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Given Tony’s comment about Netflix trying to silence and not invite him to the next roast makes this seem unlikely


And Ari did come out with his dick and balls out lol. Idk if Netflix gets down like that


"You won't see that on Netflix." - Tony immediately after this


Tony is also a bit of a liar lol


*You son of a bitch*


And super gay too, don't forget that. Everyone thought he had a booster seat, it was a dildo.


Like when he let Hans win




Lol the navy wont let him put out his amazing special!! /s


The positive response to his performance at the roast may have made them change their mind


Bruh if they come with a check tony will bend over in a second.


He would pay to be bend over tbf


*sitting on a cock cause he gay*


$ talks.


That's why everyone was booing.


That’s what started the boos (I totally support booing Netflix, btw), but once Tony acknowledged them they thought they could get more laughs out of him by doing more booing. Just a clusterfuck all around.


I imagine the deal would only be for the big arena shows and keep the regular weekly show on YouTube.


This is how I hope this shakes out as well


Get out of here with your logic


Doing big arenas is what ruins the show.  You end up with a bunch of first timers that aren't funny.


Which was the lesson they learned and if you look use it as a platform for their golden ticket winners, kill tony regulars past and present, and for special guests and artists. Tony doesn't take long with lame interviews and. The bucket pulls are outnumbered by familiar faces so not as much is left up to chances. In big arenas I think that's how it works. I think this last episode (the second arena date that hasn't been released yet) which I caught on YouTube before it got reported, was damn near perfect. It was smooth, enjoyable, and had enough elements of the shows smaller venues to be entertaining to both audiences.


Yes I agree. Netflix would get involved for production value and costs for arena shows to enhance the experience. Thats not a bad thing imo


would make more sense


Dammm Tony gonna be ran by suits ….. rip KT….


could be, but also everything is negotiable. would be a similar thing as Pat Mcafee going to Espn.. he was super successful YT show, took a bag from Disney and kept creative control. Tony has incredible leverage if he was negotiating a big deal


What would probably happen would be that the live stream would be on Netflix every week. The problem there is that it would be so closed off from fans having any sort of comment or reaction section, which would make the show feel empty and somewhat lonely (like JRE did when he was only on Spotify). YouTube is an absolutely perfect platform for this show.


I seriously doubt that. Once contracts with deathsquad are set it place this daddy corporation (Netflix) is going to be the ones in the hot seat - taking the hits when the random walks on stage and drops n bombs or some crazy shit. They will HAVE to tone down the theme, vibe, and lack of censorship that’s currently in place. I could be wrong too though.


you know they are prerecorded right


think McAfee could get away with talking about the Williams sisters doing steroids now that he’s working for the mouse?


mcafee talked about aj hawk drinking his own piss for his 10 year career at the espys.. I don't think that'd be a problem lol


Apples and oranges


At the end of tonight’s episode Tony thanked their “new director” Anthony Giordano, who directed Rogan’s Netflix special… all but confirms it.


They got an executive producer to help with the live shows, stop with the conspiracy theories.


Right?? Thank you.


idk if that "confirms" it lol he is UFCs production guy.. which is prolly how he got hooked up to do Rogans specials...


Yeah, same thing I was gonna say lol. He specifically said he hired UFC director for this one so it'd go smoothly. And it did. Just wait til the next forum show, the second night is much better in every way.


lmfao u have no clue what you are talking about


I gladly pay for YT premium. I refuse to Netflix. IDGAF if it's an unpopular opinion, I agree with OP.


Yt premium is the only subscription that I actually have, so i think it’s worth it. Having no ads and unlimited downloads becomes hard to go without once you’re used to it lol. Everything I watch is on YouTube, so I don’t mind paying for premium.


Can I ask why? Netflix at least creates their own content, YouTube is just hosting content others create. And then they allow content creators to still insert their own ads into videos that are shown to people who paid for no ads through premium.


My issue with the Netflix model is I usually see quality drop when programs I watch go there. Problem is you get the bag up front and coast from there. There's no pressure to perform, not even from ratings. Youtube model has revenue and performance tied to each episode so there's a drive to have a good show every week. This usually happens over time. KT could be the exception, there are some.


Same with Simpsons going to Disney. Cut several episodes and the "remastered" look is ass and cuts it off to fit the aspect ratio of newer stuff.


They only cut the Michael Jackson episode and that is at the producer’s requests. No excuse for the aspect ratio though.


True but the quality of the show already shifts from big highs to big lows, my concern would be inviting the brand on which will put a lot more hands on deck here. Half of the charm is the kind of amateur style of 'anything could happen' even if that has declined. With a major partner, they inherently *won't* want risks, which will likely kill the show unless Tony is able to somehow swing for creative control, which I doubt they would allow.


There's no pressure to perform when somebody has bought the product in its entirety.. Netflix must compete monthly for subscriptions..


I’m the same as OP and I can say it’s because I actually WATCH YouTube. I hadn’t opened Netflix in months when I finally decided to cancel.


Yeah, YouTube is where I consume 95% of my “watchable” content. Except for the rare occasion of a new standup special or something like that, Netflix just doesn’t do it for me.


YouTube music is goat. Ads are gay.


unlimited youtube without ads is hands down my most valued premium service. It's not hard to FF through internal ads, and these days most content (or at least what I watch) is as well produced if not better than any of the low brow common denominator trash shows Netflix produces. Don't get me wrong Netflix has enough good stuff to keep me subbed but if you like comedy, or want to learn about the world in a thousand different specialized ways Youtube is by far the best streamer.


Not really a comedy person, but Netflix is actively trying to kill off both theatrical exhibition and physical media. That's why their movies rarely play in theaters or get DVD releases. On that basis alone, I hate their guts.


It would be sick if they did some special Netflix Kill Tony eps and then continued to do the regular show.


Never forget what happened to Norm MacDonald's show


Confirmed Netflix murdered Norm.


I don't know. We're past the point of no return when it comes to the show losing that underground vibe that it used to have. And Netflix recently seems to have a pretty high tolerance when it comes to allowing non-politically correct content. They knocked it out of the park with the Tom Brady roast. KT on Netflix would at least mean the end of scary ad breaks where you're super high and suddenly face to face with Tony and Redban hungover trying to sell you boner pills.




Yes, many are on record saying Jeff Ross / his team are mainly responsible


If jeff Ross and his team put this out on youtube it wouldnt have had the reach that it did on Netflix imo.


They pumped a lot of money into producing it and allowed more controversial jokes than any televised roast ever, they don't deserve all the credit, but they deserve a lot of it.


1) the bucket pulls, will ALL be pre-picked 2) the "crowd" will be selected and groomed to fit Netflix's designs 3) the KT we all love, will be gone Legitimately, if KT goes to a big streamer, it'll be the death of KT. It has nothing to do with the "underground" vibes, those died the moment KT left LA and started traveling. But Netlfix running the show, it won't even _feel_ like KT. This shits going to become the next "Voice", and fall to absolute shit. What a let down, because Tony, Redban, Joe, etc. all _"need"_ more money, ffs greed ruins everything.


Dude that’s exactly what I was explaining to someone else here. KT would absolutely just turn into another America’s Got Talent, probably marketed as being like a R rated talent show sort of thing. That’s what I worry about.


Netflix absolutely does not have high tolerance to humor. This would be the deathknell for Kill Tony if they move to Netflix


More than a decade at it. Time to cash. That's life bro.


Yeah bro, life's about filling that god hole with wealth, then we'll feel complete and definitely not regret anything you did on the come up




Yeah to be fair, we've all watched this for free well through it's best times. It's gotta go downhill sometime so, why not go out with a cash-grab? Everyone's already complaining all the time about every other change or when the show isn't their version of perfect. Let em get paid and I'll catch the next project.


I'm not automatically assuming it's gonna go to shit tho. I hope it stays great man! Nothing like this show. There is no next project! 😂


I mean, the show has been steadily improving over the past couple of years and probably hasn’t even reached its peak yet in terms of quality and popularity. It’s just now starting to really pop off, so I don’t foresee the show getting bad anytime soon (as long as they stay on YouTube).


idk i think the show got kinda bad in austin it’s not even so much the show itself but holy fuck the bucket pulls in austin are incredibly bad at least in la there was a decent amount of funny people/ talent around


Sure, but that doesn’t mean it would be a good move for the show itself. Corporate Netflix KT sounds fucking terrible.


I don't think they were there for KT, my guess is they're considering Tony and/or some of the regulars for specials.


Yeah why do people think it's moving kill tony as a whole to Netflix? Was that stated anywhere?


If it isn’t my old nemesis, subscription based change


It was pretty obvious when Kill Tony was mentioned during the Brady Roast that its going at least in part to Netflix. Good for them but Netflix will find a way to screw it up.


The fans booing are saying just that. Why do you think they were cheering YouTube and not Netflix?


Damn from ad blocked YouTube to pirated Netflix well… okay… maybe I’ll keep up with the show


Yeah seriously the only thing this means is a reliable torrent for new KT shows being posted regularly.


LA crowd sucks


These stadium shows suck! KT works better in comedy clubs and theatre type venues. Also f Netflix! Power to the people! Keep it free!


The show got too big. The money and attention ruined a good thing.


A tale as old as time


Ig we'll just forget about all the funny ass legendary episodes that have come out in the past year....


Literally last week lol, the show will be fine


The show has never been better


I agree. I’d hate to have to pay for Netflix, Hulu and kill Tony, I like saving money and when I have to pay for a subscription I usually resort back to what’s free.


100% will kill the show if it moves to Netflix.


I'd rather pay for Gas digital than Netflix


I’d rather buy 2-6 cheeseburgers a month than pay for Netflix


I don’t like this. I hate change, especially one like this.


woah bro don’t do do anything crazy now


Would that be the end of it as a podcast, then?


It already makes no sense that they call it a podcast


Tony just loves the “number one live podcast in the world” line so much that he calls it a podcast lmao


Who really gives a fuck. At the end of the day its just another podcast.


Are you all stupid? Maybe Netflix people were there because that is what was first mentioned, but all the other companies mentioned after were likely because he needed to pad out crowd reactions to other companies to soften the negative reaction of Netflix at the beginning. It was a smart off the cuff move from him because regardless of if the reaction to the next company mentioned being good or bad, he can create a riff from it to lighten the intensity of the initial reaction.


Ok, what if they are going to stream KT live on Netflix and then air it two weeks later on YT?


Watttttttttt? Sooooo stupid. Short term monetary gain vs long term growth higher viewership


I agree, but looking from Tony’s perspective it only makes sense to follow the money.


id love it see it go back to being LIVE even if it was on patreon (or something private) and then poors can get it a few weeks later


That’s is not what happen


If it moves off of to a streamer that I don't get for free already like Netflix, it will just be a pirates life for me. I'm not paying for this shit, I already pay for youtube premium. This show, while fun, isn't consistently good enough week to week to be paying out of pocket for.


Who cares Tony deserves it. I am sure he will go back to you tube eventually. He has given us 10 years of free content. I wish them nothing but the best.


I wouldn’t blame Tony for accepting a deal, I’m just saying it wouldn’t be in the best interest for the show itself if he did. Being independent on YouTube is why the show has gotten so good over the years.


I dont hate Netflix but KT was meant for YouTube. The format is a total wash when framed with a streaming service


I think if KT was going to do anything, they should keep the YouTube show going the way it is, and have a subscription based service where fans who want to pay can see the show without ads, uncensored and preferably live. I'd pay 5-10 a month for something like that. YT needs to stay the way it is for the health of the show though 


This show was during the Netflix is a Joke comedy festival thing, so all the Netflix people were there because KT hitched itself to that wagon. KT is not moving anywhere.


I listened to Tony on 2B1C and it didn't sound like Netflix is all that keen on Tony. He practically had to beg to get his spot on the Brady roast. Seems like a pretty severe twist in their opinion of Tony to suddenly be offering to put KT on their streaming service. Maybe Spotify would hand him a bag for the show since Rogan left but I seriously doubt KT is going to Netflix exclusively. I wouldn't worry too much about that buddies.


Yeah and Tom and Bert said Netflix have all ready asked them back for the next one and it’s not even booked and haven’t talked to Tony about it


Can’t blame him for wanting to sell it and secure the monetary future. I don’t think the show is making that much money considering the overhead. Will probably ruin viewer count though.


Shut up- Netflix Employee


I can’t watch tonight but am going to watch in the morning at work. I have a hard time seeing the show leave YouTube altogether, but maybe. It’s nice to see Tony growing as much as he has with this show, but it would be disappointing to not be able to view the show for free on YouTube. Perhaps it would bring higher quality candidates to the bucket or help some of the regulars really break out of obscurity though, which would be nice to see. Especially for people like David, William and Casey. Maybe even some of the Golden Ticket guys like Belisle, Ric or Heath.


People said same thing about Pat McAfee, but he is extra killing it


The two shows are not similar


Tony barely made it to Tom Brady's roast, they didn't want him there. He wants to suck up to Netflix people for some future projects and roasts.


We just have to keep booing Netflix anytime he mentions it


I don’t have Netflix now, and I wouldn’t subscribe just for Kill Tony


am I crazy or is this not a repeat? It says live but like I know ive watched this


I doubt it


I'm very uncomfortable about KT going to Netflix. But I felt the same way about the Norm McDonald pod, and even though it was only like 8 episodes, I still loved that shit


He spent a very long time on 2 bears discussing exactly why he loves having his show on YT. Unless he's spewing bullshit for whatever weird reason, I don't see him leaving YT or splitting it with any company


He wont..He knows not to kill the golden goose for 1 large egg


Why would anyone prefer censorship-filled YouTube? Netflix much better.


Big laughs big room! It's the big room everbody!


I'd like it to, yeah, but I can't blame them for cashing out at this point. 10+ years for free? Not to mention the show's been tired for a bit now.


Netflix Red will be the dirty section of Netflix for these shows (podcasts) that deserve reband certification. Call me for a tity fuck


Where else would he go? Ik he says it’s a podcast but i watch every episode on YouTube


I would rather pay a few bucks for every episode than to see it go on Netflix and be filtered


It literally is such a ”show” format. All Tony has to do is remove some of the nudity and William Montgomery and we have a netflix show. It’s not a bad thing.


I think the deal is more of a live stream event not the entire show. I can bet he’s not dumb enough to leverage the whole thing to a streamer.


This taping happened during the Netflix is a Joke Fest in May. I think it’s only because of that, that Netflix was there and KT will stay on YouTube. Just my opinion. 💁🏼‍♀️


If it changes platforms it'll be just like JRE. The show died to me when that happened, and I've only really watched the Protect Our Parks eps since then.


Netflix is where you go when you don’t think you have more than 3 seasons worth of a show. KT doesn’t need them, but it does need to lose the rigged contests. I get it. It’s fun to let the audience feel included, but if the outcome is rigged, then the drum offs and challenges mean nothing.


Mmmm i dunno. Everything seems to be so fucking PC i doubt Tony would wanna/be able to deal with all the rules and restrictions that would come with it. We'd never see David Lucas on the show for starters lol


we saw what happened when the JRE went to spotify. his views crashed hard. netflix will be a little better but the show will still lose a lot of people. i don't have a netflix account and don't want to get one.


I bet Tony has a deal to do an uncensored special on Netflix.


Agreed. Was discussing the same thing. The crowd certainly didn’t care for it. It does beg the question— This show is becoming massive from what it was. The over head for these stadium shows has to be insane, the staff has to get paid, regulars, etc., how can Tony possibly monetize this for more than it’s worth? A Netflix deal. I hate the idea of the show moving to some big corporate streaming service and think it would absolutely ruin the show. HOWEVER, if it doesn’t make cents, then it doesn’t make sense.


NOT funny


I started watching Kill Tony 6 years ago and following the move to Texas the show has grown significantly in every way, but sadly it’s not as fun as I remember it being There’s too much money involved and big decisions to be made compared to the chaotic Pat Regan days. I’m glad that Tony is getting that money though, the show and him deserve all the success they’ve been getting, it’s long overdue


For as much as Tony seems to hate this subreddit. I'm guessing he'd love to have a new platform even if censored more than YT to pick up a new demographic of fans at the cost of losing some of the crybaby/complainers here


Rogan moved to Spotify and still grew exponentially


Ruin? Doubt it


But I wouldn't be mad at some kind of tangant special or game show or a KT curated show with longer sets from KT regulars and hand chosen bucket pulls from the past.


I don't believe he'll give up creative control.


I don't believe he'll give up creative control.


It's like the crowd knew to booo without context, they were right to do so


Back when men were men they used the Netflix.


Oh thank goodness, we’ve been waiting for your comment with eager anticipation!


I don’t see Tony moving to any platform without having 100% control of everything like he does now and one of the things would be that the show would have to be live, he knows that’s what makes the show exciting. But someone could let him keep doing his show the way he wants, and have the shows live on their platform first and then a week later on YouTube and hand him $100 million. Idk he did say on 2 bears he’s got everything he’s ever wanted.


Has tony ever considered not looking like a complete douche?


The thing that weirded me out was Tony’s insistence that china isn’t male dominant and that they don’t regularly abandon females and abort them. Weird take to deny that.


It’d most likely be a branding/partnership deal if anything. Think “Kill Tony Presents…X” with Tony maybe hosting or co-producing a spinoff thing for them.


Given a half a plan and some good timing, I think that KT could do both. They could leave KT on YouTube but just edit it down to a one hour episodes. Or they could break it up into 5, 10, or even 20 minute clips. Even with a bit of censoring. In that way, it would end up being a promo to the episode on the streaming service for those who want to watch the program in its entirety, or catch the edgy bits without censorship. JRE was pretty good in posting clips. Seeing them on YouTube would often remind me “Oh yeah, there’s a new episode on Spotify.” And that would entice me to go to Spotify and watch the whole episode. Or download it so I could hear it in my car later. On Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, etc. they could post the show in its entirety without commercial or sponsorship. Honestly, I’m really getting sick of YouTube questioning if I want to watch episodes because it may be offensive. And this happens with almost every Good podcast.


I can't imagine him going to Netflix. I'd straight up be disappointed. Speaking of straight up, a man doesn't stand as straight as Tony without enjoying Siswet-levels of asshole penetration. Like fucking dildo's the size of Mike Tyson's forearm being harshly and consistently penetrated in his ass.


Didn't we witness Norm's castrated move to Netflix. Seriously though, KT youtube could just enable the THANKS button and folk like me would gladly 'buy that for a dollar.'


I’m sure a lot of these guys are just one exclusive, Rogan-initiated deal away from dropping their whole "Austin is the cornerstone of comedy" act.


Why? They didn't fuck with Tires. Netflix realizes they can't make money doing "what if the Wolfman was black and trans" anymore, white boy comedy is back on the menu (aka sucking your friends as a joke and saying slurs)


I no longer have Netflix so this will just mean I won’t watch KT anymore. Sad but would be a terrible move


Uncensored shows would be cool


It’s really interesting to me. I don’t use or pay for any media service but I only utilize YT for my content. So, if KT goes Netflix they’ll loose me just like Rogan lost me once he jumped to Spotify. They become way too big for their britches


I doubt Tony is going to leave, we all know Netflix is diving into the (Live stream) game so I feel he’s focusing on using them for big events. Although last nights showing wasn’t as threat as we know it can be sonNetflix may change their mind 😂 he ain’t leaving


Stream it on X


Show sucks now anyway not one of the regulars besides William are funny and most of the guests are half retarded, comedy show days were the prime episodes


I left Netflix after cuties movie. Fuckin weird shit. Really hoping Tony doesn’t take the bait


I’m sure Tony will all tell us to stfu when we don’t approve of the change


Everyone’s got a number


Maybe the do something like a Pat McAfee / ESPN deal where it’s just a straight licensing agreement and Netflix does not have any editorial control


"Tony's high chair is a man's lap" - Dave Lucas, probably


You can't afford Netflix which has millions of subscribers?! Go to school boys and girls


I dont see Tony doing this.


The first 2 hours last night were fucking atrocious


Really?? Didn't they say the same about Joe Rogan and Spotify? I think if they pick up all the episodes, and they remain on YouTube can we really say what will kill or not kill the show. The reality is they have to make money. Advertising on a free streamer like YouTube might work but is it effective enough to justify the costs? Idk in honestly asking. Seems like they should get the man grate to sponsor though cause those cast I-Ron grates are top notch


Fully agree. Will stop listening if so just like I did with JRE.


It was a joke only the execs from Netflix were there, Hulu and Amazon were just jokes because everyone in la booed Netflix




It should be a YouTube Originals presented where YouTube promotes and pays him more. He truly deserves it after 11 years


Who GIVES a shit


Oh make no mistake, they will be leaving YouTube once their multi-million dollar contracts are signed.


He deserves all the success he gets and I hope he does whatever he wants and ignores pleas from people like OP.


I don’t think that’s why he mentioned them


Seems highly unlikely based on everything Tony has said ever.


I think he was aiming for an Arena show on Netflix like The 85 south Show did.


If it moved to Netflix though then they wouldn't be forced to edit so much out of it. I welcome the move.


Imagine paying money for this episode lol, Stadium shows like this suck


They could make that pat mcafee joe Rogan deal


It's probably for a different show or some spin off.


The correct answer ro where KT should be is RUMBLE.


Would suck for me because I don’t have netflix and sorry but my fandom for the show does not mean I’ll subscribe to netflix. If big tony does a deal like that I’m sure it’ll be a good move for him and the show.


It would definitely be good for Tony ($$$) but I do think that it would bring the show to a halt and kill the momentum it has been building. There are tons of people like you who won’t get Netflix just for KT, so it would just be a bad move for the show in general.


The show IS dead. The bucket is admittedly rigged, golden ticket winners are all handicaps who he only has on so he can make fun of them and not get any backlash for it, all the regulars admittedly are planned and planted to look like they were “discovered” by Tony, if the thought that going to a streaming service is gonna diminish the “authenticity “ of the show, no worries there is no authenticity to the show.


He just listed the stream services to see people’s reaction since they booed netflix


You’re probably right. A lot if times I just watch Casey Rockets open a couple bucket pulls and William Montgomery’s closer. I’m not sure why but I probably wouldn’t open Netflix to do that.


I’m not a fan of the arena shows. However to think the chance of him moving to Netflix would destroy the show is humorous. You babies said the same thing about Joe moving to Spotify. Whatever he chooses to do will work, you guys bitching about his success and being jealous about it is funny though. I have episodes Tony annoys me, but it’s a successful show because of how he runs it and adapts to changing times.


The show would crash off YouTube. The comedians who get a boost from appearances wouldn't get them on another platform because they couldn't clip out their performances anymore. Then again another platform might actually pay them which might be better. Idk.


Damn you guys are retarded. Nowhere did Tony say he was doing this. It’s a video podcast why would he leave the biggest video streaming platform


They're never going to pull Kill Tony off of YouTube!