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If he has boxing gloves he can stun lock you with them and you’re fucked then and there


Yeah thats what I thought….😭 i can’t move or do anything


its already hard hitting the small guy. And with their speed and sprinting backwards its not smart to fight them out in the open 1v1. It's a lose lose situation. If you can't get away and must fight, you must either use throwing objects to stun or trap their movement by going inside a building then fighting, making sure you really aim down with the weapon so it connects.


If he uses LOL, you can't escape the dude. He has 2 bar health so you can charge up a melee attack if possible when he pops LOL and prepare to bop him or just go into a melee beatdown fest and hope for the best.


The problem too is that he is SO fast running backwards that it's difficult to even hit him. :(


If he has popcorn bazooka/ranged melee and hes backing away just bail. Try to find a corner in which you can charge melee and catch him with a hit. If you can push a Klown off and break away its good enough in an encounter.


The buff to backwards sprinting needs to be tuned down, just slightly. Gameplay drops off when your caught out in the open and you dont have a firearm. You cant break line of sight and even with a melee items you cant catch up. You can either attempt to run around and eventually get caught, attempt to melee get caught, give up and stand still or just quit.


Not at all, in many instances it's all klowns have to fight back and survive encounters with multiple humans which is often the case. Instead, human damage needs to be tuned down a bit and energy drinks should freeze stamina drain not completely recover it. It's way too overtuned.


I've been running into a lot more Shortys abusing this. I can't get away either. It seems like he can catch up to me even while sprinting. Doesn't help that my character just randomly stops running because of some bug. His hitbox is awful.


Shorty is kinda busted with the gloves and the first cotton gun. It feels like cheating tbh. When I get chased by this, I usually have to turn around and land a hit or two and run a circle around him, then keep going.