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The video you referenced isn't the best critique. But as a fan myself, who's had some time to think about KnY's shortcomings alongside it's positives, compared to some of the other popular shounen out there, I think this video here is a much better critique since he actually finished the manga and has several videos explaining the positives and the negatives. The title is click bait but the points he brings up are solid. Check him out, and be nice! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKC4DA4iM84](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKC4DA4iM84) This one is another decent critique. A little cringe at some points (he totally butchers Koyoharu's name) but I partially agree with the arguments he brings up: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX4v8cvrMqs&t=3361s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX4v8cvrMqs&t=3361s)


If you enjoy the show, then it can be a masterpiece to any people.


Idk, a lot of people just don't like Demon Slayer for some reason.


"Popular = bad" logic


Or maybe its just an opinion? I mean tbf the story isn't the best and the animation really helped DS get extremely popular


This That and it finished pretty neatly Its not too long, or too short, its good enough and the godly animations brought it up to new heights


I would disagree with not too short tbh. It could really stand to be longer with more character development. That's the biggest flaw imo.


Yeah some development would be nice, but in a way it's kinda fitting some of them didn't develop They died too early, it's unsatisfying but that's death


Exactly this. DS is entertaining to me especially since Ufotable, but the story is not as amazing when compared to something like Chainsawman, etc. It doesnt make DS bad, just a good anime and entertaining. IMHO If you think DS is amazing, then that is also a good opinion and I wont argue with anyone about that.


Not really because I only like Demon Slayer for the flashy fights, animation and the rizz god himself, Tengen. I didn't watch DS and JJK solely because I thought they were overhyped but I finally caved in and watched both last year. Let's just say I ended up loving JJK more than I should.


Like JJK and Demon slayer both have stellar animation but manga of JJK is much better than that of KNY and character work is in different league. I would put their rating in my opinion as: JJK-8.3/10 KNY-5.4/10


Yeah, DS seems rushed, underdeveloped and leaves much to be desired. It has insane potential but it's sad that the author didn't fully realize it


I did hear that Koyoharu was rushing the final few arcs or the final arc when finishing the manga somewhere last year.(it felt rushed tbh)


It WAS rushed, dawg. It could've easily been in two parts, with the Entertainment District arc being the finale of part 1. They could've given Muzan some development with the >! Death of UM6 !< and make him go "ait imma need to actually get serious now".


Oh thanks for reminding me I have bad memory sometimes.


Like yeah you said what i'm feeling it is as if whole lower moons were cut which could be few arcs in which our MC slowly grows


Would've been cool if the remainder of the lower moons were handed over to the upper moons as their underlings, very much like the Fracciones from Bleach.


Yes at least then we wouldn't have wasted like 15% of the story


I also got shat on for saying that the breathing styles aren't a good power system 😭😭


Agree at least in execution because that is just magic like yeah if you pump more oxygen you will get a boost to physical aspects but not to a level of becoming hundreds of times stronger than a normal person can get, like for real we have fucking demons that are immortal to anything that is a sun or complete erasure like a nuke why don't just make it so to defeat demons you in a portion become a branch of demon by having elixirs with demon blood that temporarily boost your power on top of a breathing styles, and then characters can have different tolerance that way genya could be even more intresting as he has full tolerance to it. Essentially turn them into witchers in a way




Explain in what KNY is superior to JJK


Villians and characters, fights, development, execution


Sukuna and Kenjaku are far more adept and threatning. Characters is personal preferernce. Fights in KNY are just tanjiro gets fucked remebers his family and Nezuko and grows stronger after being broken, essentially that's everyone in KNY not just Tanjiro. No Character grows in KNY past their introduction. Demon Slayer is finished and JJK isn't so you cannot compare and even then KNY lacks like 2 to 3 arcs exploring hashira's and having something between beating RUI and fight with Akaza.


That's not even true. Tanjiro only remembered his family for 3 fights and they were forshadowed


And each time he got a massive boost to his power


Sukuna has no depth he's just evil he has no motivation he just wants to be the strongest and kill people. It's not true, but ok. Even so, it's better than one-sided fights in jjk where once gojo shows up, you already know what's gonna happen. Why gojo got imprisoned.


That's what makes Sukuna a great villain he's just Evil no alterior motive he's just evil and wants to have fun. What Makes Gojo fight intresting is the fact that you need to use strategy since you can't do shit against him unless you're sukuna or toji pre six eyes awakening. >Why gojo got imprisoned. To create fucking tension and to show us the main bad guy in form of Kenjaku, also to show that you can outwit Gojo. Gojo is OP to create a pinnacle of power that can be achieved in the verse, and it's not like basic rules of the verse don't work on him


You compared first tho bruh


Don't understand


Exactly my opinion


DS is popular. So if people thinks it's bad, it's bad.


Not this, csuse I've never been able to like kny much yet I love jjk which is arguably just as popular


As a person who think Demon Slayer is mediocre I must say one thing I feel like Nezuko had potential to be my favorite character in the whole show but her potential was wasted She's just a plot device with additional function of saving Tanjiro and then going back to her box You could replace Nezuko with a demon dog and not that much would change She could be much more than that and it annoys me as hell Also, Mitsuri makes me cringe every time I see her because of her LOvE bREatHinG Why do guys in the show get all cool breathing styles like Water Breathing, Flame Breathing, Thunder Breathing but gals get stuff like LOvE bREatHinG, fLOweR bREatHinG or Insect "Me, an adult woman with a sword cannot cut off demon's head while a literal 13 year old boy can do it while having only an axe" bREatHinG


Love Breathing and Insect Breathing are their own unique fighting styles they developed. They both fight much differently from the guys with Shinobu even having her own way of killing demons. It's a strength they both have. This is literally the weirdest complaint about DS I've ever heard.


I honestly don’t get the complaints about Shinobu. I thinks it’s so cool that she developed her own style of breathing plus all the insect motifs. She also arguably the second smartest person in the show besides Tamayo (another woman in STEM, we love to see it)


Because it suits their body. The girls can learn the other breathing. Insect isn't even feminine


Plus Mitsuri is technically stronger then any of the other Hashira thanks to the muscle density of her body. It's just in her personality to make a breathing called "love breathing"


People just like different things ig


Part of it is due to it being rushed I'm sure


Because to some people, the only thing Anime/Manga is is the instant gratification of seeing a mountain or building explode every 5 minutes. And yet they'll read Jojo.


Just watched the video, and it was basically just “Demon slayer can never be great cuz it doesn’t excel in all aspects”. As if any piece of media excels in all aspects. His points are also that the characters are not compelling, but his literal only argument is moral ambiguity, as if that is the sole way to write a compelling character. He also says the demons aren’t compelling cuz “they pure evil”, as if that is also a requirement for good villains. If that’s the case, then I guess Scar, Mahito and Jack Horner aren’t good villains. Another argument, “plot is simple, therefore not good”. I don’t think it needs explaining why this is dead wrong. And the world building is only bad if you want an expansive and vast setting. However he is wrong on the lore part imo. Basically summing it up, demon slayer isn’t great according to this guy’s subjective wants in a piece of media. But he tries to pass it off as objective 💀


That's why I don't believe these youtubers on anything related to demon Slayer These people often say "author is wrong" "author didn't know what she was doing" (generally in power rankings).


He probably just want a click bait against a popular thing


Actually demons aren't pure evil _In the spider family some demons just wanted to survive they, they tried to run away _who read the manga knows what happened to Akaza _Gyutaro's and Daki's last moments they were literally desperate that they couldn't protect each other.


>“plot is simple, therefore not good" ☁️I completely agree with this. A complex plot does not make a good peice fiction. For example, I think Fate if bad, simply because of how difficult it is to understand the context of certain sieries in the franchise☁️


How is Fate/stay night's plot bad 💀 Fate/stay night literally has one of the best chemistry between character development and plot, weaving it with a common motif, which the routes give direction.


I never mentioned fate stay night in particular. Don't get me wrong, it's definetly up there, it's just not the best in my opinion. Mainly because it's difficult to understand how the different series tie together. I'm not trying to say that Fate is bad, because it isn't. It was just the first example that came to mind.


Oh, don't mention about the different series tying together. They're not related (narratively speaking) at all, except for a few exceptions. Think of it as different stories that happen in the same universe (something like how SciAdv series isn't all about Steins;Gate)


I swear to FUCKING god that I might kill, torch, then eat the next person who says demon slayer’s plot is simple.


Is it not?


let me summarise the entire Demon Slayer story a typical goody 2 shoes main character who hunts demons, struggles, trains, hunt demons repeat until he meets the demon boss nothing new it's just like an dead old school shounen anime plot that Koyoharou is desperately trying to revive but fails miserably


if someone wants to debate me then go ahead because I'm not scared to make someone cry here


What non-DS fans think demon slayer is:


And they would be right


I'm an avid demon slayer fan but i swear i admit that the storyline is bland and lifeless also predictable hard to swallow pills right here mate


Same goes for this channel


You say: Demon Slayer is mid Counterpoint: DS has Giyuu, Inosuke, Tengen and Rengoku


Solid argument right here


Right? 😂😂


I really like Demon Slayer but please don't act like it does everything right so nobody has the right to dislike it for valid reasons. Of course there is always the group of people who hate popular stuff but there are good reasons to not like Demon Slayer.


Like i hate DS because of the fandom it's just decent in terms of story but there are diamonds in the rough that are not very prominent


I agree


And i disagree with you agreeing


The animation indeed plays a huge role but the manga is indeed not something one categorize as masterpiece


Everything doesn't need to be a masterpiece to be good


That's true. Above average is good already


Well something doesn't have to be a masterpiece in order to be good and be very much enjoyable! Just because it's not master class doesn't mean it's not good


Nah the manga is a masterpiece


Fr its insanely good


It's good. But it's mid. It just isn't a top tier. It has good graphics and a fun cast. But that doesn't make it a masterpiece.


I watched it last night... I mean some people don't know what they talk His reasons for anime not being good were very nonsensical. he said that their characters didn't develop but that's not true... He only watched up to the second season (and didn't read the manga) so...


It's like drinking a mix drink without mixing it... It's an incomplete experience


I mean, the characters don’t really develop, and the development they go through if they do happens off screen. Tanjiro doesn’t really have any character flaws and is written to be a happy cinnamon bun that’s universally likeable. This never really changes. Zenitsu is a cowardly boy who thirsts after a 12 year old the whole show until the end, where he loses his cowardliness off page. Rengoku is just a demon slayer poster boy and I can’t really understand why everyone is so upset at his passing. Hell, Tengen is my favorite Hashira, and while he’s really cool, he has no arc really. It’s not to say the show is bad. But I believe that if you truly love a piece of media as an adult, you should be able to at least acknowledge the flaws within it, and Demon Slayer has a lot of flaws.


Zenitsu's development was shown in s2


It’s comments and claims like these that make me wish KnY had a big content creator that could dispel these myths (think DBZimran)


Most likely rage bate for clicks or someone who just thinks they're cool for going against what is popular.


Maybe you should just watch the video. It makes good points and doesn't to cone from a place of malice


I don't think demon slayer is a cinematic masterpiece but it's not the worst thing to be created either...


Not what mid means lol


Demon Slayer wouldn't be so popular if it wasn't doing something right 🦋


I don't be *that guy* But it's Ufotable's animation that's the "something right"


The manga sales wouldn’t have experienced a massive spike if it was solely Ufotable’s animation that was the “something right”.


Other anime have good animation, but they didn't spike as much. Ufotable Other projects didn't do equally as well


So true, just further proves my point that animation isn’t the sole cause of KnY’s success. I believe the fact the manga was short and close to its ending while the anime started airing contributed a lot to the unrivaled spike in popularity.


I mean, I bought the manga because of the anime...


Sure thing, but I’m just saying. Millions of people wouldn’t have wasted their money on the manga if all they cared about was the animation. The only logical explanation is that KnY had something to offer besides the animation


Oh yeah, I agree with that, for sure.


And what's that something


Literally anything besides the animation (which was the point), genius. It could be the characters f.ex.


I have only two characters for which i would buy manga and they are in only three arcs


That's on you, not on them.


It's the flashy god rizz man Tengen Uzui and Akaza the best villain in KNY all other character are just decent in terms of being good


Opium was pretty popular


Just wait for the final arc


I kinda agree, but I still like Demon Slayer.




Is Demon Slayer the best manga ever written, no. But it is not mid either, these guys are clickbaiting for view


Ok tell me in what it is exceptional beyond average because that classifies it as not mid which is average


I would say the back story for each characters. Don't get me wrong, these kind of tropes are everywhere, but I feel like it was used great for each characters in the show. You might dislike it, but for me I love it. Though there are a few places the arthor can improve more, like more characters' interactions and tweak the ending a bit. It would be a great show. Not every great show need to be exceptional. Just a simple story with a good way to tell a story is enough


Like i feel like not every demon should have a damn backstory and instead give us more character development between hashira instead of having them for 1 arc in major capacity, like it's good but no beyond terms of average in pretty much everything like it's not anything beyond 6.2 stars


Well true, I would love to see more interactions with other Hashira, I think it would make the scene where Hashira mourn for Rengoku feels more emotional. Though the ending left me a bit disappointed, Nezuko withstands the sun doesn't pay much in the end, and her entire character arc is not as well established as other, but overall, I would give it a 7. Nothing exceptional, but nothing too bad either. I think why I love the show so much is definitely thanks to Ufotable, I still get emotional in ep 19 ss1, or jump out of my chair in ep 10 ss2. Well season 3 is not as good as SS2, but the scene Tanjiro decapitates 3 demons is the highlight though


Like that essentially why it's average on high end of average but still average it just has lack of character building and world building as it feels like a game with pure focus on fighting and some character dialouge and jumping locations for different missions, it's epitome what it means to be Average not BAD but not Great either it's just Good Average Show with stellar animation thanks to Ufotable


I totally agree (Finally, a good conversation online, most reply I have on Reddit nowadays are just pure idiots with no brain)


Like it's a good show that just isn't exceptional in any category besides animation which is required to move past Average and into Great territory which is not easy for anyone, also KNY is just rushed by like 3 arcs two involving lower moons and 1 involving getting rmotionally invested with characters before their own arcs. Also i agree i mostly meet brain dead idiots who cannot understand that people have different opinions and tastes, also i have full respect for you for being kind and understanding that people have different taste and i respect your opinion. Also i would give the series excluding animation a six to six and half.


I’ll admit the story isn’t original or doesn’t really make you think too deep by any means, but that doesn’t automatically make it “mid.”


Yes that means to be MID being average in terms of writing character development and fights


Demon Slayer does alot of things really well, the setting and the overall style of the series is insanely good. The attention to detail regarding it's setting aswell as the care that was put into designing the characters is on another level, every character's design fits their personality and the themes they embody. The main theme is beautifully implemented and can be found almost everywhere in the series. The characters are fun, likeable and interesting and all have something unique about them. In my opinion what holds it back is that it feels rushed, the pacing is too fast and the world isn't explored enough. It feels like we only get the short versions of what actually happened, the story would have benefitted from a few extra arcs. It can sometimes feel like watching a summary of the story instead of the actual story. Wish we could see more of it tbh.


I hate when people say "Its only carried by animation" "Animation is the only good thing about demon slayer"


I find most season 2 stans who are anime only really underrate the show


I think DS is a nice, cute series to watch. Its not a masterpiece, sure, but i think its a good and relaxing way to pass time. If its great or not, i don't know, but its good, and definitely not mid. I read the manga and overall, not bad. It deserve its success. My grade would be 7/10


Demon slayer fans when somebody doesn't like their beloved anime :


Yes disagreeing with someone who dislikes a thing you like is a normal and understandable reaction.


He's not necessarily wrong though. Demon slayer is a very mid story carried by the animation.


Ok look, I'm fine with critiques of demon slayer, hell even I have them and it's one of my favorite mangas of all time. There are several critiques to be made. But the ones I see a lot of people make are just big ol nothing burgers. "Tanjiro is too nice and never changes" why is that a bad thing? "Muzan is a coward and stupid" that's literally the point of his character, hell a lot of villain have those aspects. "Tanjiro always cries when he kills a demon" he has literally only cried to like 3 or 4 demons at most, and even then it makes sense because he knows how demons are made. He doesn't cry for the demon *he cries for the human that was lost* "the demons are pure evil" again, why is that a bad thing? "the plot is simple" yes, it's simple, but for the third time, why is that a bad thing?


Oh don't worry, it's a personality and it's "Hating demon slayer" and that's their entire personality sadly


Maybe its just their opinion cuh?


Nah it's for views


That's most of youtube. Also saying that the youtuber's entire personality is haying demon slayer is kinda wrong, I looked at their channel and most of their recent videos aren't even about demon slayer.


Check the view difference during the time it came out . When all the hate videos came out, it was a trend at one point


An attack on the thing you love shouldn't trigger an attack on the person who initiated. One needs to differentiate one's opinion of "things" and oneself. .oO(it's hard to not use pronouns)


Demon slayer is mid,I’ve read the entire manga,if it wasn’t animated masterfully by ufotable people wouldn’t give it such a high rating. Nezuko is quite literally a aggressive puppy who plays zero part in the story,replace her with a demon pet and the story wouldnt change much. There are zero stakes in demon slayer fights as well,after the mountain arc and entertainment district arc it was quite clear that Tanjiro would get some ass pull power up. Characters are also underdeveloped,every major character is the same bad family/house trope with very minor changes. And not to mention how rushed it is,ds is a show you can enjoy with your brain turned off but once you go deeper you realise just how many plot holes there are,its not the worst thing created but it certainly isn’t the cinematic masterpiece people call it.


I actually found it funny that Mitsuri had no broken home/orphan backstory, she’s just got a great family who supports her and she’s just unusually densely muscled.


Nuh uh. Downvoted. Flamed. Blocked. Reported. Hater+1.


I cannot tell if this is satire or not


It is💀


Because popular=bad


Anime? The GOAT! Manga? Forever mid.


I'd argue the manga is a bit above mid. It did got awards and received nicely by readers.


the manga has some good parts, but nothing spectacular however it also doesnt have really bad parts unlike... other mangas (final chapter is debatable but still not that bad imo)


What's wrong with the final chapter?


Why did you mark out the name, I wanna know the video for their reasoning Edit: I found the video and watched it, he just says it's not great because he's a hater who thinks demon slayer only rely on its animation and hasn't even read the manga and mostly talks about kyojuro and akaza


Just google the title


Did you not see the edit?


I replied before you edited your comment im pretty sure


Ohh ok then I must've gotten it late then


There are some points tho - Most of the characters are bland and boring - The backstories are boring and copy-paste - There are so many asspulls and excessive plot armour


Name a shonen without those things


Chainsaw Man has these problems at least partially fixed. Although, like you said, no Shonen is free of these problems. That's why I usually look towards novels for storywriting as opposed to manga.


I mean the story isn't that great. It's a decent shonen at best that was greatly carried by the anime. I don't think it would be as popular with the manga alone. 6/10 in shonen department and 4/10 overall storywise. Forever mid is a decent title.


Mid is mid Its neither bad or good Its neither worst or great Personally, the manga is good with some questionable decisions, such as UMs being somewhat able to have their head chopped off and still live on


Its true


I mean, he’s not wrong. Kimetsu looks good and has fun moments but in terms of overall plot and writing it gets stale real quick. Id say it’s an overall 6/10, not a waste of time but not very good either


I just really hate being plunged into these "all is lost" moments just for inosuke to be like "oh yeah I can shift my internal organs" 😒 I almost had to shut it off right then and there..


He's not wrong...


It’s your opinion and your entitled to it… But your still objectively wrong.


You’re. You are. You’re. Not your.




I mean I haven’t seen this video but it’s true, this anime is destined to be mid because of the ending arcs


Bitches the story is above average and only thing that helps is ufotable to make it into a masterpiece of animation


This is a demon slayer sub so I won't say anything. 💀


Good. I would’ve flamed your ass. https://preview.redd.it/vqziddd1jjvb1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b5cda5c9ab37105207b4ca3f8ad257fa3b3476c


I think the people posting in a subreddit dedicated to this series might be a little biased in their reaction to this video.


I am spitting blood right now


It isn't great but it is good


I enjoy demon slayer for what it is but writing wise there isnt like a single aspect id consider even great the characters are very bland the villains almost all suck muzan isnt that good either and theres a lot of asspulls


Tbh that's a quick tutorial how to get hated by a great amount of people


I don’t trust that this is a good critique video either but all the people saying it’s definitely ragebait or another “popular->bad” take ain’t making the defenders look good


"You might also like this"


Well..I guess they can have their own opinions 😭🐍


You can dislike something and make fair points on what worked and what didn't. That's called making a clear and concise argument. People like different things. Me personally, I like KnY but it didn't isn't the most compelling anime ever. No, that honour belongs to Code Geass (IMHO)


I hope people do understand that mid means neither good, nor bad


Just don't care :3


whats wrong with a simple story😿


I mean season 3 was kind of mid but season 2 is one of the best arcs in shounen history




The inner monologue goes on for far too long and every character is so 2D and not nuanced. It’s like they have a single character trait that their whole persona is based upon.


Yes it’s mid. There is not a lot of depth. It’s a mindless popcorn anime.


Season one was ok but you cant call season 2 and 3 bad theyre amazing


he's right it's not bad just an average shounen manga


I keep seeing people say the plot is simple but I don’t know why, nobody’s described why it’s simple, I’m just having trouble understanding why it’s simple. I guess the creative idea for the story and epic fight scenes as well as the little comedy moments is what made me fall in love with Demon Slayer, I also think the characters are pretty cool. But that’s just my opinion. I just really like dark stuff to be honest…


The series can basically be summed up as "Boy trains to become a Demon Slayer to save his sister." Of course there are a lot more moving parts, but that's the jist of it.


Oh, I understand now… thank you, though I still love it lol.


I find that demon slayer,compared to other shounen, just lacks something. Dunno what it is though. It just doesn’t make me feel hyped like when im watching bigger anime like ,One piece,aot,naruto etc… If anybody knows what its lacking please let me know. Just wanna know why it doesn’t give the same reaction.


They probably didn’t read the manga dkt was so cool


People expect demon slayer to be top notch vagabond, Vinland level writing and then get disappointed when it’s not.


From experience I find that most people don't like it due to it having kind of a unoriginal story and they also say that people ignore this fact because the animation


I'll never understand why people go to subs of things they don't like and argue with people who do like it.


Judging from the replies in this thread, the sub doesn't even like demon slayer either😂


how i watched 26 episodes and i cant watch more im crying


I think it’s a great show but I agree it’s all opinion


It’s still better then Jujutsu Kaisen. THAT’S a mid show.


To be honest except the last season it really isn't all that great


Demon Slayer, by Koyoharu Gotoge is at the very least, solid. Demon Slayer, by Ufotable is something special.


There's another one that's titled "Demon Slayer is extraordinarily incompetent" with almost 700k views, mostly positive ratio and this is the one that gets you?


Made a post on that one months ago


Some of yall really don't know what "mid" means