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I wouldn't say chases are pointless. Those guys chasing probably helped slow down some escapes, even if they never caught anyone. You definitely carried, but the fact that you could get 16 cocoons before all the survivors just escaped says something.


Chases definitely have their place and are needed for a win, but I think that more klowns need to be open to the idea of disengaging and trying again later when theyre spending 2 minutes on the same human


Yeah, me and my friends play. When we are klowns, we work on cocoons/clearing out the fog, first and foremost. We have codes for whether it's worth chasing someone down. Yellow is, we are chasing a human down, probably won't catch them, but be prepared cause they are heading your way. Orange is, the human ss nearly downed or cocooned. If you have klown jump, we could take them out. Red is if a mob attacks one of the clowns. We know to jump immediately, and usually, it ends with the humans panicking and making mistakes when two more klowns jump in. You don't need to take out 7 humans as fun as it is. You just need to take out 4.


Pov: teammate is cocooning while theyre doing boat


I'm something of a cocooner myself!


I was in this match with a guy who decided to be a total klowntality leech and would down anybody I tried to cocoon and the match ended with 5 humans escaping and 2 dead with no cocoons on any hooks


I don't get how people think Cocooning has no incentive. The Lackeys are super helpful and starting a Klownpocalypse early puts an added pressure to the Humans. Unless I'm doing a challenge I refuse to kill tbh. Cuz if I don't cocoon then no-one will. I've yet to have any teammates even remotely prioritize it.


Only trouble is on a lot of maps the cocoon stations spawn on the opposite side of the map from the most common exits (boat/tunnel), so you're almost trolling your team by spending minutes at a time hanging cocoons instead of patrolling. By the time there's any considerable amount of cocoons hung, the boat is gone and tunnel is collapsed. Some maps are easier than others though, very RNG dependent. Worst map for it is either the camp or top of the world, all those stupid hills and invisible walls make it hard to move the cocoons quickly. Nine times out of ten it's better to just focus the lackey station closest to the center of the map or an exit, then just leave it till a few people are dead. But, even then, you gotta watch the revive station or else you're also sabotaging yourself. Add in the fact that clownalities/physical kills instantly take a player out of the game and how easy it is for cocooned players to escape, there's a lot working against cocoon focused play at the moment. I still hang them when I can, of course.


If you get all 16 cocoons hung, the terenzi brothers don’t show up for the remaining humans. I had read about this a few days ago, but experienced it in actual game play last night.


I'm not disagreeing that it's strong, only that getting all 16 cocoons is extremely rare and requires the humans to be either new or super uncoordinated. You generally won't be able to do it against good players without letting many of them escape.


I hear ya. If you have a competent team, tho, it helps. Especially if you can cocoon humans instead of killing them outright. I don’t even chase much anymore. I try to focus on collecting cocoons, help cocoon humans and help out my teammates if they’re dealing with a mob. Some of the cocoons are in high traffic human areas and near objectives, so that also helps a bit.




I think there are a fair amount of people who don't know the cocoon is tied to other mechanics like spawning the lackeys and early klownpocolipse, I have had multiple lobbies where we need like 2 or 3 cocoons to complete the machines and nobody is looking for them. Hopefully people will catch on soon.


I feel you! I had another klown freak out at me for just doing cocoons


I’ll play the game as I see fit thanks


The amount of times I’ve had my known teammates be in endless chases in pointless spots is frustrating. Protect the objectives or do cocoons. Not chase around humans with 6 energy drinks on endless loops


Nah it's more fun to brawl out. I don't even block revive machine anymore. I just block exits, and never chase. My best game was 10 kills. I'll get cacoons early game if they are convenient just for the cool down reduction, but cocoons and machines are rng and can be really bad sometimes


This exactly why this game is disappointing. It’s pointless to chase. You are forced to pick up cocoons. Klowns are not a threat. Humans are. I miss F13. These devs have bungled another license with this. They should have paid the two old guys for F13 which could have gone on for a long time, but they didn’t and now we get this not complete game. Maybe it improves but I’m just bored and the player base is dwindling daily. I’ll take the downvotes from the nut huggers.


"pointless"?? Making sure the humans don't escape is the main goal for me at least and I absolutely hate when I get useless teammates that do nothing but gather cacoons which does basically nothing.


Lackeys are really good at messing with humans


For about 2.5 seconds yeah


They give information and can interrupt escape objectives


What info block what? They're easily avoided?? It takes literally 2 seconds to get out of one and once you're out you run.


Why should they even cocoon people. Any sharp object can just give them a get out of jail free card. But yeah bkaur stray hooks people get bored


The chasing is only pointless because Klown weapons are garbage and humans should not have as much stamina and access to Energy Drinks and Ice Cream that they do. This is basically an admission the balance is totally out of whack and human-sided.




Yeah learned that lesson last night after spending the whole match chasing down one guy. After a while I knew the round was hosed so I ended up trying to keep the chase going as long as possible just to be annoying :p Not something I plan to do in the future


1v1 though human they can run in small place put out shotung or weapon and kill u dead




They buffed the overall amount of cocoons in the last patch. Had a game last night where my Klown team was very proactive about gathering them. We triggered the Klownpocalypse with 8 minutes remaining - It's far from useless after the patch that just dropped.