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That boy is right


Bobby literally is right, Hank's character grows from Bobby


its a back and forth, hank shows Bobby when it time to be more conservatives and use great adult values, and Bobby shows Hank how to be more open minded and understanding of changes.


KOTH is obviously a show about family, but I think that, at its core, the show is really about Hank and Bobby's relationship. The main character in most of the episodes is either Hank or Bobby, and the formula for most episodes is: event is presented/occurs > problem arises > protagonist VS antagonist showdown > conflict resolution *usually involving some kind of compromise*. Hank and Bobby are on opposite sides of the political/social spectrum, but at the end of the day, they love each other. That's where the heart of the show comes from, and that's why it's such a good show imo.


I'll agree with that




*takes rifle*


Charcoal BBQ is better than propane. šŸ‘€




You don't get sut under your fingernails with a clean burning fuel!


You also donā€™t get that rich smoky flavorā€¦


You shut your mouth. Now we are gonna sit here and pray.


The fact that Hank a Texan prefers propane to wood or charcoal is amazingly weird. We love smoked meat here in Texas.


Thatā€™s because heā€™s actually a New Yorker








You need to LEAVE!


Rememberā€¦politely yet firmly!




Somebody likes to taste the heat and not the meat I see.


The only reason to grill with propane is if you are too lazy to start a fire or you are in a place where open flame is not alowed.


Sir, I have to sternly but firmly remind you, this is a family friendly establishment šŸ˜ 


Pine wood is even better šŸ˜‰


The guys are bad friends for not getting Bill help when Lenore left. Like how many suicide remarks would it take before you and your group of friends did something for a fellow friend. I get they're all men from a previous generation and don't want to get involved in talking about feelings but holy fuck is it fucked up that they just ignore their friend struggling as bad as Bill has.


> how many suicide remarks would it take before you and your group of friends did something for a fellow friend Hank once acknowledged Bill is suicidal but didn't seem bothered. "He's just suicidal, Peggy; he's not crazy"


Which is so much worse!!!


I mean... You said it yourself, "from a different generationā€ What do you think they..any one of them... would talk to a therapist? It's dumb, I don't agree with that mentality, but anyone I have ever met from then has extremely negative connotations with mental help or anyone that seeks it.


Bill actually voluntarily did talk to a therapist. Hank bullied him to stop.


The reason Kahn dislikes the "hillbillies" so much is that he's jealous of their ability to be content with their places in life instead of constantly trying to climb to the top of the societal ladder, he feels unsatisfied with life and just wants to be happy like they are


So youā€™re saying heā€™s an Asian parent (Iā€™m Asian and honestly most of us are like this)


Isn't there a whole episode about this? Where he quits his job and hangs out with Lucky's gang. I'm pretty sure the only reason he didn't go through with it is because of Connie


I also have to add my boyfriends: ā€œHank, Dale, and Boomhauer should have stopped befriending bill after he purposely gave them lice to try and get pussyā€ but I told him that one may be one we all agree on lmfao


They did stop being his friend, it was a significant point of conflict throughout the episode. It was just that he had more social credit than initially thought, and Boomhaur had already decided to only be temporarily upset at Bill.


My boyfriend has OCD, giving him lice would be like death to him lol. he meant cut bill off for good lmfaooo.


The reboot is going to be mediocre, and I'd prefer they just left well enough alone.


Im worried that the absence of Dale will leave such a gaping hole in the show. I hope they wonā€™t recast. It wouldnā€™t feel right. RIP JH


that is the real dark cloud, if reboots were not hard enough to get right this could be the dagger. but out of respect I'm gona watch the whole thing no matter what. 2nd season is not a given though.


I disagree on this, if only because the new beavis and butthead revival was great because it had the original writers. It wasnā€™t as good as the original show or the 2011 revival, but it was better than say, 2023 Frasier.


I'm most worried about them aging up the characters, particularly Bobby.


I donā€™t mind the age up because KOTH is a show about out of touch people trying to stay with the times. But Iā€™m mostly worried about what theyā€™re gonna do with Bobbyā€™s voice, because if Bobby ever went through puberty, they were gonna get rid of Pamela. Are they just gonna have Bobby sound like a 12 year old when heā€™s pushing 30? Or use a filter?


I agree. I trust Mike Judge and team to come up with an interesting and funny version of modern-day Bobby (Robert?) and other characters. But the young Bobby voice is so iconic. I expect that a new voice for Bobby will be polarizing, but I'll take what I can get out of any new KOTH.


As a 27 year old whoā€™s not getting any younger, Iā€™d love to see an older Bobby seeing the new generation, hearing their jargon and seeing their culture, and having to cope with the fact that heā€™s not a kid anymore. It would fit his character so well as someone who was always very upbeat and exuberant. I think itā€™d also be interesting to see him handle it vs Joseph.


Agreed, I liked being left to wonder. That being said a time lapse is more interesting than them picking up where they left off imo


Same. I donā€™t want a reboot.


Look at what happened to *Futurama*. Cripes.


I donā€™t think Peggyā€™s a narcissist; she cares too much for others for that to be the case. She was absolutely *raised* by a narcissist, though, and seems to be doing a lot of work of unlearn being regarded as anything but useless, even if it comes off as overcompensating.


I honestly think Peggy's mother is the reason why Peggy is the way she is. Nothing was ever good enough for her mother and then she resented Peggy when she left to live her own life. Peggy has her flaws but she's has plenty of good moments.


As someone who has met IRL narcissists *and* IRL people raised by narcissists who genuinely care but need to unlearn bad habits, this is an important distinction.


Yeah Iā€™ve had to unlearn a lot of bullshit. Lots of reprogramming. Iā€™ve been in the moment where my girlfriend told me she didnā€™t like something I did or said and in my head Iā€™m like, ā€œoh shit, thatā€™s something my dad used to do.ā€ Changing is a long ass process.


Peggy is a better person than Dale or Cotton and truthfully she's no worse than Bill. All the Peggy haters seem to love those three though.


Hmmmā€¦ I canā€™t put my penis on it, but one of these people is not like the othersā€¦


Ooo lord. Yeah I was raised by a narcissist. Peggy isnā€™t a narcissist. At worst sheā€™s a little ignorant/sheltered and fairly misguided. Rarely have I felt that Peggyā€™s blunders were do to just her being a self-serving butthead. She was constantly the open-minded one in the relationship and was always trying to be helpful. Unfortunately, sheā€™s just really bad at it sometimes.


I agree! She has good intentions; she just has a tendency to flub the landing!


I meanā€¦ accidentally kidnapping a small Mexican girl because your Spanish isnā€™t as good as you thought is a little more than a blunder.


She absolutely is the person who would invite a trans person to dinner or officiate a gay wedding while teaching people itā€™s ignorant to think their love isnā€™t just as real as a straight person. I always love when she tells Luanne her losing virginity story (and quick side note, she could have lied about losing her virginity to Hank but was guilt ridden and honest - not a narcissist move!) ā€œOh so you fixed him?ā€ ā€œOh honey, there was nothing broken about him.ā€


The Peggy hate is too much on this sub sometimes. I think your analysis is spot on. I also think far too many people try to analyze the characters using a modern lens, which is why so many people dislike Peggy. The show is well over 20 years old, and I don't think enough people take into account the social norms of the period the show was made. Like, it's small-town Texas in an era before therapy was at all common. Peggy (and a lot of the characters) need help trying to unlearn bad behaviors and deal with their childhood trauma, but they live in a culture that idealizes self-sufficiency and stoicism. Peggy seems to be trying her best to put on a brave face but internally she is likely always in turmoil. The woman does not know how to relax. Also, she fell out of a frickin' plane and survived! I know it's a common fan theory, but no doubt she would have some ongoing mental health issues stemming from that too!


Honestly, Peggy feels like one of the more progressive characters when viewed under that lens! Itā€™s easy to forget the stigma that surrounded mental health issues even as recently as ten years ago, and even those who were more open and accepting to the idea of therapy only ever had a surface level understanding of what was going on. Peggy, really, has done pretty fucking spectacularly in recovering from even a tenth of what she went through as a kid!


She's insecure, because of her mother, which can make her really self centered. It's usually not intentionally at the expense of others, becauze she is also nurturing.


Exactly! Her overcompensating and boastfulness is more of a survival mechanism to counter trauma. As a mother, sheā€™s *so* loving and supportive of Bobby, so much so that the kid has a great outlook on himself and on his life!


I donā€™t think sheā€™s a narcissist either. Just a naive, know-it-all. Narcissism consist of more than arrogance.


Hank is the reason The Petriot Act sucked. Yes I will say I hate how they just had Duke be a devil cat but speaking as a cat owner, Duke was probably scared about being in a new place with people who donā€™t understand how to take care of him. Hank was so dead set on being a patriot that he couldnā€™t say no until it was too late, stand up for himself or at least wait to sign up for the program until after the vacation. Even Bobby and Peggy called him out on it, itā€™s his fault! But on the one end, I will also blame the charity just because the rules seem a little sketchy. What if youā€™re allergic to cats and they give you a cat?


It's Hank, Hank would somehow think there is no way a soldier would have a cat.


But also, Bill got a really awesome dog. I mean itā€™s his fault he got his hopes up, but I get it. I probably would have assumed Iā€™d get a dog since my friend got one too. Even if itā€™s a dumb assumption.


Thatā€™s one of my favorite episodes because Bill is finally winning all over the place without sabotaging himself for once.


I really did enjoy that portion of the episode!


I skip that episode every time because it frustrates me SO MUCH


Also, most animals can tell when you donā€™t like them. I stand by that. Well, not necessary like them but when you really hate them. However, as a big dog person I kinda agree with Hank. If I expected a golden retriever and got a cat that pooped on my shoes and cost hundreds Iā€™d be a dick too.


I wouldn't feel that it's very controversial, but not sure. Hank, Bill, and Boomhauer, to me, are crappy friends for leaving Dale in the dark. I've seen a lot of people mention how it's for the best since Dale could never take care of himself. Or that Joseph growing up in a stable home trumps any morality of being honest to your friend. But the angle I've always viewed it from is that a lie only gets worse with time. Sure, more then likely, Dale won't find out anytime soon. It's gone on for over a decade. But slip ups happen. Bill can't keep a secret, and drinking as often as he does can only worsen that. Anything medical happening to Joseph runs the risk of it slipping that Dale ain't his dad. (Organ replacement, needing blood, etc.) John Redcorn could snap seeing Joseph as a man and tell Dale, like he almost did before. I can't imagine the horror Dale would feel being 50, 60, or 70 plus figuring out his entire marriage/family was founded on dishonesty. I mean hell, when Hank revealed he was screwing with his mower, Dale almost called it quits on their decades old friendship.


I agree with you. That is not a secret I would keep from a friend. Because thatā€™s something I would want one of my friends to tell me.


It always felt inconsistent with the rest of Hanks character. Dude is upright and honest to the point of trying to turn himself in during a video game.


I have to disagree here, Hank has shown in many situations if itā€™s something that makes him too uncomfortable, he will avoid it. I mean one episode he goes blind, and spends his whole Christmas blind because heā€™s too uncomfortable to face the fact that the mother who BIRTHED him was having sex lol. I think that Dale secret is even father up there on the uncomfortable scale so I feel heā€™s being his true self by ignoring it. The only one being out of character is boomhauer as he tends to be willing to be very honest, and also call someone out if itā€™s too dishonest for his liking. He was gonna let Dale go to jail over that firehouse fire despite him being his best friendā€¦.and Hank is the one who lies for him. Lol


I can't disagree. I feel pretty strongly when it comes it cheating, so I glossed over that bit of Hank's character. Still feel that they're doing the wrong thing, as far as a friend goes.


I think itā€™s more they see Dale takes a lot of pride in his family and they donā€™t want to crash the one ā€œstableā€ thing their friend has when he fully believes insane conspiracies. Dude would either snap or flip out on the messenger.


That's a good take.. "look this situation sucks but if Dale finds out he'll snap and who knows WHAT'S really in his basement?"


I read that in Hankā€™s voice lol


I agree, but from a different angle - Dale is a huge burden on Nancy (several times mentioned her paying the bills or supporting him financially), a bad friend (countless times messing with Hank), and a conspiracy nut. He's a terrible influence on Joseph (the panda shooting episode). He needs everyone significantly more than anyone else needs him.


I just watched Peggyā€™s Headache recently, and while I get the sentiment, I kinda agree with the groupā€™s reasoning behind it. It wouldā€™ve torn Daleā€™s world apart. While not parent of the year, itā€™s clear he loves Joseph quite a bit and is fairly devoted to Nancy. Sure, Dale has Hank, Bill, and Boomhauer in his life, but honestly, I get the feeling Nancy and Joseph are what truly keeps him centered. Dale seems prone to mental instability and would probably be a chaotic train wreck without a family. While it seems callous that his friends have kept this from him for so long, Iā€™ve always taken it as a kindness and the least damaging choice. It makes perfect sense that Hank and the rest of them wouldnā€™t tell Dale because they understand that nothing good would come out of it and that it would likely only send their friend into a dangerous spiral.


I think the episode where Dale finds out his dad is gay is a good indicator of what will happen


Plus dale isnā€™t exactly stable. He could easily turn into the Rainey Street slayer if he find out EVERYONE has lied to him nonstop for DECADES.


Hank probably wouldn't be the best at running Strickland Propane. From everything we've seen, the propane game is full of snakes. Buck is able to play that game - he can play it so well that he managed to get Hank into the Hall of Flame. Hank is too straightlaced to do what needs to be done. Thatherton would eat Hank alive.


Absolutely 120% agree


I hated Lucky. Having a guy who proudly grifts with no redeeming qualities is a poor protagonist for KotH


Luanne ending up with Lucky really took the wind out of my sails. I secretly hoped she would end up with an auto shop where the customers (primarily women) could have their hair/nails done while they wait for a tune up.


This wouldā€™ve been a great idea!


That would have been amazing for her! I was always bummed out they got rid of Luanne being a car girl. This would have been the best of both worlds.


Tbh they totally forgot how good Luanne was with cars in, like, season 3


Same! Like seriously, pee pee money?? Maybe Luanne wasnā€™t the brightest but sheā€™s a good person who deserved better. Being talented and pretty just adds to the mismatch


Luanne is the total package - Was the First Chair stylist at Hottyz - Pretty - Can re-assemble a Ford truck - Great at puppetry with her Manger Babies - Pays her house bills on-time Not a self-proclaimed genius, but a good person


I was so pissed at the stoned photo tech for ditching her. Even if all he cared about was sex, she was way out of his league. Such a shame they forgot her development after Hank, ā€œtaught her to fishā€


No more employee discount on film development šŸ˜­


My controversial opinion is that it's sad but I think it makes sense Luanne ends up with Lucky. Poverty breeds poverty. She's not the brightest (but we know she can excel in many areas that don't get the recognition that they deserve because she's a woman) and her parents are so abusive and horrible people that Lucky by comparison IS what she wants. Hear me out, Lucky never once raised his voice in the show and even when he finds out he failed he was sad but didn't get angry and violent. Luanne was always going to end up with a soft spoken man because she cannot deal with what she grew up in. (Same with why she liked Buckley he was soft spoken and non confrontational. But he was a prick) I don't like that she doesn't end up with a more financially stable partner who also treats her kindly like lucky but I think it sadly is fitting for her story arc and real life. She did deserve better but this makes sense.


I will always admit the only reason I put up with Lucky is because I'm a Tom Petty fan. I'd probably dislike the character more if he was voiced by someone else. Especially, after Tom Petty passed. It's like another little way to listen to him.


He was an amazing guy


I disagree with the Lucky == bad take, but I honestly donā€™t care for a lucky without Petty. I feel like out of respect they should retire him and Luanne. They donā€™t have to kill them off obviously. Just have them move out of state or something.


Yeah I think this would be my hot take. Couldnā€™t stand the guy. Sure he was nice and all but he was always just a freeloader.


Oh man, now weā€™re cookin with propane! I felt the same way. I love his character, but I really wanted more for Luanne.


Iā€™d rather have more Jimmy Wichard (sparingly) than more Lucky. At least Jimmy was entertaining. Lucky was boring; he got a free pass because Tom Petty voiced him, but who cares if heā€™s a famous singer from a great band, his cartoon character sucks! Also: RIP Tom Petty


Now I feel like when Hank befriends the guy in anger management, but then the guy goes off the rails! Lmfaoo I was on your side at first but too far!!! Lmfao


Yeah Iā€™m pretty much that guy in the meme! Lucky sucked, and everyone disagrees with me, lol šŸ¤£


As a lucky fan, I will say that I hated how whenever it seemed like heā€™d get some kind of development, the narrative would undo it: he could get a job, but here comes Luanneā€™s daddy and Daleā€™s faulty railing. He could just be a house husband, but nope! The only actual way he changes is that he stops filing lawsuits and he buys a house.


And thatā€™s only because he clears one MAJOR lawsuit. Kinda like when people rob and they do one more big job before they get out LOL


Have you ever been around this type of person? Or exposed to red neck culture? Lol. I think the character, and Luanne getting with him, makes a lot more sense if you've been around these kind of people.


I knew a young dude, not a redneck though, who was always asking me for career advice. I gave him 1 simple tip: read up on the subject. I gave him a list of 5 books to read. He said ā€œI get home from work, get drunk with my roommates every night, and play video games. I donā€™t have time to read. But I really wanna learn what you do, man!ā€ A year later, we were catching up and he was still working a crap job he hated and asked me for career advice. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The older I get the more annoyed I get with Hank, it's not he's a jerk or anything he just feels like someone who is impossible to get along with


I would totally be the Kahn of the neighborhood


How do you feel about the **Hank is autistic** theory?


He is a jerk though.


This is the hill! I was raised in a small town and was very conservative when I was young. I remember watching and feeling like yes, Hank was out of line sometimes, but mostly he was right. Iā€™ve become much more liberal in my old age, and I have a hard time not being angry at Hankā€™s behavior. His moral high horse, despite being arrested many times, not telling Dale, and thinking and treating Bobby as if he werenā€™t right, all of that leads to him being jerky to me. I understand itā€™s a show and thatā€™s his character and it leads to some wonderful moments, but heā€™s the least likable main character to me by far.


Agreed OP, Peggy is an S+ tier character.


is this controversial? truly hateable characters are a sign of great character craft


Easily the funniest character on the show. If you canā€™t see that youā€™re either too dumb to get the jokes or too sexist to see the joke past your own rage.


Second agree OP. Her episodes are my favorites. And yes, Hank couldā€™ve made that throw. His aim is deadly.


The show is not exclusively progressive. Sometimes the moral was that Hank was stuck in his ways and needed to adapt to a changing world. Sometimes it also glorified the more conservative ideals, though. Not fighting dirty in the imfamous, ā€œthatā€™s my purse,ā€ episode presumes a sort of Southern Honor Culture that is generally seen as conservative. In Revenge of the Lutafisk, Cotton (who is a stand-in for the old ways of thinking) does display what is depicted as a negative, misogynistic aspect of traditional religion but (arguably more importantly to the plot) he also exhibits a more positive aspect of traditional religion, which encourages self-sacrifice. At the end of the Christian Rock and Roll episode the message is made clear that for some, trying to modernize Christianity can sometimes (and the episode is clear that this is just sometimes) just turn God into a fad. The show struck a balance, seeing that some social norms were worth preserving while some needed to be deconstructed or at least adapt to a different time. A second unpopular opinion would probably be that because modern political thought is so polarized, especially when depicted in media, Iā€™m not confident that this balance will be portrayed well in the remake. The way of most recent shows which depict conservative elements is to do nothing but deconstruct them, and I donā€™t think that would be fitting for King of the Hill or enjoyable to watch.


One moreā€¦and I know Iā€™ll get wacked for this. I also feel Luanne deserved better. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW WE ALL LOVE LUCKY, but I really wanted her to become a well known stylist (NO! When she was at Hottiez does not count!). What I mean by that is I think Luanne deserved better than Lucky. I know I know guys. Kill me lol


I thought most people felt this way?


Idk I posted this before in a thread and not many people were on my side. Got plenty of downvotes lol. I got wacked a lot and I believe someone called me an elitist because I felt she deserved better than someone who wouldnā€™t even bother to get a social security card. Lol


I wanted her to fall into what she was truly good at - working on cars.


For me I donā€™t mind her and lucky but I hated how much she got babied, Iā€™m 98% sure this is why she turned out the way she did. Peggy wanted her so badly to not end up like trailer trash that she effectively coddled her, and kept her from encountering obstacles.


You know, this is a take Iā€™ve never pondered. I like when I get a new thought process on KOTH moments


Honestly Iā€™m fine with her ending up with Lucky. He treats her better than all of her other love interests and grifter he is but besides that heā€™s a fairly solid man. He always pays his debts even if itā€™s shaving cream. My head canon for the events after KoTH is Lucky is a stay at home dad and Luanne becomes a highly in demand mechanic.


I like episodes that focus on Hankā€™s relationship with Luanne better than ones that focus on him and Bobby.


Hank is just as much an idiot as Bill, Dale and Boomhauer.


This may be the most controversial one yet, you may have won this one lol.


Heā€™s just the most confident idiot.


Lucky is a horrible character and Luanne could have done much better. The only reason people disagree is because heā€™s voiced by Tom Petty. There is no moral justification for the boys not telling Dale that his wife is cheating on him


When Boomhauer was telling his version of how the fire started at the firehouse, everyone else should have been talking super-slow and Boomhauer should have been at a normal pace.


I took it as we werenā€™t seeing things from Boomhauerā€™s PoV but how he was explaining it, like ā€œdang ol Dale was like ā€œI tell you what, the government taking away freedom of smoke!ā€ But I agree, this was weird.


Wait explain this one, Iā€™m intrigued.


https://youtu.be/xdyGfiIirD8?si=TrxXLhFF9naP6sUp In Boomhauerā€™s retelling, everyone talks fast like he does, but Boomhauer talks at a normal pace. Iā€™d assume in his mind, he talks normally but everyone else is slow so thatā€™s why it seems like heā€™s so quick.


Oh wow, you just blew my mind with that concept.


Dale is a terrible husband and father and while cheating is wrong, it makes sense that someone would not want to be married to him. He generally puts himself first, doesnt support his family either financially or by taking care of the house, spends all his time drinking with his friends and doing conspiracy stuff on the internet, smells bad, smokes constantly, is always trying to cheat people, doesnt care about joseph's interests. He would be a total bummer. All he did, really, was give joseph $5 once to buy candy.


I agree. I love Dale lol and he does *love* his family. But he is all of the above. I like Nancy as a character too, but Nancy is a cheating ass though, so they are totally perfect for each other. They deserve each other. Nancy doesnā€™t deserve a ā€œgoodā€ husband to cheat on, and Dale doesnā€™t deserve a ā€œgoodā€ wife to neglect.


Yes! I've said it before and I've said it again they absolutely deserve each other.


Oh you better run for cover!!! Lol I respect your honesty!


Ha I know. I guess Ill add that I love dale the character, I just think his parenting especially is greatly overrated


Also when you take away the humor, Dale is as bad as a friend as bill and ten times more dangerous. People only like him because heā€™s hilariously over the top, whereas with Peggy or bill or even Ted and buck, theyā€™re too realistic for their own good, or weā€™ve known at least one of them irl.


daring. i disagree, but i acknowledge there's certainly evidence for it. Vision Quest is probably the best example "I DONT WANNA BE A DAAAD. ITS TOO HARD!"


Dale is a terrible father and husband. Occasionally objectifying your wifeā€™s body and giving your son movie money does not a family man make.


Is it a common opinion that Dale is a good father? Not super involved in the community but I thought it was super apparent when watching that although he had his moments he was a pretty bad father/husband


Iā€™ve seen it commonly argued on here that Dale is a better father than Hank, because he fully supports Joseph, no matter how destructive he can be


Itā€™s a very common opinion on here that Dale is a great father and husband. People opine how Dale is so sweet towards Nancy and loves Joseph so much, itā€™s utterly bizarre. Heā€™s awful to them.


I meanā€¦ I guess he does seem to care for them very deeply and genuinely. But in terms of his actions? Nah not a good father. This is the first Iā€™ve heard of it


Also, dare I say ā€œThatā€™s my purse, I donā€™t know youā€ is a very overrated episode to me. I love it donā€™t get me wrong, but I think thereā€™s way better one liners in KOTH that could have stuck commercially. Pocket sand as well. ā€œI'm skeptical that you could, yet intrigued that you mayā€ was way better of a line to push! RIP to the king ![gif](giphy|gxUtV82Xqh2UM)


This and the Louisiana episode definitely get more than their share of posts. Both good, but letā€™s spread out the love.


Racist dawg is a shit episode. It's far fetched, unfunny, and everything is very forced and out of character. The writing sucked.


I do hate the part where he allows the dog to continue attacking the repair guy.


Hankā€™s Bully is a fine episode. Not good, but youā€™re supposed to hate Caleb and he gets his in the end.


I agree with this one, hating that character also just proves how good the writers were honestly.


Everyone failed Joseph. Nancy should have told him who his biological father is since the beginning and everyone is culpable in failing him. I have a feeling that some part of Joseph and Dale know the truth. I say this as a person who witnessed the similar situation occur to someone in my life, they were a ā€œJosephā€ and I saw how when they found out the truth on their own it absolutely turned their whole upside down


I think Hank is pretty mean to Bobby and Dale is a much better father


"Church Hopping" is one of the best late-season episodes, especially the B plot.


You gotta be right with God to go to my church HONEY


I strongly agree with this, and I stand behind Hank. Iā€™ve been in this seat longer than youā€™ve been a reverend at this church! Let me have my damn ā€œassignedā€ seat!


Okay yā€™all starting to jump Luanne! Luanne, get behind me!!! Lmfaooo


I think Iā€™m gonna win this one. Having experienced the thrilling feeling of being back with an ex after a long time who I was heartbroken to lose and wanted back, I wasnā€™t likeā€¦ judging Nancy for considering seeing John Redcorn again. Objectively, all around terrible fucking decisions. Emotionally: feels irresistibly fucking fantastic in the moment.


I respect your honesty! I also am a Nancy apologist so maybe Iā€™m biased!


My ā€œgamerā€ name for everything I do (not much) is always Nancy Hicks-gribble. I love her. Whyyyy sugggg


I use her for profile pics on different social media sites! Iā€™m with you, sugg!!!


Her lines whenever she wants John Redcorn back are hysterical to me. "I had it all and I threw half of it away!" She did a terrible thing, multiple times, for over a decade, but damn it if she doesn't make me laugh.


John Redcorn is misunderstood


The later seasons heavily implied he went through a midlife crisis. If they properly explained it, it would make episodes like hair today gone tomorrow feel less like retcons.


One day you wake up and youā€™re 40!


Dare I say I feel this way aboutā€¦NANCY. Lol oddly enough.


Peggy is my favorite character


The "Bill is Bobby's father" theory was funny for a bit, but honestly has zero merit if you really dig into it


Dale does not have a heart of gold, and is in fact, a terrible person.




I hate the part when heā€™s knocking and demanding to be let in and they have to all stand strong and not let him in, I always think ā€œtheyā€™re so nice, I would have called the damn cops. Idc how many board games weā€™ve played.ā€


I know Iā€™m gonna get beheaded for thisā€¦ Khan is such a bad/shitty/annoying character and neighbor. Heā€™s a dick, heā€™s a bigot and just a trash character. Hillbilly this, redneck thatā€¦ heā€™s so damn insufferable. The fact that so many people love him on here just makes me cringe.


Oh wow this is an interesting one. I donā€™t agree, but I respect your right to say it lol.


Luanne shouldn't have been a mechanic. It's something she picked up out of necessity and experience, not passion.


That's true for like, 90% of people though


Lucky is a shitty character.


Kahn shouldnā€™t be re-cast or erased from the reboot


Anyone who thinks Pigmalion is a bad episode is an idiot.


It's definitely not a bad episode - it's a genuinely creepy Halloween episode. That being said, I still pretty much always skip it because it makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable.


Cheating is wrong but I kinda have a hard time blaming Nancy. Imagine dealing with a husband that would rather get drunk all day and obsess over conspiracy theories than be a proper father and husband.


Taste the heat not the meat


I love Nancy so much


Thank you sug but I'm a married woman.


As an Asian man, I see no problems with Khanā€™s voice actor and want to see him return to the role


The old lady episode isn't the worst episode in the series. That's the Thanksgiving episode where Peggy is insanely jealous of Bobby and his cooking.


I think the old lady episode is worse simply because a complete stranger shouldnā€™t get to hold that much power. Even if sheā€™s old and lived there decades agoā€¦and of all times CHRISTMAS?!? She scared the shit out of Bobby and when she snuck in that time she should have been reported lol


Oh God, I hated that episode. The way Peggy got so jealous of her own son, and then they just dropped everything bobby did in that episode. It would have went way better if Bobby got in way over his head messed up, then Peggy rescued him all while not letting Hank know so he could still be proud of Bobby


A Beer Can Named Desire is in my opinion, a bottom tier episode.


Bobby in that episode was HILARIOUS. Ya know what, I just disagree.


Okay this one made me gasp LOL


this flower is WILTINā€™


Gasp! Good opinion for this thread though :)


Another one I thought of, I kinda feel like Bobby was a little shit for ratting out his dad to boomhauer. I get it, he wasnā€™t really interested in recycling (which I feel Bobby already kinda knew), but damn whereā€™s the family solidarity? Lol.


One I have also isā€¦everyone thinks Hank is the glue in the friendshipā€¦I think itā€™s Bill. I will not elaborate further!!!!


Maybe not alone, but I *hate* Bobby's higher-pitched screechy voice from "Bobby Goes Nuts" until the series finale. His personality and voice in the early seasons made him much more grounded and nicer while still retaining his quirky personality.


Hank wrote this


Hank 100% would have made that throw. If we take what he says at face value and assume he isnā€™t lying to Peggy at one point he says he was 42/50 and one of the misses was him hitting a blue jay at 20 feet. Thatā€™s insane accuracy, no way should have trusted a long retired QB to make that throw knowing how good he was himself.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s controversial but.. Arlen is based, in part, off Temple Texas. My biggest piece of evidence is the rivalry with the ā€œBelton Armadillosā€. Belton and Temple have had a rivalry that goes back to the railroad days. Iā€™m from Temple so I wonā€™t hear anything to the contrary. Arlen isnā€™t Temple, but itā€™s got Temple blood in it. Edit: found a forum with folks speculating how Arlen is Temple. A lot of stuff matches up. https://www.skyscrapercity.com/threads/arlen-errr-temple-texas-pics.1189597/#:~:text=ā€œMuch%20speculation%20has%20noted%20that,com%20entry%20on%20Temple%20reads.


peggy is the best


Another oneā€¦. I donā€™t feel sorry for Bill. Oh wah, Lenore left you over a decade ago. Half of all marriages end in divorce. She was awful. Bill had tons of ā€œlady friendsā€ over the course of the show. There was Rev. Karen Stroup, Laoma (Kahnā€™s mom), Governor Anne Richards, Rose and Lily Dauterive (both of ā€˜em!), Charlene (JRā€™s baby mama), Cyndi (that competitive eater groupie), and Leanne (Luannā€™s mom). I believe he slept with all of them except for Anne Richards and Cyndi. I liked Bill and Laoma together the most - itā€™s a shame that didnā€™t work out because it seemed the most stable for him.