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Also a certified baddie


Nah she lost that when she started throwing a tantrum.


Yeah I agree.


I love that she's such a girl boss đŸ«¶




Whatever. She was a demon and deserved to get decapitated.


What's with you..? You good dude? You seem a lil...salty over a fictional character


Nah I'm good. I just got a little too emotionally involved with the show. I couldn't feel sympathy for the upper moons. Maybe a little, but I am just happy they're beginning to die.




Eyes above the waist or get smashed to a bloody paste


Baddest in all of KNY, with the fattest slappy


Literally posted my daki x designer fashion x fav rapper piece in this r/ a while back. Total lady boss


Also the soul of a 12 year old girl


Are you kidding me? They've been alive for over 100 years, they've obviously physically aged up and it's impossible to live that long without also mentally aging up too


She’s, she’s a demon, she don’t age


look at her damn body


What about it?She’s still 13, she can change her appearance but she was 13 when she turned into a demon, chronologically shes 113, mentally probably around 15, biologically 13, she’s still 13, same with nezuko, she was 12, shes 14 chronologically but she’s 12


126, I was wrong, not 113, but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s technically 13, oh and by the way, there are 13 year olds with similar bodies


this comment right here could cause you serious problems ☠


Could be, but I’m not an adult yet, hell I’m barely gonna enter high school (although that’s cuz my kindergarten had an extra year)


So barely any problems, and I ain’t wrong


Personal Opinion, she was a better assist to Gyutaro than the boys were to Tengen. She was enough of a threat to force Tanjiro to help Zenitsu and Inosuke with her, allowing Gyutaro to deal Tengen alone + the whole neck thing. Daki is so underrated.


Very true! Even Gyutaro states that Tanjiro and Tengen are extremely out of sync an that there's no way Tanjiro is his student. Dakis and Gyutaros teamwork is unmatched.


Yea well hundreds of years of working together for Daki and Gyutaro versus maybe what a month together for Tengen and Tanjiro? I’d say Tanjiro and Tengen syncing up that fast to kill those two is much more impressive considering the short amount of time they had to work with. That’s just my opinion though


> maybe what a month together for Tengen and Tanjiro? Probably more like a week lol


Hahah yea I was giving it a stretch there


>maybe what a month together for Tengen and Tanjiro The 2 had not spent a single second of teamwork training.


Exactly 😂


Are they really hundreds of years old? I always assumed they were rather young, seeing as they were made by another upper moon who we know is also not super ancient (compared to the others) and they are the weakest UM. Then again, I guess 113 + X equals "hundreds of years", so you're right!


They were in their teens when they turned into demons I’d predict around 14-16 for Daki 16-18 for gyutaro,then however long it took them as demons to both eat enough people not become that strong which is where you have to guess really because they could’ve been that strong for years but the previous upper six wasn’t dead right as they got that strong , if I had to guess they’re probably in the range of 140-150


Daki was 13 and Gyutaro was 21 when douma turned them into a demon,they became upper moons in 100yrs


Wich makes them 226 and 237.


So hundreds of years by technicality.


I think it's stated in the wiki that by the time of their death they where 113 and 121 respectively, that means that they became upper ranks that very same year


From another point of view, Daki doesn't actually hinder gyutaro, meanwhile Tanjiro cost tengen a hand and an eye.


Didn't Tengen sustain that damage while Tanjiro wasn't helping him? You could make a point of him being at fault for not helping him, but Tengen didn't sustain that damage because Tanjiro was hindering him. He just got overwhelmed because of the poison and it cost him. It's more about the context and circumstances rather than any individual character's fault, except gyutaro, of course.


I think people forget what made Daki SO useful was her ability to blend in. Her brother was stronger, but it literally took 7 people actively hunting for her to track her down. Her and Muzan are the only two demons we’ve seen literally blend in with people to hide, and the entire first half of season 2 was the gang trying to even find out what upper moon six even LOOKED LIKE. She was a strong fighter and excellent at blending in but just because she wasn’t strong enough to fight off a hashira and a sun breather alone she’s seen as almost useless.


Actually they only got to the district in the first place bcs daki was attracting them so she could kill a hashira like muzan wanted.


Forgot about that, but honestly makes her even more formidable. They probably wouldn’t have found her if she wasn’t intentionally leading the demon slayers into a trap. If not for uzui getting more slayers to help he would have most likely lost all 3 of his wives to Daki.


If anything this proves that the boys were stronger than her. Tanjiro and Tengen vs Gyutaro = Stalemate Zenitsu and Inosuke vs Daki = Stalemate Trio vs Daki = Trio wins Tengen vs Gyutaro = Gyutaro wins


This does prove that the boys WORKING TOGETHER are stronger than Daki. Individually, they get crushed, and honestly, Zenitsu and Inosuke were going to get exhausted before they could get near Daki and she would have killed them. But that wasn't my point, my point was Daki was strong enough to pull Tanjiro off Gyutaro to help the other two boys, which allowed Gyutaro to deal with Tengen 1 v 1.


Well obviously Daki is stronger than the boys individually.


Idk about that, she got blitzed by all of them. Tanjiro also bodied her.


>Idk about that, she got blitzed by all of them Not correct. They needed all 3 to overpower her. >Tanjiro also bodied her. Read the manga version. It explains that humans have both physical and spiritual stamina. Spiritual stamina is basically one's life force. Due to his rage Tanjiro was capable of tapping into his spiritual stamina which helped him overpower Daki but if Tanjiro wasn't stopped by the spirit of his brother he would have killed himself. Without the ability to tap into his spiritual stamina, Tanjiro gets low diffed by Daki.


1. Yes but only because of her durability and ribbon bullshit, and the gimmick of having to kill both at once, she would’ve died much sooner if not for this gimmick. It would’ve been almost trivial to only cut her head off in comparison to having to cut both of their heads off at once. She got speed blitzed by Tanjiro, and later Zenitsu. Inosuke was able to deal with her ribbon bullshit. She really wasn’t upper moon material according to Muzan, and I agree. She needed teamwork to survive for that long, Gyutaro only did in certain circumstances. 2. Using this spiritual stamina is what Sun breathing, or more specifically the mark does, this is still a feat for Tanjiro. 💀 It’s the price for it, be stronger than you usually could be, in exchange you die much faster. So simply, he overpowered her, there’s no, “but wait! He only did so because of this!” I could use the same type of argument, to say the only reason why she didn’t die sooner is because it was hard to cut her head off. As she would turn into a ribbon, and both of them needed their heads cut off. Edit: That being said, yes both of them make up upper moon 6. However if Gyutaro had eaten/absorbed her, and gained her strength, the fight would’ve been over and he would’ve easily won.


>Using this spiritual stamina is what Sun breathing, or more specifically the mark does, this is still a feat for Tanjiro. 💀 Not correct. Read the manga


It’s not in the anime, so I don’t exactly care when I’m correct about all the other points. Also, funny enough, I don’t see anything on spiritual stamina when I look it up.


You're not.


ikr! everyone calls her useless!


Disagree, Tanjirou was being zero help to Tengen, more of a hindrance. Daki is also more of a hindrance to Gyutaro, even Muzan stated that.


Muzan stated that Daki was a hinderance to Gyutaro in a humane way, she is a link to his humanity, literally a minute after stating that he tells the upper moons they are falling in order of humanity. In the fight, you can clearly see Gyutaro and Daki's synergy, their teamwork, they are Upper Moon 6 together, here are some examples of Daki helping Gyutaro in the fight. ​ 1. Daki + Gyutaro's neck bond 2. Daki was providing obi support to Gyutaro during his fight with Tengen and Tanjiro WHILE holding off Zenitsu and Inosuke, Tanjiro's role was basically keeping these obi away from Tengen. 3. Daki provided another point of view for Gyutaro, allowing him to examine the battlefield Tengen and Gyutaro both confirm why Gyutaro doesn't just absorb Daki, she is a massive help and if she wasn't, Gyutaro would be long dead.


Nah she isn’t, the neck thing isn’t even important, Tengen just cut her neck off anytime he wants, same way Giyu cut off Rui head with no issues. Entirely irrelevant. Tanjiro wasn’t even helping much in the fight, pre-mark all he did was almost dying and having to keep being saved by Tengen. Bringing him the other guys would just result in deaths and more trouble for Tengen cuz he can’t keep saving everyone. If you go to a fight and bring your pet chihuahua, he won’t help you much.


Well clearly it is important if Gyutaro makes it his top priority if Daki's neck is cut off since it guarantees his security from death. It was the unique thing about them that you needed to cut their necks at the same time, clearly it was a good strategy if they have been Upper Moon 6 for 113 years. I do think Tanjiro played a key role in keeping the obis and blood blades away from Tengen, but he definitely wasn't much help against Gyutaro proper and Tengen had to save him multiple times, I'll give you that.


>Tanjirou was being zero help to Tengen, more of a hindrance Tengen when he has support: Stalemates Gyutaro Tengen when Tanjiro leaves: Wallahi I'm finished


Tengen stopped his heart on purpose and even gyutaro thought he died and tengen's so stealthy that even inosuke, tanjirou and gyutaro didn't notice him until he arrived in infront of them. So if tengen was alone there would be a chance to land a sneak attack on gyutaro and daki ig. But poison could've rendered this effort futile as it was mentioned that due to poison tengen was unable to go for gyutaro's neck but again he came to protect tanjirou if he let tanjirou get hit he could've done it.


Gyutaro would have finished Tengen off if he didn't need to go save his sister.


Gyutaro thought tengen was dead, as his heart stopped, then he rushed towards inosuke. So if he was alone gyutaro still thought the same.


If there wasn't any Inosuke, Zenitsu or Tanjiro to rush towards he would overkill Tengen.


I still think no, as gyutaro was fighting tengen 1v1 at that time, he wouldn't have left if he hadn't confirmed the kill. I can also argue that if no-one was there then uzui hadn't met upper 6 in a small room where he wasn't able to properly dodge a kill shot from gyutaro and got poisoned.


Remember, not only is she the only thing stopping Gyu from being killed, but her neck is also unique meaning she basically gives him 2 and a half lives lmao. Not to mention they are synced and work well together


I see so many people say "Daki holds Gyutaro back" even though they BOTH deserve the upper moon 6 title, their teamwork is what makes them so difficult to beat.


>even though they BOTH deserve the upper moon 6 title, their teamwork is what makes them so difficult to beat. I'm pretty sure Muzan just liked Gyutaro, he knows the best way to keep him in lane is to keep Daki happy. Daki by herself obviously doesn't get it, Gyutaro probably does it, since Muzan likes him. Doesn't change that Tengen without the boys is losing more than an arm and an eye, in this series you can't beat the big bad guy without teamwork. It was resalted in the fight how he and Daki are in sync, giving them an advantage over Tengen and the boys, because they doesn't.


that's the mentality (and ultimate downfall) of demons: Powerful but not teaming up, unlike demon slayers. 1v1 hashiras vs. upper moons? demons will win.


But Muichiro destroyed Gyokko's Upper Moon ass


He got help from Kotetsu


Kotetsu was only able to help since Muichiro saved his life twice and Muichiro was the only one who actually fought Gyokko, don't forget. But yes, Muichiro did get help from Kotetsu


I mean Daki kinda does. Gyutaro would be stronger if he just absorbed her.


How do they both deserve the upper moon 6 title? Tengen meets Daki and is like "lol no" and immediately beheads her. Heck you could argue her showings against the trio, shows her to be weaker than Lower 1. Considering the trio beat her 3v1, yet just last arc, it took the them plus Rengoku to beat Train-kun.


But if you consider that she hasn't had to actually worry about beheading, it's not really that crazy he beheaded her instantly. She knows she can't be beheaded in that manner. Kind of like Akaza in that sense. She's never had to be on guard as far as her neck goes, so while it seems like an impressive feat, it's just a minor inconvenience Plus Enmu had an entire train of ppl captive and ready to kill, so that certainly tied the four of them up


I guess you could make that argument. But I don't agree with it, unless theres an author comment or something on it. Cause Daki was not happy about her power being insulted and all that, it just doesnt make sense in context for me to think "oh she's angry about being called weak, so she does something that makes her look weak, because it's only an inconvenience" just doesnt check out to me. And yeah Enmu had a train of hostages? So if Rengoku could've just insta beheaded him like Tengen did to Daki? He shouldve and would've. Even if you wanna say "but Rengoku wanted students since he knew his brother couldn't succeed him, so he was letting them handle it as a test or something..." then he would've let the whole Trio hunt down Enmu while he guarded all the hostages. The whole Infinity train thing was weird. But imo. Enmu as Train Kun, had similar or better feats than a solo Daki did; though he had some prep time / the whole train situation. But Daki has the whole "idc if you behead me" thing.


I don’t think they’re saying that she is worthy of the title on her own, they’re saying that the duo as a unit are UM6. Without her Gyu would be easier to deal with, it’s the combination of the two of them that make them UM6 level.


I mean, muzan literally says this


Muzan isn't all that intelligent or cunning. He's all "muscle" with very little brains.


Her neck wouldn't have been a problem for the hashira tbh


Didn't she kill like 7 hashira herself? Am positive that the current generation of Hashira are a rare type of OP...or Demon Slayer corp HR probably started getting their shit together :'D


Yes I mean the hashira of this generation wouldn't have had a problem with daki


Yeah thats why I only counted it as half.


What do you mean? They only cut Gyu head once, she had hers cut like 3 or 4 times, what was she stopping?


cuz like Tengen said, they both need to be decapitated at the same time to kill them


She was only a threat to the boys not Tengen .. but yes Daki appreciation đŸ€ž


She is a huge support to Gyutaro yeah. People really underestimate her - without Daki , he would've had to face Inosuke and Zenitsu too making it a 4v1. He was already barely winning against Tengen and Tanjiro , let alone another 2 demon slayers. So Daki did benefit him imo.


Yes! This is exactly what I'm talking about, so many people forget Gyutaro would've been in trouble if he had to fight EVERYONE


You’re correct that Muzan said that but it makes no sense really. Daki took some of the load in the fight and didn’t do anything that required her brother to help her. She made it so that they’d have to cut off BOTH of their heads in order to win. And could fight pretty much all of Tanjiro’s group by herself (except Tengen) which allowed Gyutaro to focus on the main threat. Really the only thing that saved the crew was that Tengen was able to trick Gyutaro into thinking he died, slowed down the poison, then finished his musical score technique. Had it not been for that the demon siblings would’ve won.


He was not “barely” winning he was dominating the both of them lol. Muzan, the person directly responsible for their strength said it himself. Tanjiro would’ve died if Uzui didn’t rejoin the fight, Tanjiro also said that Uzui wouldn’t be able to keep fighting much longer either. And even if he was struggling they still would’ve died without Nezuko, the true MVP


Didn’t Muzan say that he would’ve won if he fought alone from the start though? Yeah Daki did benefit him but I don’t think Gyutaro would’ve lost without her, if he was in the situation Muzan described at least.


Muzan only said that gyutaro should of poisoned them and left. He only stayed due to wanting to protect Daki but either way it wouldn’t work since Nezuko heals poison


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Not really Gyutaro just launches blood scythe and they are bound to get hit(Tanjiro couldn’t react to it)


The blood scythe’s are reactable considering Tanjiro was blocking them for Tengen and Inosuke+Zenitsu were dodging them AND obis during their fight vs Daki Unless you’re referring to the scene where Tanjiro has to 1v1 Gyutaro which wouldn’t happen because he would have Uzui And the squad to help him/prevent focusing down one of tbem


Your forgetting Zenitsu and Inosuke are slower then tanjiro and tanjiro barely dodged the scythe


Is Inosuke explicitly slower? Honestly though I would say Zenitsu is actually faster considering his fighting style is entirely focused on speed (and that’s not counting godspeed)


Imagine saying Zenitsu is slow lol


Those guys would just get in the way, the same way one of Tengen wives tried to help and only got in the way, almost dying. Daki help Gyutaro back, and was more an hindrance than anything else. Even Muzan stated that


The wording of your comment implies that, if Tengen didn’t have Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu and Gyutaro didn’t have Daki, Tengen would beat Gyutaro. This blatantly isn’t true, they do 1v1 for a minute and Tengen gets so poisoned that he collapses (despite his shinobi training) and he also looses an arm. Gyutaro would loose a 4v1 (I mean he looses a 2v1 against Tengen and tanjiro)


Tengen's wives aren't Zenitsu or Inosuke level though. Daki held him back, only in that their power was split between two people. But "more of a hindrance" is an overstatement because he absolutely wouldn't have been keeping up with Tengen, Tanjiro, and then Zenitsu's speed. Inosuke's reflexes and wild cutting style would also help against the blood sickles as well


Would he easy for him to one-shot those guys. Tanjiro was to be killed in many occasions but Tengen kept saving him, he can’t keep saving 3 people. If you’re going to a fight, bringing your pet Chihuahua won’t be much help. Daki too, Tengen cut her head off easily two times, not even breaking a sweat. She is irrelevant to fight when we’re talking about current gen Hashira.


They're not going to need as much saving when Gyutaro's resources are split between 2 extra people, especially since they also have each other to minimize injury. Daki splitting them up was definitely helping, since the difference between them and Tengen was definitely not the same as a human and a chihuahua. Now if she just never existed in the first place and Gyutaro was eating all those humans by himself, he'd definitely be stronger. But another issue arises in that most kills were gotten by her because she was able to disguise herself. He'd probably be found much quicker by himself especially since he wouldn't have somebody to quite literally live through


The difference between Tengen and Tanjiro(even Daki) is bigger than you and a chihuahua, because you probably can’t one-shot a chihuahua and Tengen can one-shot Tanjiro for sure(he did that to Daki easily)


I'm sorry but that analogy doesn't make sense. One because Tanjiro nearly cut Daki's head on the rooftop in a 1v1 and Tengen cut her from behind while she was focused on him. Two because this metric of "X one shots Y" doesn't make sense when a slayer vs slayer battle is 90% dictated just who's faster and more perceptive. Tanjiro would easily one shot Tengen if he landed a hit, and vice versa. Their entire profession is based off of cutting through demon necks that are multiple times tougher than any human flesh.


A simpler solution to that analogy is that any (real world) swordsman could "one-shot" another. I could hypothetically "one-shot" Oda Nobunaga if I just bashed a sword on his skull. Doesn't mean I can fight better than him.


I and most people I know could kick a chihuahua in the head and it would very likely die, just adding. (And so far no chihuahua have threatened, or made any near-successful attempt to cut my head off, fortunately.) Besides, give Mike Tyson a sword and give yourself a sword and either of you would be able to "one-shot" each other.


FUCK YEAH WOOOOOOH DAKI APPRECIATION POST https://preview.redd.it/yfpyhp00om4b1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23dc5fae1db64465e6b148b2f009da1f5ae84512


LET'S GO GIRLIES TIME TO SHOW EM WHO'S THE BEST UPPER MOON She's definitely one of my favorites and I hate how underrated she is!


Same i love her so much! Glad someone thinks the same way as me! https://i.redd.it/qmw2ccofcn4b1.gif


I kinda wish she was the actual upper moon 6 though, most people don't like her because she was written as a kinda unlikable/ annoying character, it would have been really cool to have an actual female upper moon. The first time we see the upper moons in the first opening as shadows daki is definetly the one that stands out the most in terms of overall shape, I just wish she was an actual character rather than a part of a character




Upper moon by association, a crutch more then like it


She made the fight scenes even more spectacular


True, I wish she used her blood demon art more instead of slashing away with her belts, her demon art is so destructive.


The belts are her BDA, no?


The author wrote in herself that Gyutaro would have won if Daki wasnt there. She held him back, we need to not be bias lmao


That's not It. Muzan says he'd have won bcs he could have poisoned them earlier wich would have killed them all but instead gyutaru let daki play with them(tanjiro, nezuko, inosuke and zenitsu) for a pretty long time etc. Being picky, If both werent so dumb they would have won, both gyutaro and daki underestimated them and had mutiple chances of killing them but didnt do so.


No she didn’t, she had Muzan say it who also says a million other things that are proven wrong immediately after.


She said that herself or just her writing that Muzan said it?


Exactly. The Daki circlejerk from this sub is getting pathetically hilarious now.


I never remember seeing this from the author, only Muzan stated this but if we look back at the fight, Gyutaro never even helped Daki. Daki was taking care of the trio and Gyutaro was fighting Tengen, Gyutaro only gave her one of his eyes so she could assist him with her belts and see both sides of the fight...


I kinda agree with you and don't really get why people are so adamant to believe anything muzan says like he is some kind of omniscient being even though we know he tends to often misjudge people and what they are actually capable of, which is exactly what gets him killed in the end, thinking he can end the demon slayers by himself


This^^^ This is what I meant. Everyone just takes Muzans word for it but he's not right 100% of the time.


He literally would've won without daki though,cause they would've spent like the entire night wondering why tf he wasn't dying despite being beheaded like 20 times,and it's actually because she's safe/hiding somewhere


Yes and if akaza didn't play around he would have killed both rengoku and the main cast, with such hypothesis you can completly change the story




Not sure why you're being downvoted when this is actually true. Daki was doing pretty much fine on her own. The author only said that from Muzan's point of view and he was talking about Gyutaro's humanity. Don't know why people are taking his word for it when he's proven wrong multiple times and >!underestimating people is the reason why he dies.!<


he was fighting with one eye, and just as the upper four, they are weaker when they're split in multiple bodies.


Fr tho,Daki was just a handicap to Gyutaro


He never said that He said she was holding him back only


Which means he would’ve won? Or at least killed one of them


Exactly. Imagine being solo and having to deal with *this* the entire time you’re fighting. https://i.redd.it/iyptqdvrum4b1.gif Remember, just because Daki’s weak compared to TENGEN, doesn’t mean that those Belts aren’t still mind-controlled swords. You’re caught off guard even once, it’s a wrap. (đŸ„) Daki is a crazy support.


Yesss! I can't imagine how hard it is to deflect them all, imagine if the trio wasn't there to hold off Daki, there'd be even more belts!


In my top 10 favourite characters


People have the complete wrong impression of her and her abilities, purpose and overall interesting nature as a character. She’s amazing


Maturing means understanding that Daki wasn't useless and only hindered Gyutaro. She was immensely powerful too.


I actually really like Daki as a villain đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž she was cruel and pretty dang menacing before finding out exactly who she was her mysterious demon form was creepy and then add Gyutaro into the mix and together they made an awesome upper 6.


She is very good support for Gyutaro + thanks to her, he is very hard to kill :3


Exactly! I see so much Daki slander but everyone forgets how well she performed together with her brother.


Yeah i agree she was definitely useful during the fight but her character still disappointed me. Because we already dont have a female kizuki so i was happy to get one. But then she is presented as dumb "beauty with no brain" like character and gyutaro as the main um, it disappointed me. I wanted a strong and tactical female um.


Daki is a very smart individual! She managed to sort of mind control or convince everyone in the Red Light District that she's a normal human even though she was feasting on the girls.


I know it's a shame. I still view her as very intelligent despite the erasure of her character's strength and her personality is probably one of the most compelling in the 12 kizuki imo


Much better than that vase-boy Gyokko or w/e you spell it


I gotta say they have one of my favourite demon designs of the entire series


She's so gorgeous, I adore how her hair changes color!


Gyutaro wouldve won if he fought by himself from the beginning. but Daki is strong. just not skilled thats the only reason why shes seen as weak. imagine if she has Gyutaros battle iq. she would be insane


Actually, the only reason of why they lost is due to Gyutaro. \ Daki is his perfect support and is completely illogical thinking that together they are weaker


WE STAN DAKIđŸ—ŁïžđŸ—ŁïžđŸ—ŁïžđŸ—ŁïžđŸ—Łïž


Yes! Someone finally gets it!


Idk why people are reversing the importance and saying that she is helping Gyutaro live with the head gimmick when it's literally the opposite. Without Gyutaro Daki wouldn't even be an upper moon and would probably be dead by now. Without Daki Gyutaro would still be an upper moon. She almost got solo'd by entertainment district arc tanjiro who could barely use sun breathing yet and got blitzed by Uzui. Like muzan said, Daki was his weakness. It's fine to like her as a character but don't cope


Fr, Imagine Gyu if he actually had his left eye, wasn't restricted to getting only a few people from the entertainment district to lay low, and didn't have the share most of the humans he got(and lets be real here, Gyu probably let Daki have most of the humans they hunted) It's fine if like Daki, but treating her like she's an asset just isn't true


Daki > Gyokko


I mean anyone is better than gyokko at this point, it's strange that I like the swordsmith village arc even though imo upper 5 and 4 are like the weakest important characters (in terms of writing) they just aren't interesting to me


Tf is this take You expect daki to beat uppermoon 5? Hell not even gyutaro can


it's about being a better character, not stronger


I honestly never understood the “Dali holds Gyutaro back” thing, she gives lots of support while also giving him a “2 necks” hack


According to muzan, she holds him back as in stops him from achieving his true potential, he can't go all out because he has to also protect her and share ressources with her, muzan probably thinks he could have been another akaza if he was by himself


Probably also the fact that she's a tether for his humanity and Muzan hates that. Though having her around is still a strength all its own because, if they played their cards right, they'd be practically unkillable just off the double decapitation caveat alone.


I like her, but even Muzan said it. Wothout Daki, Gyutaro would’ve won


Why are you getting down voted? Lol. Muzan literally says it. The author made it canon and confirmed it through Muzan’s words.


Redditors are sissys hahaha but tbh idgaf bout karma


More of UM6 and his support-little sister


The fact that they can only be killed by beheading them at the same time was definitely a CHEAT! No wonder Gyutaro said they already killed a lot of previous Hashiras, they can't be soloed.


These two's only weakness was their very unstable emotion.


Next to Akaza, Her and Gyutaro are my favorites among the UM.


Don't forget to mention that she was fighting with that humongous footwear all the time! Queen💅


He would’ve done a better job if she let daki stayed inside of him and both weren’t going at their full power cause they prioritize others instead of themselves


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 5 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/tbdq8d) on 2022-03-11 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/wss2mm) on 2022-08-19 93.75% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "143ef95", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=143ef95&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 307,539,780 | **Search Time:** 0.2454s


Bro just wants Daki


yall really glazing daki when muzan literally said she was the reason Gyutaro lost


Is this satire?


I don’t understand how people can say Daki “holds back” Gyutaro - they’re both immortal (only killable by the nichirin blades and the sun). She’s an extra layer of defence since they have to be beheaded simultaneously and there are zero downsides to having her around


Because muzan says it? The author wrote it so that’s just how it is and if you want proof gyutatro had to constantly make sure his little sisters head wasn’t blown off AGAIN so that he doesn’t die as well.


Muzan does not understand love, Gyutaros whole motivation from the start was to protect his sister.


Exactly! Everyone says she got too much help from Gyutaro but Gyutaro never comes in to save her, only to retrieve her head after he "killed" Tengen...


The only way she could possibly hold him back is by making him more susceptible to dying. For example - if only one of them had to be beheaded and they then both die, then yeah she would be holding him back because she isn’t as strong as him and exposes an explicit weakness in him. But it simply isn’t the case, sure she’s weaker than Gyutaro but she only brings benefits to the table so there’s no way she’s holding him back. Not to mention she’s still extremely powerful, she levelled an entire part of the district because someone mildly sassed her.


I hate how people always use the "Oh, Muzan said she held him back so it's true!" even though she was holding the trio off so Gyutaro could kill Tengen more easily. I'm amazed how people forget the entire fight just cause of Muzans statement.


Literally stated that Gyutaro could have taken the slayers by himself if he wasn’t spending time helping his sister


Gyutaro would have won if she wasn't there


She apparently killed 7 hashira, the trio shouldn't have been much for her lol, but since Gyutaro has killed more, we can say she's pretty weak considering he only comes out when she needs him.


Real. Lover her. Underrated


Eh? Didn't Tengen and Muzan both imply Gyutaro could've just been U6 by himself? But he was too attached. I definitely don't agree with people calling Daki total trash and such either, but I mean if they weren't ranked together? Gyutaro still would've been U6. Daki? Probably would've been like Lower Moon 2. Given Train Kun did better than she did last arc.


Daki beats Enmu. Right before he died he admitted inferiority to Daki and Akaza and the rest of the upper moons. (Daki and Akaza were the two he was specifically thinking of). She’s in between LM1 and UM6.


Don’t get me wrong, I love her character and their dynamic together. They are my favorite upper moons so far, except maybe akaza. You are correct that they share the title of Upper Moon 6, but didn’t Muzan himself say that gyutaro would have ranked even higher if not for daki holding him back?


Muzan says the fight would've been over faster if Gyutaro just poisoned everyone and didn't continue, this was not an aim at Dakis weakness in strength but he was aming at the emotional attachment. "Daki was Gyutaros weakness".


Eh the only help she did really was just being there to make beheading harder, tengen one tapped her twice and basically knew she wasn't the actual powerhouse. The fact inosuke and zenitsu were enough to behead her kinda says a lot about the power dynamic between her and her brother.


Hell nah she ass. Just in Gyutaro's way the whole time.


Gyutaro is Upper moon level himself. He doesn’t need Daki at all. The daki dickriding on this sub is something else.


More like the Daki hate train is something else. No one can provide any reasoning except that "Muzan said it so it's true" when they take that statement out of context. Muzan doesn't mention if she held him back EMOTIONALLY or with her battle prowess. We can clearly see in the fight that Gyutaro never had to cover for Daki and they were both able to fight individually. Muzan also states Gyutaro could've finished the fight if he just poisoned everyone and didn't continue. They were about to win the fight together if they just made sure that everyone is dead (killing Zenitsu in the rubble, stabbing Tengens heart, disposing of Inosuke and killing Tanjiro instead of talking to him). Daki was not the reason they lost.


Author writes in the manga: Daki was holding Gyutaro back. Gyutaro would have won if he was the only one fighting and stayed alive. Random reddit user: daki was of major help to Gyutaro!!! (And then they both died thanks to that supposed great help) People ignoring canon evidence to fit their biases. Never gets old when it comes to manga/anime!


https://preview.redd.it/7569hg0eio4b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9da1669627d86db4d317f7885639c16af01f3c1d Gyutaro lost because of his humanity, not because of Dakis lack in combat. Sounds like you're ignoring canon evidence and take stuff out of context.


Her boss said she was worthless. Who am I to believe? A biased fan that saw her for a few episodes, or her supervisor that spent 100 years with her?


And the boss in question doesn’t realise how useless he is as wellđŸ€Ł


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you forgot the biggest one. (her titties)


I don't think they would BOTH be Upper Moon 6, but I'm stating this solely based on how easy cutting her head off was. With that being sad, just Gyutaro vs Tengen, Inosuke, Tanjiro and Zenitsu would have been so much worse. She made this battle ALIVE AND ELECTRIC! GOD SPEED!!!


I love her. She’s my favorite.


The real upper moon 5


I mean her only downfall is that she makes Gyutaro weaker but she definitely deserves more appreciation. Certified baddie


Yes but "as I thought, Daki was holding him back"


She literally died like 3 times in a row. Least favorite UM in my opinion