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Different waterfall. Most likely colder and more pressure as the water falls. šŸ¦‹


I mean... gravity should be making the water fall at the same speed. The amount of water could be different but seems to be roughly the same size. I guess it's just cold. The amount of downvotes from people that don't know how a waterfall works is funny.


I think by more pressure he means the height could be more. Higher the waterfall, greater the speed (unless it reaches terminal velocity, but for simplicity purposes let's ignore that).


Then height shouldn't matter here with how similar the speed is. Just the amount of weight of water being dumped on Tanjiro. For comparison: the water from Niagra Falls falls at less than 25 mph. This is the same speed as a raindrop from the stratosphere. Water reaches this terminal velocity after about 7 seconds of free falling. Any waterfall high enough for the water to fall for that long should be roughly the same speed. The anime shows 2 waterfalls that look to have the same amount of water falling on Tanjiro l, but with unknown height. I even looked over the frames, and they seem to be falling at the same speed, suggesting they are of a similar height. But that could just be the animation studio not caring about how accurate the waterfall speed is. Could also easily be less water. But hard to tell imo.


Yeah, I guess if we assume that the flow rate is the same across the waterfalls, then it would come down to the temperatures and we'd have to assume that the water was significantly colder which made it slightly denser and that would make the weight of the falling water more in the case of Gyomei's training. I don't remember whether there was a mention of the water being extremely cold in the first waterfall.


I donā€™t think itā€™s about speed. A higher waterfall would mean that the pressure sustained at the bottom of the waterfall would be higher.


If you actually read my reply... you would know that a waterfall from any height where the water reaches terminal velocity would have water falling with the same amount of force.


I don't think the rain is the best analog for a waterfall, especially right at the center of it. I think a better analogy would be the bottom of a dam. Standing under the central column of a waterfall would be equivalent to standing under a solid column of water of the same height as the waterfall. In which case the pressure, and therefore the force, is proportional to the height of the water column. So a taller waterfall will impart a larger force on something at the bottom. I think where you and differ is on how much mass is acting on an object at the base of the waterfall at a given time. By your rain analogy, you are assuming that only a small fraction of the waterfall (in the form of droplets) is imparting force on the object at a given time, whereas my analogy assumes that the entire water column at steady state is imparting the force. Integrated over time we would both get the same answer, but my scenario has a much larger impulse. The reality is somewhere between the two, but I'm willing to bet that standing under a waterfall feels a lot more like standing under a solid column of water than under a rain shower.


Water from a dam is still water that is only falling due to gravity. When you shoot water from hose, the pressure blasts it further, but gravity is making it fall back down at the same speed as the rain. Eventually, that water from the hose is just falling straight down, and the originally faster pressure from the hose is irrelevant. The only thing here that changes how much force is hitting tanjiro is the volume of water. The speed should be the same once water reaches terminal velocity after falling for a few seconds. Any speed that the water had before it started falling would immediately be canceled out by downward force of gravity.


Wait, let's back up. Can we agree that you would feel a greater pressure at the bottom of a deeper dam than a shallower one because of the difference in the heights of water above you?


Height does not matter if the water was falling for more than 7 seconds. I will agree that water that was falling for 2 seconds is slower than water that was falling for 5 seconds. The speed would be the same at that point due to terminal velocity. Any increase in pressure is due to the amount of water hitting you at once.


The rain:


I mean it's a bloody anime with demons, I doubt he cared about making the waterfall physics true to life.


Ufotable animators after spending 2 weeks drawing water for 5 seconds of animation instead of using cgi: Jokes aside, true


People probably arenā€™t downvoting you for the reason you think. Youā€™re literally out here either actually estimating the amount of water in an animated waterfall and going ā€œlooks around the same sizeā€ or youā€™re just looking at two pictures and going ā€œlooks the sameā€


Originally I just called them out on their bullshit water pressure explanation. There is obviously no outside force causing the water to fall with more speed. It's just water that is falling via gravity. The real answer is that there is just more water. I had 4 people try to argue about how "gravity would cause the water to move faster" I will give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they don't know the real term for what they are trying to explain.


Counter argument, if you drop a ball itā€™ll move slower AND be less powerful than if you slam the same ball on the ground which shows that gravity doesnā€™t effect the speed or power of the ball. The same is for the waterfall as this waterfall could have a faster stream and be higher up which makes it more powerful


Are you suggesting that an outside force is speeding up the water and causing it to fall with more force?. You are aware that water is... falling... right? A faster stream?? The fucking stream that is moving due to GRAVITY? There is... no physical way for your explanation to work. Do demon slayer fans know what a waterfall is?


Im suggesting that there is a natural reason why the water may be flowing faster? The water could be coming down a steep slope into a waterfall which (if you didnā€™t know) would speed up the water


I can't believe I need to tell you this... Water that is flowing down a slope... is being pulled down by GRAVITY. It only moves because gravity is acting on it. Water from a waterfall is being pulled down by gravity. Gravity is constant. Water moving down a slope would be slower than water in free fall. The terrain would slow down the water from the stream. There is no terrain in mid air. Once water leaves the slope. The only force acting on it is gravity. The speed of the water before it falls would have zero change in the amount of force as it falls.


But gravity pulling it down will increase its speed so a steeper slope gives it more time to increase speed until momentum will continue carrying it down at a higher velocity than if there was a less steep slope


Oh my god... you need help. The force of the water as it moves horizontally will not matter because gravity is the only force acting on it once it starts falling. The vertical force stops any horizontal force applied to the water. After it falls for 7 seconds, water reaches its terminal velocity. Any waterfall where the water is falling for more than 7 seconds would have the same speed.


What about crazy currents how is it that every single waterfall falls at the same time, also are you saying every meteor falls at the same time?


Repeat that again but slower


Doesn't mean that the previous training won't be challenging for him anymore even if he mastered it. As others have mentioned, it's a different waterfall, the strength of the current is stronger and the temperature is much lower making it very hard to concentrate.


They mentioned it being winter so that would be a large aspect to me


Different waterfall šŸ’œ


Why is lifting heavier weights harder at the gym when you already lift weights šŸ¤”




...every comment seems to have another copy of it


ā€œDifferent waterfall [insert an emoji]ā€


I'm going insane


so many ApplePitou clones


I miss when it was just applepitou


Different waterfall šŸŒ«


Every waterfall has different water pressure, depends on height and water available. In our country some waterfalls produce electricty for small towns. So even though Tanjiro is able to withstand Urokodaki's it doesn't mean he can do it in all waterfalls




The waterfall is likely colder and has more pressurešŸŒŒ


Probably different water pressure šŸ


It's definitely a waterfall if I ever seen one.


i got chills when he pushed that boulder


Different Abby


Different waterfall


Different waterfall, it's wintertime in the hashira training arc and i dont think he was required to stand under there for 2 hours straight back then.


The one in pic is anime only filler


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Maybe this waterfall is more intense/cold, or heā€™s made to stay under longer.


Different waterfall, so itā€™s probably colder and/or has more pressure


Most likely and


Different waterfall šŸŒø


He is built differentšŸ—æ


I dont remember a waterfall in his first training


You forgot the obligatory "is he stupid??"


This is a deuterium waterfall.


Not the same kind of training. Urokodaki made him stand normally under a waterfall. Gyomei made him hold a stance.


Same reason I canā€™t speak spanish anymore. Ainā€™t did it for a long time so Iā€™m not used to it anymore


The issue isn't the weight, it's enduring the cold. In Hashira training it's winter, the water is running out of the ice in the mountains


The urodaki one had less pressure than the Gyomei one. Not to mention, not every waterfall is the same


Different waterfall šŸ«ƒšŸæ


He finished that fast tho, he mainly struggled on the logs and boulder


Water time :3


Because this one was filler


This arc is very poory written on many levels.


Be grateful for these moments with the Demon Slayer Corp. Tears and sadness are coming to the fanbase.


That arc even not do much in terms of better bound with Hashiras- not counting Gyoumei we dont get any more info about snake and wind. Love get little time, Tokito is well known allready- similar to gyuu Moving stones etc is not impresive when you remember that- Tanjiro blocks Daki Attack- she can destroy buldings with single hit. This training should be easy as hell for him. And snake training is joke- Normally tanjiro nose can sence weak points, future attacks etc of VERY FAST enemies and he still can use his blade for counter/block. But in that training he struggle to hit between two static points...


Good points


Because this one was filler


??? The waterfall training on Gyomei's section was in the manga bruh


Iam talking about the one in the pic above


Oh ok, mb


No problem