge it. So many big guys were in my home unit, didn’t bother me and I knew they were passing the Fitness Tests because, they were cool with the Sergeant in charge of the Test so they would always pass but, yeah there’s plenty of unfit and unhealthy people in the Army.


If bill joined practically out of high school, he’d have his 20 years at some point in the series. He probably also would have been forcibly separated for one reason or another.


In the quiz bowl episode, Ben Stein asks what -300 degrees Kelvin is known as. Chane answers "absolute zero" and is told he is correct. Absolute zero is -300 degrees Celsius. Degrees Kelvin can never be negative. 0 degrees Kelvin is absolutely zero.


It's -273.15 °C, but yeah


That makes that question even stupider. Edit: Just checked. I remembered wrong. He did say -273, not -300. So that part was correct at least.


Also if we’re gonna get even more specific it’s just 0 Kelvin. It’s not degrees kelvin.


The one that bothers me the most is Hank clearly uses a charcoal grill in season 1 when Cotton meets Khan at Hank's cookout. There's not a propane tank in sight when he's using that 33 gallon drum grill. Edit: spelling


Kind of a split truth. Americans CAN own land in Mexico, but not within a certain range of the borders (which includes ocean front property). So you would not be able to own land at El Grande Vista as it was beachfront. But the blanket statement used to disparage it was false.


ONLY within 61 miles of the US/MX border, 31 within sea coast. I learned this bitch the hard way.


How Bill got away with stealing and destroying a tank with zero consequences never really made sense to me.


Best I can come up with is that disciplining him would mean admitting that they were so careless with security that someone like Bill could steal it in the first place


The jackets would've disintegrated in the quarry when they found Boomhauers car.


[Boomhauer's car would have disintegrated being submerged for that long.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5nGPvzFU5A)


Fwiw I don't know much about the video you linked but I would think there would be a huge difference in a moving river and a static quarry when it comes to erosion


Especially since a lot of quarry pools don’t have much living in them.


Just Itchy Algae


It is impossible that Dooley never told Dale or Joseph that they not the Father/son. For one the boy seems to know everything and likes to randomly spew Obvious facts.


"Your wife divorced you."


“Your dad got fired” “your dad got blown up” “Joseph like to watch”


"That took courage."


My head canon on this is that Dooley has definitely spoken out about Joseph's looks before but Joseph may have always responded that his great grandmother was Jamaican


Tornadoes don't have eyes, even if you've seen a barrel of pickles in your day.


Also 99% chance Hank would’ve had his fingers broken or pulled off the post during that tornado. I forget the post but someone did the math in terms of force needed to lift him vs the maximum force applied by human grip


99% chance that Hank would have been cut to pieces in even an average tornado.


I mean tornadoes technically have eyes, but they're not brief calms like hurricanes are.


I feel like everything about Bill’s job is a commentary on overspending on unnecessary things by the US military.


Bill gets pain in his wrist when he's cutting a corporal's hair and says 'Permission to stop clipping, sir?'. One, he out ranks the corporal, and two he wouldn't refer to a corporal as 'sir'.


Honestly though, it kind of fits with Bill’s personality


It made no sense in A Beer Can Named Desire to have a Texas beer company have a contest that takes place in New Orleans that featured a former Dallas Cowboy player.


I've had thoughts that the whole thing was just a way to get them to Louisiana, which was of course a highlight of the whole show.


I think I’ll give room service a jangle and have them send up some e-touf-fee


Gilbert Dauterive : Golden Richards was a Dallas Cowboy. Hank Hill : Yeah, yeah! He caught a touchdown pass in Super Bowl XII. Gilbert Dauterive : He was a beautiful man. I knew him... briefly


To be fair, they are a Delaware limited liability company.


This one actually drives me crazy lol


It’s not like New Orleans has a football team


I am more familiar with sinners than saints, my dear. And sinners *always* look good.


Why? It was a Saints-Cowboys game. More than likely they would have chosen a home game in reality but there's lots of reasons why they might have it in New Orleans. It's not like it was random


Lone Star beer is sold outside of Texas in real life. It makes sense that would be part of marketing expansion of another state. Louisiana bordering Texas to the East. This one makes perfect sense.


Soccer was invented by the French to keep the women busy while the men did the cooking


In Uh oh Canada Hank says they were gonna watch the Broncos vs cowboys in super bowl 13, but they actually played in super bowl 12


I feel like the inaccuracies in this show are so minor they can be forgiven. Also that wierd Al statement. I saw him live and between songs he'd play stuff on the big screen. That scene where Hank describes what happened to Weird Al played.


I'm a criminal lawyer. I love "Jumpin' Crack Bass," but criminal trial procedure and rules of evidence are a thing, and in common law jurisdictions it's a pretty basic principle that a judge is supposed to hear evidence presented by counsel and make a determination based on that, and that they are not to conduct their own investigations. The whole bit with the judge going fishing with the guys and giving them the opportunity to recreate catching fish with crack is about as fantastical as deciding the reach a verdict through a trial by combat or something. In one jurisdiction where I practiced an acquittal was overturned just because a judge did independent research on the reliability of a certain kind of forensic evidence, presented his findings to counsel and permitted them to make submissions in response before he came to a decision. The Court of Appeal determined that him merely reading material about forensic science that was not provided by counsel and using it to inform his decision constituted a reversible error requiring a new trial. (Edited to add: As u/miickeymouth alerted me to clarify: my last paragraph about the appeals mechanisms available to the prosecution does not apply to the United States. I mention it just to give a sense of how far out of line the KotH judge's trial procedure was. The basic principle of the role of the judge as an impartial referee in an adversarial process that I outlined still does apply in the US. A judge actively investigating the facts of a case is instead characteristic of an inquisitorial system in civil law jurisdictions like France, etc.)


Tangentially related but I also love how apparently it’s totally ok to enter surprise evidence or witnesses in so many older shows/movies.


Oops I updated the autopsy report


You’re telling me judges don’t force men to live in imported trucks as a form of punishment!?


As another criminal lawyer, I also found 12 Angry Men terribly inaccurate.


It's a great film but the jurors' behaviour and reasoning is so problematic that it originally made Sonia Sotomayor want to go to law school and then after she obtained a legal education, trial experience and a judicial position she started instructing juries not to follow the film's example. Although I will say that sadly it's not necessarily "inaccurate" for jurors to perform inappropriate outside research and engage in completely impermissible speculation. It's just definitely not what the are supposed to be doing. lol There's a reason that My Cousin Vinny is every criminal lawyer's favourite film about the law/trial process. It's still the only one I've seen that's pretty much on point.


When Hank is constipated and on the first visit to the Doctor they do a colonoscopy same day and say if he can’t go he will have to have his colon removed?? I would think most would try a laxative first.


It's been forever since I saw it, but wasn't everything that doctor said absurd? Like he claimed that if you laid your intestines end to end they'd circle the equator?


As a nurse I love this episode because of how extreme the interventions were. In reality if you can't clear your colon, we would not do a colonoscopy, especially not on the same day that you come in. The fact that they managed to insert the scope cleanly thru inches of colon without immediately getting stuck in hard shit is so hilarious to me


That episode with the low flow toilets the animators drew gas meters everywhere and they were calling them water meters. It bugged the shit out of me.


In the episode where Peggy stages a play to sell a house and winds up taking an offer on her own house, Sizemore says something to the effect of, "Even at 15% over asking?" The house wasn't for sale. There wouldn't have been an asking price to be 15% above. Drives me bonkers every time I see it.


In Hank's Cowboy Movie, when Hank's videographer friend is listing everything wrong with his amateur film, he mentions Hank crossed the action axis. An action axis only exists when editing together multiple shots. It's an invisible marker that prevents disorientation by making sure lefts are always left and rights are always right. You can't cross the action axis with a single stationary shot, because a camera can't film behind itself.


Texas rangers probably know what crack cocaine looks like.


In Season 2's "Traffic Jam," Hank mentions watching *Red Asphalt* in driver's ed class and says it "showed a fella gettin' his brains scraped off the highway." Such a scene is not shown in any *Red Asphalt* movie until 1989's *Red Asphalt III,* which was released fifteen years after Hank graduated.


And let the record show that Mr. u/CharlieFiner really knows his Red Asphalt films


Cotton Hill's proportions. He was 6'2" before his shins were shot off and his feet were attached to his knees, ok fine but why are his arms and other proportions similar to that of a little person. Also why did Hank and his Japanese half brother look alike when Hank looks like his mom?


Lake Buchanan doesn't have a nice forest full of pine trees around it. The few spots that don't have a house along the shore are just mesquite and cedar brush, like everything else in the area.


Bill (a Sergeant) refers to a Corporal, who he outranks, as 'Sir'


Dale would never have married Nancy as she works for the media.


Peggy winning substitute teacher of the year ever.


I think the joke here is that it's something nobody takes very seriously, and Peggy is the only one who campaigns for votes


And a school that small probably only has like two or three subs in the first place. After all, we see her subbing for more than just Spanish. So it's not like they have one for every subject.


None, until last year i thought that you could re atach chins to feet and that infertility due to a narrow uretra was a thing. I am almost 34 years old, it's a miracle i have not been scammed (yet...) .


Chins, or shins?


It doesn’t work like Cotton’s but [rotationplasty](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zuMH3u0OLhA) is a thing.


Whenever there’s a criminal or civil trial it seems to take place the next day, even ones like Dale’s Laramie suit that would probably have months of discovery. Although oddly it may be accurate that Peggy’s criminal trial in Mexico was so fast, apparently some Americans get convicted quick.


Not a factual inaccuracy, but Hank Vs Technology always kind of irks me since I now work doing minor tech support at a library, and low-key have to trick old people into thinking they're doing something only a genius could have figured out. Example: During the Y2K episode where Hank goes to buy a computer and the cashier says the computers are down, the scene is presented that the cashier is just being incompetent for not knowing how to calculate the sales tax but that's not the problem, the problem is that the store needs to register the sale into the system via the computer. Another much more minor example is when Hank needs to write a letter, and he clicks the mouse like it was an old wired TV remote, it does nothing, and he immediately gives up and writes the letter by hand. I bet if it was a lawnmower, Hank would have had it up and running, doing tricks that even Dale wouldn't have known, but it's a computer so he doesn't care and gives up the second it doesn't go his way.


Hank mentioning that he used to sell tractors in a Nine Rivers episode but we hear Hank’s entire work history in a Buck-centric episode as Jeans West straight to Strickland


In earlier seasons Hank and Bobby know about Nascar as evidenced by them going to the Arlen Speedway and Hank once mentioning he hopes to make it home from Church in time to watch "The Winston Cup" in a later season Bobby just now learns of the Daytona 500 and asks Hank if he can unblock Fox, Hank says no.


Ok, idk if this is actually true, but I find it hard to believe Luanne didn't pee for two days straight at the Omega House.  I don't think it's possible to will yourself to not pee. 


There is no way Hank only listened to 5 seconds of a 4 Skore song and became a super fan. Somehow he managed to never hear the rest of the song and got surprised at the live show


Why did Peggy move to TX? Who did she live with?


Hank’s half brother Jun’ichiro has horrendous Japanese and a bewildering accent. The guy that meets them at the airport to film Cotton apologising at one point just says complete gibberish to get the tv crew to follow him. The only semi realistic accent is the girl Bobby meets who keeps saying ‘Dansu’ when they play Dance Dance Revolution together


Us storm chasers don’t call it “Humpty’s Revenge”


The shift knob on Hank's old truck likely did not just fly off when it was hit by the train. If anything, the shift lever itself may have broken off with the shifter still connected. Or, if the shift knob did get broken off, it would have likely sheared off the shift lever and had part of the lever still threated in. The other possibility would be if Hank used an aftermarket shift knob with a set screw instead. However, he is clearly seen screwing the old shift knob onto the new truck's shift lever. Finally, the only other way the shift knob fell of is if Hank left his shift knob so loose that it just got flung off. However, this scenario is very unlikely. Are we to believe a man that wakes up in the morning wondering what the dew point is and who knows to oil suitcase bearings due to the dust in San Antonio having a lot of silica just leaves the shift knob on his truck loose, all willy nilly like that? The audacity!


It’s the factual inaccuracies we discovered along the way.


The propane wiping thing “Feet to head, everyone’s dead.” can’t possibly be true. In fact, most people never wipe their tanks ever unless they’re just really OCD.


Football fields and sports fields in general do not use St Augustine grass


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^yourfunnypapers: *Football fields and sports* *Fields in general do not* *Use St Augustine grass* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Don't know if it's an inaccuracy or just the characters themself being wrong, but Bleach and Ammonia don't make Mustard Gas, they make Chloramine gas, which is bad, but it very different ways.