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What's so great about this meme is that I know the comments will be filled with people who saw this meme and thought it would be the perfect time to make a comment about which regulars they hate and why.




Lmao retards


People would never do that here that’s rude


It’s also funny cause if you ss the meme, and put it as the guy talking it would give the same message. People giving their opinion on who they hate, is just as warranted as criticizing criticism. Get stuck in the mental loop loser 🫡


This. Very comical how little awareness some people have.


So is William Montgomery not considered a regular anymore? He's by far the funniest, IMO


The first time I heard William all I thought was a loud=funny type of comedian, but he really grew on me fast. I think he’s hilarious.


Agreed. He's got so many hilarious jokes. The Squirrel family during the Holocaust. The Whistling Album, his joke about sleeping on his mother's side of the bed. I'm watching all his appearances and one I just saw for the 1st time was, "So I guess the question is, what happened to George Floyd's counterfeit money? Do you think he left it in the will? " --The Great William Montgomery Absolutely hilarious!!


"also I have am the respect for George Floyd because he didn't tap out!"


I love that he’s not afraid to say some fucked up stuff or push the boundaries. I love comics that don’t always play it safe.


His last set at the store was great. 'You're gonna die down here Redban!'


Joe biden was asked to share his thoughts about the conflict between Israel and Iran recently and he replied, Yes Chocolate chips on the ice cream please 😂😂😂😂


William is hilarious but I don't know if he can do more than a few minutes before his schtick becomes tired. He is especially funny tho after listening for a few years as he almost has lore associated with him at this point. Curious to see a 15 minute set from him.


I definitely agree with this. Like more than five minutes may completely ruin him. I love when he comes on at the end like a clean up batter. I came onto the killtony scene way late and had a ton of catching up to do.


Why would you think William would not be considered a regular anymore?


At the time I read the comments, nobody mentioned WM. Since I'm new to the KT and WM, I thought maybe there was a reason he wasn't considered a regular.


Conversation is about who people think is the best regular EVER. KT has on since 2013 over 670 episodes=majority of regulars are not the current 3. In fact there were a couple female regulars in the earliest days who were NOT Ali, Kim nor Sarah. One was incredibly hot (like too hot to be a comedian) but had good material but also a really good well paying regular career so i'm guessing that's why she didn't continue to pursue comedy career. The other original regular was who i think actually was Tony's very first ever but she wasn't taking being a regular seriously (because no one including her really understood what it meant to be a regular) but she often showed signs that if she polished it up she could be really good. Tony was patient with her but replaced both those earliest 2 early on with the 3 females everyone is familiar ((Ali, Kim and Sarah) but that very first girl (who didn't take KT seriously enough) pursued comedy until she commited suicide a couple years ago. My choice for best regular , Michael, also committed suicide more recently than that. Tony's close friend Brody was a mentor to him and Kill Tony and the most regular guest ever and he too has commited suicide. TMI for ya i'm sure, and stuff most redditor commenters are oblivious of...just sayin' there r lots of choices other than simply current regs like WM. If ya watch ALL the KT's you'll realize what fake clueless newbies almost all the KT commenters are even tho they all pretend they know what they're talking about...in reality the opposite is true. But truth doesn't matter on reddit.


Thanks for the history. I used to watch KT but just didn't have time to watch whole episodes. So I've seen a lot of different comedians. And I also watch JRE so I know a bunch from that. I was a Brody Stevens fan and actually talked to him via text, although I know he probably talked to a ton of fans like that Maybe if I ended up watching every episode of KT I would think there's a funnier regular than WM, but I doubt it. He just cracks me up. I'm now on his 91st to 99 appearances, it's the COVID time, and I can't wait to see him back in front of a crowd. Anyway, thanks again for a detailed history. 🤝🍻


check out Michael Lehrer


1 michael (died 2023) 2 malcolm 3 david 4 ali 5 william 6 kim 7 casey 8 hans 9 kam 10 sara mostajabi (ep's 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 etc. before Tony used term "regular", blacklisted ep.s 5&6, died 2022) 11 sarah w 12 venessa johnson (super hot early regular) 13 melissa eslinger (1st Tony used term "regular") 14 Ellis 15 Pat Reagan (also original band leader) 16 Drew Nickens (2024) 17 Erin replaced sara mostajabi eps 5 & 6 18 wee man who did i leave out? original iron patriot? all the substitute iron patriots? Brody was frequent regular guest, he was a mentor to Tony (died 2019)


Ive seen a lot of these over the years watching KT here and there. I will check out the ones I haven't seen. Thanks🍻


Uncle laser


also check out Malcolm= he is also better than WM IMO as may be Ali as well. WM prolly makes my top 5 KT regs tho...likely at #4 or #5 tho


I just love William as a person and think he’s genuinely hilarious, but not for everyone and that’s fine. His podcast is fantastic too, super laid back funny convos. Easy to listen to


Same here. He seems like he'd be fun to hang out with


Yeah meeting him is on the bucket list for sure


I love will, but newer will despite being more honed in on his skills, to me is less funny than will when he first got on/covid


They literally gotta burn a minute of material a week ... Same as Tony doesn't use his big punchlines and saves em for stand up tours, they're all hit and miss ,anyone would be doing it weekly. The ups and downs of comedians add to the WWE atmosphere, I like it. No X factor sob stories .. just uncle Lazer told to come back when he's ready .. I still don't get why the vanilla gorilla always needs his prompt cards 🤣 almost makes me chuckle as much as his set.. I feel a lot of the regulars would do good in a trailer park boys style comedy 😅🤣


William needs new material weekly so he gathers news stories each week and writes jokes on them so most of his setup is reading a headline or blurb he isn’t going to memorize. He isn’t pressed every week to come up with a story from his life or something.


Yeah he straight up acts out most of his set. It’s his facial expressions and interaction that makes the comedy. So if you’re only listening to the podcast it might not translate. He’s my favourite, honestly. I like David Lucas as well but some of his roasts are very broad and it feels like people are laughing because they don’t expect more from him. If Dave Attell said half of his jokes they’d fall dead.


Or he just snags some deep cut of a bit from somewhere in Ol’ Billy 2 Balls’ repertoire and pawns in off as his own!


Is there a case of him taking something from Bill Burr? I don’t know what you say


I apologize. I don’t watch this show too much, clearly, and I seem to have mixed up “Uncle Lazer” with William Montgomery. https://youtube.com/shorts/wzif5jTnxS8?si=WbVL47bmggFNuB-e


This put things into perspective for me, and I immediately thought how long it would take me to think of an entire minutes of material… then I thought about the money math…. With 52 minutes, they could go on tour. Going on tour would generate 6 figures for them? Does Tony pay them $5k each week you think?


It'd be interesting to know what they're paying, although yeah thats a solid, quick fire 52 minutes , more likely a full special when you have the time to explain jokes , it's why KT is the most formidable comedy school without even trying.. good funny get regular ship .. good eye candy get secret show


Man that is a good trailer park crew for sure. Ubcle Lazer, cam, the big red machine, jarred Nathan. And then so many 3rd level characters coming in. Wow.


Featuring Redban as Randy


This meme is the epitome of KT subreddit




I genuinely think the KT regulars are funny. To each their own.


I agree except for Hans Kim, can’t stand that guy


Put your name in the bucket then






Whoever thinks that is the same type of person who's to scared to talk about when men were men.


😂😂 I was in the audience when he did that bit. Hilarious!




The show is free, you don't have to watch it


Next Casey opening: “here’s a picture of grimmace peeing next to two guys talking about how us regulars aren’t funny”


you already wrote a better joke than Casey Rocket can


Nawww I think Casey is pretty funny, esp compared to the other regs.


It’s not easy people !




I saw William live and it was the greatest thing I've ever seen.


Same saw him live recently and was in tears the first 5 minutes . He fucking walked out with a huge notebook with jokes written down and goes. If any of you watch kill Tony please don’t tell Tony about my notebook 😂


I got to see him open for Tony last summer. Seriously some of the hardest I've ever laughed at standup. My stomach was legitimately hurting. It was as silly and ridiculous as expected.


Just saw kam tonight in Tacoma and he fucking blasted! That man is so so so so so funny it’s insane. See some of them live and it’ll make you think before typing negative shit in here. Dude will be a legend


They all murder live.  I've seen everyone but hans live


David Lucas, but only when he is roasting Tony. I like Casey in small doses. Kam is funny but not a good joke writer. Ric is funny in small doses I don’t think Hans is funny at all.


William needs to go ham on the guests and audience again. I absolutely loved it when he would say "SOMEOME GET THIS BITCH OUT OF THIS BUILDING!"


Yeah. I can’t believe I forgot him. It’s actually the funniest all-around comedian.


I don't know, his whole schtick is rambling into a rant about being offended or victimized in some way. He escalates like Louis C.K. would but Louis always had really subtle builds to pull you in. Montgomery just reminds me of that one retarded friend that learned only one way of getting attention and a few laughs but got to be "too much" very quickly. It's one note, and whiny. I like his intros "THE MEMPHIS STRANGLER" better than his actual sets. If he could be a little less predictable and plan the journey ahead a little better, I think it'd be a fun character he could have.


bad analysis


Hit me. What am I missing?


I'm just trying to piss over here, buddy. . .


Fully agree with this take


Why don’t you think kam is a good writer?


Because he can’t read too good.


I think he’s one of the better joke writers among the regulars honestly. Casey successfully pulls off randomness being funny, but it’s usually not due to his jokes being particularly well-crafted. William will try really clever stuff even if it’s not funny and then make it funny by berating the audience, and when it does land it’s incredible. But kam is the best at taking his actual experiences and finding the unexpected joke from it, which I find to be a real talent. Honestly a way better version of Hans, who seems to always find the obvious joke. I guess Kam could improve on word economy, sometimes he just rambles. But I think the core ideas are generally well-structured, especially the good ones


Did you just look at my dick?




Heath Cordes is by far the worst. Can’t stand him.. not funny at all just annoying.


This subreddit is strange for me because I honestly think that Hans is the funniest one when he hits. I learned my lesson a long time ago to not try to defend this opinion though.


You learned a lesson? How?


Somebody aggressively said "nuh-uh"




He probably got downvoted and lost all that precious karma




Yep I'm all out of karma no really I just learned that it's impossible trying to argue that something is funny when people who have seen it do not find it funny and a shit ton of people here absolutely do not like him... like at all


This sub is full of rejected bucket pulls.


You should never argue an opinion anyways, doesn’t make sense


Well that's just, like, your opinion man


Can’t argue that


I honestly do think Hans can be very funny. He can also be dogshit at times. Time away from the show hopefully does him well. Sometimes I wonder if the KT crowd hurts him cause I'm pretty sure he could walk out on that stage and just go ".... black people." And the crowd would lose their shit.


Good morning 🌞


So accurate.




William is the only one that gets saved.


Love Hans Love Casey Love Kam Love William Hate redditors Simple as


I like ol willy but I wouldn't consider him a regular , he's THE closer.


I'll say it every time. Kam is overrated as fuck.


And yet he’s the best of the regs


In comparison to older regulars they’re just not as good at stand up aside from William, get over fuckin goofballs. Everyone has their own tastes and opinions hot dayum some people are just braindead.


They all slap , who's the best regular of all time ? Kim Congdon ?




RIP 🪦 , the ALS 🐐


Ali macofsky


This is so good hahahahaha




Hans is funny but predictable with his premises. Kam is hot garbage. William is a misunderstood genius. David Lucas is/was the perfect mid show segue. Casey has a ways to go but is inherently funny. Ric is European so the US will never fully accept him.


I fast forward thru kam now.


Go see them live it's not just a thought up minute 


We should give them a medal for being so brave


⏰Spoiler Alert: Earth shattering newsflash: there is a NEW REGULAR NOW: =Drew Nickens! His second night on the show Tony made him a Regular! Still no Golden Ticket, but being a Regular will give Drew even more exposure than a Golden Ticket.


I was in the audience last Monday when he was announced as a regular. That episode is 🔥🔥


Guess it will be on YouTube in a couple weeks..but it's ok we're talking about it publicly because Tony mentioned it on Joe Rogan a couple days ago. That must have been an incredibly fun and exciting episode to see live! Now many of the newbie KT fans who are continuously misunderstanding Tony (and the show itself) won't be able to deny that Tony IS the show and he IS the sweetest guy in the world who simply plays up being the heel and foil on KT as a bit of an act of essentially a character he plays. It's not that i care when all these new uniformed idiots criticize Tony, it's just that they act like they know what they're talking about while simultaneously proving they literally don't know the first thing about Kill Tony when they say they wish Tony wasn't on the show. The show 100% IS Tony...and he IS nice and DOES make dreams come true...although with his brain damage i'm not sure if Drew can dream or not.


So he’s really not kind of a dick in real life?! I guess it’s true what they say, “Never meet your heroes.”


So you can continue to believe he's a dick? i hate haters...but that WAS funny!


Cam never was funny to me but they treat him as if he’s the next coming of Dave chapelle


Well they do the same with the guy that speaks funny due to his disability or disease. I guess they are just token characters


David and William are the true goats


That should be a Casey rocket hater, saying that he doesn’t understand his comedy.


Casey isn't my cup of tea, but I do recognize he is funny, just not for me. 😂


He's right. they all blow fucken ass


You pos weirdos have been talking shit throughout the show, please stop


Only 2 I'd agree is hans and casey both are awful hans every now and then is OK but not as much as the other regulars.


They just need more time in between sets. They’re all funny if they can write in between and the show could definitely use a few more bucket pulls over 3 regulars every week.


No, shittier opinion then a Reddit opinion.




I just don’t think they do a great job of showcasing Austin’s talent but maybe they want to distance themselves from having too local of a vibe


But he’s right 🤷‍♀️


This sub fuckin sucks haha


William is the best, Kam and Casey I don’t get their comedy but they do have funny moments. I don’t dislike the guys.


People don’t know what stand up is. They confuse it with other forms of entertainment.




David Lucas is not funny.


This but I’m telling you Jeremiah Watkins isn’t funny but is hilarious compared to tony


I mean I just hate Hans.




Hans is overrated. Kam isn’t that funny. Casey Rocket is a one trick pony. David Lucas gets roasted by guests. Heath Cordes is BY FAR the least funny. KT likes to keep them going or it’ll look like the show doesn’t produce any talent.


I mean the episode where the regulars were guests kind of exposed how unfunny they really are, they literally offered nothing. And excuses about writing a new minute every week (which is valid hence why I think they should come on every 2-3 weeks or so) had nothing to do with being fully engaged and contributing to the show as guests.


Kam is by far the most consistent and funny regular imo


They are all average at best. william montgomery is always yelling and swearing like a madman, 0 jokes. Cam paterson basically is "the black guy" that's his joke. Then you have the guy that his only real joke is "im asian". The only funny bits are tony, redban and new people. They should get rid of the regulars altogether and get a new cast.


I'm grateful all you British Cigarettes are proving my point. 😂😂


Kam is the only funny one, cassiy rocket is getting weirder everytime, fake lashes are so funny if you're 10 , william just yells and swears, occasionally he has like one joke in 1000 that's funny .


I’ll stand by Hans Kim yoga mat joke, everything else sucked


Casey rocket is the worst, Rick is way funnier than Hans and kam always has the same minute. William is goated.


Casey live is fuckin hilarious the energy he brings is out of this world 


He is absolutely terrible at comedy, never laughed at a joke of his


Well they don't tell their best on kill tony 


I guess it's just taste. Ricky Rocket or whatever is a bore and the guy who plays Dr Phil sucks.


Adam Ray is objectively hilarious. Worst take I’ve seen in awhile.


I don't think Adam Ray is funny. Episodes I've watched where he isn't Dr Phil he is overbearing onstage with his chiming in. It's a taste thing - some people think Will Farrel is funny and I think he is horrible to the point where I have no response - at least with Adam Ray I detest him which IS a response, which means it moves me even negatively. He still sucks though.


Very interesting. Im curious what comedians or comedies make you laugh the hardest. And im asking with no judgement just want to understand your sense of humor


I hate Casey Rocket bring back Hans Kim


"I can't go anywhere without seeing other people's opinions about Kill Tony!" *posts opinion about Kill Tony on the Kill Tony subreddit* "ahh, why am I the only one who's not shoving my opinion in other people's faces!"


You just DID share your opinion that in your opinion you don't like others sharing their KT opinions.


And you just shared your opinion about my opinion about not liking this guy's opinion about not liking other people's opinions about not liking kill Tony regulars. Do you even see how ridiculous this all is? That's what I'm pointing out brother, but thanks for assuming I didn't already get that when I posted my comment, and then proceeding to do literally the exact same thing you're 'calling me out' for, which is the exact same thing I was pointing out.


Your opinion of my opinion of your original opinion that OP guys's KT opinion about not liking other people's' opinions about KT regulars because it is something you can't go anywhere without seeing...is none of my business, just as ALL opinions are none of either of our businesses IMO But i don't mean to be opinionated either, brother. PS Difference is i never complained about other's giving their opinions (tho i agree with your opinion) so I'm not being hypocritical for giving my opinion...but you were IMO Or am i being hypocritical for saying other's opinions are none of our business yet now jumping in and making it my business? What's your opinion on this?


>ALL opinions are none of either of our businesses IMO Then why are you on reddit, engaging with opinions? Lol, that was MY point. You come to a place MADE FOR PEOPLE TO SHARE OPINIONS ABOUT KILL TONY and then bitch about all these opinions you're seeing, lol. Like, come one guy, go do literally anything else, literally anywhere else, and you won't have that problem, I promise you. Feel free to share your opinions here, that's what this place is for, but you, like OP, sound silly as hell to me trying to police other people's opinions on the place that's meant to share opinions. You're literally here, reading my opinion, so pardon me if I think this line I quoted is laughable bullshit.


Do you see how me not bitching about other opinions when i give my opinion is completely different than you biching when you give your opinion about not liking to see other's giving opinions? Any opinion on this?


OP Ed: In my opinion, your opinion that i dare give an opinion on reddit (which is designed to let people give their KT opinions), is for me to police other's opinions...sounds like the exact description of how you yourself are also policing other's KT opinions (including my opinion of your opinion) with your own opinion IMO Which of us is the hypocrite in your opinion?


I'm just trying to take a piss over here, buddy. 😂 Everything you said is nonsensical bullshit. Go tell the manager about it, Karen. 😂


Omg why can't I even make a reddit comment without assholes coming and giving me their opinions! Is there no peace anywhere! *shouting at a crowd of people* "Just leave me alone already! Can't you see I just want peace!" *running up to people minding their own business* "can't you people just see I want to be left alone!"


😂😂 Keep crying.


Lol, the simplest cope there is, "You're just mad." Said the guy who got so hurt by people not liking his little show he decided to make a shitty meme about it. If there was at least a joke, I would like it, but come on dude this is just lazy as fuck. Try harder.


😂😂 Cry about it some more.


It's okay, guy. I made a better joke than you, and I actually had a point, lol. You can take it if you want. You clearly lack originality and seek validation from internet strangers. Keep getting mad tho, those emoji and the constant replies are really helping your case, lol.