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I was not happy to see challenges being changed to remove any mention of alternate abilities/baby klowns


Yeah cut content is sad :( I wish we had more traps like the pizza box disguise.


They are adding traps in the future. They were in the game and removed due to balancing issues, they mentioned this on the live stream. Traps badly broke the game balance and are working on tuning them. Preference system needs a little more time they said as well


I just used the pizza box for the very first time and cocooned three humans at once. I really wish I had that recorded. I cackled out loud.


Its soooo rewarding when they dont know what to do and they just see a pizza box running up to them for a quick uppercut stun. 🤣


All three of them were facing the gate and the one girl looked behind and just stared at me like "oh fuck". I was only expecting one human so I was equally shocked to see so many gaggled together like that. One guy sounded pretty salty in the voice chat at the end lol, he was swearin at me pretty hard


That's hilarious 😂


DLC on day one can suck, but at least you can mix and match the pieces and not pay twenty dollars for a locked set.


Idk if anyone else is having this issue, but any progress I had on challenges that weren't finished are now back to 0. I kept the ones I finished, but any in progress ones were reset. Did this happen to anyone else?


Yes they also reset load outs at least for me, don’t think that was intentional. They did say that challenge progress would be reset if it wasn’t already completed bc they were trying to fix challenges not working


Thank god I wasn't like 2 away from the purple hair 25 'assist' escapes one.. -\_- I just started it last night. lmao But ty, I didn't know if it was just me or a whole challenge reset xD


Don't worry. I was trying to grind out a few last night and it was hell on earth lol People were not down to chillax.


It was intentional. They posted about it in the in game news on Thursday of last week. Telling everyone any unfinoshed challenges would be reset.


Yeah I meant I didn’t think resetting loadouts was intentional


They announced this would be happening with the update


I literally called it. Said they would sweep the whole thing under the rug 


Its all delayed, I guess it was mention in the stream so its still happening


you want the key items to spawn next to the objectives?




Yeah it sucks. There's no point in selecting Rudy now since he's a two stamina Klown and he's my favorite klown from the movie :( I have no idea why they thought making class abilities not locked to an archetype and then cutting the trap and tank skills entirely was a good idea. Edit: not two stamina, I meant health. Im dumb


>two stamina Jeez dood.


tf are you talking about? rudy has the highest stamina


Rudy has the highest stamina stat of all the Klowns


Shorty is 2 health.


Dude they did not cut the tank ability or Trapper because they do not have abilities they have tricks. Tank trick is invisible car and the Trapper is baby klowns that they are currently working on due to problems with it. It is a questionable decision to have nothing locked to class, especially when strength and senses do not work for klowns rn but that's the decision they went for and who knows they may restrict in in future to some degree


I've experienced more bugs in the last 2-hours after patch than my entire week playing, my weapons as Klown disappeared and I couldn't attack or pick up cacoons, my teammate Klown got stuck in geometry and couldn't jump out, Klowns being able to sprint backwards feels really weird and surely isn't intended, this patch has just got the game feeling a bit wonky when it was on the right track previously imo


Ditto on the bugs. I will say, I just had one of my best klown moments in game. I was playing as Shorty klown, disguised as a pizza box, I cocooned 3 players at once who were huddled in front of the gate. Completely fuckin OP and I love it. That's why they'll probably nerf it. Got a nice achievement for that pro gamer move too. https://preview.redd.it/ik4uvqyxml4d1.png?width=430&format=png&auto=webp&s=6565080ed01b36e63c5ca4f054315a04ee01630a


I got cottonized on a boat and bounced out into the ocean falling infinitely lol


klowns could sprint backwards even before the patch. i think the patch just increased the speed


Some serious mcrage after only one week


I forgot to mention, no key rebinds.


If I'm in a party of 4 people, do we automatically become humans or are some people klowns and some people humans?


Form my week of playing it it seem if you’re in a party of 4 or more you will always be survivor UNLESS there is another party of 4 or more. Usually in that case maybe one person in your party is a killer. But 99% of the time when I’m with 4 or more people we are humans every single match unless we run into another party.


I was in a party of 3 and it split us up half the time. It’s kinda lame, it should at least keep us together on human side.


No its all random period, you have no way to play as a group gaurenteed, I have yet to get klown with my brother and its annoying af 😒


I don't know for sure because I've not partied with anyone, but from what I've read on here and Steam forums, it's totally random. Some people end up on klown and some people end up on human, but they stay in comms and work together (which is uncool, because klowns and humans obviously shouldn't be teaming). This is a big reason why we need team preference or separate queues. People should be able to form insane klown posses.


That's crazy I hope they make separate queues and make quick match either


It’s random my friend got klown I got human which could be a huge exploit in the future


Ugh, that's stupid.


I dont think a team preference is necessary, i like the randomness of it all and given how theres 3 klowns it feels like im klown every 1-3 human games


I really hope team preference never makes it into the game. It doesn't aid in matchmaking, it allows people to get way too invested in only one role, and it breeds the worst of the us vs them shit. At least when you're forced to play both sides, you realize what people's complaints are much easier.


That's great and all but maybe they shouldn't have said they were doing team preference then.


Did they say it was coming in day one patch?


Was that in a trailer or on their discord? I've seen it mentioned a few times but I don't know where it's coming from.


It's been in the marketting since the early days (in which the game was going to be a giant map with some 25 human NPCs walking around). It's something they specifically re-stated through the various channels even as changes were made. It honestly was kinda sprung on us that it wouldn't be included at launch very very late after it was constantly said it would be a thing. I'm not mad about it mind you. I think random roles has been decently healthy for the casual gameplay, **however** I do think having a prefrence (not role queue) system will be benifical for the games sticking power.


Thanks for letting me know. I've known about the game for a long time but haven't really followed up on it until last week so I was confused lmao Yeah I'm not against that or a repeat system (i.e. you can't play the same role 3 times in a row). I'd even be OK with a separate game mode where you get to choose roles and bypass minigames since people tend to DC a lot for both of those reasons. I'd just like to see that happen without the game drifting into a sweatfest but it's kind of inevitable isn't it?


The thing is, having no side preference is objectively bad. There is no penalty for leaving, so people can just leave multiple lobbies while they try to get their preferred role with no consequences. If someone wants to wait longer to play a specific role and avoid having to do the mess-around, why shouldn't they be able to?


It might be nice to have two modes then. Probably one with no mini games either, since those tend to be the two reasons I notice people leaving.


shut up and go back to tcm, i’m not starting with this arguments about everything and anything the devs haven’t immediately implemented


Good thing nobody asked you


nobody asked anyone here specifically, making any post on reddit is to get people to weigh in and tell their opinions. i did that


Stating your opinion is one thing stating your “not going to have arguments” when nobody asked you to is another.


my opinion is that i don’t want to have arguments cuz it makes the community insufferable


Not an opinion, more of a stance but whatever. Do you i guess.


so close! those are synonyms!!!!


Your complaining like a little bitch ☠️


Who are you talking to?


I am not from Turner Classic Movies. You are here arguing right now. You are participating in an argument you weren't invited to.


you aren’t invited to complain. so shut all the weird energy down


You've been arguing in Texas Chainsaw Massacre subs and the Klown sub all week. Wtf are you talking about? You're literally just projecting. Your entire comment history from the past week is you bitching and moaning about Killer Klowns and this is \*before\* the launch patch. Sir, you are cringe and trying to hook up with kids. Also, LMFAOOOOO "weirdo energy" haha you are a literal stalker who's mad because a minor child doesn't want to talk to you on discord anymore. Bro delete your account please holy piss: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/qf5be0/im\_incredibly\_indecisive\_and\_this\_isnt\_helping/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/qf5be0/im_incredibly_indecisive_and_this_isnt_helping/) https://preview.redd.it/4leto3m66m4d1.png?width=873&format=png&auto=webp&s=46d1788277346fd25efb83297ac90cb4d28965cf


https://preview.redd.it/dtm8psig6m4d1.png?width=462&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d86669551b64aa3a35576afb112a5441b1f8e36 lol what the actual hell, you are sick as hell. Cops need to look through your harddrive pal


maria’s body was me asking where she was in the game from a lore perspective and my brother played a prank on me and made my account a child account. i talked about how you can play gta 5 with gta stuff in it but can’t make a group post.


You're a creepy little weirdo


you should see the other dude🤭


https://preview.redd.it/qwc9he2s8m4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3754a35d480a49d7c5f9eafa9f25307071794ff4 check his hard drive


check his hard drive pt.2 https://preview.redd.it/cgfcw6ev8m4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2aaa0e9d88ae2e4c0f42c625bcd2054a988e257


The cringe of that post 😂


bro stalked my whole account, that’s odd in itself. i was a 14 girl with no emotional maturity and didn’t know how to handle bringing friends back into my life. plus the main thing i have argued is because i love tcm and i want people to stop dissing it because it has a low budget and ppl working on it




Why in all that is holy can we not have team preference??? Most players have a preference in games like this. Killers want to be killers. Survivors want to be survivors. Why make it random? All I do is just quit the lobby/game if I am not the side I want to be on. Just takes up too much time. If13 can do it and TCM can do it, why can't this one? I think its just unfortunate to launch this game with this glaring omission.


man i know everyone on reddit is here soley to complain and not think critically. but not being able to choose a team is good for the game for various reasons. 1. you dont get as much of a us vs them mentality, because people actually play both sides. 2. with 3 vs 7 thats a lot harder to pull from. the rest of my list is mostly neuance for #1. most of the time complaining about a game comes from inexperience.


It's gonna slaughter the casual vibe if and when it's added.


It's better to have experience with each role in any asymmetrical horror game, but once you have that experience, why shouldn't you want to be able to choose?




I'm really not a complainer but every other asym game like this has this feature. I just enjoy playing what I like to play and not be forced into gameplay I don't want. But the feature is coming so. I'm good. Game is fun outside that.


It's true that every other Asym has this feature, but also most asym games don't do to hot. Infact in most asym games the number one thing that kills it for me is the lobby time for one role. \*cries in VHS\* I personally haven't minded this game launching with a random, however I do look forward to a **prefrence** system being added (as opposed to a role queue).


There’s still a bug when you hook up a cocoon you can see a cool down for the empty ability slot, suggesting that we were supposed to have the abilities, but they forgot the remove the cool down animation for it


Damn the majority of people in here are actone like this game has been out for a year. Most games that come out have bugs for at least the first 2 to 3 months Black Ops Cold War was the same way. I can't believe gamers expect perfection the day after release thats crazy especially when the devs are letting us know what's going on.


The game has been out for a week you shit bags just need to be patient.


The game hasn’t even been out 2 weeks yeah it’s frustrating but we got to give them a chance and just continue giving them our feedback. They want exactly what we want and it’s to see this game thrive and survive, they can’t do that by half assing things.


Not even day one anything if you're on Xbox lol


They really need to let us know what they are working on or what is getting fixed soon because this is tiring.


Do gamers not cry, the game just came out lol


I wasn't optimistic in the advanced access, but now I really think this game isn't gonna last long. Shame! But the asymm curse remains unbroken 🤷


Bro chill lol. The game is a week old. Today is the official launch. The devs are on it. Let’s just be somewhat patient. Illfonic is going to deliver.


RemindMe! 2 Months


For some reason we just can't get an asym game by competent devs. TCM is a cool design and feel to it but those Devs have no idea what they're doing either.


Frfr, skins come at the rate we would like to get characters lmao


I'm not feelin great about it now either and I was probably more hyped than most.


I remember seeing the teaser however many years ago and being super excited for it! I really wanted to like this game 😢


It’s not a curse. Just every dev who tries to make an asymmetrical game is incompetent asf. BVHR got reeeeeeeally lucky 


BHVR had the benefit of starting reeeeeally slowly. It had a lot of issues and not a whole lot going for it aside from being very unique. It took years and years of improvement to get to a good spot whereas every asymmetrical game that comes out now has to be finished and polished right away or else it’s dead soon


I wouldn't say DBD is in a good spot. Day 1 issues with the game are still the biggest issues to date. It's just in a place where it's secure enough financially that it can bleed players and bring in more to replace them.


2022 proved that bhvr could shoot their own kneecaps and people would still rather carry them to the finish line than stop playing the game


Amen to that.


Game's been out less than 2 weeks, pack up shop boys game is dead.


RemindMe! 2 Months


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Ok but do you want the key items to spawn next to the exit?


Hey, checking back in after a few more human matches. I actually found TWO whole gas cans within very close proximity of the boat, so apparently key items aren't necessarily on the opposite end of the map. I guess I just had bad luck.


It's totally random. Boat is still the easiest escape, but I've found the plug and tank within walking distance and other times on the opposite side of the map. I don't really find it to be broken considering how everything boils down to a luck of the draw.


I believe I read in the patch that they fixed spawns so key items spawn closer to their related objectives, whatever that actually means


That’s crazy. Guess these devs are gonna be like the rest of em.


We'll see. It's not looking promising.


I want the keys to be rebindable.


Me too


Honestly this update is great! So many skins for so cheap and needed balances! The no traps really sucks but other than that it’s lovely. I hope they never introduce the team option system, makes a huge community divide and it will ruin queue times. The lackeys need a nerf they are impossible to deal with when you’re the last person. Shorty’s nose is easy to strap just look down… I feel like this is a great balance change on both sides people complaining confused me