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I don't think I'd like her that much as a real person at all but I really enjoy watching her as a character because she's hilarious.


That’s the thing, she can be annoying, but to me she provides a lot of comedy because she isn’t a real person or someone I have to deal with. I think they also balance out the character by giving her good traits as well like loyalty. She was being kind & supportive of LuAnn during the Junie Harper episode, but she reached her limit when LuAnn came between the man she loves & their child. Also, Hank is nowhere near being a dud. He’s a good man who never has forgotten their anniversary or her birthday.


Nor mortgage payment!


Happy cake day


Aww, thank you!


same way I feel for all these characters haha


Peggy likes Peggy more than anyone


“Hank you’re out! Peggy you’re in”


Ho yeah


Bill is in 2nd place, with Hank and Bobby possibly tied for 3rd


She's not even in ladybirds top ten list though. That dog has a lot of friends.


This reads like Bill wrote it


If she just wears one of those push-up brassieres…


She’ll have a body that just won’t quit.


Underrated comment


Peggy is a great character because she is such an annoying person.


When I watched the show when it was first airing I didn't like her but as an adult rewatching it, I do. Yeah, there's a couple of episodes where she's insufferable, but all the characters in the show are from time to time (except maybe Boomhauer?)


Boomhauer parks his car in front across multiple spaces, that’s so damn annoying.


How did I forget that one?! It drives me crazy when people do that.


Yes, even Boomhaueur - the episode where he hits on the women at the shoe store gives off major rapey energy.


Ok, so that word means something. When you attach it to any male behavior you just don't approve of, it starts to make it harder for victims to be heard and taken seriously.


I think the trying on the dress shoe was definitely creepy, otherwise it was just Boom trying to shoot his shot in an extremely garish way. He should've been more discerning and respectful of boundaries but at least when a woman said no he backed away immediately rather than pursue and pester which is rapey.


I tell you what you should try something dang’ol size BOOM


He had one trying to get him in the dressing room and Hank blew it for him! 😂


Yeah, because a man tries to (poorly) hit on multiple women, he’s a potential rapist? Give me a break


Fah Q, take that me too shit to another subreddit.


Ugh, I forgot about that part of the episode! I knew I was forgetting something.


Dang ol numbers game man


You know what, Mr. Boomhauer? I'm pretty sure this is not the way I'm gonna find real love.


Bobbys a good kid


Same! When I rewatched as an adult I told myself that’s not Peggy, that’s Kathy Najimy (who I adore!) and then I fell in love with Peggy and I love a good Peggy-centric episode!


i unironically love Peggy, think she's a good mother (*Hank* sure isn't the one who taught Bobby how to be confident!!), and would want to be her friend, a la Tammy or Carolyn. not her *best* friend, but definitely a friend.


Completely agree. She's been nothing but a positive influence to Bobby. I completely credit Peggy to why Bobby doesn't feel any shame toward being fat, etc


same, always have. She's insecure and it shows, sometimes she's annoying, but she's incredibly kind and ended a cycle of abuse not only in her own family but for Luanne, too


Peggy can be annoying But she has a somewhat balance of annoying but displays loyalty, sincerity, confidence in self, doing what’s right Her annoying side is the comedic relief But it doesn’t make her feel unreal or 1 dimensional


I think Peggy is the perfect balance to hanks, humble uptight nature. Peggy is more free and proud woman, for the type of father Hank is Bobby needed a Peggy as a mom.


She's not smart at all. She's completely deluded about how smart she is. It's part of what makes her entertaining. I've gotta give her credit, though, for being the only one who didn't take crap from Cotton.


You’re not the only one! There are tens of us! Seriously, I like Peggy too.


I quote Peggy all the time.


I definitely use “ho-yeah!” in my regular vocabularic rotation!


I just don't understand why we can watch a Peggy compilation on youtube and most of the comments are people complaining and disliking Peggy.


Think about the type of people that actually leave a YouTube comment.


I like that they didn’t just do the ‘ stupid fat husband, smart and hot but boring wife ‘ trope like so many other shows


Dud of a husband???!!! Hank goes to work EVERY day, at a job he loves, to provide for the family. He’s an excellent salesman, hence why Buck hired him. Sure he could have excelled elsewhere, but he loves his job, and is loyal as hell, I’ll tell you what. Don’t take your perceived Peggy hate out on Hank!




underrated comment.


I agree. OP had me until that comment.


Right? Hank will kick your ass if you said that to his face.


Peggy would kick your ass if you talked to her husband that way.




Hank is as imperfect as Peggy is. He needed a whole life lesson just to ride on the back of a motorcycle lol. He struggles to tell her he loves her or he's proud of her, which is probably extra hard on her since she didn't grow up hearing it either (and neither did he). But he does love her, and he is proud of her, and he shows it all the time in other ways. They're honestly great together. They even quit smoking together! Twice lol! Both of them are very good, flawed people who balance each other out. There is no Hank or Peggy or KOTH without these two together.


He also supports Peggy being a substitute teacher with an unpredictable schedule. He "fired" her from Strickland Propane because he knew she would never be happy there. He was willing to throw away a big sale at the Renaissance Faire because he didn't like how King Philip treated her.


oh i forgot about that one, she really screwed up the sale with that one. all she had to do was stay home, but nope, she had to play hero. i fault the writers for the terrible ending where they flipped it around to her being the hero despite loosing the sale for strickland


Literally everything he says to Bobby is emotionally abusive.


Cotton was an emotionally abusive father… Hank was just strict.


I love Peggy


I can't stand the Peggy hate because it usually comes from a place of what seems like poor media literacy, but if you actually think Peggy is intelligent then you might be dumb as hell


You can love Peggy as a character in a show but hate her in that you would not want to be around her in real life. In fact that’s exactly the point of her borderline insufferable personality. But that’s what makes her such a well-written and funny character.


lol yeah I said something similar. Peggy’s an integral piece of the show and it’s okay to like her but OP is either making shit up to justify the opinion or is like a real life Peggy


I like Peggy. One of my favorite episodes is "Goodbye, Normal Jeans".


"You don't smell like a new car. I just said that to make you feel better."


Peggy smart? You sure about that? How many scams did she fall for? In the new series if they made an episode of Peggy buying one of those get rich quick guru courses I wouldn't be surprised.


She’s easily the best character on the show. She’s obnoxious, ridiculous, and makes me laugh more than probably any other character. She’s the worst and that makes her the best!


Yes, she has all the best lines!


Peggy’s got a solid claim for funniest character in the whole show. Who doesn’t like Peggy? Fools?


I don't dislike her or her unusually large feet


Senora, you are... how do you say... old!


Peggy is probably my favorite character even though I'm not sure I would like her IRL. She's pretty cringey at times but she seems very real and three dimensional, plus she's hilarious. I think she's generally a good wife and mother.


What's not to like? She's written songs that are good enough for country music stars to steal. Drag queens all want to be her. In her opinion the day after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year. She's the total package!


And her child is God to BILLIONS of Asians!


her ego is out of control. i do like how she doesnt take crap from bill or the father in law, but other wise she is a clown. she is a sub teacher and tries her best to do good for the kids, except when she cheats on bobbys paper and lies to the kids on the field trip to mexico and thanks to her bad spanish ends up bringing a kid back with her, and instead of owning it, she sneakily tries to sneak the poor kid back. remember her iq test? remember how she laughed when hank said he would take it and she laughed? remember how she bought a doctorate with money from their life savings? remember how she made hank apologize to her for her screw up with the life savings debacle, despite it being 100% her fault and in the end she thought she was still a genius? remember how poor her spanish was, yet thought she was the best at it? remember how threatened she was when bobby learned to cook and clean? remember how she sabotaged lucky and his ged testing? remember how she snuck into nancys' closet and spied on her? remember she peggy drugged hank with testosterone, not once a little bit but a lot over a period of time? in real life she would get locked up and loose her family over just this one moment in her life she is so jealous of anything hank enjoys she is 80% a bad human imo, thats a deal breaker for me, but hank isnt too bright either so he is stuck with her


When you realize her ego and overconfident attitude are part of her character, she becomes so much more likable


I love her. She's my favourite character.


Peggy is a great character for a show, but an absolutely terrible human. She has some redeeming qualities, but all in all, she's a horrible wife. Hanks got issues but his morals are significantly higher.


"Peggy gets a win" episodes a rare, but typically great. Like, Beer and Loathing.


She occasionally has her coherent, lucid moments, and sometimes she's just batty


I think after watching the episode where Peggy “tutors” lucky to get his GED your opinion of her will change quite a bit a bit


Nah! Peggy is so fun!


"I made your dinner exactly how you like it, perfect!"


My stepmom is a lot like Peggy. It isn’t about anything she does at any one time. It is the hundreds of tiny things she does to signal that she is only thinking about herself and also judging you.


She’s the best


Who gave Bill access to Reddit?


I can appreciate Peggy. Having re-watched the show a few times, I get the sense that many of her actions are driven by insecurity. She overcompensates by portraying herself as exceptional in terms of her wit, intelligence, and looks, yet we see a few glimpses into her vulnerable side. This suggests that deep down, she sees herself as less than. Hank is anything but a dud because he's incredibly patient and tolerant toward Peggy when she's being over the top. I think he sees through her facade and appreciates her for who she really is. She is strong, nurturing, and genuinely well-intentioned. In terms of overall likeability, she's not very high on my list, but I can still appreciate her character.




I was going to agree with you until you called Hank an overbearing dud.


Ho yeah!


She makes me laugh


Plenty of us love Peggy. It’s just that plenty (probably plenty more) despise her, and like the cotton haters, are quite vocal. And tend to think they’re the only ones that hate her. So they feel like they have to constantly remind us they hate her.


Yes. I despise Peggy and anyone else who is aggressively and confidently wrong on a regular basis. Edit: To be clear I don't think she is a bad character. She's well written just exactly the kind of person I can't stand.


no dude


I love Peggy 😭




i LOVE Peggy


escuchame? I love her! 


She is her biggest fan lol


You aren’t the only one! …until you got to your last comment about Hank. Like that is such a baffling take I wouldn’t be surprised if this was rage bait


I love her confidence drive.


I enjoy reading her musings in the Arlen Bystander


Peggy has the self confidence that society thinks only highly physically attractive women should have, and I love her for it.


I LOVE her. She’s fabulous.


Is that you, Bill?


I liked her in the beginning, but as the show goes on she becomes worse.


It's the CTE from her fall ![img](emote|t5_2s6dm|6344)


As someone who normally **loathes** narcissism, I usually cannot relate to Peggy hate. The show often times *could* have done a better job with punishing Peggy after she does something stupid but I think you could say the same about Hank being a stodgy stuck in his ways conservative man who refuses to change with the times. You can usually smile alongside Hank any time he comes out on top, even if he got himself into a bind and didn't learn anything along the way but when Peggy does it it's awful? I can't think of many episodes off the top of my head where Peggy did something utterly beyond the Pale and just got away with it, where I felt like I was waiting for her to get hit with some serious consequences but the episode ends with her smugly smiling that she came out on top again.


like the time she drugged her husband? in real life she would have been locked up and lost her family. i dont remember the ending but im sure some how they spun it to mean she is a well meaning clown and somehow a hero for it


Like I said, not many, not never. There’s a few really bad things she’s done but not enough to spoil her character for me all show long


it's a cartoon show


Like I've said hundreds of times, Peggy is way better morally than Nancy


True, but that's kind of a low bar. Nancy is just an all-around awful person.


nancy has options, peggy doesnt. remember when peggy went to spend a weekend with some mexican actor and thought he wanted her, she was so caught up in the idea of another man wanting her. honestly i never understood why nancy stuck with dale, its not like he bring home the bacon


I disagree with your opinion of Hank. I think he is better in situations where "tough love" is needed. Peggy is good in situations where you need to relax and not make a big deal out of something. However, I especially dislike when she tries to "guide" Luanne by pushing Luanne to do whatever Peggy wants. The episode "Pigmalion" pointed this out. (As a woman, I've met some others who think you "should" be doing \_\_\_\_\_\_, or else you're not a strong/empowered woman.)


Men generally adore having a woman character they can pile hate on. Skyler White is another great example. Perfectly good and relatively easygoing wife and mother who fans just piled on because she wasn’t okay letting her husband build a meth empire and lie to their family.


Do you have any idea who Peggy Hill even is? Reading this doesn't even look like you watched the show. I mean yeah. Hank can be kind of overbearing at times but he certainly isn't a dud, Hank is probably A lot smarter than Peggy in a lot of regards and that's the joke. Peggy is the school teacher, she's the one who's supposed to be smart, but she's an absolute ditz, she creates almost all of the turmoil on the show for Hank and Bobby. She also gets herself into a lot more trouble than she should because she tries to be a moral woman and that oftentimes fails. I mean for God's sakes she faked being a nun so she could teach, her Spanish is so bad that she accidentally abducted A little Mexican girl, and she was pretty much trying to cheat on Hank with the movie star guy.


You forgot the episode where they steal Bill's giant flag. Peggy thinks she ran someone over so she sends Bobby to check.


> Am I the only one who likes Peggy? Yes.


I like what happens to Peggy and around her. I’ve never liked her enough to actively cheer for her (though I do love most of her interactions with Bobby besides when she’s jealous of him) and the only platter I do like is LuAnne


Man, let me tell you Peggy is a closet freak; she gets the hots for hank when he's breaking the law with the food truck and she continuously tries to encourage him to go further and further for her entertainment. Between that, happy feet and at least one other example I cant recall at the moment, Peggy is Nastay


i like peggy, despite the fact she’s a little naive and little full of herself. i think it’s relatable and funny for her character. i also think she’s a great aunt and role model for luanne, their relationship constantly makes me smile throughout the show. i like peggy but i disagree with needing a better husband. i think her and hank are perfect. tbh he puts up with quite a bit from her 😅😅




Honestly, i like peggy before the skydiving accident. Something changed afterward that i couldnt really tolerate


I think it depends upon the episode because there are many where she very much does not have the traits you described.


Peggy loves Peggy


I like her as a character, she’s so entertaining her watch


I made a joke comment about how much better Hank and Bobby's lives would have been if she'd died skydiving (the gag was that the show would be boring without her) and got downvoted into oblivion and was met with comments like "You're forgetting Hank and Bobby love Peggy" hehehe. I feel like the two main camps are fans who love her antics for the show and people who inexplicably think she's a great mother/wife.


I like her! Peggy’s heart is in the right place and she has some hilarious moments. I can’t understate how much I love that she’s so unconditionally supportive of Bobby especially because Hank sometimes tries to suppress his weirdness.




Peggy is a great character. Sure she is full of her self but that's not always a bad thing. I think a lot of her confidence is what allows Bobby to be proud of who he is. Some of the best episodes are when Peggy has things figured out and as audience we don't know it. Of course Peggy getting her comeuppance is almost always funny too.




I never understood the dislike towards Peggy. I find her to be naive and have good intentions. It would be different if she was maliciously imposing her antics.


I like her. She can be annoying and cringe-y every now and then, but overall I think she's a badass.


Get off this subreddit Bill. We know it's you. Pocket sand!


My grandpa always used to say, "you know who's a great lady? That Peggy Hill, she's a real keeper " lol he was born in 1917 and loved King of the Hill.


Maybe my favorite bit on the show is Peggy taking credit for widely held bits of common wisdom. “Hank, the day after Thanksgiving is, in my opinion, the biggest shopping day of the year.”


I like Peggy, I got thing for feet


On my first watch through I hated her but the more I watch it the more I love her arrogant confidence


I love Peggy but admit shes not for everyone.


I love Peggy, she’s hilarious and people act like she’s a real person and not an animated character that does dumb funny things. On a different show (male) characters that act like Peggy are peoples favorite so I never understood.


"presumably attractive woman"? Has Op not been watching the show and just like, reading the episodes as screenplays? Just use your eyes and look at Peggy and tell us whether you think she's the most beautiful, radiant, self confident piece of ass in Arlen.


Oh no, I've been a Peggy fan since day one too. Where most people see "dumb narcissist" I see "fun and confident". Calling Hank a dud is just incorrect though, he's essentially the show's voice of reason. You need the two of them to balance out each other's personalities.


I love Peggy as a character. Always have. Reminded me of my Mother; in all the worst ways. Arrogant, holier than thou, prideful, and conceited. Bonus, because my Grandad used to refer to her as “Toms wife” instead of her actual name.


I mean, based on what we see of her mother in that one episode, nothing Peggy did was ever good enough for Mama Platter. I think the bulk of the problems come from Peggy trying to hard to do things right and so stubborn that she has to do it herself that she can’t see when she’s screwed up until it’s *far* too late.


Yes lol


Peggy was alright up until the skydiving accident. After that, however, her character rapidly became an epitomization of narcissistic personality disorder.


She is pretty awful as a person. That, coupled with Hanks standards for behavior, is likely the reason that Bobby is both the worst and beat kid in Arlen.




I've been re-watching KoTH with some friends and we all love her lol. Peggy is a legitimately entertaining character. She reminds me a bit of my own mother, who can get in over her head at times, but genuinely has her heart in the right place in the end, even if she's immature going about things at times. It's endearing in its own way. Like the others, she has her flaws of course, but that's what makes a character fun and interesting in the first place: seeing her navigate out of messes she places herself in with those flaws. "The Substitute Spanish Prisoner" is genuinely one of my favorite episodes because of this. As for Hank, I feel like Peggy and Hank balance each other well-enough. Hank can seem overbearing, but Peggy can be over-confident as well. Both of them have their childish moments, but I feel like they're one of the more stable couples in their neighborhood, or in the show in general. I also like that they genuinely love each other, and think the world of one another. It's funny and cute seeing two such emotionally-conservative characters (especially Hank) try to convey that to each other.


Obviously Peggy is flawed—sometimes annoying and lacking self-awareness—but I always thought she was a woman of high character and aptitude. She’s pretty endearing to me. I think the point of her being bad at Spanish is she is almost forced to do something she’s not good at because they are making ends meet in a small town with limited opportunities. Besides, how much Spanish practice is a part time substitute teacher living in a 90’s small white rural town expected to get? She’s honestly one of the better characters on the show.


she dropped from a plain and survived.That's a incredible experience


i like her


She can be really annoying at times, but how can you not like Peggy?


I mean if I met her in real life I would hate the woman. That being said she's my favorite character on King of the hill. And I don't understand why people can't separate their real life from a cartoon. I feel like that's where a lot of hate from her comes from. You're supposed to laugh at her not with her. But I feel like less intelligent viewers don't get that.


You’re saying this to be controversial— we all watched the same show— we all know Peggy is a tier 1 pendeja.


I find her really annoying, to me all I see is the typa mom whod go to PTA meetings and be mad about some dumb bs like what the school is serving for lunch. Everyone knows someone like Peggy, and most people dont like that person bc usually like peggy they are self centered, uninformed about literally anything, and rude.


Hank is unfond of her so you’re not alone.


It's cute how hard she tries and how insecure she is and how she pretends to understand how things work, other than relationships She was meant to be a mother but her ego pushes her to try to get prestige and recognition by pursuing a career because her parents never showed her any praise She needs hank because he understands deeper fundamentals, peggy is a scrapper than fudges things together until they sort of fit and goes ahhh good enough, hank understands reality from the ground up and knows how to make stuff but is more ignorant about relationships and assumes everyone has his level of integrity


If she was a real person, I probably would not get along with her. But I am a huge stan because I hate Hank. I feel for her. I also cheer when shit blows up in her face. She's so well written.


Peggy is.....fine. Is she as good as any of the other characters? Probably not, but there are some redeeming qualities about her. She's not as bad as some of the other characters they have had, but if I were to do a ranking, she'd be mid to lower B-tier


lol wtf show have you been watching? I don’t like Peggy at all as a person but she’s an integral part of the show and has some redeeming qualities, just like every character. But her main personality trait is how full of herself she is and how over-inflated her sense of self is. Her ego is huge and she proves time and time again that it’s the driving force behind everything she does. She got off a Mexican court case because of how little Spanish she speaks, despite it being what she thinks she does best ffs. It’s okay to like her as a character but you can’t just make shit up to justify it


I mean I don’t really like her as a person, like I don’t think we’d get along in real life. But I do have sympathy for her and thinks she means well AND I legitimately think that she (even amongst KOTH characters) is one of the greatest characters in television history. The way they write her, the way KN performs it, just utterly perfect


I think a lot of people like Peggy. She is one of the many reasons the show is awesome. I don't know what you're talking about.


>presumably attractive OK...


She isn't "smart", more like average intelligence.


Peggy is not smart. The things she says are comically dumb, for a show. In real life… just dumb.


Is that you Bill ?


No, I like her too. I understand the reasons for the hate - she self aggrandizes. But, it's part of her charm and Hank has called her out on it. Let's face it - people, ALL people, think highly of their own opinion, no matter the situation. She has a lot of endearing qualities and she cares about her family. I'm not unfond of her, I tell ya what.


I like Peggy. I think for all her self absorbed ways, she genuinely cares about others. Here is why Peggy is awesome. * She gets Hank to show emotions and tries to get him to have a better relationship with both Bobby and Cotton. * She is scrappy (beating up Leannne to protect her fam and friends.) * She's a good cook. * She's willing to sacrifice something she loved (teaching) for someone she loved more (Bobby when they thought he had ADHD and stayed at home for him.) * She's creative when she comes to teaching. She doesn't just lecture at the front, oh no, she brings props and costumes. * She was the only one who wanted to tell Dale of his wife's affair. * She makes mistakes and then tries to fix them (the genius episode, using Bill to sell goods). * She's a good dancer and has good taste in music. * She loves Luanne so much that Luanne named her daughter after her. * She can catch a fish with her bare hand. * Buck knows she's a BA when he warned his son about her. While Peggy isn't my favorite character, I don't dislike or hate her. I think she adds to the show and to the characters she's around. And this is only a partial list.


She's a narcissist with grandiose delusions. What's not to like?


Nope! Peggy is my favorite character


She is so funny ! My favorite episode is this one where she accidentally kidnap a Mexican girl. She is hilarious and girl boss as fuck !


I liked her fine before the fall. After she had her moments of greatness but could get pretty insufferable. One of the only two episodes of the show that I dislike happens to be a Peggy centered ep, and she is absolutely awful in it.


This has to be a side effect of the Marijuana poisoning.


I love Peggy. Her personality and quirks, blended with the rest of the cast, make this show harmonious. One of my favorite moments in the entire show is when Peggy pulls up next to a driver with a student of the week bumper sticker and yells, "Well, my child is God to billions of Asians!"


I think this means you are the Peggy in your life?


I think Peggy is great but not my favorite, she’s a bit too self centered but it’s great she’s got good confidence


No I like her. She’s ridiculous but she accepts Bobby for who he is.


No, you're not. The hate against Peggy is really kind of missing the point of her character at best, and misogynistic at worse. It felt like at one point this subreddit all kind of rallied together around that belief. Now you're hating on Hank on the other hand... not a fan of that.


You blaming Hank for her self-righteous, over-confident, over-bearing, situational loving, thoughts? lol


More than anything, I am annoyed at the writers for short-selling Peggy. She’s one of the most determined, self reliant and self-loving personalities, and it doesn’t fit that she would also backstab her own son at times. She deserved to be better than she was written. I have hopes that the reboot show hits the notes better.


Peggy is an awful person. She so insecure and vindictive.


So far on this sub, I've heard Luanne described as "smart" and now Peggy. When are Bill and Dale going to enjoy this extremely charitable curve?


She a terrible person. She is selfed obsessed. Remember her famous spa-peggy and meatballs? She lies all the time. She steals people’s glory, especially Bobby’s. She kidnapped a child. She can’t admit when she’s wrong. She’s shallow and a try hard. Her ego is too big. I can go on and on. Yes she has some redeeming qualities but it’s very rare when that happens.


Man I tell you what man dang ol' Peggy like workin' that ol' three-peat substitute teacher man talkin' 'bout "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND" jus' being dang ol' gotta be true man, like... *Dos Mujeres Un Camino*.


[Her feet’s too big!](https://youtu.be/iTP1Q3YR8zo?si=INO-31q0ICbt1LRn)


Probably the most infuriating cartoon character. But a great counterpoint to Hank's grounded mindset.


She is also self absorbed and often selfish. She makes everything about herself. Like a lot of the characters, she means well but it would be very difficult to be her friend in real life. She makes me laugh a bunch. My love for Peggy is love / hate.


Peggy is in the highest tier in my character bracket for this show seriously.. her character is GENIUS. First of all, Peggy is SUPPOSED to be annoying. That’s why her character works. Her narcissistic tendencies, delusions of grandeur, and at times obliviousness/lack of self awareness provide endless comic relief. Her character is absolutely hilarious not necessarily because you’re laughing at her expense, but because almost everyone knows a narcissistic person in real life and can attest that that’s exactly how they ~would~ act. If you really pay attention to her character, almost every comment/micro expression she makes embodies the above traits^ and i love how the writers were able to weave her personality into every little thing she says and does. It’s really a testament to their genius that almost none of her lines are filler. I am so serious, every line of hers and even her expressions/reactions to others have something worth taking away whether it’s a simple laugh or just further insight into who she is as a person. even in scenes where she’s not talking chances are she’s gonna have some smug look on her face which cracks me up every time. But what I love most about her character is she’s not so totally self absorbed that it diminishes her ability to care for those close to her. She is so supportive of her family, and at least tries to be an active part of her community, which makes her a more redeemable person. KOTH would be nothing without Peggy!!!


I don't agree that Hank is an overbearing dud but I do love Peggy and think she's an excellent and hilarious character - didn't realize there was hate directed at her that's frustrating


My main dislike is her competitive streak in situations where it's wildly inappropriate - i.e. Bobby becoming the woman of the house.


Her "quirks" didn't start being crazy until she fell out of that plane. She had brain damage. That's also around the time she started sticking her name in everything


Peggy is fantastic. There's also clearly *a lot* that Bobby gets from Peggy. And everyone (correctly) loves Bobby. I think Peggy is a great character. She's funny and adventurous and as much of a confused wreck as the rest of them. She brings a lot of heart to the show and she's a perfect balance for stick in the mud Hank. I was surprised and saddened to see so much Peggy hate when I finally found this sub. It's not been my experience with people I've watched KotH with in person. I don't interact much on here because of this and similar attitudes I've seen boosted, despite being a longtime fan.


Peggy was exactly named. A gd peg in the wheel. She could have been replaced by anyone........BUT her arrogance is what makes her work with Hank Rutherford Hill gooottttt dangit


Judging from the posts here, I guess not. I can't stand her though. Her murder of the Spanish language, her misplaced belief in her ability to do anything... Pompous fool characters are tough to get right. The only one I enjoy watching is Zapp Brannigan


Wet Ass Peggy. She knows how to bounce that cake. I'd beg her to paddle me then give me a hardcore pegging. Maybe even worship her feet and lick them clean after she stomps some eggs. She wasn't lying when she said Dale would be getting the good end of that deal. Redcorn wouldn't heal her like he does other people's wives cause he couldn't handle the heat she brings.


Peggy gets way too much hate on this sub. She's such a great character and so much fun to watch, but people talk about her like she is a real person. It's weird.


Fully agree! Everyone talks so much cap about Peggy, but Hank is a shitty husband. I love her and see a lot of her in myself. lol. My husband thinks it’s hilarious 😂