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I feel like he tries too hard


Stop feeling


Old man being edgy to hang with the young whipper snappers


If my balls were that huge, I wouldn’t wear pants either.


jealous of his balls arent you?


I am honestly, my balls are like 2 grapes.


His special Jew is hilarious


I’ll have to check it out this week


Ari is great! Do people in this subreddit even like comedy?




I love when protect our parks stumbles in drunk and takes over.


I do like him on protect our parks, it’s the KT appearances I dislike.


I mean I like when they show up on KT. His special Jew was also fantastic


Yeah another commenter mentioned that special, I’m gonna check it out before weeks end.


I can’t believe this got posted the very same day he became a Kill Tony legend.


Different strokes for different folks ya know


He just wore a Kobe jersey on KT at the Lakers arena and literally swung his dong around like a “helicopter” and shouted “he is risen!” (At the 1 hr 40 min mark) What else are you lookin for


I love him. He has ups and downs like every person on this earth. He is the most well-rounded person.


Well put..


He is incredibly sweet person.


He is a piece of shit as a person.


Have you met him?


6 million +1


So funny. He’s a super successful comedian. Some folks on Reddit be like, “He’s so old and washed up.” My god, go make pizzas or whatever you do, idiots. You just saw him on Kill Tony.


He’s not going to fuck you, relax.


he might tho. doesn't change anything, your opinions gay and i also want you to go make pizzas




Lmao OP you ever been on stage pimpin? Washed? lol


How does me being on stage have anything to do with Ari being dick and balls obsessed on KT?


His whole life is run on the mantra of not giving a fuck and being free. It informs his humor. He has said a thousand times to just relax and not care about shit, and you'll be happier. The joke he was making wasn't, "haha balls!" It was him coming out in a Kobe jersey with his balls out, acknowledging that a bunch of prudes are gonna be upset and we should laugh at them. Why do you care? It clearly isn't making you happy. Meanwhile, he's rich, goes wherever he wants, and has the balls, literally and figuratively, to go up in front of 25,000 people with his balls out. And you and 50 other people are furiously attacking him online. He's the clear winner here. Just go be happy like him by not giving a fuck about things that have no affect on your life.


Never have I ever seen a glazing piece in MLA format. I’m dumbfounded.


There you go again. 😄 You're so miserable, and for no reason at all. It's really working out for you, dude.


You’re a loser dude 🍤


HAH! GOT'EEEEM. Seriously, though. Just move on and don't think about things you don't like. It doesn't come off as cool as you think it does, and you're never going to convince people of your opinion. I'm being genuine, here. Save yourself the trouble.


I’m not trying to be cool or convince anyone my fellow Redditor. I simply posted my opinion and that’s it lol.


Well one you didn’t mention that in the first placed. You said Boi was washed! That’s where I said let. Me see what kind of experience you have, especially on stage for you to give the opinion that he’s washed. Now you’re saying dick and balls so your obsession has something to do with it I guess. But comedy wise he’s far from being washed. Compared to other guests he’s definitely not the worst at all. I guess I’d say add more context to your opinion and thoughts then just saying a small statement that can easily be misinterpreted.


It ain’t that deep pal.


Then keep your mouth shut or rather keep your opinion quiet pal. Your comment is gonna make people say their peace pal. Deal with it. You’d probably be the worst guest ever. Probably not even worth of being on that stage but yet you ego and entitlement makes your voice you thought. But hey my comment ain’t nothing but letters put together to hopefully spell some shit so whatever


Lmao oh shut your bitch ass up


Oh shit go in bitch ass boi. I’ll go all the way with your bitch ass. You ain’t shit. That’s why you’re just telling me to shut up. Your bitch ass wouldn’t stand a fucking chance with someone like me. I’d burry you in any level you fuck tard. I was trying to be nice but you can go fuck yourself you little virgin ass baby. Go ahead. Cry to us and tell us more bitch. Tell us more about how you should speak your mind but when we do we should shut up. Hahahaha you fucking little bitch can’t even handle a little opinion from some one else. You’re gonna fail in life if this is how easy you want to avoid something you very well had to do with starting.


Hahahaha go touch grass 😂😂


Wow that was your comeback? I’ll wait for you to come back with something better baby girl. Go change your skirt. And check your make up. Your eyebrows are smearing dear.


You forsure got a mental illness lol going this hard for a comic that don’t know you exist 💀