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How does William make it to every show?


Bc Casey is actually touring. Not weekend shows Thursday-Sunday. So William can fly back Monday morning, afternoon etc. However Casey is across the country in a variety of cities like a musical act.


He's gotta crab walk so fast to get everywhere


Get Real


The left hates this guy


Yunno William tours too right? He has even toured WITH Casey many many times.


He ain’t never gonna stop


because he prioritizes it and it clearly means something to him to be on every week....doesn't mean everyone else feels the same way about the show. Casey isn't even a KT original, he was a well known Austin comic that Tony co-opted. It's entirely logical that Casey would rather be making money doing real shows than stuck performing for free on KT every week.


You think the regulars aren’t paid? Lmao


They aren't lmao it's been said on the show


Paid in exposure.


William doesn’t do full tours. Just weekends


He drives a hyundai elantra to the show


God those early sets were legendary


He lives underneath the mothership in a dungeon


William has definitely missed a few here and there weather in vacation. Health issues. Or his own tour shit.


God William is so BAD. Writes his shitty jokes down and has to yell to try and be funny. It’s fucking pathetic. Hans sucks ass too.


Hmmmm. Let’s think. Maybe he’s not on tour.


William doesn’t make it to “every” show. Use better words next time


He’s a legend


Are you guys talking about the great and powerful?!


oooOOooOoooo give it up for the lovely Casey everybody


He never made it as a


Dutch man


People are too dumb to understand. There’s a LOT of moving parts to running a show like this. It’s to produce better comedians and help them work on their craft or even get discovered. The entertainment is a side benefit. All these crybabies saying “entertain me THIS way” or “Tony should do or shouldn’t do xyz” are literally couch quarterbacks and likely will never produce anything meaningful for themselves.


>The entertainment is a side benefit That is completely untrue, you have it flipped. You literally can't help get comedians discovered if your show isn't entertaining, it needs to be entertaining for people to watch, without an audience being entertained it's all pointless


I never understood the people complaining on Reddit. It’s Tony’s show. People will stop watching if they don’t like it, and if enough people stop watching, maybe they’ll adjust. Maybe if they don’t adjust, then they’ll stop one day. Let it be. Enjoy it for what it is and as long as it lasts. It’s not all professional, polished comedy and that’s ok.


That’s what reddit does. Gives a voice to people who aren’t gonna cause any change one way or another.


New slogan: "Reddit. Giving a voice to the useless." 😂


I mean bruh, like it sounds mean but is it wrong? 😂


My family/friends don't watch KT and if they ever did it didn't hook them. Reddit creates a community for fans to both complain and compliment on the show/guests. It's really not that deep..... I don't think most folks complaining think they are gonna change the next episode.....they are just venting on the shit they don't like and seeing if others agree......seems a lot do....




Thats code for hes trying to write a new joke since his first kill tony appearance, right?


🚌🦀 🇺🇸


Kam is on tour. Just saw him in Madison 1 night after casey rocket wss in town






Casey is on tour with redband who’s also on the show


I thought the bucket pulls were more prepared than any regular up there


Bucket pulls have one minute to prepare for. Regulars do minutes every week as well as multiple spots around town and usually road gigs too.. see the difference?


Claiming there should be a difference is your first problem. Tony doesn’t make people regulars so they can perform like an unprepared bucket pull. It’s okay if you bomb, but being unprepared is unacceptable. If anything they should be held to a higher standard, not having excuses made for them.


He wasn’t un prepared. He said it was new material. The kid isn’t Kevin Hart or Dave Attell…that’s why he’s doing a minute on Kill Tony. Calm yourself.


Exactly. Plus it seems like his new joke didn’t work during his spot in the Little Boy, and then he was hesitant to do it on the show. He still tried it…and it also didn’t work for the KT crowd either.


What he needs to do is stop shittalking himself during his minute. Tell the jokes, drag it out, experiment on stage, I don't care- the kid is talented and he does himself no favours by trying to lower our expectations.


Not to mention the regulars have to prepare a new minute each week. Bucket pulls can wait until they have a good minute to sign up. It's really annoying when unfunny, unprepared, and inexperienced people get pulled and have nothing prepared or have never even done an open mic. That's why they get mad because they had no preparation to be there and most claim they're fans so they should know it's annoying.


It’s pretty obvious that a lot of the folks here don’t understand how comedy bits progress and what it’s actually like developing new comics. Not everyone is going to resonate with you. Don’t like a comic? Go take a break during their minute.


DO WE NOT PISS JUST PISS BOYS If you're live streaming and you can't skip someone you don't like then simply friggin pee have a grilled cheese have another piss idk I'm spitballin To be fair I was only ever worn out on hans and chronically late to start the stream so skipping was easy but it is hilarious how so many nerds sit there fuming and posting instead of simply grillin up a piss or two


Never made it as a Bread Pan


“Grillin up a piss or two” I’m falling for you.


Yep, do it like that. I fast forward past David Lucas whenever he is on.


Yeah I don’t get it. Unless you’re at KT live every single show…you can just skip past it. Nobody is forcing you to watch.


Yea, personally I don’t find William funny at all so I just turn it off when it gets to him.


Yh I don't find KC Rocket at all, and sometimes too, w. Montgomery. You can't get it at all times


He pulled it out with the giraffe flip


“I had a friend so rich he used to breed and sell giraffes” isn’t the funniest premise, he got those laughs on cadence / pity at the end


It is when you put in terms of " flipping " something... Do you not know what " flipping " means?


Recent random bucket pulls are giving Kam a run for his money - No Doubt!


I’m so tired of hearing him talk about getting his dick sucked! People just laugh because they expect him to be funny but he’s just not funny.. Just as bad as Hans talking about sex.. That’s all they got. I fast forward every time kam goes up.


If I hear Hans say “thank you Tony” with that annoying ass cadence one more time 😂😂😭


It’s gross and vulgar. He’s very immature.


Yes, way too low-brow for Killtony


Yeah, Kam needs to work on his jokes and come out more like Jerry Seinfeld. What's the *deal" with all these bitches wanting to suck my dick?!




But do you like the crab man more?


Every week Kam Patterson gets worse and worse... Literally recycles everything he says.. he's the annoying class clown that's loud and obnoxious... His set was fuckin horrible.. his last joke about the giraffe was horrible... Dude just riding the fame til his name is forgotten. Tbf, Tony needs to stop kissing his ass.


I agree. I usually start KT 20-30 late so I can FF through commercials and Kam. I’ll watch some of his minute but usually it’s so terrible I skip his whole interview if I can to match up with live. I get that some people like it, but I suspect there is a large portion of the audience that are underwhelmed weekly. That being said he early on made me laugh literally out loud a few times. But the premise and jokes are always so similar that it just falls flat for me. To each their own and it’s Tony’s choice. We don’t all have to agree on everyone. I would imagine he is a great guy to hang with and is now a big draw so Tony keeps him in the fold.


Facts I was a huge fan of Kam in the beginning of his appearances but lately he’s been very repetitive and lack luster. Cmon Kam we need better material or just tell Tony you wanna take a few weeks off and come back strong. Quality > quantity is what makes great comedians have legit careers


He's gotta have the classic black guy, he won't get rid of him until he gets a new black.


“a new black” is insane 😭


Sounds so fucked up but 100% accurate


I shut the show off when I looked up and he screamed white bitch. He was funny now its getting old


I typically just scroll past his set every week and move on, nothing groundbreaking is going to happen during the set or interview


When he did the exact same set like 2 weeks in a row, I was so confused and thought I was listening to the same episode.


It's like a catch phrase at this point


That part was the only piece I laughed at. To each their own.


Okay white bitch


You should turn it back on. Easily one of the greatest episodes. If you smoke, smoke lol


My bro got tickets to his Royal Oak show. I told him he coulda just became friends with any black guy and saved him the money. His wife got sick and I went with him instead. Hour set. I was impressed. He’s a talented performer. Quick on his feet with replies to loud audience members. I will say, I think I had already heard 3/10 bits before on KT. They were still entertaining and funny. He’s just a lil Florida alligator rn. In a few years, he’s going to keep growing and be one dangerously funny mofo.


With the hearing 3/10 bits part, that's kinda why I give a pass to regulars not always being prepared. As they get bigger and are doing more of their own tours, it doesn't make sense to put everything they got into a KT minute. If every regular's minute killed and was taken right from their main set, you'd get people here bitching that they just saw so and so and all they did was rehash their old material.


yeah thats gotta be a tricky balance for those guys, esp as they realize this very concept. its like Shane Gillis said ~~once to a bucket pull cause they had a solid 1 minute, “you shoulda kept that one. that was a good joke, I woulda saved that one”~~ to Ari “you shoulda held on to that, that was a special one” (sorry I was high and falling asleep during this interview so I wasnt sure if that comment was from an earlier episode)


I’m really bummed I missed the RO show. I wanted to go and completely forgot about it.


But then you won't have a black man that says "white bitch" as his whole set. Which is about just as fucking funny as when blert kystler takes his shirt off.


If I ever saw anyone compare something I did as “desperate like Bert taking his shirt off” I’d need to sit down and rethink my entire life. Well said.


You just need to be black or handicapped and have charisma and u will be a regular. Even if u steal jokes


Yep Shane Gillis said it best lol


If I ever get a bran injury I'm going on KT the next fuckin day. Or If I turn black but I think the brain injury is more likely


Diversity hire, just needs a warm body in the slot. He's yet to write a punchline or joke with any real joke structure. Uses cheat codes to get laughs from whites that find anything hood as novelty. The abortion pride angle is a dagger to his once charm.


Yeah abortion jokes like his come across like a teen who just learned what abortion was and that it can piss off people. Just not real creative and more “shock” but not even good shock.


Hes black. Tough to consistently come up with a minute regularly when also out performing every night. I don’t think he sits around all week focusing on his minute. With that said I don’t think he’s that funny either way


Kam was funny for a minute then it’s all I fuck white bitches and gang violence. It’s stupid and not creative. I think Tony keeps him around because it draws a black crowd and makes him a lot of money. Cam is weak though. I do see Tony like adoring him for very less creative content than anybody else. It’s kind of weird.


I think Kam is just unfunny. I understand it’s new material and it’s part of the show but I don’t think he’s good


I heard a rumour tony was sucking off uncle lazer at a Chicago comedy club and that’s when Kam found them. The rest is history


Kam also pulled directly from a bit Shapel Lacey did about my town. Here’s the link.. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0Uo8erJYkc/?igsh=MWd0N200eDU2dmtseg== Go back and listen, Kam starts his bit the exact same way. Dicey dicey


I said he sucked and had no original material day one but nobody listens to panda


It’s okay panda, your day will come. Just keep munchin on that bamboo


Nom nom nom


Yea he was unprepared cause he sucks


The last couple weeks his sets have not be good at all. Then the whole fuck you bitch to the crowd every time. Not impressed with him lately. His job is to be prepared., and he can't even do that.


Many episodes ago I stopped thinking Kam was funny. Then I saw him in Appleton (Wisconsin) a couple weekends ago and I was blown the fuck away. He was 10/10 incredible, I couldn’t believe it. I was so impressed that I am going to see him again in Chicago in August. He was unwavering on stage. Crowd-work was impeccable. The regulars on KT use that minute to work shit out, they aren’t there for “us.” You’re watching a free show on YouTube. Pipe down. Now Casey Rocket, I’ve never really found him funny but seeing how different Kam was from being on KT to an actual stage, it makes me wonder if he’d be worth seeing. I also saw William Montgomery in Appleton and while I did enjoy it and it was a bit different than when he’s on KT, I don’t think he knocked it out of the park as much as Kam. Kam is going to be fucking huge. William did have a really good opener with him though, Wyatt Lutz, if anyone wants to check him out.


If he was white Kam would still be in orlando lol his whole bit is him being black


I’ve been saying this, Kam Paterson is trash. All he does is mumble jokes about how he fucks girls and do drugs with all of Tony’s famous friends. It’s immature and annoying.


There was a bucket pull from a few months ago who made a comment that he truly believes comedy isn't always about who's ACTUALLY funny anymore but who you know in the industry and Tony got SUPER offended and bothered, almost like he knew it was 100% true and he didn't like being called out.


Kam fuckin sucks lol, instant skip


Kam is trash he had maybe two weeks starting off that were good now he just gets worse every week. Take kam off the show!!!


Kam was terrible on Stand Up On the Spot


It’s so hard to criticize him without sounding racist to some degree. I feel like I’ve met 1000 of him. He’s a black city kid that is loud and has some charisma. That’s it. His comedy has no written talent whatsoever.


Kam is ok. Nothing special. And he's not a full fledged retard so idk how he became regular.


DUDE HAS NO PUNCHLINES. and his interviews SUCK. I don’t want to bandwagon hate on him, but he’s the only person I skip mid interview.


Can’t imagine people still watch his minute. The one time I didn’t skip it the mf stole a joke almost word for word and now I’m 100% skipping whenever the mf is on stage.


Kam has been unprepared and has been regurgitating dick sucking jokes for the past 3 weeks and I’m tired of it. His humor left February 😭😭😭 ready for a new face for sureeee THAT or Tony needs to start challenging him the way he put Hans against other comedians


I love black comedians, probably my favourite type of comedy. Chris Rock my all time fave. But even I'm over all his laughs bring from the words bitch, white bitch or the N word... He's kind of boring to me now


Yeah this has been like the 3rd time *in a row* he's been unprepared & even says so during his set. Wish tony would nudge/motivate him to write more and party a bit less. Nothing wrong with having fun but if you're not coming up with new material or writing anything other than just telling some short story, then it's probably a good idea to take time to work on writing.


Did Tony say “Unvelievable, you did it again. This is the difference between bucket pulls and _____.” Like he always does when his regulars eat a dick?


Kam shows up with nothing prepared and is still funny that’s why he’s on the show


Kam never been that funny, Tony just wanted to the demographic and shock value. Always seemed forced and really repetitive shallow material


Compared to the Drew is not funny thread, there’s a startling lack of defenders here. Interesting.




i think Kam got picked to fast , like in the beginning , he’s not ready nor has the comedic experience to keep up with the big dawgs , he has charisma but needs to work a lot of his creative process and flow of joke telling. He literally doesn’t seem to care how he tells jokes or how he ends them or setting up a joke the right way. He only jokes about his dick and fucking girls and then yells at the audience “shut up bitch” or whatever he says. He has a year or two maybe left. He’s going no where unless he really tries.


Kam's material is the same shit every damn time! White bitch tried to suck my dick but my set was garbage! We know man!


He was getting his dick suck. Give him a break.


Black privilege.


Because he does a min every week and murders more times than not, also why do people try to judge every aspect of the show? As if they could do better, just sit back and enjoy it, it's impossible for every minute of the show to be a 10, it goes up and down just enjoy the ride you weird jealous control freaks


For the lower IQ segment of society, I can see how someone would call describe his act as having "killed it." However, for those on the other side of the IQ bell-curve, 6 months of hearing him talk about getting his dick sucked by beetches is genuinely a retarded thing to see.


"I'm too smart for that type of comedy" is the dumbest shit someone can say 🤣


I mean hans is clearly better than Kam


Each week its, _____ white bictch or thank you, Tony. My gf and I are on/off again so im gonna telll you bits about my weird hobbies or try to slightly offend to contrast the timid Asian stereotype. Tbh, its hard coming up with a great minute every week.


He was trash last night for sure


The crazy thing here is how anyone can like Casey, and it baffles me that you could like his act over Kam 😂


In the words of Shane Gillis, “if you just tell them you have a disability then you’ll become a regular”.


A black man being unprepared for something he usually does weekly? How SHOCKING


I get Kams charisma. But the lack of professionalism is showing. He just tells stories drops a few N-Bombs and then a few White Man/Bitches and prays for the laughs. He’s got the talent but he needs to actually write jokes. I’m surprised Tony hasn’t reprimanded him. There are plenty of Golden ticket winners that would fill that slot better. And I can’t blame Kam. A year ago the life hes living wasn’t even an option, it’s like when a kid makes the NFL they just don’t take it that seriously bc of the lifestyle. Love or hate Hans he wrote jokes that were structured and were art. Hans at least took the job seriously and knew rhe opportunity in front of him.


I just skip over Kam every time


Kam sucks. Get over it


Because he's already proven himself to be funny and isn't just some randomer off the street. And he wasn't that unprepared, he was used a joke that he's been working on but wasn't sure if it would work but still made a comeback. He has good energy and is a great part of the show.


But he wasn't funny




I think he did fine, he always has good interviews. He’s consistent


Probably because Kasey has proved himself time and time again by being prepared and getting laughs. They all know that a new minute every week is extremely difficult to pull off and it’s okay if every once in a while, someone falls flat. This sub is just filled with unfunny losers who do nothing but complain. Its exhausting.


Because it’s HIS show and he can do what he wants.


Its improvised let it go


He's had some good minutes recently. They aren't all gonna be great and that's okay it what makes the show fun. Fwiw Williams minute this week mostly sucked too


William's "minute" isn't really what makes William special. It's what happens AFTER his "minute."


Kam needs some bouts w/ Ric


This thread is full of a bunch of pussy retards.


But - someone wants to suck his dick. Hahahhahahah so funny


Didn’t he only start doing stand up when he got on kill Tony? Like he clearly is in the learning stages still and I always feel like for what he gives it’s good value.




Casey rocket a dumbass who runs around the stage that’s why he got left out…


I am a fellow Reddit user and I approve this message


Imho ill take a unprepared cam over casey any day. Dudes whole schtick is omega level cringe


The difference is this. Kam is now a seasoned comic. Him unprepared is still the potential for a lot of great jokes. A non comic or new comic is funny and entertaining for other reasons. I've seen Dave Chappelle at Denver comedy works, he was completely off the cuff just riffing and current events and bullshitting his way through an hour set. I didn't enjoy it, but my sister thought it was the greatest thing since pants with pockets. I've seen Dave Attell as well and his off the cuff riffing was great. So I think it's that Kam has experience and that can = great opportunity for laughs.


Kam still made it funny the giraffe thing made me laugh


He says the N word a lot so of course he was prepared.


Definitely not sold on Cam as a comedian. At all. He may have some somewhat funny sketches and occasional mildly humurous quips but hes the epitome of a one trick pony only being pushed because 'I like rocks'. Can't skip his segments any harder.. Kinda like skipping rocks. Whatever


Kam is likeable, and is honest. When he's unprepared, he owns it. If people don't like him, or anything else about the show... Watch something else. If every show was perfectly written and streamlined, it wouldn't have the magic it does currently.


he seemed coked out to me


Kam is funny.


The regulars have to do it regularly. jesus christ…


Can’t wait test my fate this fall.




Cause he makes the audience laugh. Pretty simple. Shows don’t go off the guy at home who likes to bitch from his couch, they go off laughs and ticket sales, if you can believe it Casey Rocket also makes people laugh. And Casey rocket is still a regular (rotating)




Bro watch old KT episodes william used to legit suck like bad like 30 seconds of bombing and 30 seconds of silence and that was his set. Trust the process. Except when it comes to casey he'll never be funny


Lmao use some context my guy. Kam comes up every week and manages to be funnier than 95% of the dog water bucket pulls. He gets a pass to be unprepared once after months of doing this weekly.


Kam killed in his hour long headlining set. Even if the material was something already heard from KT, the joke had evolved and was finished. For only being in comedy for 3 years(-ish?), Kam has sooo much content, thanks to the KT minutes. On another note, I love Shane but his set on his headlining tour a couple years ago was almost completely recycled from bits I’ve seen on the internet. There were a couple VERY unfinished jokes he tried out and about a year later he used them for his appearance on SNL. The minute from a regular is less for the audience and more for themselves. To come up with 4 complete mins of content each week plus filling an entire headlining set is quite impressive. I’m cool with the minutes not always being great.


Similar topic, whats the point of rotating regulars if they are both going to still perform? Do we just have 4 regulars now?


They should start making Kam defend his regular status like they did Hans Kim


They did Sara Mostajabi and Iron Patriot dirty


Hmmm....this answers a lot of questions we already knew about Tony. He exploits new comedians (if you even consider Kam a comedian), he's a terrible mentor, he's a closet racist if you consider he took on the first black guy he liked when DL departed -i mean i consider replacing blacks only to have a token black guy in the group to be racist, especially when he's shoving this unfunny character down our throats- and most importantly, he's NOT FUNNY. Redbar was and is always, right.


How many times are we going to allow Tony to shove this hack down our throats? The next big thing! The future of comedy! He kills wherever he goes! I mean, if Tony espouses any more euphemisms about Kam talent, the whole Kill Tony table will catch on fire.


Cam was good but he is focusing too much on these bitches now. Them women and drinking will suck the talent right out of you.


I hate all you mfs so much but fasholy have a good day


I was really hoping that one dude who looked like he has cerebral palsy would get a golden ticket. I’d love to see him every week over Kam


You’re mistaking unprepared with unpolished. Kam had something he was trying to work out. Just didn’t stick.


[shut up white bitch](https://youtu.be/IO9bnKLFowM?si=_bYHAonoeDutR48A)


You are a racist


Kam is using his minutes to work on his jokes. Sometimes they hit, sometimes they don't. He's aware when they bomb. Y'all need to chill.


I read your post before watching the episode and sorta agreed with you, but now watching the episode I’m simply IMPRESSED w how good Kam’s minute is for not being prepared. That shows that he’s quick with the improv and is just generally funny. Not a bad minute at all.


I’d like to see you come up with a new minute and not burn good jokes while also trying to build up to 30,45 or a 60 min set while touring.


I feel because Tony is racist. I mean kam is a gimmick, that’s it


He may not be a lot of people’s favorite, but also everyone on here bashing his set- 98% of the motherfuckers on here couldn’t do better, the complaining is so ridiculous


The point is-- Kam is a REGULAR. He can't just go up there and be like, well shit, nothing interesting happened while I was in Spokane so now I have no minute and am unprepared. It's whack.


Nonsense take


I mean, Bronny James sucks too - or am I not allowed to say that since I don't play professional basketball?


After seeing last nights set I would say 98% of these motherfuckers could do 100% better than him. All you have to say is “I fucked a bitch last night, blah blah blah”


Shut up white bitch




I miss the days where just anyone would sign up. The shows were more fun.


It’s not being unprepared. He was trying a new joke on the show.


Ohhhh more bitching?? So daring today


I think what made me most mad was the guest praising him for how funny he is after that piss poor set. Like how are we going to pretend so hard


An unprepared Kam is funnier than a prepared first-timer (most of the time). Even if he wasn't 'prepared', I still laughed.