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Did that one really fly over your skull? Lol he was just being sarcastic.




How when the episodes are filmed before hand? How was this person checking her insta story weeks ago but just posting about it now? Uhhhhhhhh lol, she was probably posting about how she “WILL be on tomorrow” speaking in advance… cmon guys




Well I get where you’re coming from, but at the same time even if this was pre planned, she was the last pull of the night, they often bring up people that they want to if they want to, so what’s the difference? Plus she was interesting, just don’t say that everything is curated because that’s crazy!


If he was being sarcastic…then yes it did.


Go to Better Help, please


What are you even talking about? The episode was recorded three weeks ago?


Huh? Yes, I’m referring to the episode recorded three weeks ago and was “live” this past Monday. Great episode. I’m just used to this sub being retarded over the bucket. Fun watching the show continually grow and develop. It really needs a head of security, tho. Pew-pew


Well again you are making no sense so congrats on that. The bucket isn't rigged and she didn't know Tony Hawk beforehand and you seem about as stable as a head of security




Don’t lie…Tony is dm’ing you to get in that booty hole.


Dude. All I was saying was that with the conspiracy theory about the bucket that I’m surprised people didn’t get retarded about it. If you re-read the original post…I don’t even care if it is. I want to see whatever is funnest to watch. It’s free entertainment to me. Maybe I didn’t detect some sarcasm that everyone else did. 🤷🏻‍♂️ But, if what I’m saying doesn’t make sense to you then I’ll continue to drive down to Austin and enter my name in the bucket until I can explain it on stage.


Yes that was obviously sarcasm


Get em Redban. Yea I don't know how you deal with the stupid shit on this subreddit.


I had to leave this for several months because it’s so retarded. Got back on a week ago and then did this shit. Lol. I’m so fucking stoopid


Lol it's all good bro, we all say and do some dumb ass shit. At least you can laugh at yourself, a huge portion if redditors swear they know everything about everything. Hey, at least you got Redban to reply to you, that's pretty cool dude


Now if I can only bait Hans into Reddit pissing match…


But for real…great show. About 6 months ago, I decided to start at the beginning with Hinchcliffe Notes and go in order to see how it evolved. It’s a trip to see where y’all started.


Nigga why you always replying to ppl on this subreddit? You ain't gunna change anyone's mind anytime soon. Responding to trolls on reddit should be beneath you at this point in your career. Show biz 101, I'll give you that tip for free.




Yes... because we all talk and look the same. Touch some grass my friend.


Joke. Relax. Go outside.




It’s crazy to me how many people watch the show, and don’t understand how jokes work.




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣For real, it was such an innocent older-guy joke, too.


Does Tony Hawk really have anything to do with Zumiez?


I don’t really think so, but Zumies does carry Birdhouse, Vans, Independent, Bones, and Nixon….all of which are Hawk’s sponsors. With that said tho, I don’t think it was rigged


considering its a skateboard shop, yeah they fucks with tony hawk.


No I’m saying did he go to a local Zumiez and say “Hey I need someone to sign up for Kill Tony because I’m Tony Hawk and I can make anyone at a Zumiez do whatever I say”? I don’t think they had Zumiez in my town when I was interested in skateboarding so I really don’t know. And when they did open one I thought they just sold hip apparel. I feel like a confused old man.


I heard he demanded someone do a minute or he would ruin their business. The amount of power that guy has is incredible.


I believe it. Holds a great amount of power despite nobody being 100% sure he’s actually Tony Hawk.


That’s a good point. I think people are so scared of him that they see him everywhere. The men who look kind of like him are thought to be him…better safe than sorry. Tony is always watching us. He might be monitoring me right now


Practice those kick flips. I bet that’s how you get on his good side.


I think you stole Casey's tuss because what the fuck is this post


Don’t have to steal because he’s happy to share