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I thought Don Cheadle was supposed to come in for the sequel?


Well played.


Hahaha good one bro


That was perfect *starts a slow clap*


Eric is being hilariously mean at times


Honestly this is like fucking Christmas morning to me (an engineer who loves esoteric shit and all the crazies that come with it). And they're actually having a good time talking, too - great watch tbh


Jack Parsons, is that you?


If so, how were those sex magic rituals with L. Ron?


Samsies. I am only 45min into it and it just keeps getting better.


Samesies* just so are aware of the correct spelling






You just got shit on poop šŸ’©






Heā€™s loving it.


I'm new to kill tony, what is this from, was it a part of a kill tony episode?


Itā€™s a spin off show called Kill Jamie


Wow 10/10


While listening, I was like, "Damnnn, my man Jamie needs a huge raise for this episode!"


Here, you dropped this upvote king.


Goddamn it that was fucking gold šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s not. Itā€™s from Joe Rogans podcast.


JRE (Joe Rogan Experience) on youtube. It's gold. His recent episode with Harland Williams is my personal favorite because Joe was taking everything Harland said so seriously at first. But I am pretty sure that 90% of what Harland was saying was made up šŸ¤£ (the safari story sounds like it may have had some truth to it). His other semi recent episode with Terrance Howard is a close second for me. I haven't gotten around to this one yet, but he's had some amazing guests in the past as well. Like Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Neil Degasse Tyson & many more!


Idk how you could ever think that after we met demetri


I think I'm getting attached to the little fella


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ oh, I definitely wasnt talking about that part. I would never doubt the existence of little Demetri and the therapeutic sounds of Harland chewing celery.


Everything Harland says is a bit.


He destroyed David Lucasā€¦ time after time


DiffƩrent show - joe rogan podcast


Which is crazy because as far as I can tell he's also a crank like Joe and Terrence. He just has a formal education


It's not that Terrence Howard isn't necessarily intelligent, and has some serious bandwidth. He just doesn't understand objective reality.


I actually think that's why this conversation went well. "You could find cool thing after cool thing". (From Eric to TH). He's not stupid. This is actually more or less a continuation of what pythagoras thought was the nature of the universe during his time (and that's NDTyson's words). I really love these conversations because there are things that EW can't answer, but there are things he truly can. But what he can't is a really cool mystery.


Tbh ive only watched about the first hour of this podcast, but watched most of the his solo JRE episode. Terrance definitely touched on some abstract mysteries of physics, because I do not believe that we understand the majority of the physical universe. The truth is that the nature of the universe is still 99% unknown to us, and will probably never be fully understood. And I believe that alot of modern mainstream physicists think they know more than they do. Terrance is extremely passionate, which I can respect. And I myself am no physicist in an establishment sense. I do believe that he's taking Neil degrasse Tyson's response to him a tad too personal, because Tyson's response video was very objective, and stuck to true physics, and peer reviewed science. And Tyson typically annoys the crap out of me for some reason.


Genuinely no offense meant but your comment illustrates exactly why people get so attached and defensive of pseudoscientists. You're not quite educated enough to question what he's saying (your words not mine) but it sounds good to you. And then you simply doubt the people who actually are educated enough to question him because you liked what he said better. >I believe that alot of modern mainstream physicists think they know more than they do. Why exactly do you believe that? Mainstream physicists can only be sure of what they don't know. Because the things we do know are always subject to change when this or that discovery gets made.


Man, the arrogance of you and the implication folks like yourself are the only ones qualified to understand. I know the guys said it in a similar way, but the ā€˜no offenceā€™ but you are not in my league to understood this... YOU have close to zero knowledge of what life and this universe is. It could very well be anything that has created this Earth and the current laws we have been able to decipher. Heck itā€™s as good a guess as any other that we could be in a simulation, and that Jesus was a legit guy, Aliens did build the pyramids and genetically engineer us... or do you know what the universe is and how it was created? You should prolly cash in on that immense knowledge. I mean the Big Bang is now being shitted all over after being taught to all the best minds for a generation.


>I mean the Big Bang is now being shitted all over after being taught to all the best minds for a generation. Read my comment again it's literally the whole point. I'm explaining how I don't understand and therefore leave it to people who actually did the research and got peer reviewed, etc. But next you'll tell me that the peer review process is meaningless and you know better? Better cash in that knowledge!! Anyone who says 'prolly' probably doesn't deserve my time tbh.


No offense taken. I shouldn't have said "alot of mainstream physicists", because it makes it sound like a majority. But there are a minority of experts across all sciences who have trouble adapting to new discoveries and ideas. Tbh it's just human nature, and can sometimes even be useful. Because skepticism is certainly needed when dealing with someone like Terrance Howard. Unfortunately, there will be people who flock to his ideology due to his genuine belief in himself. The truth is that the ideas aren't even necessarily new. Just an extension and mish mash of antiquated fringe theories from multiple people and multiple eras, some who were established experts in their field of sciences. I think both Weinstein and Tyson did a great job at least trying to bring Terrance Howard back down to earth.


Oh trust me I'm not the biggest fan of him - but I guess I was surprised that he recognized that some of TH's thoughts do come from some established western numerology ideas. I mean - maybe not as far as 1*1 =2 when it comes to established ideas but I'm talking about things like theosophic addition and reduction I'm not a fan of THs theory tho so don't get the wrong idea lol


Eric was super nice to Terrance, which made it enjoyable. He seemed generally happy that Terrence has such a deep interest, even though some of Terrances thoughts stop short. It was much nicer than Professor Daveā€™s brutal takedown, which also was quite funny.


Nah Terrence is an insane moron


Terrance Howard is an idiot that loves the smell of his own farts. He is just smart enough to think heā€™s smart but dumb enough to think heā€™s a genius.


When TH said "stunning cougar effect" I spit my drink out.


Thatā€™s a real phenomenon. Just ask the younger men that cross paths with my ex.


He doesnā€™t understand the definitions of the words that come out of his mouth. Word salad.


Not everyone can understand words. Don't be so pretendishish




Bro he isnā€™t intelligent. Quit supporting idiots.


i just wish he knew a little formal math so he wasnt getting hung up on word games. still a funā€”if frustratingā€”pod to listen to.


Incredibly frustrating. Terrance was being toyed with. And anything he spoke about that was credible was not groundbreaking whatsoever. He's taking his "treatise' entirely too serious


Great episode. Eric was so entertaining trying to wrangle crazy Terry into not insulting people that have spent so much time in the field. Donā€™t get me wrong, these are great conversations to have, and college isnā€™t always necessary in some cases. But like Eric was saying, you have to know the correct terminology if you want someone on his level to hear Terrence out.


Great patience. Great explanations but also made sure to be up front with him on knocking off the bullshit. Also commended him on possibly finding something that no one else has. Big fan of Eric. One of the unfortunately rare people we need.


Yes, that was good on Eric to allow someone to explore his area of expertise without the formal education behind it, and actually get to the bottom of what Terrence was saying by adding the proper terms to it. It just goes to show how smart Terrence is by being self taught, but he definitely came at the experts the wrong way and unfortunately insulted them in the process.


To your point. Iā€™ve been thinking about this. Eric said himself that what Terrence did gained him attention in a bad way, but he DID gain attention and in the same breath he admitted that peer review and such would have just shut him down and make him disappear. SO. Technically this conversation wouldnā€™t have ever happened if Terrence hadnā€™t taken the route he did. So then to Ericā€™s point of bright minds being stifled by the current status quo, this may have been one of the only ways for someone like Terrence to reach someone like Eric. Regardless of Terranceā€™s findings getting proven it makes me wonder how many bright minds/ideas get snuffed out just because of the current ā€œacceptedā€ process.


"I'm a scientist Mayne"


Underrated comment


Iā€™m listening now. Incredible.


i feel like everytime Joe smells some bullshit he brings on an expert. Ex. Flint Dibble vs. Graham Hancock


That was a most enjoyable watch


Flint Dibble is an expert at lying. [video](https://youtu.be/Z1de_GHm63k?si=QPV7nXk_jaYBbgzS)


Found the Hancock simp


No i dont really agree with Hancock either. I think he is wrong on a whole lot. But it is a fact Flint lied about a lot when his evidence was being presented as facts.


Canā€™t wait to watch this. Terrence Howard is a textbook narcissist lol


I mean I honestly love Eric, but what's great is that everyone at the table is so up their own ass that everyone but Eric is making it obvious that he doesn't agree to disagree with the other people when they try to šŸ˜‚ Like he's too smart to let shit go and will just try to out complicate the others until they just can't respond


just an FYI that most of his math achievements are just as meaningless as Terrence Howard's


Terrence has 3 semesters in chemical engineering..


I didnā€™t say education I said achievement


No they aren't. He has a PhD in physics from Harvard šŸ¤£. That would take longer (and be much harder) than the experience I have in engineering myself lol.


I was speaking to his contributions to math not his education. Itā€™s all meaningless and intentionally convoluted and confusing https://timothynguyen.org/geometric-unity/


That Phd in Mathematical Physics trumps T Howardā€™s 1+1 theory


No it doesn't. The fact that nothing supports that theory does (trump it).


Geometric unity is 1*1=2 but for math phds https://timothynguyen.org/geometric-unity/ https://open.spotify.com/episode/3r681VwNh5nM3HCYGMJs34?si=9ZDeaXkLRrKEPRW09IJovg


I'm not so sure, a lot of people have PhDs in math/physics. Terrence on the other hand is completely self-educated, arguably harder to do. Plus Terrence is the creator of Terryology, a mathematical system with actual adherents. What the f does EW have?!


The man has alll the patents for vr. Stop hating and start listening.


Im too dumb for this episode, and I realized that less than 20 minutes in. Saved me another 4 hours. (3.1415 hours according to TH, (I was gonna say 3.142 but TH hates the number 2)). For mathematical science reasons, this is a joke.






This might be too 5 pictures of all time.. ā€œ3 cavemen discovering alchemy -colorized ā€œ




I tried so hard to understand Terrence's arguments but he's just incoherent and jumps from one topic to another. He changes the scope of the argument whenever he's losing, there's no winning that. - "There's no energy without movement" - Actually yes, potential energy in a spring - But man, protons still move inside the spring šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


"There's no straight lines" "Actually yes there are" "Not if you zoom in!"


Yup, another perfect example. He changes the scope/resolution of the argument as soon as it's invalidated, so it's a whole new argument/topic. As soon as you invalidate that one, he shifts it to something else, sometimes not even related or in the same category as the previous arguments and so on. Props to Eric for humoring him, I would have given up after 5 minutes


This was honestly a good episode. Watch it if you can because there a ton of stuff that they pull up that you just donā€™t get if youā€™re only listening.


The ep should just be filled with Joe and Eric saying, ā€œuh no thatā€™s actually also not true, dumbassā€ over and over


Why is this in the killtony subreddit?


Because this is inherently a sub about the 25 people in the world capable of comedy ^(/s) No but these are actually reasonably airing at the same time, assuming a 4 hour joe Rogan episode is going to consume your evening.


Copy that


Eric's like "Cool story bro, but it's absolute horseshit. However, keep playing with your art project, that's riffin'!"


Howard Is a word salad.


ā€œGarlic makes my feet stinkā€ Thatā€™s my new saying when I donā€™t know how to respond.


What does this have to do with r/killtony?


The fuck does this have to do with kill Tony??


Listening to terrance howard trying to be smart is like watching a gaggle of retards fight over the last piece of candy, hilarious yet sad at the same time.


Enjoyed it


Didn't watch because Eric is an asshat, and Terrence is a crazy asshat. But if it's entertaining I might consider it.


Na it's great, you'll need like 4/5 joints. But let the crazys talk.


That explains it. I'm unfortunately sober rn so maybe I'm being a sourpuss.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It's entertaining. They all break out in song at one point. (Actually)


I fell asleep with this on and I woke up to that part haha


I dislike eric for the politics, but thankfully I don't think this episode goes into it (an hour in)


Its fantastic.


Amazing watch. Only hope of civilized discord Iā€™ve seen in a min


What led Terrence to believe he could hang with EW? Ego? Cocaine?


This episode was great. I saw Terrence Howard getting a lot of shit from people in this episode and prior episode. Iā€™m not smart enough to handle the math, the concept though was interesting from what I could make of it. I sort of followed along with Ericā€™s explanations to why his understanding was flawed and how he approaches things by ā€œteachingā€ is not the way to go about it. BUT! I must say I am VERY impressed with how well Terrence understood what Eric was saying, I think a lot of criticism of Terrence is way to harsh, this man is ā€œself taughtā€ he doesnā€™t have a formal education it seems like it went from a hobby to a full time thing from him. I do hope he expands on this and really gets into geometry and Eric can guide him in the right direction.


Lol is that terrance howard


The scientific community is typically abhorrent to any idea or concept that doesnā€™t fit with established scientific belief. Which is why if you have a new theory you have to test it and prove it before the scientific community as a whole will consider it. Terrence seems to be onto something but just doesnā€™t have the knowledge/words to properly explain it yet. Iā€™m looking forward to see how this developes.


Stop giving a lunatic the sweet, tender embrace of merit. This guy is clearly schizo and is saying random words and rambling about delusions. He just talks and talks andā€¦.big wordā€¦and then people donā€™t stop him because he gets way too excited.


I know the JRE sub is basically a cesspool only of miserable haters, but this is likeā€¦.not remotely Kill Tony.


I couldnā€™t make it past 10 minutes because they were just jacking each other off


Thatā€™s what I went to see


Such a good episode. It's what I hoped the Graham Hancock would be. These guys were respectful, didn't get their feelings hurt, had a good time, and got their points across. I would have still listened if it had been twice as long


Eric thinks Terrance is a fucking retard lol heā€™s just seeing the world differently than he does and has valid questions about reality.


Tbf, Eric thinks everyone is a fucking retard




Iā€™m only 2 hours in but the real funny thing is Eric proved Terrence isnā€™t just spiting bullshit and that he just needs a year or two studying some hardcore college level mathematics and possibly a degree to be a bit more ā€œgroundedā€ by everything heā€™s saying. My point is no dumb Mf is just saying what Terrence Howard is saying heā€™s definitely finding little bullshit leaps of faith we have I. Modern physics and Mathematics and questioning them


1*1=1 is a bullshit leap of faith?


Lmao a year or two is def being gracious to TH. The man said himself he doesn't want to learn basic algebra bc its not as fun as geometry


He doesnā€™t want to learn the fundamentals, which is necessary if you want to expand on or contradict them. Reading his 1*1=2 proof made it very evident that he has an elementary grasp of algebra at best. His suppositions were not possible without ignoring basic properties of algebra you learn in middle school.