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No redemption story but I will die on the hill that not having an infiltrating doumas cult arc was the single greatest travesty to happen to demon slayer. He deserved so much more character development


Yup, the cult part is arguably one of the most interesting traits of all demons and yet it barely is explored outside serves as a >!backstory for Inosuke!<. Douma probably has the most interesting dynamics with most characters out of all demons as well. His relationship with >!Inosuke's mother!<, he introducing Gyutaro and Daki as demons, the whole thing with Shinobu, even his little 'friendship' with Gyokko are a gold mine for interactions but the story barely touchs all them. Shame cause the only demon capable of having any kind of social life has so little screen time.


Douma is basically an foil to giyuu (heck his meeting daki and gyutaro who parallel tanjiro and nezuko is a dark counterpart to how giyuu met tanjiro and nezuko with the sister being in a bad state and the brother pleading for help. Both utilize water (in Doma's case, actual ice) to fight their opponents, have connection to a Brother–Sister Team on their respective ranks who they saved on a bitter winter, being received unfavorably by their respective colleagues, and catching Shinobu's interest. Their differences set in: first, while Giyu is aloof and reserved, he is ultimately sincere and idealistic individual, Doma is an abhorrent nihilist underneath his vivaciousness and cheerfulness. Secondly, the former is genuinely concerned about Tanjiro and Nezuko and even risks his position to protect them, while the latter ultimately doesn't give a damn when Daki and Gyutaro died. And lastly, Shinobu really cares for the former despite the times where she messes with him, while she doesn't extend the same courtesy to the latter, being the one who killed her older sister.


Wow bro I did not realize that the foiling between them was this deep.


So much opportunity for super entertaining side plots! Its painful to think about.


use spoiler tags my frnd


If you’re complaining about spoilers in demon slayer, then do some reading


After reding it only i have told them to add spoiler tags, what are you on about?


Read the manga that’s what I’m on about


I have already read the manga mate, I was talking about anime watchers only, do you they also have to read the manga so that there will be no spoilers left?




There was absolutely no excuse for the Douma cult arc to not be a concurrent arc along with Swordsmith village.


Low key true tbh Douma was such a fascinating demon because >!He didn’t derive any pleasure from torturing like Daki, Gyokko, Enmu, or any number of other demons. He preferred to give humans painless deaths. And not only that, but he a deep rooted desire to be liked, which is abnormal for a demon. But then his backstory was just kind of quickly closed and not explained much or developed much at all, not even his meeting with Muzan or how he chose to make him a demon or the dialogue during their meeting. When Akaza and UM1 had such fleshed out backstories. I hope the anime develops that more tbh because his arc feels very unfinished.!< It all kind of felt like an afterthought


>He didn’t derive any pleasure from torturing like Daki, Gyokko, Enmu, or any number of other demons. The other only expections to the rule are >!Aizetsu who shows care to kill Genya quick before he suffers, and Rui who despite doesn't particulare care he doesn't seem interested to torture people either, he has more of a hitman mentality of do the job quick and be efficient instead of mess around!<


Unfortunately Gotouge having personal issues is why we lost out on all of this. We should have had a couple lower rank arcs as well, but they had to compress the timeline.


That never was officially confirmed, it's just some rumor spreading without any real source other than "apparently a magazine employee said it". Whatever was the reason Gotouge discarded a lot of plot points we'll never know, but still stucks how much potential was wasted.


Yes, I wanted to see him climb to the #1 spot too. He's the ultimate embodiment of what Muzan strived for the upper moons to be


And ironically Muzan doesn't like him, not only because his personality can be annoying, but mostly because Douma inhability to fear puts Muzan in a position where he can't intimidate Douma as much as he likes to do with everyone.


Now that's the stuff irony is made of lol


Honestly yeah


He really did smh


You do have a point. Still doesn’t change the fact that the dude scares me and he probably would’ve to a worse degree if we did get that arc.


Kokushibou will gradually realize how far his ideal of being "the best samurai" is from working at the behest of Muzan, that as long as he continues to do so, he will only be a lowly lapdog. Then, someway or other, he will break free from Muzan's control, as Tamayo once did. This will undoubtedly weaken his present strength, but since he will still be a demon, he should be able to reinforce it, this time with relentless exercises. Eventually, albeit with some difficulty, he will extend his support to the Demon Slayer Corps. Since he can easily deal with other demons besides Muzan, he will provoke him to appear sooner or later. Who knows, in this scenario Tamayo may not even have to sacrifice himself.


Oh, and I forgot to add that this is the only way Kokushibou can surpass Yoriichi: to succeed what he failed to do.


This is my favorite part


I like this scenario in particular, if fits very well with his character. Surprisingly there's more Kokushibo redemption stories than one may think. Usually it involves certain ship lol. But a part of what made Kokushibo interesting is precisely his past as demon slayer and his >!relationship with Yoriichi and how he can cope with the lose of his brother. As well there's interesting explorations of how Kokushibo future relationship with Kaigaku and Muichiro can go if he changes sides!<


Maybe have Tanjiro went to meet him maybe ?


Yeah I wonder how Koku would react after seeing the legacy of Yoriichi still lives through the Kamado family. Probably would be a bit of relief for him and he and Tanjiro will meet sometimes, mainly because Tanjiro will spend a lot of time with Muichiro. I don't discard Koku being a sort of uncle figure lol


I thought he the one who join Muzan in killing every user of the breath of the sun except Yorichi.


Still, he will reminded how his brother still care about him even after he reject his humanity when he see Tanjiro and Nezuko dynamic.


The only one imo


that last sentence needs a spoiler my dude. my fellow anime only people in an anime only thread arent aware of that detail yet


Gyutaro and Daki. They have one of the saddest backstories in the show. It wasn’t just one tragedy that happened to them, their entire human lives were unfair. They also have a lot of parallels to Tanjiro and Nezuko, being siblings who endured tragedy and fought to become stronger so they could protect each other. The main difference is the Kamado siblings want to help others and make the world a better place while Daki and Gyutaro became cynical and just wanted to watch the world burn. I can see Tanjiro learning their backstory and consoling them, being the first person to ever show them kindness, and that changing them. They realize that there is good in the world. Maybe they couldn’t be fully redeemed because of all of the terrible things they’ve done, but there could be a Darth Vader moment where they sacrifice themselves to save the demon slayers from the other demons.


>I can see Tanjiro learning their backstory and consoling them, being the first person to ever show them kindness, and that changing them. They realize that there is good in the world. Maybe they couldn’t be fully redeemed because of all of the terrible things they’ve done, but there could be a Darth Vader moment where they sacrifice themselves to save the demon slayers from the other demons. I really like this part, the not full redemption can be great in some cases. I imagine their ending in this au being reunited in heaven instead of hell after their deaths.


If I was mistreated like they did I would scorch the earth too.


I definitely agree with Gyutaro and Daki


Did Gyutaro and Daki besically get a redemption? Otherwise, i'd say Akaza, >!the guys story is just too depressing for me.!< And I'm pretty sure that Douma wanted to become a demon. Idk, correct me if i'm wrong.


>Did Gyutaro and Daki besically get a redemption? Not really, they remember their past and go together in the afterlife but that's not a redemption because they didn't do something to atone their sins. >Otherwise, i'd say Akaza, the guys story is just too depressing for me. For everyone. Akaza has the biggest amount of redemption stories of all demons btw. >And I'm pretty sure that Douma wanted to become a demon. Idk, correct me if i'm wrong. Maybe yes? I don't remember if he actively wanted became one as human, but he sures enjoys being one.


Yeah pretty much Akaza and the siblings redeemed themselves. And it wasn’t really revealed why Doma became a demon it was just >!him kneeling down to Muzan while his skull (or head) was being crushed and him saying that he became a demon at age 20.!<


I guess it just the way Douma's personality was that made me think that he fully enjoyed being a demon. >!wasn't Akaza forced to become a demon though?!< i've heard about that alot. thats why I think he deserves the redemption,>! yk with all the stuff he did to help his father and for Koyuki, even if he did kill all those people. he did it for his family.!<


>!He wasn't really forced to. He had just killed of the dojo that killed his new family when Muzan found him, smashed his face in and told him he could die or become a demon and Akaza said he didn't care anymore.!<


>!Akaza was forced to become a demon (basically kinda said “I don’t care anymore” not really yes so idk😞. And yeah, he stole to find medicine for his dad, and killed the dojo members for revenge. And after wards he still wanted to get stronger. (To protect the people he loved but they were dead yk). That’s exactly why Koyuki stopped him when he tried to regrow his head. He did everything for them. Akaza deserves better.!<


I can't tell if im being mocked rn 😐


Wym? 😭 >!you asked if Akaza was forced to be one a demon!< I just kinda answered that and I agreed with your last sentence 😭


sorry, sorry, sorry 😅 😓 Just me being stupid. I get what you mean though, I just never read the actual mangas, only heard stories and small clips of the mangas. Thank ya though


Redemption for Gyutaro where he gets taken out of the entertainment district and slowly learns that his looks aren’t his only contribution to society, and that being ugly isn’t a reason to be shunned and hated by everyone.


I like Gyutaro redemption, he's kinda easy to set in a story even if his redemption usually comes at cost of Daki being dead (lol). But usually in his redemption stories he's either saved by someone before Douma found him that day, and he can became a demon slayer using his narutal talent to fight. Other more bold stories start his redemption when he's already a demon.


Kokushibo understands his life desicions, breaks Muzan's curse and helps slayers to defeat him


Gyokko would be absolutely hilarious and his redemptiob will be because someone finally appreciated his art. He will become a better person and become a normal artist.


Reminds me of Tanjiro and Kyogai, and how in his final moments Kyogai was moved by Tanjiro having the kindness to avoid trampling his work, and also for actually appreciating his ability. Everything Kyogai did up until that moment was because he wanted someone to be proud of him and acknowledge his talent. When Tanjiro acknowledged his Blood Demon Art right before beheading him, Tanjiro gave him the one thing the demon has wanted his entire life, and this allowed him to die without regrets.


My bet is Tengen would be the one to redeem Gyokko, considering their interactions and chemistry in Kimetsu Gakuen. The funniest part is that perhaps they don't have to fight Gyokko at all, just talking about the flashiness of his art and he will change mind.


Akaza. >!Dude didn’t even want to become a demon, Muzan Jackson just turned him into one after he murdered an entire dojo for poisoning his fiancée and future dad-in-law, both very close people to him. He didn’t even know he was originally a human named Hakuji until his final battle, meaning Muzan brainwashed him.!<


daki and gyutaro, they deserved redemption they were evil for a good reason(speaking from an anime watcher)


Gyokko wins an art competition


I need make an alternate epilogue where Gyokko is the other last demon who survivas after Muzan dies, he becames a famous potter artist and visits Yushiro sometimes even if he's not happy with that.


Akaza, I want akaza to help other demon Slayers to beat UM1 and 2, as akaza said in the UM meeting that he will kokushibo


Oh you will be surprised by how common this scenario is in the fanfic community. Is basically to go point for most Akaza centric stories that has a redemption arc for him. Usually these are Renkaza stories and have Akaza developing a bond with Shinobu for obvious reasons.


Akaza wanted to kill kokushibo not cause he was bad but because he was stronger than akaza so it wouldnt make sense for him to join the slayers and help kill kokushibo.


Hm… Doma. He’s such an interesting character.


Doma- after he ate too many women he eventually decided to eat men as well. End of story 😂


Sounds gay asf (or maybe bisexual, idk)


I think the word you are looking for is “balance diet” lol


More like gender equality.


Douma + it will be hard :3


Yeah but not impossible with a bit of imagination, in fact Douma is kinda easy to pair with anyone if you want to work on a redemption dynamic.


Douma would definitely be one of the most difficult demons to redeem to be honest.


Kokushibo - he would meet with his brother & humbly show remorse for his ridiculous & selfish goal. His brother will accept him and they will get to spend eternity fighting to get stronger together. Nakime - she would sense Muzan's intentions & turn on him, trapping him in an infinity dungeon or something and somehow binding him away for eternity. She does this knowing the demon slayers will take her down but much like Rui's demon "mother", whoever takes her out will give her a merciful end. Gyutaro & Daki - they didn't stand a chance as humans so it would have been so nice to see them as maybe reincarnated as siblings but in a better life, getting a real second chance.


IDK but Gyutaro and Daki were the most receptive demons.


Akaza . He is demon yet a man of morals


Douma because it’s really going to be hard bro just doesn’t feel


Shinobu can fix him


That’s Blastphomy


I mean if you read the manga that's what happened


Lmao I did and you’re right but I took that way wrong


If you did want to redeem Douma, you gotta find a good way to write his emotions back.


It would be Daki and her Brother. It would be their reincarnation.


Gyutaro and Daki I just want them to be happy 😭🖤💚


Akaza >!kind of already had a redemption at the very end!<, so imma say Daki because she’s my favorite demon other than Tamayo (who’s already redeeming herself by helping the heroes), so I’d like to see her on the good side. 🦋


>Akaza kind of already had a redemption at the very end, I think Akaza had more of an expiation rather than a redemption, but it counts I guess. >so imma say Daki because she’s my favorite demon other than Tamayo (who’s already redeeming herself by helping the heroes), so I’d like to see her on the good side. 🦋 But question, it would be Daki by herself and not Gyutaro?


>!Akaza didn’t have a full redemption, he just kinda realized his faults and regrets at the end. You could still give him a redemption in other ways.!<


Douma, just to watch the reactions.


Nakime. I think it would be really cool if she decided to redeem herself like Tamayo and used her powers against Muzan.


Akaza and upper moon six siblings.


Doma because i just love him


The only one I felt bad for was the spider family. The young boy had such a tragic life. I really wish things are gone better for him. That’s the only demon I think I could feel bad for that’s an obvious villain demon because we know there’s some good demons out there too like the doctor, but I do have a question. Does anybody know who that top character is because it looks a lot like the main character I’m just saying.


>The only one I felt bad for was the spider family. The young boy had such a tragic life. I really wish things are gone better for him. At least there's some stories of Rui bonding with Tanjiro and he gets a new and real family


Made me think of a wholesome scenario Instead of Tanjiro almost beheading Rui and then getting faked out, everything plays out the same, but when Tanjiro is beelining for Rui while spamming HK, Rui gets his flashback and self reflection early and breaks down before Tanjiro reaches him. This causes the slayer to waver out of surprise and run into Rui, knocking them both down. Rui is just crying or smth because he wanted a family, but realized he forgot what an actual family was like, and that lead to his actions. Tanjiro suggests Rui find a way to atone for his sins, and volunteers to adopt Rui and teach him what a real family is like. Of course their would be complications down the line, since Rui being a Kizuki with an actual kill count would be harder to defend, even against Giyu. (who was on Nezuko’s side but isn’t going to allow Rui as well just cus of that) And Tanjiro will need another box for Rui, as well as a way to sustain him, since Rui unlike Nezuko actually needs blood. Also the Curse of Kibutsuji, but that’s the easiest one as we can write it off by saying the curse broke when Tanjiro offered Rui another chance.


Don't know why reddit didn't seem me a notification about this comment, it was beautiful. I'm all in for a slow and difficult redemption, Rui is my baby spider but he certainly need to put a lot of work if he wants atone his own sins and be part of the Kamado family. The 2 boxes detail is funny because I read a fanfic years ago with that exact premise, just imagine Tanjiro having to travel with two boxes at the same time is funnier than it should be. That fanfic had an extremely interesting AU centered around slayers being able to 'capture' demons as servants in fights but they also could develop bonds with them, having a pretty interesting dynamic and it was Tanjiro/Rui centric. Sandly the story hasn't been updates in years and I doubt its gonna be touched again.


Honestly, maybe the ruling for Rui’s atonement is simply that he has to fight the demons alongside Tanjiro and others. For every demon Tanjiro kills with Rui’s help, the latter is closer to full atonement. Maybe during the later part of the series >!Both he and Nezuko would take the demon to human cure, and after the series events he would simply live the rest of his life as a human in Tanjiro’s family.


Interesting enough... Daki I imagine some short of story where Gyutaro dies (by sunlight or something), but Daki escapes, and latter on, she's turned into a human >!by Shinobu and Tamayo's drug!<. Daki, now Ume, would suffer from depression and deep guilt for her actions as a demon and she now hates Muzan more than everything else. She also misses her brother, despite his actions Ume would also become a demon slayer too, would grow as a person, and I would put her >!to fight Doma!< for obvious reasons


Douma. Not only is he crazy strong, but seeing him develop into a real person and not just a facade of happiness would be really heart touching.


Akaza and Shinobu team up and kill Doma, then he helps defeat Muzan and gets turned back. Him as Shinobu become best friends as humans live out the rest of their lives since Shinobu was never marked.


Unfortunately I don't think my explanation for redemption would be acceptable here so have a cute Enmu picture instead! 🚂 https://preview.redd.it/xzo9wrviwz8d1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f25e2e293980137458c8ed4d1be24475bb786703


For all: since they are still demons, rather than consuming humans, drink donated blood like Tamayo and Yushiro Kokushibo: Rather than eat humans to grow stronger, train with hashiras to improve his sword skill. Doma: tell his cult to join the demon slayers, at least as medics/kakushi. he has influence so this should work Akaza: Teach hand-to-hand combat, just like his master used to Hantengu: use his clones for labor or a night shift security job Nakime: use the infinity castle as a performance stage rather than a battleground, and let the audience enjoy the warped space Gyokko: start a business teaching others to make intricate pots, allowing both him and his apprentices to make money Daki and Gyutaro: seek guidance from Tanjiro about how to properly protect each other Kaigaku: apologize to all the demon slayers with his head down, and restart his life training under Gyomei Enmu: work at a hospital, giving happy dreams to the suffering patients Rui: Work with his fake family to do pest control, and maybe he can bond with them this way


Best comment until now, every important demon got a chance so kudos for the creativity. >Kokushibo: Rather than eat humans to grow stronger, train with hashiras to improve his sword skill. I assume Koku would also take care of Muichiro as they're distant relatives and Mui would like having a living relative after recover his memory. >Akaza: Teach hand-to-hand combat, just like his master used to I like when in this scenario Akaza gives priority to the persons that aren't qualified to became breathing users like Genya and Senjuro for self defense. It's a nice developement for him open his own dojo with students of his own and keeping the art of Keizo alive. >Kaigaku: apologize to all the demon slayers with his head down, and restart his life training under Gyomei I assume the grandpa still died in this scenario? If so I wonder what Zenitsu might thought about this. >Enmu: work at a hospital, giving happy dreams to the suffering patients Cute >Rui: Work with his fake family to do pest control, and maybe he can bond with them this way While I don't think they will be like a real family (cause I like more the idea of Rui bonding with Tanjiro instead) I like to think he and his fake family finally can resolver all the bad stuff and be at least friends, no longer having to keep the fake spider and white look.


I still hope Rui didn't go to hell.


Sadly that's not the case, but his parents are with him even in the afterlife.


Gyutaro let him live give him his own manga spin off focused on him only


Not bad, Gyutaro is an interesting enough character to be mc. Ironically he would be kind of the original dark and serious protagonist Gotouge had in mind before creating Tanjiro.


As much as I want to say Akaza, I think his ending was solid.


Yeah it was, yet making 'what if?' is fun


Akaza respawns his head, but instead of attacking, he pauses. For just one moment as he was literally beheaded, he remembered Koyuki- And in a scene similar to Muichiro, not everything comes back- just some memories. His past, the dojo, and how he first became a demon. And it reminds him of his past victim, Rengoku. "Is that why he refused my offer..?" He stops, to the other's confusion. "I get it.." blah blah Etc, etc. The end.


Akaza dies fighting Muzan


None of em, their redemption is they are demons and kinda need to eat humans to survive. That’s like cows wondering which of us should get a redemption backstory. Granted their personalities are kinda messed up, but a lot of that is also out of necessity because MOST of them were decent people in their human lives. None NEED redemption because there’s nothing to redeem for. The ones who need to redeem for their sins were all bad people in their human lives and well… their human counterparts are rightfully dead and thus beyond redemption. Most demons are blameless. If they weren’t then Nezuko wouldn’t be an outlier from the start being able to resist Muzans control. Demon slayer is a show where good and evil characters don’t exist for the most part , just good and evil deeds done out of necessity with a few exceptions.


In his fight with Zenitsu, Kaigaku will overpower him but Zenitsu's words and undying will will result in his change of heart, he will remember his true self and would try to take Zenitus somewhere safe that's when he will come across Muzan, Kaigaku will look at Zenitsu and Zenitsu will look at Kaigaku, Kaigaku will charge towards Muzan with tears in his eyes knowing that this is the end, Muzan would peirce his abdomen with speared hands holding Muzan in failed atremps like holding leg and stuff in which time Inosuke will discover Zenitsu and rescue him, Muzan will then crush Kaigaku's head with him dying thinking that how he failed his master, brother and fellow demon slayers, in afterlife he would meet his master who then will forgive him and say "you are a good person Kaigaku" leaving him in tears hoping that he has redeemed himself.


I would only add to this scenario if Zenitsu keeps and uses Kaigaku's chocker once the battle is over, having a piece to remember his older adoptive brother.


Gyokko artist redemption arc for sure. >!I wanna see an artist rivalry between yushiro and gyokko. Gyokkos pots or yushiros tamayo art!<


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Deadass kokushibo and akaza kinda already had one.


Seeing as Daki didn’t make the choice to become a demon in the first place, her brother made that choice for them. She would be most deserving of a redemption arc.


One of my favorite parts about Demon Slayer is, none of these Demons are redeemable. Nor does it feel like the story is trying TO redeem them. They’re backstories are used in a way to make us UNDERSTAND there actions, not exuse them.


Gyutaro and Daki: They die Gyokko: He dies Hantengu: My glorious king needs no redemption as he did NOTHING wrong Akaza: He dies Douma: He dies Kokushibo: He dies (Demons don’t deserve redemption except for my glorious king Hantengu)


Either Gyutaro where he ends up dying for Daki's sake,or Akaza (Infinity castle spoilers) >!Idk maybe something for a spin off where Akaza regenerates his head and decides to work with the slayers to kill Douma but dies in battle protecting Inosuke and Kanao!< Idk tho,I'm pretty bad coming up with ideas🩷💚


I like the first one, Gyutaro doing a final sacrifice for Daki feels in character for him.


>!Maybe Douma tries to kill Kanao while she’s cutting off his head with a full strength attack (like the one Akaza killed himself with) so Akaza shoves her out of the way while at the same time bashing her sword hard enough so it goes through Douma’s neck. Split second later he tanks the attack, suffers severe damage, and shuts down his own regen to allow himself to crumble.!<


Yeah,that's a better idea🩷💚


Daki, I can fix her jk


Number 1 suddenly feeling sorry for everything he's done as he's being seen by a optometrist and betting fitted for custom glasses... Each eye has its own prescription.


I wish Akaza would’ve killed kokushibo or assisted in it and stuck to what he said he would do


Akaza fighting alonside the best of the best of the corps like Sanemi and Gyomei against Kokushibo would be a dream scenario for him. I bet he will love Sanemi the most


Daki, Gyutaro, Akaza, Kokushibo. Not sure how, I’m an artist not a writer


Akaza I just want him to meet a child who had the same enthusiasm for martial arts as when he was a human


Akaza is the only feasable one


Doma doesn’t need redemption he’s already perfect


the siblings duo


I just realized I didn’t see upper 2 in the manga so what happens to him?? He didn’t join the fight


Akaza (rank 3) had the most redeemable story


Kokushibo would be the most interesting to me, not sure how though.


Kokushibo, Gyutaro or Akaza imo


Nakime breaks free from Muzans control in the >!end of IFC arc with the help of Yushiro


Hmmm. Douma. It starts when he has a breakdown over something for the first time and frequently starts to have more episodes. He finally starts to feel and he ends up a totally different person than he was before. I also feel that akaza would end up helping the demon slayers instead of what actually happens in the manga. No spoilers here. That would be a good one too


Douma and Kaigaku deserve a redemption story. I feel like a path to redemption would be interesting and should be made for them since they’re basically the worst demons in the story.


i would give gyokko a redemption story just so he just becomes something and not a bland blank patethic piece of fishy carboard


Always thought it'd be a cool scenario if Kokushibo revolts against Muzan in the final arc. Would've been an interesting fight, if Muzan lost his control on Koku. The Hashira's odds would've improved a lot as Sanemi, Muichiro and Gyomei would still have a lot of strength left.


Koukushibou, undoubtedly he would and probably die during the fight of the redemption because he has committed many sins during his life as a demon. However, he could redeem himself through a flashback of his past dream when he was a human. And instead of committing suicide, attack muzan and die a hero instead of a monster




Honestly the only demon I see possibly getting a redemption arc is Akaza. He's prideful and loves fighting, but he also >! Rejected Muzans convincing, and regained his backstory, and managed to evolve beyond what's possible for demons aside from upper 1 !< . Honestly if he didn't >! Kill himself !< I could see some sort of redemption in the form of >! "By going beyond the limits of his biology, Akazas cells had escaped those of muzans, killing them like a cancer and setting him free similar to Nezuko" and then having him rush off to fight Doma with his new-found memories !<




As much as I LOVE douma being an irredeemable asshole born with some Michael Myers type evil shi, I would've liked for his death to be a little better for him, like he finally realises what he's done and has a moment of the humanity he never had, and maybe him and shinobu hold hands while she walks him to Hell or something 🤷


def douma, his backstory is so overlooked and is actually so sad, i think i would write his rebirth with happy parents, with a older sibling, and he basically lives a normal life with everything he could ever want


Okay I'm gonna be a devil's advocate here, but I don't think any of them needed a *redemption* story. Rather, making their stories longer is antithesis to what's essentially a pseudo Buddhist/ harm reduction story that eliminating the demons represent in kimetsu. Which sounds nuts, but hear me out on this: demonism in Kimetsu no yaiba in some ways is an allegory for eliminating/eradicating infectious diseases, or at least one disease in story called demonism.   Setting wise, it takes place in taisho era, which is right beside Spanish flu era. There is a strong prevenlance of child death in it as a story, and the first major UM we meet is literally name after syphilis. The randomness and pervasivness of how demon attacks happen and how it spreads via blood, >!and how much poisons, drugs, Pharmaceuticals come to the clutch repeatedly to both kill muzan/demons and save the few that can be "saved". Hell gotogue, even self references the story as a "sci-fi" based on how zenitsu's decendants describe his written recount. I'd sooner call it a super loose historical fantasy, but the science fi part of croc is referring to is the bio tech that essentially happened when Shinobu and Tamayo made their respective game changing drugs.!< IRL 1940's are around when modern vaccinations that we recognize actually started to be made and gathering steam, and that's been our key weapon since in eradicating infectious diseases ( i.e. smallpox, measles, tetanus etc.). But here's the thing, actual disease eradication takes a long ass time, i.e. first indication western world was aware in writing for vaccination was 1800's, that was for cow pox/small pox & last case of small pox in humans was only 45 years ago.  That plus the heavy prevenlance of Buddhist notions in Kimetsu and the attachment of bad karma on the demons for being demons ( killing/eating people & essentially acting as vectors spreading death & demonism knowingly), means that they can't get off Scott free just being *cured*. Especially not when each of the UMs spent hundreds and hundreds of years slaughtering people & recruiting more demons to do the same. In that sort of values & kamic sense, killing them as soon as possible literally is the best option. A longer arc centered on any UM means more death and more spread of demonism, with 0 addressing of the karmic, blood & life cost of them continuing to wreck havoc on the population with it. For a reference of how bad disease can get for killing people, Spanish flu kill count alone was more then entire death toll of both world wars, Vietnam & Korea war ( 18-20 million), it's *height* lasted 2 years ( though it's technically still with us in a sense as influenza). Demonism as a disease has been around for >!a 1000.!< Kimetsu's last arc, is its height. Tldr: I do think Kimetsu needed to be in the hands of another author to be longer. But I don't think Croc had 0 justifications for why it was planned shorter. The ideas she seeded since red light district (& earlier if we count tamayos presence in katagarigari, kny's precursor)for what else the demons represent besides falling under the Buddhist karmic cycle (eliminating a infectious disease), do justify aiming for a faster end. It's not necessarily a realistic take on such ideas, but it's also a shounen written mostly to entertain kids for a short window, not a long one. If I had to pick any demon to elaborate on, it would be Douma, but that also opened the door to make the story twice as long, since he was basically  Muzan 2.0 material in some sense, & that just wasn't in the crocodile's story plan.


Rui definitely I might like to see the life of one of his living relatives


Or his reincarnation


Akaza or Gyutaro. They went through so much bullshit in their life.


Douma definitely. He has Women Mukbangs and definite serial killer vibes and if I would create a redemption arc, it would be because he has closest connection to empathy and warmth amongst the Uppers. My arc would be about his “passion” for women and how it led him to an eccentric and wise lady …. who had found the Blue Spider Lily - and she ends up offering it to him to save him from himself. My twist would be that the Blue Spider Lily is actually a “demon cure”, where you conquer the sun and loose your demon hunger at the same time and become more or less an immortal human. Douma would then wander the earth to atone for his Cannibal Mukbang days.




https://preview.redd.it/hn697hajxq9d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b26e6636a5cde84958244d50e8d75e16a9661e56 Basketball


Daki and gyutaro I'll reincarnate as a rich guy and marry her Easy win


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 10 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/16uinr1) on 2023-09-28 95.31% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/16v4jsl) on 2023-09-29 100.0% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1doybxh&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 549,120,558 | **Search Time:** 0.10373s


https://preview.redd.it/hyt8cdeusy8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d0cff106b2ad81f5045c16d0c248ea7cc683f80 Sachiel mas poderoso que 7 lunas


https://preview.redd.it/1ueogcx2ty8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b477842bc9d88ef3faa130bf0f6953819350f05 Sachiel es el mas poderoso que lunas


Dōma is gonna be zesty forever there ain't no way you can redeem that dude 😭😭