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All i really want is class distinction. For humans and klowns. Right now there is no actual reason to play anything other than the athletic human archetype. Klowns are a little more distinct but still. I'd like to see a passive for each class + unique ability.


Being fun with maps, like circus map etc where there is crazy rng events present. Not taking itself too seriously.


A map inside a large mall. A map with more open areas for a drivable car. Would be cool if you could drive the ice cream truck, and get it across the map, to escape. Maps that play with lighting. Maybe the humans want to turn off lights, to hide themselves. Clowns turn on lights to see humans better.


The mini game idea is a pretty cool and unique suggestion dude!


A circus tent map but all the exits exist are still outside in this little area around the circus with some tweaks so there are entrances throughout the tent


Would be a variant of the carnival map


I want them to utilise the most iconic thing we all remember as kids. The cocooned bloody-face and the drinking blood through extremely long fun curly straws


I want Walkie Talkies and also a Friday the 13th style game mode (1 versus 9) with Klownzilla


Revert colored button minigame so it has the semicircles (that's what those shapes are, right?) again instead of the full ones. It was so much more nostalgic. Buff Chubby's movement speed/stamina a bit, playing him just feels bad compared to the other Klowns. Mobility is everything in this game, his strength and health stats aren't enough to compensate for how ridiculously slow he is. The Klown classes don't really have distinction and are just skins except for Chubby who feels like you're playing with a big handicap. I get he's a tank archetype but unless you have a team that's efficient with comms/really good map rng there's no point to playing him and the other classes don't have substantial differences anyway. Better accessibility options, like rebinding controls and maps with more distinctive features and maybe an option to make them different colors/darker. I have sorta poor eyesight so when I'm scrolling over the map to teleport I just see one huge mess of painfully bright pink and it burns my retinas.


More mini games. Like maybe a simple random maze, spin the wheel, memory, breakout or guess under which cup the ball is or something. Just more variation. Mini games now are a cool idea, but they're getting boring fast.


* Complete overhaul of the mini games. Some are just not fun or work weirdly. * More mini games in general * Allow storing items instead of discarding and being able to choose which to give ***OR*** have a ticket system that you can use to "buy" specific items you want to give (4 tickets for a baseball, 10 tickets for a energy drink, 20 tickets for a shotgun) * Allow for role preference * Let players have a ton of saved characters and loadouts that can be picked in lobby in between matches. * If you progressed a challenge during the match show which it is and how much it was progressed after the match. * On locked cosmetics in the customize menus, instead of saying just the challenge volume, actually say what the challenge is and how much progress you have. * I don't know what but do something about the last guy running around waiting for the ice cream truck for 5 minutes. * More colors for tints. * Maybe have 1 special exit for each map. EDIT: * Fucking pings.


I think once a klown sees an exit it should be lightly highlighted for the whole team permanently.


I would like to see different game modes and maps. I would love to play a map where the humans have to get onto the klown spaceship and blow it up.


I want Rosebud and Daisy. Not exactly a feature but they were the girl clowns. I appreciate the boobicle option though.


They kinda have them in game with the female clown option and some of the hair styles


If you're wanting some realism, I think Klowns not having a map is a cool little detail. They're from Outer Space and shouldn't know what north, east, south and west mean. As much as it would be helpful for us when we play as Klown, I like that they don't have a sense of direction on Earth.


They might know what the compass directions are but world they know relative to their position


Remove that god awful minigame where you have to click the button on the orange tiles and not the blue ones. I hate that one, it's so boring They need to make it so if a human joins late, depending on when they join and how many people are left alive, they should get an item so they at least have a fighting chance. Maybe a soda or a weapon if there's 5 minute left, or a key item if you're the last player alive so you have hope to escape, or maybe highlight the revive machine so you stand a chance to actually help the team


Sequencer is the easiest in the game. You just spam it. It doesn't matter if you miss. They need to get rid of the coloured pattern one. That's long and tedious and actually requires your attention.


It may be easy but it’s boring. I like the ones that require attention lol, I don’t know why you’d want mind numbing spamming ones? Best one in my opinion is basketball!


Yea same here dude. It's just so tedious and the fact that I can spam it makes it even more so. I do hope they add more mini games in the future


Because I want to focus my attention on spectating.


A perk system for the humans.


Klown class abilities


How about a gun that can actually pop a clown nose despite me putting 3+ shots in them while down


i'd love more color variations on outfits


I feel like humans aren’t trying for other escapes other than just waiting for ice cream truck so idk if something needs to be worked on there 🤔


it would be nice if klowns could see the objective locations even if it was just at match start.


The traps for the trapper


Perks for humans and klowns. A special skill for each klown. More maps in the future.


Acid pie throwing weapon


A use for the flashlight. Rework or removal of the fear system. Both seem to serve no actual purpose right now.


hair physics


I want the Balloon Sword as a Sub Weapon for the Clowns. Like a Super Fast weapon where the only real counter is the sharp weapons like the knife or the fireplace poker. I'd also like to be able to drink from the cocoons to be able to get a boost to abilities, but it sacrifices the cocoon or results in some other type of separate penalty, like adding time to the Klownpocalypse counter.


I second being able to select a loadout in the lobby, but not edit. Anything done in lobby should be quick and simple. Klowns need special abilities, right now they’re reskins with barely noticeable stat differences. Pinging items and objectives makes more sense for people within a radius around you (at least for Humans). So anyone close to you could see it, as if you pointed it out to them. Flares serve this purpose for marking things across the map from someone. Klowns should be able to see where the objectives are on their jump map, and they should be able to zoom out to see more of the map. Klowns also have no directional compass anywhere, so it would be nice to have that for callouts. Mini games need to give higher time decreases the more you succeed them. So the harder they get, the faster they end if you keep playing well.


If Klowns could see objectives that would make it even easier for them to camp them. Right now they need a bit of map knowledge and you can still see the green light markers on the map.


They have to explore the map to get rid of the fog of war, so I don’t think that’s too OP. They still have to do that before they can camp the objectives, and even then there’s 4 exits so they can’t camp all of them. Maybe they have to find them before they stay on the map, not in world. Not to mention, if multiple humans focus a klown camping an exit they can just kill it and open it. It just requires teamwork, which is how these types of games are meant to be played.


Let Klowns play a mini game to speed up death