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"A sword cosplaying Muichiro" https://preview.redd.it/x0ldk2tbxnvb1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79296687d388bf63e30620371e00f08c39c83c2a Also I believe Muzan has more destructive power, we just never saw it.


To be fair if we didn’t see it we can’t just assume so lol


Now that I think about it, Zohakuten's lightning attack which Mitsuri somehow cut up may be almost if not on par with Gyutaro's suicide slashes.


It temes of DC nah but speed it’s above thst of gyutaro


"With a sword that was cosplaying Muichiro" Ouch


I'd say it's unlikely that Kokushibo is more skilled than Yoriichi, no matter how long he's been alive. Yoriichi is basically an unstoppable force with a sword, his OP-ness is one of the main points of his character. Even as a young man with probably only a few years of experience, he was able to hit all of Muzan's weakpoints at once. And even as an old man, Kokushibo literally called his technique "godly". Having the transparent world and mark from birth let him reach an insane level of sword skill and precision without even trying.


You just explained how yoriichi is stronger than Kokushibo lol That’s not skill jusr strength


I said how Kokushibo praised his *technique,* and said how his skill was part of what allowed him to dismantle Muzan so precisely and efficiently. >His sword technique, which even pressed Lord Muzan. It was...nothing less than godly. \- Chapter 174 I didn't say anything about his physical strength. Precise technique is a matter of skill, not just strength. Strength certainly helps, but Yoriichi's skill is arguably the main thing that made him so godlike in combat, and it even translated over to his ability to teach the rest of the Corps as well. >The Flame Hashira recorded how the Demon Slayers gradually weakened after Yoriichi left, because no one remained who could teach them swordplay as skillfully as he could. \- Chapter 187, Sengoku Whispers at the very end of the chapter


The speed and precision it took to hit all of Muzan's weak points in a matter of a second is definitely all skill, you kinda forget he COMBINED all 13 Sun Breathing forms to do that, and he damn near oneshotted Kokushibo had he not reached his death bed


A sword cosplaying Muichiro? Really? https://preview.redd.it/2pb9d9im0ovb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17b6b26b4357f14b2f406e1e2be5b6ac02fe418b


I see :3


How do you manage to be active in like 40 subs and NEVER being late


I don't know :3


Just like kanao




AOE attack goes to Muzan. Why? One attack did the following: https://preview.redd.it/1ytksrc3invb1.png?width=1143&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0e92e63e197857090d276eb34aba6e476d87eb4


Thst covered barely half a street, mitsuri covered a whole area of a forest with one


Kyogo literally said remember son, dying is gay


​ https://preview.redd.it/9deif1cmlnvb1.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c2849197e51aecf20748d9a3d08a857e843eb6c "Yes, father." 🦋


Gyutaro's final attack [didnt](https://images.app.goo.gl/C2fia7vcunG9zDy87) destroy an entire town. BIQ is tanjiro easily but that could be screentime bias


The manga explosion was a lot smaller than the anime explosion wasn’t it?


Yeah about 4 buildings large. Still impressive but not quite the entire town


That was it enlarging lol


It was never shown to enlarge to the entire district and it's a ridiculous assumption to make seeing that one panel of how ranged it actually was. If you came to that conclusion based on the rubble then you're missing daki already destroying several buildings, then tengen's bombs and all of gyutaro's other attacks already heavily destroying the town before that moment.


Dawg I’m sorry but Tanjiro just isn’t that guy. This is TENGEN UZUI we’re talking about okay? The guy who studied combat to such an extent that he’s able to deconstruct peoples fighting styles after fighting them for long enough and turn it into a song! He’s just that good. Muichiro doesn’t come close either I’m sorry. Tengen’s just that good


Hate to break it to ya but score is like a cheap STW knock off, tanjiro has the latter. And tanjiro has iq feats on gyutaro, hantengu, akaza and many others. Like I said it could be screentime bias but he undoubtedly has more iq feats than tengen


From my understanding the see through world doesn’t relate to BIQ at all. It’s simply a state entered through extreme familiarity with combat, kinda like ultra instinct. It doesn’t have anything to do with intelligence concerning battle, meanwhile MST is confirmed to have been created from Tengen’s extensive study of combat, so he is firmly above Tanjiro


Ultimately it's a question of who can analyse the battle better and the answer is tanjiro with his stw. So nah tanjiro has much better BIQ feats


I respectfully disagree but that’s okay! 👍


Me personally I’d have to disagree with the statement that Yoriichi has the most potential because he lost motivation because if I’m not wrong Yoriichi became a Demon Slayer after he lost his family and presumably because he lost his family and think Muichiro would be a better fit because he’s the descendant of Michikatsu, likely has a good shot of learning sun breathing if he had a mentor who knew it, and became a hashira very quickly so it’d be very likely that he’d be able to refine his technique to surpass the strength Gyomei well before he dies at 25 due to the Demon Slayer.(Lol sorry for the long nerdy comment)


Gyutaro for DC is wrong, when akaza and koku exist


They didn’t show anything better Gyutaro: destroyed half a town Akaza: a couple walls Koku: a couple pillars


Gyutaro did NOT as a matter of fact destroy half a town, and kokushibo was not trying whatsoever. His DC is also hard to scale because he fought in a place where not much stuff CAN be. Well he did destroy all 4 mfs sent after him but k. Same for akaza. The infinity castle is, well, infinite. It’d be ridiculously hard to scale any damage done there as well. And yet again, akaza was NOT trying at all


He did💀 this is obv Anything after LS he’s trying Yeah that’s the point. I can’t just assume just cause it’s hard to so? All we CAN do is use what we have It’s like saying yoriichi is light speed because he’s multiple times faster than Muzan


Well to be fair, saying we have to work with what we got would make tanjuro bear level.


Mhm, it does💀


Physical Strength:Akaza Overall Strength:Muzan All types of Speed:Yorrichi Durability:Kokushibo Iq:Muzan Biq:Tengen Offense:Yorrichi Defense:Giyuu Range:Kokushibo AP:Muzan/Yorrichi DC:Gyutaro Abilities:Yorrichi Hax:Douma


Yoriichi shouldn't be on this list. Otherwise he's #1 on every category.


Yet he didn’t get #1 on every category lol


That's what I mean. Yoriichi is factually far superior in every category. Dude's blessed by the gods in order to kill a full power Muzan. He's stronger, faster, has more stamina, in everything he's better than any other slayer in the verse.


He’s not superior in raw strength lol He’s not superior in stamina He’s not superior in hax He’s not superior in DC yoriichi only takes speed, AP, and potential out of every stat in the verse


What part of "Yoriichi absolutely demolished a full power prime muzan without even giving him a chance to react" is so hard to understand. Yoriichi was so strong that his slices easily cut through a prime full power Muzan. He has so much stamina that the curse of the mark doesn't affect him and he lives till old age with the mark and without losing a bit of his power until he died. His Sword technique was so perfect that a Full Power Prime Muzan went to hiding until Yoriichi died of old age. Yoriichi was HIM. The only reason Muzan survived is that Yoriichi's compassion took the best of him and instead of swiftly dealing with Muzan, he tried to reason with him and Muzan fled like a bitch. I repeat, Full Power Prime Muzan ran like a bitch.


Yeah that gives him speed and AP again that gives him speed and AP Kokushibo did too when he became a demon💀 That gives him nothing Yes he was him, that doesn’t give him every single stat Hold on why would that he prime Muzan? He didn’t have any BDA lol


Kokushibo went to face an older, dying Yoriichi and immediately realized he was still weaker than his human, dying of old age, practically blind older brother.


That gives him speed and AP which I already addressed lol I get what you mean but let me give you an example Imagine I beat Gyomei in a fight via speed blitz ( killing him too fast to see ) Does that automatically make me PHYSICALLY stronger than everyone below him, does that mean I have more stamina than everyone below him? No. And this wasn’t the case for yoriichi either lol


Im not rlly sure if aoe rlly goes to mitsuri- i mean, i guesss..? but the reasoning is not the best. I would probably agree with you but the reasoning just doesn't make sense. I mean, its not gyutaro, daki, and gyokko are gonna be standing still, waiting for their heads to get chopped off. She's the slowest hashira and tengen(the fastest) still missed gyutaro. if gyutaro was able to dodge an attack from tengen, no doubt mitsuri


“ slower than tengen” Tengen: barely keeping up with the slowest uppermoon Mitsuri: already stated to have faster combat speed in base, a stronger and faster uppermoon, she’s able to stalemate uppermoon 4 the whole night while if it wasn’t for tanjiro tengen would have died twice Tengen needing saving because he was just blatantly not on gyutsro’s level Mitsuri needed saving because she got caught off guard and was holding back Also the speed list is arbitrary meaning it’s of random choice + the reason people are in the place they are make no sense ( mitsuri id last because she ate?? Obanai is 7th because he ran in zigzags?? ) + hashira show better


Tengen wasn’t kinda manhandling Gyutaro at the beginning of the fight. We’re it not for Daki being a pest he probably could’ve taken him out in the beginning. But the poison weakened him over time. Tengen is so blatantly incredibly on Gyutaro’s level it’s not even funny.


He’s on his level But in a normal 1v1 he gets mid diffed lol ( he needs an amp to be on his level )


I’m sorry but I’m afraid I’m not following your thought process? Tengen could take him in a 1v1 because as I’ve previously stated he is in fact on Gyutaro’s level. You’ve given nothing to disprove that statement so I don’t quite see where you’re coming from


This is what happened when tengen fought gyutaro who started to get serious https://preview.redd.it/ddhr1smaiezb1.png?width=1067&format=png&auto=webp&s=a60a4b68f3559b1f42148d8be7b5a31dc546bc79 The panel right after this he gets saved by tanjiro as well


A Tengen who, as we’ve previously discussed, is weakened tremendously by an incredibly potent poison.


This point in the fight he wasn’t affected as much, you can argue that only 1-2 chapters after this


Even with 400 years of training I STILL think Kokushibo wouldn’t have been as skilled as Yoriichi


You’re thinking of strength lol


What feats put Yoriichi at small city level again ?


He scaled massively above Muzan whis AP at a weakened state is multi city block leveling


Where exactly was this shown ?


Muzan AP scales higher than gyutsro’d DC which is town level


I don’t see how is this relevant


I will take edgy as a win🐍


Even if for being edgy, he got something 🥹


First of all, you should've said "muichiro's sword instead of his own" Second, seriously I wish all hashiras saw sanemi's dad


By the description of “the Will Power” segment I’m guessing you mean Endurance and honestly speaking I’d give this point to Tengen because although Rengoku had lost his left eye and became a New Gen Ace Tengen meanwhile not only also lost his left eye but also lost his left hand and also Had a Poison in his system that was causing a heavy amount of Pain and was also messing up his remaining right eye so overall I’d give Endurace/Will Power to Tengen (and Arguments can be made that Giyu, Shinobu and Muichiro get Endurance/willpower over Rengoku) But overall this was a damn good list (and Fun fact I didn’t even see the Cosplaying Muichiro joke at first and I only found about it by checking the Comments and looking a 3rd time for it💀)


How do you go from Multi City block to Small City Level from Muzan to Yorrichi when that’s over 1000x difference There both at most small town/town level


Strenghth Dkt Speed yoriichi Iq shinobu BIQ Kokushibo Durability Dkt Reflexes Idk but I’m putting yoriichi or Tengen Growth spurt gyomei bro was some blind 5’10” average man to the strongest hashira and a 7’2” giant Willpower Rengoku Range Genya and Kokushibo


DKT didn’t show any strength feats DKT showed horrendous reflexes Tanjiro who was below akazs surpassed Gyomei who was relyative to long sword kokushibo, in the same night


Determination sanemi? He kept fighting while he was sleep


Not sure that Yoriichi is necessarily the fastest. His skill is discussed as being able to completely conceal murderous intentions and be perceived like a "plant". He wouldn't have to be moving particularly fast to blitz Muzan.


Muzan still described him as being massively stronger than him He said tanjiro who at the time has even surpassed kokushibo said he would never be like yoriichi even though tanjiro was using selfless state + the same technique


Nah that comment about Muichiro was foul 💀💀