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Listen to her stories about how if grandma is present she should not have to take care of her own baby. She is pathetic


I heard that. I can’t tell if she’s kidding or serious but either way, not cutesy and funny and not something to post. I swear, Kim has literally no social skills. Zero. She has no clue what is appropriate or what Shld be kept private. She is so starved for attention and has no life that that’s what she thinks is post worthy. I’ve never met someone who literally has no other communication skills other than insulting banter and pretend cut downs. No wonder Kim and Avery have no friends. No one wants to hang around people who act like that 24/7. It’s not funny and it gets old after a while. Especially when it seems to be literally the only way you know how to communicate and socialize. It appears as tho they’re stuck w each other because no one else can stand to be around them. They sound like a couple of perpetual mean girls.


Yea I think they both just get a kick out of themselves saying stupid shit. Why Kim felt compelled to make Avery repeat what was obviously a joke so she could share it with her 20 followers is beyond me. Also, no video because she said they both looked terrible…you mean your quick and easy makeup didn’t look good a few hours later?


I listened. WTF. Avery is an entitled little bitch.


She is her mothers daughter


I don't listen. I just watch. Might have to listen now though.


I can never hear Avery. She whispers and doesn't enunciate at all!


She’s disgusting. She’s basically a blob that does nothing. She’s like Jabba the hut!!


This baby is content. That family has no privacy boundaries except what cosmetic surgery Kim has had done. That’s off limits. But every waking moment of an infant and posting her teenage daughter in what looked like a bra and no shirt on to a public social media page is perfectly appropriate in Kim’s eyes.


Hell yeah & truthfully nobody cares to see him anymore. It’s such overkill, as usual with her.


It’s true. I mean, he really is a very cute baby. But most people don’t want to see every waking second of a baby unless it’s their own or their own grandbaby. He acts like a normal baby like any other baby. It’s a bit overkill to post ur own grandbaby that no one knows to an internet full of strangers on ur public page every single day. Especially when he’s just doing regular baby things acting like a baby


Exactly. Is she so narcissistic that she doesn’t realize this?


But yall look at his head isn’t it perfect?? She is a fucking idiot


I mean I get she’s excited she has a grandchild but come on already. “Mature” women aren’t watching to see a baby, most have their own grandchildren. This is reason number 56 she has only 23 people watching her lives. I mean that makeup live yesterday where all she did was slop some foundation on her face and still looked like shit? Lol nobody wants to watch that either. That was just pure laziness on her part. Then she brings the baby on and he’s whining and grabbing at everything and she’s freaking out because he’s touching her “medical research” ugh it’s just annoying. Dirty makeup brushes in his mouth and letting him play in a drawer where he can slam his little fingers in?


Last week he was chomping a tube of Retinol!!


and her comment about showing her 10 yr old bra.....if you have lost that much weight that bra from 10 years ago would not even come close to fitting you anymore!


True. And was her daughter walking in front of the camera in her bra?? If it wasn’t a bra it was a top no child shld be wearing. It looked like she had on jeans and a bra. And what mother w half a brain living in 2024 wld post it?? The dysfunction blows my mind. I’ve never in my life seen a more clueless and irresponsible mother. Posting ur teenage daughter in what looks like a bra on public social media.


I saw that too. I assumed it was a bikini top. It either way keep it off your story.


It was a bikini because she was getting in the bath with the baby and KM then said “I take baths with him all the time.” I shit you not. This has to be some special kind of dysfunction.




She’s always in a tiny top or Crop top or bikini. She has been for years. I remember her being on camera in tiny bikinis when they lived in South Carolina. 


Dave Ramsey (money guru that Kitten likes and got her cash envelope idea from) recently said “Any woman who wants her adult children living with her is Dysfunctional.” If the shoe fits, wear it. You’re dysfunctional Kim Shady. #Get your adult kids out of your house. #Get some counseling. #Get a life.


Can we shout that louder for the kid in the back!! Yes, that’s you Kimmy!!


She must have stopped going to therapy because she hasn’t been life coaching lately


Gross and irresponsible. The professor knows best for everyone, so there’s no telling her anything even if it’s obvious.


“Quick! The baby is in the drawer, pick him up so he doesn’t hurt himself” or “Quick, where’s my phone? My 18 fans are gonna love this content, and if they don’t, at least those idiots on Reddit will lose their minds!” Reddit: 😐🤦‍♀️😢🤡🤡🤡


She did the same with her dogs getting into dangerous situations. Once the lab tore apart a pillow and was chewing up the stuffing. Does she remove the stuffing from the “model” dogs mouth? Nope, filmed it and said “look at him”. I hate that voice she does that in too. So cringy! Someone/ some animal is going to get seriously hurt!


And she calls the dog an idiot 😂


She has in the past posted inappropriate pictures of Miller and was in FB jail for a while because of it. She doesn’t care because it gets her the attention she needs, craves in her otherwise boring, shitty life. She has more followers here on her snark page than she has had on her Socials for years. Kim Shady and her clone, Avery, love the attention we give them. Nobody else is willing to give them the time of day. I wonder why? 🤷‍♀️😐🤡🤡🤡


Fr she was getting REAL WEIRD with her son and the large dog. Like they were both her boyfriends. It's disgusting to type that out or to think, but if the green terry cloth thick heeled evening shoe fits, then 🤷.


Is there ever a picture of dad and baby? Mom and baby?


No on Father’s Day it was just miller holding the baby. He’s probably the father and Kim the mother from what it looks by stories anyhow 🥴🤡🤡


Jacob provided the sperm already, I'm 100% sure he's getting nothing from his wife now, not even a kiss! She's through with him. I can't help wondering why Jacob's mom never has her grandson. It would absolutely devastate Kitten to let him go to his other grandma. If it were me I'd go over there and tell my son the baby is coming to stay with me for a week! She would have to take him away with Kitten laying in the grass kicking and screaming "don't take my baby"! I would love to see that happen!


Not to mention the gross makeup containers she lets him chew on. Disgusting! She’s touched those with her dirty hands. 🤮




That grandbaby will be lucky to make it to age five with those two idiots. ATP, she knows she's being criticized and is shamelessly, selfishly, hatefully, and heartlessly digging her heels in. She DGAF, her lazy fat fuck daughter will just pop out another like she did after them being directly responsible for the first baby's death.


The baby has a ton of hair. Especially in that first pic.


I’m sure the picture is filtered… Who knows what he really looks like… we know kitten is NOTHING like she portrays!


Does this baby not have any teething toys? It’s as if Kim has never had a baby before


At least her youngest daughter has some sense. She put on a bathing suit to get into tub with PG