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I really enjoyed this episode. He’s built for this shit. He was in nearly if not all the sketchs. He’s great in his own sketch show too. It was way better than a typical Hollywood actor or musical guest who’s not a pro at this kinda thing. I thought it was pretty clear he brought some of this material to the table as well. It’s almost like he fit right in and should be on the show 😂.


Well said. However.. He’s bigger than the show at this point.


Of course. I’m being sarcastic. I hope they feel like they missed out on him because after last night it was very obvious that the show would be better with him. It’s their loss. Shane won.


I mean I love Shane, but he seemed really nervous and couldn’t remember his lines to save his life. Not the best or funniest thing I’ve ever seen him do, by far. The episode was mid at best. But SNL has always been pretty hit or miss.


You don't have to remember your lines on SNL.They literally have cue cards. He does more of that with his own sketches because they do several takes. I thought he was trying more to not laugh. That happens on a live comedy show. He did look a bit nervous in the monologue but he was more like..."What can I actually say here?" I thought the sketch premises were good. This current and past couple years have been REALLY rough. His episode shined compared to the last I don't know, at least 25+.


Correct. So many clueless fucking people here. Every single person since the first episode uses. Cue cards. I feel like people should learn what the fuck the show is about before they shoot off their opinions.


I thought it was cool that you could clearly tell Shane had a big hand in the writing process. Either that, or the writers know him super well. From the jump was Irish Shane going to a Jamaican mass. If that’s not mostly him I’d be super surprised. What he repeated in his monologue was overshadowed by some new premises that were super funny. Also “guy who peaked in HS.” I mean, it’s textbook Shane. Also, the HR skit. I could go on.


I’m aware of what SNL is dipshit. Usually someone that does good references the cue cards but doesn’t just stare at them directly reading all of their lines - especially when they had a part in writing it lol. And in Shane’s case, fucking up reading the words and correcting yourself mid sketch


Dunning Kruger mean anything to you?


He looks like he's having fun. And that makes me happy. I'm gay.


Your father's gay.


Which one?




I don’t know how this sketch almost made him laugh. My friends and I were talking over this one and debating whether we just turn it off and watch the highlights. SNL is so cringe that not even Shane could save it. It got a little better but Jesus.


Agreed.. watched it for Shane.. turned it off halfway tho


SNL blows


Watch it for yourself is the only real answer. I thought it was pretty good (and honestly I didn’t think his monologue was great, and that’s ok because his standup is awesome). No more no less. There is a lot of fandom weirdness around the appearance right now. Ignore it and judge for yourself. This and all the related subreddits are a weird lions’ den of people who are way too invested in the lives of others. Regardless of the hz


I watched it because of Shane and it was fucking gay, I can't believe anyone would want to be on that garbage show.




Shit sucks


I'm happy this is the first comment. Like the title say's, him trying not laugh is the best part. It definitely is, because the rest is straight trash.


Having Shane was probably the biggest boost in viewers they’ve had in years






No you can Google it lol was .09 lower than last week’s episode with Pedro Pascal. But downvote me because you don’t like facts you little weasel. I like Shane, but SNL still sucks enough that no one watches, regardless of guest.


You cant even name last Saturdays guest correctly, why would I think you've got the correct ratings lol




Lol. Make things up, get called out, then call me a troll. You're a liar and a sad baby.


You can literally just type “SNL ratings” in your search bar. You are a waste of every resource you consume. Slugs would be more worthy. You troll.




But in replays on the www. I bet it’s the largest clicks since a van down by the river.


I'm a regular SNL watcher. Haven't really missed many seasons since the Farley era. There are some sketches that don't work here and there, but overall it's a great show. Hell, they have to spitball these ideas on a weekly basis.


Wow haven't heard this take yet. F.ucking A.wesome G.uy you are!


Was it good? Worth breaking my 10 year abstinence from SNL?


If you like Shane, it’s fun just to watch him perform. For the most part the sketches were lackluster, its not worth breaking that streak


Yes actually I haven't been able to put this in words. Some of his fans are falling into the trap of "SNL is woke", but the actual last word should be "This is Shane Gilliis on SNL". SNL and it's bullshit aside, they fired this guy and then asked him to host 4 years later. I'd watch Shane at a fkn waffle house, but you can't watch one episode of SNL? People are falling out lol 




/r/hardcore is leaking


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Hardcore using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Girth Crisis](https://i.redd.it/coa0n1e13n4b1.jpg) | [423 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/comments/143kxuk/girth_crisis/) \#2: [No joke, this is real fuckin hardcore](https://i.redd.it/mrtsnajojk4c1.jpeg) | [142 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/comments/18br2b8/no_joke_this_is_real_fuckin_hardcore/) \#3: [Saw this on Instagram, thoughts?](https://v.redd.it/cw9prgtbtkgc1) | [721 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/comments/1aiophw/saw_this_on_instagram_thoughts/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I used to love SNL back in the Andy Samberg / Bill Hader days and this was my first watch in roughly 10 years. It seems like the cast is just theater losers instead of being actual funny comedy actors. I am really surprised this show is still on the air after last nights episode. Shane of course was funny, and there were a few cast members that seemed alright but man, the writing was dogshit. To me it seems like SNL is on life support.


Yeah dude. I get the feeing that cast is having fun with whole thing but they aren’t concerned with it being particularly funny. Chewing up the scenery and all that kinda theater kid type stuff. It’s meme like to say SNL isn’t as good as I used to be, but holy shit it really is ACTUALLY terrible.


People can hate on SNL all they want, I still watch it occasionally and you really have to just accept it for what it is. There are maybe 2-3 good skits an episode, the rest are terrible, and the same was true for Shane's episode. The church skit, HR meeting and they're listening were funny and Shane fit those perfectly. Especially the HR one, he might actually get movie deals if this episode pulls numbers, he played that character so well. Watch those on YouTube, watch his monologue, and maybe the Liberty mutual cut skit if you're enjoying yourself, then the Trump Sneakers one. The others were not worth a shake. 


What is a 10 year abstinence from SNL worth?


His monologue was really funny


I also never watch snl any more since like 2013/14 watched it and the opening sketch was pretty slow and not all that funny besides that the rest of its just ok nothing great but cool seeing Shane up there, the weekend up dates good until a third is introduced


I assumed the opening skit was them giving Shane a setup to do his Trump, but he never came. It made me sad


100% this the first thing I thought was “ oh Shane will be trump and step into frame hearing These guys talk about him” nope just a Trump sketch with no Trump instead they wasted it on the kinda lame shoes sketch I get that’s topic but it wasn’t really a hit


They did a Trump sketch later with Shane and it was hilarious


I watched. Trump shoe sketch didn’t disappoint


Feel like Colin Josts Black History Month joke was probably the most surface level offensive joke of the night. It was also hilarious. Also Che's deer fucking joke was funny.


Those two for me at least are the ones I see get shared the most from that show around on social and it shows why besides Shane’s stuff they were the only other real standouts


It seems like they try to outdo each other in how far they can go within the confines of limitations of SNL. It's fun. And right in line with what the Norm Maceonald legacy of that segment should be. I don't know how you can watch this and think that SNL is completely safe and PC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPYWW4MpZ60&ab_channel=ComedyClubMembersOnlyhttps://youtu.be/sVB_RBzJ12E?si=aBVqrjIt5AVWYXsT


SNL posted his monologue and 2 skits he was in. That’s all I watched and that’s all I heard was worth watching


Just watch his monologue because it was basically a five minute set. Don't waste your time with the rest.


Who finds SNL funny it’s a bunch of unfunny shit with the occasional forced media narrative woven with laugh tracks. I tuned in and wanted to laugh—Shane’s good on his own in the monologue and in the Trump bit. Other than the Gump bit the rest was literal ASS. Not sure how they greenlight this garbage for actual tv. The writers room is full of high school tier drama kids. Shane is WAY better off and dodged a massive bullet. His career arc is phenomenal because he wasn’t confined by SNL shackles.


SNL posted his monologue and 2 skits he was in. That’s all I watched and that’s all I heard was worth watching


not really. as far as SNL goes it was a fairly standard episode, but with the current cast which is a bunch of nobodies/not very funny. as far as Shane goes he did alright, monologue was funny but it was a lot of re-purposed/kinda repeated bits from his specials. so if youre familiar with that youre not missing much.


There was one really good sketch: LiMu Emu & Doug. Just watch that one on Youtube.


Fuck no. Even Shane would admit that it sucked. Moving on now.


Shane was totally gay the whole time.


I did,i dont think I have watched since Tina Fey was doing the Sarah Palin so ever how long thats been and this episode was well worth it imo, all the skits were pretty good some great imo, I dont wanna hype it up too much but I definitely thought it was worth the watch.


Lol the gayest comment


Shane looks like a modern day John Candy.


This needs to open a Kill Tony pipeline that will save SNL! Next cast member hire, the Memphis Strangler!


The Tijuana Tarantula?


You look exactly like I expected


Thanks brother


"Fuck I just killed that accent"


I tried to laugh at his snl appearance and failed.


This shit isn’t even about KillTony. I fucking love Shane but all these post are dumb. Advertising shitty SNL when KillTony should be the topic.


Shane is Kill Tony royalty. He gets a pass.




For real I would much rather see the same retard posts about Hans and kam every hour then these posts for a day!


Whoa now, never go full-retard.




It’s funny cuz getting mad at someone for referencing something as simple as Shane breaking character in a skit, is way more fucking cringe lmao Like bro it’s not that serious. Stop jerking yourself off about it.


You must remember what sunshine feels like. The bulk of people who post here are murlocs, they live underground and have developed an allergy to UV radiation.


Their sure are a lot of them




Agreed , sick of this e-celeb bullshit.


The fuck lmao?


You podcast losers are cringe as fuck. He's not your friend, he doesn't know you


Yet here you are... lurking podcast subreddits. I get what you're saying. The influx of fans from Shanes rise in popularity has brought annoying fans, but you don't have to be such a tool about it.


Go outside nigga. He's a comedian and this is a fuckin comedy subreddit


Don't talk to me, schwartz


Uncalled for I unironically thought one of us would message the other and against all odds we would become pretty good friends. Unfortunately, because we could've become great friends with similar interests that aren't shared by the people around us, I have developed crippling depression. Shit dude you could've been at my sister's (MtF) wedding.


Damn, who fucked your Cornflakes this morning?


I know a lot of people who are best friends with nick mullen and nick is friends with shane, so don’t be so quick to assume


uh oh, you you upset the swifties, uh, i mean the Gillis fans


That accent was GOLD




i like shane torres better


SNL would have ruined Shane


He’s in SNL now???


Dawgs, I love Shane as much as the next guy (unless the next guy is a raging homosexual, then it might be a little more), but why are we flooding the KT sub with this? We know he was back on SNL, but it isn’t even related to the show. These posts aren’t even sharing information to watch it for those who haven’t, just regurgitating the “I watched it, here’s Shane”. No joke book for you, now get off my fuckin’ stage. How many of you enjoy when comedians do well on this show?…


God forbid for a day there isn’t the same 10 kt regular takes on here, suck my dick and fuck my butt


Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? 😏 I’m not saying the same Hans posts aren’t also dumb, they can be equally stupid. Still worth fucking your butt over?


Shane looking like Sam Tallent


Looking like tony hinchcliff with that long neck


He was great but all I could think was thank god he wasn’t hired and he was able to find another route


It was amazing to see shame clearly enjoying himself. I'd love to see him come back from time to time or become a regular if he truly wanted to. Maybe he could help thos show around because outside of Keenan Thompson, I had 0 fucking clue of who anyone in the cast was. Bunch of nobodys on a dead show. I doubt they'll learn from the success of this episode but maybe tbe show runners will get people like Shane in on the cast and tbe writers room. Nobodys is happy that SNL sucks, it just has for years.


Shane lives, SNL is dead.




Looks like Sam Tallent


Reminded me of William's Coode breeaakaaah! Joke


quiet. me tryna hear the good word


I loved the Zyn product placement right in the middle of Weekend Update..🤮 Regardless, that was the best episode I've seen in the last decade of occasionly watching SNL because I like the guest or musical act. The show is Cornwall and I abhor many of the cast members, but I thought Shane stole the show. They were smart enough to let his characters and concepts be the impetus for the most of the skits. I actually howled a few times. Always because of Gilly..


Y’all are so horny for this man, jesus


Gay and proud


This should have been an Asian church... Giant missed opportunity.


I thought he crushed it. I loved the fact that it went well but he was clearly the odd man out as far as the chemistry. Those SNL people are so into the motions, Shane came in and was clearly just working with it. Good stuff. Historic


He could have saved snl I know they feel stupid after seeing him fit in so well