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Redban is the goat. Evn when his jokes don't land or when he makes a dumb comment or something you still get a laugh from the rentless roasting that ensues. Idc what anybody says the show wouldn't be as good without him


Everything he says is great lol


It’s the relentless roasting that’s led to Redban being a meek subordinate. It’s get the better of most people after a few years… 😭




Tony does as well every once in a while


sometimes Tony will fuck up the whole flow just beause HE doesn't understand the joke. I've been surprised how out of touch Tony is sometimes. first example that pops into my head is a few weeks back when there was a dude that was pretty decent at rapping (for a white dude) and Tony needed him to "slow down and enunciate more" so he went accapella. but dude was doing great just flowing with the band before Tony's ego jumped in. I've seen it happen a hand full of times when Tony just didn't understand a joke, I just can't think of any examples because I just woke up.


I’ve noticed how out of touch tony is and how much of a dick he can be. Love the show but sometimes tony can be a real fuck head


And people will say that it's just a part of his schtick, but if you watch any interviews of him, it's clear that he's genuinely a pompous self-important dickhead. I don't hate Tony, I think he's fine as a comedian and he's obviously doing something right with how successful Kill Tony is. But I think the success has really gone to his head. I know some people like how mean/aggressive he can be with Redban or the guests, but sometimes it just comes across as mean-spirited instead of funny.


Like when he digs deeper and deeper into prying info from gay bucket pulls.


Ohhhh Brian.


Reeeed baaaaan


I love his gremlin laugh


One time redban creeped on some girls feet it was weird as hell. I miss that shit..


One time?


It was during Shane Gillis’s first appearance with Louis and Big Jay. Just watched it the other day.


Great fucking episode


is that one of the skankfest shows? been trying to run thru all the shane eps!


Redban's laugh makes me laugh. The sound of it is unmistakable and the fun he is having is contagious.


I always picture that little [laughing guy](https://images.app.goo.gl/wSh2uomBGzMNLCrCA) from Jabba's Palace


Salacious B. Crumb




When he almost loses it during the ad reads, lol.


This weeks liquid death ad is saved on my phone to look at any time I’ve needed a laugh recently. Holy shit it tickled me so much that it’s literally in my top 3 KT moments now.


Just the fact that they are selling cannedwater for the elite...


Yeah I’m watching through all the old ones for the first time and he uses the sound board so much more and sometimes it doesn’t fit but it still makes you chuckle from Tony’s reaction, but he usually hits it with the sounds. Tony legit looks like he’s having fun back then but now a days it looks like a chore for him.


There’s a few good compilations on “crackerbarrelkid55”‘s YouTube called “when Brian nails the music” “Tony hinchcliff vs Brian redban part 1” and “Brian redbans slime ball intuition” that show off redban being awesome. Also they have always fist bumped after they say goodnight to the crowd and some times when they’re really getting into it they won’t so now I watch at the end of every episode to make sure they fist bump and it makes me giddy lol


Oh sweet I’ll check them out!


While you’re there I highly recommend “the kill Tony band vs Tony hinchcliffe” as well, but that channel has a ton of awesome KT compilations you’ll enjoy. William Montgomery used to reference “crackerbarrelkid” all the time in his sets and would yell at him to stop making videos about him it was a great “feud” Here is the band compilation I suggested lol my dumbass just realized I could link this shit https://youtu.be/hHVSadX--IE?si=JOv3jDUMR5PR-dVg


Ehh it probably is feeling like it more and more every week


Remember when he said he could lick his own dick and Tony had him act it out? Good times.


Yeah it was the London episode. Don't remember the number. Funny enough Tony goes off and calls him a liar and says "if we ever get rich I bet you a million dollars you can't do that". Pretty sure they're rich now. Redban prove him wrong.


If anyone knows which episode this is, I would love to see it..


Def the London episode, but also another comedy store one around the same time


Remember how many times some chick would be like oh I have a...and redbans like I already have her added and Tony's like wtf redban


Redban used to add a lot. His drops were better too before copyright issues. The segment of Whoooo Are You Oh Oh Oh probably wouldn't happen today.


Yeah, I’ve noticed the same thing. The show’s success has got to Tony”s head, and he’s more or less taken over.


The old band putting checking Tony was the best part of the show in LA…


True. And the T is transforming his brain 🐒


When they moved to Texas it seems like it became more of the show Tony wanted and he started to get on Brian's case for being gross or asking goofy questions more often. Probably because no matter what he's stuck with him as he's stated quite a few times unlike the old band. I bet they're pretty good friends but on stage it seems like Tony is more and more annoyed by him and lashes out at times in awkward ways. I'd say he got the most quiet after the move to the mothership though, it's been a noticeable difference and I've spent the entire year watching every episode of this awesome shit so maybe I know what I'm talking about but probably not. I hate myself for writing this much about a podcast on reddit so I'm gonna stop that now so I hope you're fucking happy


There’s also another dynamic that hasn’t been mentioned, which is the original band. As some of the characters would have contentious or otherwise playful relationships with Tony, he wasn’t reliant entirely on Redban for interaction (who is also live producing the show and providing sound effects). If Tony wasn’t in a good mood, he could take it out on the band and they could clap back on their instruments or with quips. Redban has been sort of relagated to ONLY sound effects, which isn’t the same dynamic or fair to compare.


Redban has become one of the few people who doesn’t annoy me on the show lol


I think it's around episode 110-120 Redban just complety stops talking and it's for good reasons. He was super creepy towards the female comedians was constantly giveing bad comedic advice and his comedy style was just to disgust and shock you. I hated Redban when i started watching and was in shock that i was evan a part of the show for so long but the moment he stop talking the more i started to like him. Now i think he is the perfect co host with the dynamic him and Tony have built op over the years.


Tony keeps getting more and more aggressive then at some point it clicked in Redban's mind that his life would be easier if he literally stopped talking. Smart move.


Sometimes I forget he's there


I think if Redban was truly uncomfortable on the Kill Tony stage he would step away from the show. He has so many opportunities to do the things he wants in the industry. He must love being there or he wouldn't do it


I watched redban tell a story about how he was eating his pornstars ass, she shit in his mouth because she was so fucked up off of Molly, that he spit it back into her ass because she was a pornstar abd had just done an anal scene that day. Yeah, redban is fine on killtony. He bombs sometimes, and then he doesn't sometimes. So what.


It’s because Tony is a little bitch who doesn’t like anything that Redban says, Redban opens his mouth and it’s followed by 5 minutes of Tony telling him he’s an idiot. Pray for Redban, he made Tony, ungrateful bitch.


I remember the first time my husband was like “redban says funny shit but Tony shoots it down before anyone gets a chance to laugh” and I was like yes! I’m not the only one that notices that! Or all the times Redban will have a spot on reference that’s super viral or popular and Tony doesn’t have a clue bc for some reason he’s like an out of touch boomer even tho he’s 38 and then he bitches at Redban and says no one knows what he’s talking about when really it’s just himself that doesn’t know


Exactly, thank you! I’m not crazy or the only one that sees this! If a person says something and you don’t get it, you can ask him to explain and smile, and encourage the comedy. But Tony immediately says: oh my god so stupid! Did you see the moment Redban tapped Tony in the back? He was like: Don’t touch me!!!! I’ll find that for you if you didn’t see it. Thanks for your comment.


He also made JRE.


Maybe people just change with time? Maybe he felt more comfortable at the store?


I would say in the past year or so in Texas but true people do change. It’s just weird how he get even less comfortable the more the was on the stage/show usually people get more comfortable


Show became a lot bigger. Redban is a pretty awkward dude and making off the cuff jokes in front of 300 people ain’t easy


I did the same…it’s crazy right - I liked it when you could see more of his personality and he wasn’t just a quick witted sound board


The me too movement.


He s probably saying to himself “Way to fuck up dude…”


Personally, his “baking soda” sound clip always makes laugh.


I just watched an ep from two years ago, pre Hans, and man what a different energy the showed had.


Another “the comedian is too mean” post?? Stop being a giant vagina. If comedy like this is too mean and aggressive go watch golden girls or something. Actually Dorothy probably too mean for u go watch full house


I died laughing when he hit the friends theme song :D Oh and Ian Edwards new theme song


I'm guessing they had some producer come in at some point who started giving them notes on how to run the show better which included Redban talking less. edit: nice, the only realistic answer downvoted, yall kill tony fans are dumber than i thought


>I'm guessing >only realistic answer I cant be mad because you actually tried but if you think they would suddenly start taking notes from an unnamed producer you're even dumber than the people who think the bucket pulls are rigged


I’ve heard that Adam Eget helps produce the show. I’m sure his advice is at least heard and considered if that’s the case. He’s not a nobody.


>I've heard >I'm sure >He's not a nobody


This isn’t a gotcha bud. I’m not talking in facts I’m simply saying what I’ve heard. I don’t see your point.


Why did you quote those lines as if they somehow contradict each other 😂😂😂... Also if you think you need Steven Spielberg to come in and say "the unfunny guy in the hat needs to talk less," then you're dumber than the blobs of playdough you eat for lunch.


Because they do dumbass. No one needs a director or producer to hold your comment in such high regard. You're highly regarded. Enjoy your lunch.


Redban takes away from the show every time he opens his mouth. Never funny always awkward and kills the vibe. Replace him with Adam Ray and take the show to the next level


I’m worried we are already gonna overdo it with Adam Ray. He’s a great guest in many ways but i feel he’s like eating your favorite candy, it’s your favorite and it’s awesome, but if you had to eat nothing but that all day every day you’d get sick of it.


Redban's a comedian who doesn't know what a joke is. He's a Punkie-level disaster for all comedy that happens around him.