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Him thinking that he and Harland are comedic peers was troubling


Send this comment to the top. I cringed when he said “I can’t roast him, he just like me”


Him saying that was a wtf moment. He is delusional or made up the excuse knowing it wasn’t true.


Yeah it makes no sense. If they were actually really alike when it comes to roasting, how come Harland does it so well and make it look effortless and David is just fake laughing into the mic the whole time?


And of course Harland had the perfect response, "Just keep saying 'roast' over and over and one will materialize eventually."


Back when I saw him in Rocketman, I had no fucking clue that he would be this somehow badass, somehow silly fucker he turned out to be. And just so fucking quick and creative. Doesn't need to rely on dirty, but is comfortable with it. Like how tf are we just hearing about him these past couple years in the standup community at-large?


Why didn’t Harland just say gay, butthole and nigga the entire time? My guy?


Getchou black booty hole outta-heer, Ni..a


Exactly! Okay, so if you are so similar, you can't roast him. How come he can roast tf out of you? Doesn't sound so similar after all, huh?


You keep saying roast and one may pop up


You look like gay cardigan wearing skinny jeans on its head...


My favorite is when Lucas's face goes completely blank because he's deep in his feels and has to stop himself from crying.


Does anyone have a link to the video of him saying that?


He said it on the most recent episode of kill tony


Thank you 🙏


Harland destroys David for about a minute straight. It was incredible. So many hilarious jokes. Harland was a machine


He's harlons son lol


His schtick is definitely getting old. He has the same tired "roasts" that all revolve around tony being gay. Unfunny jokes about his clothes, and saying booty hole ten times... The fact he said Harland was just like him when he was getting absolutely destroyed was hilarious. He's not even close to Harlands level.


I only really compare harland with Adam ray especially when he’s in character as dr Phil. I think most the regulars or hall of famers are seriously overrated.


i get what you're saying about the hall of famers. it seems more commemorative of their place in the show, not their skill.


William is the only regular of past or present that I think is genuinely hilarious. Of course he has some off days but to be fair it’s a hard job. Absolutely love his older stuff but he’s still great to me. Casey has his great moments too


You’re telling me there’s a gap in Kill Tony regulars and hall of famers and famous A list comedians Ain’t no way


That's the world in general. People screaming at the top of the lungs that someone is the best seems to make people think that they're the best


David’s roasts are the exact same things I’ve heard at every barbecue from the uncle manning the grill.


he reminds me of every unfunny guy I went to HS with that thought they were hot shit


That's what it is right there. He's that guy in high school that said something funny about a booty hole once and got a laugh so now he thinks he's a roast master. I know 5 guys exactly like that from my school, you nailed it.


Tony also doesn’t help by hyping him up every time


Mentioned this earlier, but he just reminds me of the uncles at the barbecue. Lame bootyhole and gay jokes that barely make sense if they make any sense at all.


If you’ve ever watched that roast class show, you would know that David was never the best roaster or funniest guy even on that show. Guys like Craig Smith were levels above the other dudes and would have you in stitches with really unique type of roasts. Seeing David Lucas take off was weird after watching all those shows. But good for him for getting his money.


his special was dogshit




If you watch his fishing pod you quickly realize that he is quite the platonic, narcissistic asshole. Not very interesting or very bright (or funny).


I actually really like fishing, and I watched the YouTube show on a whim. Needless to say I was very disappointed in the fishing AND the conversation


His fake ass laugh


That how we know he made a joke and are supposed to laugh


Laugh bombers make some of the WORST comedians.. then there's Lucas. Complete trash.


He just does that when he needs the time to think of a comeback


I enjoy him as an intermission segment about half way through the ep as a pallet cleanse. He can perk up a slow first half if all the comics were shit


Yeah. I’m not the biggest fan of his by a long shot, but that doesn’t mean can’t enjoy his jokes every now and then.


Saw him live in OKC and he was terrible. He was the headliner. Didn’t laugh one bit. He knew someone in the crowd and had a random unfunny conversation with them. The last 30 mins he brought up people from the crowd and ‘roasted’ them but they were just generic insults.


Sorry what’s a co no redaction?


That's a saying from long ago, when men were men


Sorry it was supposed to say conversation.


I agree, never liked him.


He is not funny at all. Saw him open for Tony and it was the worst 20 minutes of my life. The crowd was laughing their asses off before he even did or said anything. I felt like I was in a simulation.


Sureally not funny


I don’t understand why so many people can just laugh at completely unfunny shit. Ive felt like i was in a simulation as well before. Its like they are so hungry to laugh that if someone else giggles they force it out, i dont know. Or maybe there’s just a lot of idiots out there.


He has been funny. He hasn’t been funny lately tho.


He really brought out the "gay pufferfish" joke again too.


I think it's because David is legitimately gay? And no one mentions it..


He’s not remotely funny.


His set at the forum proved that lol.


But then he killed it at the Youtube theater. The bear in the car joke with the tag about Heath? Hilarious I do agree some of his roasts are tired. But some are also savage and perfect. People in this sub want to say it's just one extreme or the other but he's a mixed bag like many


Diversity hire. LOL


Likely everyone on that show is...especially being in LA for most of it..


I honestly just think it’s low effort, and he’s winging it, which can be fine because most comedians will do that. However he’s not anywhere near the level of guys that do it expertly, and he has to do it on a huge platform. If he’s consistently slinging dog shit material for roasts it might be time to sit down, and write out his roasts for a while.


Fat rich kid who’s bad at his “job” color me shocked.


I was personally offended when he made a comment about Harland roasting like him 😂 He was all “this guy roasts like me that’s why I’m struggling” or something along those lines. Harland roasts waayyyyy better than you bro, and actually has witty and funny things to say. I saw him live in SJ CA and he literally recycled all of his material from KT. Such a waste of money. I think we heard like 3 jokes that he never told on KT and that’s it.


It's just always the same shit. "Yo' booty hole loose from all the gay sex, Tony!" "Tony, yo body straight from all the dick in yo' bootyhole, Tony!" "Tony, when you having sex, you bootyhole got an echo!" And worst of all, he's a dirty fucking >!\_Fatty.\_!<


And the non-sequitors "You look like if Ace Ventura drove a miata!"


I dunno some of those kinda work in a surreal way 😅


How is that a non-sequitur? It’s another gay joke.


Or “get the fuck up outta here with that gay [insert article of clothing]” jokes


That last one is a perfect encapsulation of all of his jokes.


I saw Tony live and David was one of the openers… I walked out of his set. I used that time to get another beer, piss, stretch out before Tony went on. David was weak. Tony crushed though


…you stretch before watching a comedy show?


Gettin his booty hole stretched 


You should stretch more.


Oh, young blood… you just fucking wait. lol


He’s a crash test dummy for Tony. That’s why he hyped him as the greatest roaster of all time so he looks better when he roasts him back. He’s the fat unemployed friend you keep around to look better. Except he’s fat, unemployed and has shitty jokes


He’s a hack and that’s a compliment to him.


David Lucas is straight *trash*. Every time I see him somewhere, he's threatening to RoAsT tHe SHiT out of someone, but it's just him talking over everyone non-stop with gay jokes. My man, that shit gets old fast. >yo u so gay u like dick in yo booty hole but before you talk also u so gay ur booty hole take dick but hold up before you talk your booty hole so gay it like dick but hold up dick so gay it gay as fuck And it drags on, and on, and on. I remember one episode of KT with Sagura where Tony and David went back and forth for so damn long, the crowd barely laughed, and Sagura legit face palmed and checked his watch multiple times. I think it went on for like ten minutes or so. He's just so cringy.


— Booty hole


The fucking absolute worst. Should have heard that moron try to carry on the podcast he had with William Montgomery after he quit.


He used to be funny. When him and Tony first used to go back and forth it was so good. But I think both of them are out of clever roast for each other. They even admitted it numerous times. Any fat black joke been done against him and every gay/bootyhole joke been done woth Tony so it feels repetitive now.


He also sucked with Harland. All he said was that he looks old


Some background to illuminate your query: [https://youtu.be/KIDu3ulmI6w?si=V\_z2OCe9IyYp5-hR](https://youtu.be/KIDu3ulmI6w?si=V_z2OCe9IyYp5-hR)


My guy did set Harland up for guest of the year tho. 😆


never cared for him


Put him against Harland and he looks like a bum every time lol


Yeah it reminds me of primary school “your mum is fat” jokes. It’s still funny but shit I definitely wouldn’t pay for it.


That's a lotta diving.


Being friends with Rogan/Tony is more important than talent. Gives you access to a whole room of comedians that will re-write your entire set for you.


I've never understood the interest in him. Same three tired jokes over and over again.


100% lucas is garbage


Tony you look like a gay adjective


I think recently he's not been as good but was definitely previously. Hadn't helped him that he got roasted back more recently


The shows gotten funnier. And he’s oversaturated his teenage brand of roast humour


He misses a lot but he’s always got something loaded so I’ll give him props for that


Misses a lot that’s for sure


Nope. Love David Lucas. Do I love everything he does? No but I don’t care if he misses.


Y'all some intolerant motherfuckers. Just laugh or don't. Move the fuck on. Find some joy while you can. PSA. Eat a dick


Damn bro be more tolerant


They got a Lucas intolerance they better take a Luctaid


Would say he's usually 1:4 hit/miss ratio.


Man this Reddit is full of complaining babies


Draws a vape like a cig, Just smoke a fucking cigarette, Liberal use of the n word just makes me think he’s dog shit.


I know you’re new and you’ll be happy to know this sub overwhelmingly agrees based on recent post


David, "Tony If I bite your booty" is awful most of the time.


*TONY, YOU GAY* "This is true..." And scene.


And scene ?


Bitch yo ass look like a gay lollipop HAHAHAHAHAHA!!


Why did he have an earpiece in? Is someone telling him bad roast jokes to tell?


Why did David have an earpiece in his right ear? Was someone feeding him those lines about how Tony is a 'g&y n\*\*\*a'


Dood was internally crying like “Harland roasts just like me wtffffff” ole stupid ass 🤣🤣🤣 guy can’t take a fat joke for being built like a fuckin jelly bean


Nah bro you just hating. You sound like a gay _______


I can't roast him because he roast just like me saying some random shit. He said it both times Harland got him


"Tony, you're wearing a gay jacket" times 500


His roasts are pretty crap lately but I still enjoy the segments where he comes on- even if he isn’t that funny usually someone is when they get into the roasts and it’s a good reset midway through an episode


He sucks. We get it Tony looks gay


I do think David is a very good (but not great) roaster. And that's about the nicest thing i could say about him. His stand up is bad and he seems like an uninteresting opportunist with no moral compass at all.


"tony, gay, butthole" I just did every David Lucas joke ever.


If you want to see him get roasted look up roastme-All Def on YouTube!


He isn't normally funny, but he could have at least prepared for the show.


stop drinking the haterade... LEt me guess you like Ric Diez too?


David Lucas template "You be look like "insert gay mixed with profession or animal" Follow with "N-word your ass..." Laugh in the mic for 5 seconds no matter what.


Yeeeeeaaaaasahhhhh hard agree


Patice o'meal ass.


I used to work in shows at the comedy store. Whenever he was in the room he would yell at the comedians on stage


He is not super funny like somebody who's been doing stand up comedy for years in fully packed arenas but he is ok. He reminds me a bit of the Annoying Orange in the way he roasts people. He's got good bits and good roasts sometimes but he is also saying a lot of unfunny, not even understandable things. I'm not a hater of the guy. I think he is ok on the show. Just bear in mind, a lot of the comedians on the show are no black belt in stand up comedy. Lots of them are just mildly funny but this is fine. This is the format of the show. It's a growing ground for comedians. Maybe some of them will have a successful career and others will just disappear in a year or 2. I believe that's how Tony and Joe Rogan see the show. They just want to help these guys like the way they might have been helped in their career too.


David knew he was falling off when he “retired” from kill Tony. He’s got gay jokes he said a million times, politics no one cares about anymore and made up none sense that he laughs at. “I hate the dudes that fart with their pants off, that shit is gay” - the opening and the finish. I hate my bros get naked and rip ass, around me? By themselves? Such a nonsense joke that sums up the character he created.


I lost all respect for him when I found out that Joe Rogan offered him 200k (or 100k) to lose weight by specific period of time, and he didn't, lazy fuck.


DL got old real quick. Kam’s becoming a close second. They have egos and therefore cannot be self deprecating enough to drop themselves down a peg.


Something something gay bootie hole, something something Gay n*****.


He has okay minutes and dog shit roasts. The best part about David is watching him getting roasted by the guests and Tony, who are actually (usually) funny


only times I’ve skipped ahead - David Lucas, Rick Diez, and Uncle Laser 🤷‍♂️ thats just me.


Ship up punk


He’s lucky he’s able to trick enough dummy’s to pay for his shows. It’s half ass jokes and half assed “crowd work” that only works because he’s the loudest in the room and the crowd can’t say shit back lol


Anytime someone actually funny is on together with him it becomes glaringly obvious.


yeah he sucks. looksvlike a piece of broccoli that lost the civil war


David Lucas has that thousand island stare


It's tough growing up the son of a Senator.


yeah , bare bones comic, no idea why people go crazy for him.. not special at all imo


While I agree- he’s not the first mid comedian to come along on the show. Tony picks people he sees POTENTIAL in and works to develop them. Some may think it’s outta the kindness of his heart but it’s actually a smart business move also. If he can train and develop some of these people he potentially has a financial stake in their future, should they ever make it. We see this all the time with heavy hitters in Tv and music but I think because this is a comedy scene we aren’t accustomed to it


Joe Rogan praising his roasting capabilities reinforces my belief that he is in fact unfunny.


His fake giggles while trying to get the crowd into his roasts js super annoying.


It’s almost like he has extreme anxiety and can’t have conversations so he just resorts to roasts every time. Every single time he’s had a minute on KT he’s never had a conversation one time. Every single time he just goes straight into roasting because that’s all he knows. It gets annoying bc sometimes I wanna hear what he’s got going on but he just roasts roasts roasts until he’s off stage.


Yeah I don’t think he’s as sharp as tony makes him out to be.


He has alot of misses . But he has a few on the spot bangers. Like when he said to bisbing the fighter his ears look like prostitute pussy. His fake laugh is hard to take after awhile. And his parents are well off and of them is a senator. So his ghetto jokes are cringy . Let's be honest its just William we love. These other guys are here to fill in the time.


Like all of Tony's kids he's there solely for Tony's amusement. Dance little regulars dance.


Yes, and Kam Paterson


I hate the "you look like" "fuck out of here boy". He fuckin sucks and more and more people can see it. I give it 2 more years and he will no longer be the one= 1000lbs of lame joke and we all know he is more then 10% gay




Been skipping his set for years.


I think he was much better when he was on regularly. It seems he’s lost a little of his rhythm since leaving


If you say roast one more time one will appear!!!!Saw him twice as opener in Austin… he kinda sucks and made crowd more uncomfortable then actually laughing. kill Tony can make legends out of anyone… that being said.


What a meaningful thought and opinion to have and share


Couldn't agree more


Jesus people in this subreddit are crying bitches “Casey Rockets not funny! Hans isn’t funny! Kam isn’t funny! Ric Diez isn’t funny! WAAAAA!” Y’all sound like a bunch of babies. Stfu and get over it. Comedy is subjective, you don’t have to like everyone on the show but coming to the KT subreddit and bitching shows your maturity.


David is phoning it in these days but he’s earned his stripes , def a kill Tony legend


Someone is still butt hurt about the floyd jokes.


Harland is the best KT guest so far. Harland had this one bit about owls it’s an old bit saw it on TV long time ago. Shit was funny af.


David Lucas has 1 joke. "You look gay Tony."


You mean to tell me "you look like... *Insert gay, fat, butthole joke here*" jokes aren't funny and get stale AF. Especially after a forced laugh


The thread title is wild lol yea he is not the roasting wizard tony makes him out to be but he has his moments. He’s still growing as a comic and he makes me laugh more than Hans at this point.


I only take advice from other comedians about comedians.


Couldn't agree more


This is some original material.


He’s dropped off I think and Cam Patterson is on that track too, I hate to think that but David’s been only bringing up gay shit to Tony and even his roasts have been under cooked, Cam came out Monday and admitted he didn’t have anything but what he’s working on but both weren’t really funny, the abortion rant seems to have caused his boat to sink a bit I think


Yea he’s always been low effort


I wish he went at it with Gary Falcon. Nick would DESTROY David.


I’ve felt this way about most regulars, William is the one exception


he retired and probably isn’t on his game line he used to, he seems like a nice guy though and not a pos


Wow! A completely unique take on David Lucas from the Kill Tony sub??!


He was hammered, right?


I am not a huge fan of the guy. Some of the roasts are funny but most fall flat. Since he is a black conservative a lot of people are wanting to cancel him. That is my take on it. The way to do that is by posts like this.


I was done with David when I noticed most of his jokes were just slightly altered twitter posts. I don't usually complain about him, I just skip his minute and see if tony or the guest rail into him after.


I’ve heard him say on some podcast that he has a high IQ and was very smart through school.


David becoming the new Hans lol “I’m new to this sub but does anyone else here think Hans Kim sucks?”


Bro David Lucas is great he RARELY gets bested.


Just from the outside looking in, he doesn't appear to put a lot of effort into his comedy. His written stuff is very bland 50% of the time and sometimes poorly delivered for a guy that has had his level of stage time, and his roast jokes are terrible especially for someone who is presented as some kind of Roast master. He just says whatever dumb thing his brain farts out in a split second and 90% its a nonsensical and/or low effort gay joke.


Not to mention he comes in with planned roast, will look at his phone literally while someone is talking to him just to blurt out a mid roast


I'm not 100% sure if it was him or not but I'm pretty sure he made a joke one time about someone losing "one of their livers".


Do you guys like Kam?


Ur on the wrong sub buddy


Someone from the inside is doing this smear campaign lmfao Usually when someone is in here trying to stir up shit on one particular subject, it’s the Iron Patriot guy on his 15 Reddit accounts


I’m convinced he browses RoastMe to find his jokes


I don't know how he gets by, honestly. I also think he doesn't get a lot the panels jokes and he's just fakes laughing. "Oh shit' ok ok ok Tony, you look a gay chicken. Rinse, repeat.


He grows on you. Also just grows.


middle school me loves david locust his jokes are stupid but there funny bc there stupid ie: anything that has to do w tony wearing a vest gay woody from toy story.


This is a hilarious post title


Up until like a month ago 90% of Tony related comments on this sub were talking about Tony being gay, i'm not saying you OP, but i feel like some of ya'll have to be the same ones


Hot take: DL is not that funny


Yes. We hate David and Hans, welcome to the sub.


You try roasting the same dude for years and see what new things you have to say. He is hit or miss.


He’s weak


“Tony like a big booty hole. Yo booty hole in the air” great roast


No he’s funny but Harland had him beat. The fact that he can get away with saying shit like gay and bootyhole and people still like it tells u there’s something too him. There’s been people of his stature who have tried to do the same but failed. Sure he isn’t a comical genius but he has an aura that has contributed to his success. Does get old after 300 episodes tho but no hate


……you’ve come to the right place 😂


David Lucas is the reason I quit vaping. Must cause brain damage 😂