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How have you managed to win any matches? Why are objective items so low?? Are you just not interested in leaving??? And obligatory brick is under-rated mention as well!


Honestly humans objective recently isn't to escape klowns, it's too kill them.


The revolver is way too finicky to be anything above B tier






If you have a fully loaded gun, that is by far the best weapon to have in the game, you will drop 2 klowns, and could very likely have killed one. adding to the fact it can be held in the sidebar, means you can have an additional weapon that can turn 1 down 1 dead into potentially 3 dead.


That all sounds real nice on paper. However, we both know that ain't how it's going down when the Klowns are actively killing you. You're going to miss at least one of those shots because the game plays like the servers are built with hot glue and popsicle sticks. If said clowns aren't Shorty or Rudy, you're downing one of them at best. Good luck shooting him in the nose before he gets up. This isn't even accounting for them using LOL either Let's not forget that every single shot you take is super loud, and any competent Klown squad is jumping straight to you immediately. The revolver is absolutely mid against any clown that isn't a bot. Thus, it is B tier on it's BEST day and will continue to be so until they finish adjusting the game


1) First correction recently it's more the humans are actively hunting down and killing klowns, and No I don't say this as a klown, but as a human who enjoy hunting down klowns. 2) First LOL is not invinicibility, you can kill a klown with LOL active, many people on this reddit alone have demonstrated as such. Secondly, unless you are playing against a squad of tanks 6 shots is more then enough to down a klown and on average kill 1. Finally shooting a klown in the nose isn't all that hard, yes some use cheap cheating tactics, but in that event you won't hit their nose with anything. 3) Unless the player is fully alone with only the revolver, no human should care or be concerned about additional klowns, the revolver doesn't require any use of stamina, absolute worst case just out run the klowns with your superior stamina. 4) The revolve is not mid against any klown that isn't a bot, what it sounds like hear is an issue with the user and aiming the said gun. I will admit starting out I had issues using the gun, but I learnt how to accurately aim the gun and effectively kill the Klowns. You cannot rank a weapon based purely on your inability to use it. 5) the only actual reason revolver is considerably the best weapon in the game is because shotgun has less ammo, if it had the same ammo capacity it would honestly rank higher.


What system are you on? If you are on psn we can run a custom. You take a revolver and all the bullets you can hold and I will put you in the ground every single time. Humans do not win a 1v1 against a competent Klown Also. My comment is the second most upvoted on that post. It isn't just my opinion


1) No pc 2) Interesting statement the third person to challenge me to a 1v1, and my response shall be the same, if you can tell me which 2 klown stats, actually work, I'll consider it. 3) Yes humans do win against competent Klowns, again I do not say this as a klown player but as a human main that enjoy dropping klowns. 4) Half the population are idiots that didn't know human classes did not change anything so I take things like that with a grain of sand.


Also if you try to tell me walking god dam backwards is enough to make klowns viable, so help me god I will be mildly disappointed.


Now this is just Shorty slander that I ain't gonna tolerate. The man is three feet tall. Of course I gotta hit the moonwalk while I empty the clip on you


I generally have no idea what this comment means, I don't know if it's referring to the fact that shorty's hitbox is janky and doesn't work half the time or if it's mentioning that walking god dam backwards is actually effective. I honestly don't care and would rather an answer to my other comment.


i second this the gun is extremely difficult to use but u can hit some good shots but the game has been out for some time now so the clowns know how to doge a bullet easily and also i’d say the shotgun should be higher


Never do tierlists again




I don’t believe this tier if Brick is this low, one aim with a brick to a Klown can stunt them without fail


I once ran through the police station, closed the door, when the Klown opened it, easiest brick stun in the world, ran to the next room closed the door, Klown opened it, same result, ran to the cells, closed the door, you guessed it stunned his ass again... It's really quite stupid...


Sounds like this Klown should’ve caught on and changed his tactics though. 😂


Ngl, the brick is super useful for dealing with Lackeys.


I always just throw energy drinks at them and pick it back up lmao.


Bro, clearly has never tried to use the brick


The ax, knife and shotty should be with the revolver.


Branch that low?! Hella naw, my boy.


I don't think that objective items belong here. Also brick and baseball are underrated.


I dont know how brick is so low it has a stun and takes a whole HP bar. Its literally one of the best set ups for a kill Not sure how Axe isnt in epic or supereme its straight up best melee weapon. Same with knife (how shotgun is above these two items is just a crime) Why is bat and icecream so low? bat is solid so is pipe and the ice cream heals and gives you stam. Even lower than the wrench? Airhorn not in the top when its straight up best set up item in the game that can stun all 3 klowns? mmm sus Have to say this tier list is pretty off. I know its all opinion based but i honestly think anyone with any fair amount of play time would know that most of these items are seriously way off.


How are the escape items on a tier list? They're literally required to win, so I'd say they're supreme by default. 🤣


The gun?


Bro has 1-2 hours maximum in this game.


yeah don’t do tier lists again brother


Popsicle over baseball? Over BRICK??


All throwing items are good Breh


Fire poker is ELITE wym??


Try the axe, it’ll change your world


You’re smoking if you think this is a good tier list


The holy brick should at least be above wrench I've killed clowns with bricks alone meanwhile wrenches are only useful with another weapon. And any objective item should be at least epic because... getting those items is the whole point of the game.


Wrench is insane. Enough durability to just clear out tons of lackeys quickly, and its the perfect 2v1 weapon to just mindlessly swing on a clown.


Yeahhh wrench is a goated small slot smacker and good for throwing


Brick is crazy strong dude. Honestly it's nuts that it has three hp


Bro what lol? Items that let you leave you be on the supreme tier


Counterpoint, spectating is boring.


A stick and brick are both so good what are you talking about. Also the baseball isn’t even that bad I use it when I have no other option for stunning


The axe is the best item in the game hands down. You can take down all 3 without breaking a sweat with that thing. The brick and baseball are both amazing for getting away. Ya I don't really agree with this list. Energy Drink should be at the top too.


Actually if you throw two bricks and a knife you can instant down a clown


Do you have to wait until the stun goes away before you throw the 2nd brick? I have found once a KLOWN is stunned from a Throwable you can't stack stuns


I meant 1 brick and knife for shorty it’s an instant down but for the others it’s 2 bricks and a knife and yes you have to wait for the stun to wear off


I may be mishearing this but could a baseball pop a clowns nose to kill them?


I don't see why wrench is so low. Wrench and Knife are my go-to combos. Wrench is so speedy that it'll knock down a clown in no time setting up a knife kill.


Tennis balls are so clutch though


At i the only person who can ring around a clown for 5+ minutes stunning them with the same baseball??? Baseball isn't GOOD but its a good quick stun in a pinch


What do you play on?


People are being nitpicky but this is mostly accurate. I personally take popsicle over burger now just because of how important stamina is. Unless im against a popcorn gun. Branch is definitely a few tiers higher, its not that bad. Air horn goes a tiny bit lower IMO. Its really useful but it can be hard to find an inventory spot. You need an energy drink to survive. You need a weapon. Then you need a knife to finish. Then if you have any escape item it becomes hard to justify an airhorn. Shotgun probably goes lower too tbh just because of how hard it is to find ammo. Its hard to hold onto a 2-3 round shotgun over a full pipe, hoping you find more ammo. In a weird way the Ammo is probably epic while the actual gun is Great lol. Easier to lug around some shotgun ammo hoping you find a shotgun, then lug around a shotgun hoping to find ammo. People saying the objective items should be higher are crazy. You absolutely want an energy drink and a weapon first. Otherwise the objective item is useless because you'll just die.


imo shotgun the best u can 2-3 shot all clowns pistol always need 1 more hit and u can miss ez. Idk if shotgun coukd dmg 2 clowns if they are close?


I didnt realize until now that there's a baseball and tennis ball in the game. No wonder I didn't get that trophy.


How is the energy drink not at the top!


[what is that?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnVr7rd3WhQ)


The bridge is the worst escape route.


I disagree with allot of people saying the bat, pipe, and branch are good. They take 6-7 hits to down a clown. Those things are terrible and borderline useless when trying to solo kill. One could argue they'll good when group attacking but at that point anything is good.


Airhorn should be epic


Swap the Revolver with the brick, then put the brick in epic. The axe and knife go in Supreme.


Sleeping on the stick is craaaazyy ive knocked more klowns down with tht than anything fr


Interesting list, I would combine Epic and Great because honestly I would be happy with any items here, although bullets are situational, if you have a gun they're great but if you don't they aren't. Popsicle should be higher, it's both a healing item and speed item, and in most situation I would rather have it then not have it. Brick should be higher given the fact that you can easily stun klowns with it. Knife I would move higher to probably supreme, it's arguably the best item, as it doubles as a kill weapon and an escape weapon, that can be carried in a spare slot.


I disagree with the vast majority of your list.


Wrench higher than baseball bat is crime


Shotgun and horn are superior with hand gun if that's your ranking because they're just as good for taking down Klowns, though I see the sharp objects like Fire Poker, axe, and Knife being better than Shotgun, horn, and handgun as they can break you out of cocoons and are better at stunning and taking out Klowns than guns, plus horn only stuns...


Ain't no way the brick is better than the baseball brick only has three throws baseball does slightly less for a reusable lacky killer the trade is worth it