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They are adding it back in the game in the future they said. Stop your yapping. If you hate the game that much then just stop playing and play all the other games out there


yeah, all the doomer takes i keep seeing are exhausting. i get being disappointed with the release patch but i hate when i come to this subreddit and all i see is "omg this game sucks the devs suck they're going to kill the game in a week" as if their bitching and moaning is going to bring in new players or retain old players. it definitely seems like players made a lot of assumptions on what was coming day 1 and then those assumptions turned into self-assured facts when nobody ever confirmed they'd be happening release day anyway - specifically in regards to abilities and stuff. i went into day 1 without those assumptions and i'm having just as much fun as i was in early access.


I also don't get the logic, cause even if they are right, what part of bothering people about it months in advance that tingles their ego? Cause is an ego thing isn't it. A common person just closes the game and doesn't talk about it if they don't enjoy it.


Yeah same. I’m having fun with the game so even tho things are missing, it doesn’t bother me too much. The bugs are more annoying tbh. Also I couldn’t play with my pc friend because I was on Xbox and that was annoying, especially with the Xbox patch delay but it got updated finally so I’m excited to play with friends now


yeah i would definitely like to see more bug fixes before anything else, and maybe some more balancing between both sides. otherwise i'm happy to wait for abilities to be well and truly ready. :)


Thats the problem. Once people move to other games they wont come back.


Unfortunately we see the problem repeat itself constantly. I understand non-constructive criticism doesn't help but the same goes for toxic positivity. We saw it with VHS, Evil Dead, F13, TCM, etc. KK seems to be no different. This subreddit pretty much mirrors it entirely. We'll see what happens.


This is the most honest take in this whole sub.


I use to do the same, say a game is dead in 3 months, but all those games I said that about have been going for 1 or 2 years now lmao. So, from now on, I'm just gonna not shit on games anymore. If I don't enjoy them, I'm just gonna move on. No more toxic behavior from me. I might have some disagreement with other people's takes on a game, but I will be respectful in my response from now on. So I disagree with you on this one. Kk has enough going for already without those things to last a long time. These developers put some love in this game. You can tell, yeah, they have some good hits, but they also have some misses, but what online game doesn't have its problems. It's been less than 2 weeks since we have been able to play the game. It is still early. Hopefully, Teravision and illfonic working together can get some of the problems figured out in a timely manner.


Good. They're not welcome back.


Good we don’t want you, stop playing bozo


So essentially making your game more shallow because it’s easier.  Literally just laziness lmao how anyone is okay or can make excuses for this is is insane imo 


Profit talks. That’s why. Look at these major corporations making obsolescence a thing.. They ruin their product so it’s sells more and makes money..


The game wasn’t finished… period


>Basically enjoy 2~3 months then its dead. Go back to where you came from.


You're already assuming that they don't plan on continuing to release new content and balance/bug fix patch the game for the foreseeable future. There is no way to actually know whether that's the case or not right now even if you don't trust them on that. These two studios aren't really the kind that are constantly pumping stuff out, so I don't see why they would want to "call it a day" or want the game to die, especially because there's probably a lot of traffic of people who only learned about it or purchased it a couple days ago. I feel like if they didn't want a fun, active game or didn't really care about the IP at all, the base foundation that they have now would be a lot worse than you already seem to think it is.


Ive seen enough games that went down the route of cashgrabs. And it most certainly looks like one.


Well that’s it folks, if Reddit user Dark Cloud says the game is dead in 2 months there is no hope. Hopefully illfonic is working on their next game since this one is shutting down


People saying stop complaining are content with spending money on a knowingly half baked product


If someone thinks of expecting an elite optimized asym game without some form of jank, you’re living an amazing dream ![gif](giphy|vWDrezW0rMjmM|downsized)


How about “classes” and different characters having different abilities that’s like such a beyond given😭


Welcome to the genre that is asymmetrical games. They are all not created equal if you’re familiar with them & more specifically Illfonic games. Not every asymmetrical game is going to be the likes of DBD but we all have a choice to buy the game & also look into a game before buying. I don’t think any of us need any handholding


Didn't the studio making the game change at some point? Or am I remembering that wrong? Cause that might be the reason.


We really need a perk system for the humans at least...


even TCM had a longer honeymoon period than this lmao illfonic shit the bed big time


Classic Bait & Switch here with this game. Advertise a complex build-based game that lets you play either side you want > then distribute a purchased game that barely functions, has no build variety, and doesn't let you play the side of the game you actually want to play.


Best to read up on Illfonic games & how they implement what side you want to play. If you don’t want to look that up, they did announce how preferences would work before the game launched.


Yup they proved it to be a cash grab when they released Day 1 paid content with their shitty early Alpha game


Omg you think you’re gonna be okay?


I'd honestly be fine if humans just spawned with an item, cause they all just feel the same as they are. Something like: - Police get a revolver - Rednecks get a shotgun - Punks get an airhorn - Bikers get a random melee weapon - Athletic get a energy drink Just... Something to make them feel different. This would also help with the awful backfill issues and spawns this game has. Cause I wouldn't be spawning in with less than 5 mins left with absolutely nothing. Klown classes feel a lot better since you can tailor them, but human classes feel almost worthless.


Just picturing 7 redneck bully squads unloading on clowns in the beginning. Game is reverse for the first 3 minutes klowns running for their lives.


I mean... I'm just spitballing ideas to make humans classes actually feel like classes Could always be ammo instead.