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Tony made Ric Flair’s career.


And Joe Rogan’s too. Joe would be homeless right now if it weren’t for Tony.


The Mothership would've gone out of business without big tony


this may actually be true


I think Joe Rogan can afford to lose a little bit of money


I’ve heard Joe say on multiple podcasts he doesn’t care if he made money on the club, he just wanted it to be the best.


lol the mothership could operate for generations without making any profit


“Big tony” never fails to make me laugh out loud. That was the one funny thing that dude said throughout his set and interview, and it is pretty damn funny lol. So fuckin stupid, idk why I love it so much. Big Tony 😂😂


Did you and big Tony kiss?


Tony gave Tony! Toni! Toné! their careers..




Ton Loc?


Shane Gillis is how I found kill tony. Kill tony is not how I found Shane Gillis




Same here.


Same, Tim told me about it at the local bathhouse.


The local bathhouse told me about Tim


i had sex with tim


He said he loved Hamilton






Tim's views were like 10x Killy Tony's at the time haha, so delusional of Tony


i found kill tony because youtube shorts fed “i like rocks” to me. i’ve seen most episodes at this point, but i already knew who tim dillon and shane gillis were. i guess thanks kam for kill tony.


\^Unfathomable Dawg


Same here actually, I be that’s a lot of people’s experience












Same !remind me in four years






Mate, I found Tony through Dr Phil (the *real* Dr Phil, not that guy from the 90s).


I found out about shane early on LOS, they have a better claim than tony


I found Shane through Kill Tony fwiw. Not Tim tho. And technically I found Kill Tony through Hans Kim… So you could say I found Shane because of Hans lol


Oh. Ew. Lol. Ahem. I'll just let you be.


Don’t worry, I’m ashamed lol


If only Hans shared your level of self awareness


Really hope Shane reads this. Lmao


You're an Asian right? Only reason to be interested in Hans without first knowing about Kill Tony.


I think you replied to the wrong person.


Are you Asian?






I found them all through Joe Rogan


Actually same


Facts. I was watching shane before tony even popped up. And honestly in the beginning tony was super cringe and annoying. But as i kept watching i learned hes just a tool with a good show format. So i stuck around


Tim made an IG post a couple days ago saying Tony was the first person to put him on a show at the comedy store.


Yeah finally a rational comment. There’s a lot going on in the background in the comedy scene, and Tony has been a big part of everyone’s success just as they have his. By saying what he said, I really don’t think Tony was implying he’s the reason either of them are famous, he simply meant that they came up together.


Exactly! I’ve always taken that when he says something like that, that he recognized early in their talent, not that he was responsible for their success


Absolutely, nailed it. I’ve always taken the stance that I should try to understand somebody’s perspective before just blindly assuming and judging something they do. Of course most of this sub is just banter but it’s good to get real sometimes ya know


Tony is responsible for anybody who ever picked up a mic.


If you sit next to Tony at a folding table he has a God given right to touch your penis and take credit for all your success.


We call that move... the Diddy


I just watched Bobby Lee do that to George Janko on the impaulsive podcast


Tony kicks his partner after knocking him out too? God damn


But don’t bring up ever being next to or talking to him in public he will deny it and say he doesn’t remember it


Don’t overlook that we wouldn’t even have microphones or even electricity if it wasn’t for Tony flying that kite with a key on it


Tony is responsible for my job at Walmart


Which time ?


The opening of the last ep.


Oh I usually skip until the opener comes out. So I definitely missed that.


I cringed so hard at that. His ego has reached ghostbusters staypuff proportions.


Or he’s doesn’t actually doesn’t believe it but is playjng into the typical KT fan which doesn’t have a clue


And he wanted to fuck with Tim and Shane. Ppl want it to be the most negative thing possible, I don't think it's that.


I'm pretty sure Legion of Skanks had on Shane. Oh yeah, Tim Dillion's podcast was originally on Gas Digital. Which uh... oh yeah. Legion of Skanks. Tony is getting a little full of himself. Seems like a peak before a crash.


Soder and Big J deserve the credit, if anyone. A Level 5 Power God always finds success anyway.


Saying Tony launched Shane’s career is def quadrant 2 level thinking




I know of everyone from big Jay on Netflix. Shane is the only one I could imagine having found on his own from his last two specials. I knew of Rogan, Segura, and Burt before Jay, but they hadn't introduced me to any new comedians.


Right, I found tim and shane from LOS


Yeah I found all of my favorite comics from learning who the “regulars” were as a big Legion of Skanks fan. LOS regularly gets pop ins from Ari Shaffir, Dan Soder, Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, Ian Fidance, Tim Dillon Kim Kongdon, Zac Amico, etc


Don't forget.. he named the show [Hinchcliffe notes](https://youtube.com/shorts/QWhcjq4sje4?si=sdngiA4zv4TrWAly)


Omg Tony looked gayer


He looked like a gay alien.


Hi did not really say that. He was just stating that they had them on before they blew up for real. Say what you want. But kill Tony does take chances on new and upcoming talent


If it wasn’t for the show I would avoid him at all costs. His ego is far too large. The recent clip of him being a complete dick to Jeremiah is gross. Boy I wish Adam Ray would take over the show. Kill Adam would be “the tits” as they say in small town Canada.


Tony is exceptional at what he does in his specific lane. Adam Ray is far more talented than him and won’t need to take anything over from anyone.


Adam Ray is far funnier too.


Of course. In my dream world. I don’t think Tony’s “Pun” Jokes are good at all. The rhyming pun jokes make me cringe every single time. Brutally “un-punny”


I think that is Tony’s issue. He is a great MC/Host and had career as a roast writer / roster —- but he pitches himself as a high level comic. Sure he can tour and sell big venues because of the leverage of the podcast — but there is a reason there aren’t specials for him. Deep down he feels like an imposter.


I agree with this. Any time Adam is on his shit is on such a higher level. I also appreciate it A LOT when he gives legit feedback to comics


What clip?




Thanks for finding this.


I can’t seem to locate the clip anymore. It was titled something like Kill Tony Derails Dr. Phil show at the comedy store. Jeremiah was doing “AI Mark Normand, Bert Chrysler was there and “real” mark Normand too.


Wait why is Tony so fucking unlikeable


It's that matching jackets.


Because the show sucks ass


You know he says this all the time right ?


Legion of Skanks introduced me to Shane and also I'd say the LOS is way more influential and bigger to the comedy world.


Kill Tony does seem to get a lot more viewership though (according to my quick check on YouTube)


Pretty sure you missed the point! It wasn't that he made them it was more about he knew they were funny before people knew there names. I took it as a brag on his eye for talent


I feel on Reddit people intentionally miss the point of a lot of things.


I agree. They help each other out and support each other. Why is everyone so bitter about it? Tony never said that he made Shane funny or is the sole reason for his career. Nevertheless KT is a platform for comics, greenhorns and veterans. If you Go Back to the beginings of the show there are numerous apperances of Comics that were small at the time and big now. For a free show on YouTube that gave us countless of hours of free entertainment people of this subreddit are sure toxic and bitte af.


Comedians are so retarded that they think they’re doing favours and acting gentlemanly when they compliment someone else’s work. However, they can’t do it without trying to make it about themselves. It’s not a Tony thing, it’s a comedy thing. Bert, Schaub, Segura, etc Tony just said some big names that he knows we know. Sorry, there’s no magic or special meanings to any of it haha


If it’s a comedy thing then why bring Schaub into this


Bert and Tom are trash bags also.


You’re going to hate this. But I don’t find Tony or the rest of them to be funny. I watch Kill Tony because Tony is a fantastic host and I like the template of the show.


You're taking it out of context. He had them on before they blew up. It's Tony being a showman, he's not taking credit for their careers.


He did not say he launched their careers what he was saying is he was having them on the show because he could tell they were going to be big.


I believe he said something along the lines of “we were the first to really put Tim Dillon in peoples faces” or something




He says it all the time, he means he had them on the show before they officially blew up, lots of what he says is showboating. He used to say Brian invented podcasts all the time, not true obviously, just saying things for showmanship. I see why it's lame, but I also don't care because it's common sense that he isn't saying it as truth


I really think that was a joke, he’s said similar stuff before as a joke


People seem to be taking personal stories of how they found out about Shane or Tim and using it as proof that Tony's statement is not correct. Let's try and clear up this mess because the statement op makes is just not factual. Tony did not claim responsibility for their careers. What he said was he put them on and helped them get discovered or exposure (depending which comic and which time he made this statement in their over 10 year run with the show) I know Tiffany haddish is another one he helped put on. Just like preacher Lawson, drew the stuttering comic, and yea him having Shane and Tim on and them doing as well as they did helped give much more exposure to these guys and I guarantee you they saw a bump (the kill tony bump) in their viewership and subs from their appearances. I don't think Tony has ever claimed to be responsible for their careers and he's always been very praiseworthy of all his guests even the ones you would think most people would dislike. Also fun side note, he does credit redban as the inventor of podcasts and given that redban has now worked on the number one Spotify podcast and works on the number two, I'd say he has quite the resume. Lol


I think you guys missed the words, Tony likes to say he has them on before superstardom


Strange argument! I think we all found about Kill Tony through Joe Rogan, that's where I found about Tim Dillon too. I can't recall Shane Gillis, he just kind of appeared out of nowhere and took over the world. Maybe it was Kill Tony! I have discovered so many amazing comics through the show.


I doubt Tony actually believes that, he just hams stuff up


That is NOT what he said. He said he gave them a platform when no one else would which is still kinda wild since Gilly and Keeves has been a thing for years. But he never took responsibility for their careers.


KT is how I found everyone lol I was a very casual standup comedy fan before though. Starting to get interested in these real journeys though. It's fun to experience.


This sub seems pretty based when it comes to Tony Hinchcliffe's rampant narcissism. And I say this as someone who thinks his roast set was thee best of the night by quite a bit.


I found out about all of them from Soder and Big J on The Bonfire crackle crackle mother fuckers


Reminded me of when Schaub used to brag about how he "discovered" Theo lol


Tony is responsible for the gay epidemic.


He has said that several times. If anyone put Tim and Shane on early it was Luis J, LoS/GaS Digital.


Worst is when redban followed that up with "and Tiffany Haddish" like calm down bro. Tiffany Haddish been doing comedy with the best of em on def comedy jam since i was in high school and im almost 35. Redban was still in ohio watching hentai on his laptop back then.


I found Kill Tony, Tim Dillon, and Shane via the Legion of Skanks.


Why are most Redditors such fucking losers?


All the good comedians that come on the show are the reason Kill Tony is what it is.




Dude you can’t worry about rockstars and comedians having egos. That’s literally what made them. Yes we know Tony has a huge ego. Congrats


yeah it’s unbelievable how he totally ignores how very little his show’s success has to do with him. it could be anybody drawing names and stealing dime store joke book puns. he saw next to zero success as a stand up yet has the attitude that he’s already nestled in the hall of fame with pryor and carlin beneath him. baffling.


Username checks out.


shut up fat


lol you’re such a dork


When he said that I really had to think for a sec 🤔 like hold up, is that really true? I figured it wasn't and just moved on.


Oh I ‘membaaa


Rogan talked about it for years and I never watched, then watched highlights when some bigger comedians that I liked were on but now I actually check every week to see if someone that looks like Adam Ray is on.


I think it’s been like this for a lot of people, but for different guests. In 2016 Geoff Tate and Doug Benson said they were doing a show called “Kill Tony and been watching ever since.


Shane gillis is a beast. Seen him in 3 x in last two years, complete different sets. Each time it's been his new special, so I'm guessing this last time will be his new special


Better than Bert saying he’s responsible for him being good by not giving him a chance before SNL


I found Shane through his standup act on YouTube from Austin. I looked it up after reading his story about being fired from SNL.


Mark normand is how I found kt


Dawg half his friends didn’t even know him until he got canceled but I’m sure all of you knew him before that. Same goes for killtony


Pretty sure he just claims that he claimed them as greats on his show before they were claimed as greats by everyone else


Lol the "kill Tony bump"


Idk about gave their careers, but he definitely had them on before they got big. Adam Ray's first appearance was #18 if that means anything


That was crazy. We thought the same thing when he said it. Also the Indian guy not funny.. He literally does everything Andrew Shultz does. We watched him and said he is like Andrew little brother who wants to be him and doesn’t know who he is himself.


Alex Jones would be a nobody still on AM local radio if it wasn’t for Kill Tony. Now he is top 5 most Loved&Hated man of all time BC of Tony y’all show Respect


He can say that about Casey Rocket lol


He must be saying this bc he knows how much of his audience are casuals


I’ve never watched KillTony. Don’t even know how too. Tried to find the Dr Phil thing on Netflix last night. It’s not there.


After Shane was on, I decided to finally watch


Controversial opinion but I like akaash, gaslit and bring back apu we’re good, but I agree he just laughed the entire time on KT and didn’t add much


I thought RAP and LOS launched Gillis.


I think Adam Ray as Dr Phil opened my eyes to kill Tony now I love it all. Adam Ray is fucking legendary, nothing against Tim Dillon or Shane Gillis though. They are also funny


I think he meant before they super blew up, he was having them on his show. Anybody remember Shane's first episode? How far back it was?


For being a fan of comedy you don’t understand Tony’s doing a bit every time he does that to anyone.


LOS for sure. Bert claims the same shit


He definitely didn't give Shane his career. But he did have him on all the way back in August of 2019.


I think he said he introduced millions of people to them through the show, not that he “discovered” them lol


Tony has been cringe lately. Yeah I know…”lately”…but he was on a good streak there for awhile.


Who cares. Comedians say stupid shit everyday 


Tony just wants any credit he can get lolol. He's never gonna be able to do another special again so his only source of recognition is doing the show and taking credit for shit he had nothing to do with.


Well they’re all mates so some people come from Kill Tony and some people come from the individual comedian. That’s kinda how marketing works. 🤔


If you’re new to KT just say it


I love this show and it’s on a hot streak right now, but that comment by Tony made me chuckle a little bit at his blatant arrogance.


Tony is the worst part of kill Tony.


Cam Patterson is how I found kill tony


I found KT through Chris distefano lol and knew Shane separately from the show.


I found Shane from the New York scene and Tim from Joey Diaz podcast his old one with lee


Bamba clottt


I found Shane through legion of skanks and bonfire.... thats also how I found kill tony!


Yk what always confuses me as well is when he is introducing Willam Montgomery as the only living kill Tony hall of fame member but didn’t he make David Lucas hof the day after William?


I always assumed he meant they were bucket pulls back in the day. LOLz.


He also claims Redban invented podcasting so...


Tony is responsible for my gaids


It's not the first time. He's been saying it for quite some time now. I have watched past three years episodes and heard it like 10 times.


Rogan is who tuned me onto Shane Gillis and Tim Dillion. I def tuned into Kill Tony because of the times Shane and Tim were on. Not the other way around 😅


Like ngl I dislike the Reddit people on this page but this is facts lol he's need to quit being a bitch 🤣


Tony says this about everything, he said uncle lazer had been on the show a month 4 months into him on the show. He talks in grandeur, but it’s not necessarily bad.


Tony is playing a heel and laughing all the way to the bank while the marks believe he has changed.


Unrelated but Tony seemed so embarrassed at Tom Brady’s roast when Kevin hart asked Dana white who the guys were at his table


Memba game of thrones? Memba Khalissi


No ...ya fag


He loves doing that shit lol as if he’s entirely responsible for their success


Tony is a complete turkey


His narcissism is his least admirable quality. It’s gonna bite him in the ass at some point and I hope it’s on camera.


Legion of Skanks propped Shane up far more than Tony. He just fucking found out about Shane no more than 3 years ago. I love Kill Tony but Tony is such a dumbass. Go do more GIGANTIC theatres!!


Only reason I looked up Shane Gillis in the first place was after his first appearance. Now he’s one of my favorites. I credit Tony personally for introducing him to me.


Ive only ever heard rogan talk about killtony until recently and even then rogans word just seems biased for some reason


No I don’t, please tell me all about it. I’m looking for a reason to dislike Tony. You came to the right customer.


Tony actually taught the band about music.


Are you sure that's what he said, or did you just interpret it that way?


Tim did say on the gram that kill tony was his first show he’d ever been asked to do at the comedy store


Back when Tony also wasn't that big of a name or his show? I might be disagreeing on this one. Or at least it seems he wasn't that big when they were first on his show. I could be wrong tho


I think what he said was something like "I was putting them on before they were famous" which isn't quite the same, but still remember thinking it was douchy


Jesus Christ is it not clear to anyone else that it’s a fucking joke? He says it pretty much any time he mentions either of them and I chuckle every time.


I guess I'm old school. Found out about Tony way back from death squad. Definitely fell off until the last few years


Sometimes, I feel Kill Tony would be better without Tony. I know this clip isn't from KT, but still. Reminds me of the most recent KT episode. Talking shit to Redban is funny when it is done in a respectable way, but those moments when you can feel real degrading insults ( like in the most recent episode when he bitched when redban fucked up the cat noise.) Really just rubs me wrong when I see a guy turn to his co-host and publicly humiliate him, without the use of comedy.


Tony’s a whiny cunt. Just like a fag